Beloved (81 page)

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Authors: Annette Chaudet

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Beloved
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“I love it there! So does Albert. And Mama Bella wants to go back. She’ll spend the whole summer and we’ll go on to Rome, Athens—Albert has an elaborate itinerary planned—but we’ll be home in time for Christmas.” She looked up at him as they walked. “What’s next for you, brother dear?”

“Well, after I’ve finally seen you good and thoroughly married, I want to travel a bit.”

“You know how much Mama Bella will miss you?”

“I know. But if she’s at the cottage, it will be easier for her. And I’ll be home for Christmas, too. I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it.”

“I think my mother fancies becoming a grandmother so I’m depending on you and Albert to provide her with some grandchildren as soon as you can.” He laughed when his sister blushed. “I’ll hold

“Well, I think she’d fancy some grandchildren from the head of this family as well, so why don’t you see if you can return from your travels with a wife?”

Jean-Richard laughed again. His sister had been pressing him to marry for several years, but he had managed to avoid any serious entanglements—no small accomplishment since, as the Baron de Beauvu, he was considered the most eligible bachelor in the area.

“I’ll take that under advisement. But I’m not making any promises—to either of you.”

Annalissa stopped walking. She reached up and put her hand to Jean-Richard’s cheek, looking at him seriously. He had been devoted to her mother and she knew he was still grieving.

“You know it’s what mother would have wanted, too, don’t you?”

He appreciated her concern. “I do. But it’s too soon. When the time is right, someone special will come along and Beauvu will have a new Baroness. Meanwhile, it is up to you and Albert to carry on the family.”

He took her hand and started to walk but she held back.

“Do you know how fortunate we are?”

“I do, indeed,” he assured her as he kissed her cheek. “I do, indeed.”


Special Thanks

I would like to thank a number of people who supported and encouraged me during the writing of this book, in particular Rebecca Brown who endured endless discussions about story and characters and shared great humor in the process. Thanks to Stephanie Jones who encourages me on literary and astrological issues, who visited Arles and Bonifacio with me and who has been a wonderful friend. Also my thanks and appreciation to the great number of people who read and discussed the manuscript at various stages of development. Particular thanks to Kathy Collins and Carla Solberg who endeavored to retype the entire novel after it became trapped in an ancient computer! To Sarah de Souza of the remarkable eyes for her proofreading skills and valuable insights. And a special note of appreciation to Rebecca Carpenter for her help with the French poetry and creativity in the interpretation thereof! Though she has never been able to make a fluent French speaker of me, it was not for want of trying. And to Irena Kyd for some last minute French assistance and editing, I couldn’t have done it without you!

Thanks to you all, I hope you feel that the end result justifies your diligent efforts.


About the Author

Beloved is a deeply personal novel for the Author who insists that it is a romantic version of a past life she experienced in the south of France. It is very close to her heart.

Chaudet is the author of several other books. Her first novel, the award-winning
Montana Spring, The Story of One Family’s Struggle to Tame a Wild New Land
, has become a popular selection for book clubs across the country.
Home Range, Essays on the Land
is a quirky look at the vast landscapes of Wyoming through the eyes of an artist and includes some of the author’s photographs.

Chaudet has written the children’s books,
A Jungle Book, The Nose Book
Prayers from the Manger
. She has a collection of not-so-short-stories,
Endings & Beginnings, a Collection of Unconventional Tales,
and a tongue-in-cheek homage to Edward Gorey,
The Toast Sweat Enigma or Winter in Wyoming, A Cautionary Tale
ABC Attitudes
Laudable Lessons for Lighthearted Living
is an alliterative set of instructions for brightening up your life.

She is currently working on the autobiography of Mary Magdalene, and has plans for a contemporary sequel to Beloved so her characters can find each other again in today’s world!


Copyright 2012 Annette Chaudet

ISBN# 978-1-932636-86-4 E-Book

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher.

Cover Design: Antelope Design

After Bouguereau

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”

Thomas Campbell from
Hallowed Ground

This book was originally released under the title
Beyond the Worl

This is a revised edition with a new title.

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