Beloved Outcast (26 page)

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Authors: Pat Tracy

BOOK: Beloved Outcast
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“It makes me happy to know you belong to me.”

“When did you know you loved me?”

It was a question that begged to be asked.

“Well, I
you from the start.”

“Oh, Logan, you hated me on sight!”

He squeezed her. “Now pay attention, honey. We’ve got to get this right for our children. When I stepped out of that cell and laid eyes on you, I noticed right off that you were a fine-looking woman.”

“You certainly didn’t act as if you liked me. In fact, I remember most clearly that you were disappointed I wasn’t the ‘kid’ who fed you those biscuits.”

“Well, I took a liking to the ‘kid.’ I was visualizing a spunky tadpole with a lot of grit. What I found when I walked into the sunlight was a sassy female with a Boston accent and a wagon full of books.”

“What’s wrong with being from Boston? You’re from there.”

“I had a grudge against the place, but that’s in the past now.”

“It is?”

A smile touched his soul. “It’s your birthplace, honey. As far as I’m concerned, that makes it Paradise.”


Victoria’s little sighs and moans were demolishing Logan’s ability to think.

“A-about that library?”

“What library?” he mumbled, losing himself in her scent and her texture.

“The one you want to build me…”

“What about it?”

“Well…” She did a little serious kissing of her own. “I was thinking that it’s probably selfish of me to keep all those
books to myself. A town like Trinity Falls should have a public library, don’t you think?”

Logan wasn’t sure he could breathe, let alone think.

“Sure, honey, anything you say.”

They were words she’d demanded when she so earnestly tried to initiate her “chain of command.” But her days of trying to outmaneuver and reform Logan were past. As his caresses became bolder, Victoria Amory Youngblood abandoned herself completely to her beloved outcast’s tender possession.

And a Western adventure wilder and more spectacular than any she’d ever envisioned.

* * * * *

eISBN 978-14592-7543-0


Copyright © 1996 by Pat Tracy.

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All characters In this book have no existence outside the Imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly Inspired by any Individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure Invention.

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