Belong to You (8 page)

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Authors: Vi Keeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Belong to You
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I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders and dug my nails into his back. I needed more. He nibbled his way from my mouth to my shoulder, licking back up to my ear. “You are so beautiful, Syd. I want to watch you come.” I wrapped my legs around his back, desperate for friction. His words brought me so close and I needed him inside me.

“Please” was the only word that I could get out. At that moment, I would have begged for him if I had to.

He took a long breath in and exhaled deeply. “Not yet.” His hand slid down my torso. My body was damp with desire. “I don’t want to hurt you, you’re so tight.” He slid one finger into me and I writhed beneath 138/408

him. Two pumps of his hand and he easily slid a second finger into my slickness.

I let out a small moan as his fingers stretched me open and my head relaxed back. As he pushed into me with two fingers, his thumb found my swollen clit. My hips pushed up, begging for more. “That’s it babe, make yourself feel good.” I lifted my hips and pushed against his fingers, stroking and pushing them in and out of my wet body.

His thumb increased the pressure on my clit as his fingers rubbed in and out, finding a sensitive spot inside of me. My body arched to his touch and he withdrew his fingers slowly from me and brought them to my mouth. I licked the juice from his fingers and he let out a feral growl.

He positioned himself on top of me and I lifted my hips, desperate to have him inside of me. “Slow and sweet babe, slow and sweet.” He said with a raspy voice as he 139/408

slowly pushed into me. His green eyes were dark gray and dilated and I knew he was having as difficult of a time going slow as I was, but he wouldn’t allow himself to lose control.

I gasped as he pushed deep inside of me. He was so thick and long. His eyes were full of lust and emotion, but he refused to allow them close. The connection between us was intense and we were lost as we watched each other as he slowly pushed in and out of me, filling me to the hilt and drawing almost all the way out. His rhythm was slow and restrained and I watched his face struggle to keep the control with each deep thrust.

A deep moan escaped from my throat as my pleasure ratcheted up to new heights. His face tensed with my sound and I knew he couldn’t hold his control much longer, but it felt so good and I didn’t want it 140/408

to end. I tilted my hips up as he thrust down and circled into me, penetrating deeper than he had ever been. He buried his face into my neck and kissed his way from my shoulder blade to my ear as he swiveled his hips, grinding his big rock hard cock into me. “Come for me baby, I want to watch you.”

His words pushed me over the edge and my body exploded in pleasure. I climaxed in a relentless spiraling orgasm that had me calling his name over and over as it tore through me. My eyes unconsciously closed as I succumbed to the waves rippling though me. “Eyes.” I opened my eyes to his demand, Jack watched as it took over my body and melted me to the core. He quickened his thrusts and whispered “Fucking beautiful” as I felt his body tense and pin me in place when he came long and hard, filling me deeply.


As we both came down, his thrusts slowed to a leisurely pace and he kissed me sweetly. “I’m sorry about last night.” He said softly, as he pushed an escaped piece of my hair back from my face.

“You didn’t do anything to be sorry about.” It was true; he hadn’t really done anything wrong, yet I understood why he was apologizing.

He looked into my eyes, searching for something, then kissed me chastely.

“Your beautiful and sweet, but shit at lying Syd.”

I laughed because I knew he was right. Sienna had always told me the same thing.

Jack rolled and took me with him, capturing me on top of him, my head fitting perfectly into the hollow of his shoulder. I played with the sprinkle of hair on his chest and thought about asking him more about 142/408

last night and what had upset him so much, but thought better about ruining another night. Realization suddenly dawned on me that we only had two more days before I left and I had no idea when he was leaving.

“When are you scheduled to leave?” I asked bravely.

“Tomorrow at 7am.” My heart stopped and I raised my head to look up at him. He looked at me with wry curved lips.

“But I am delayed my return flight.” I released a breath that I hadn’t realized that I was holding and he hugged me tightly to his chest.

“When did you delay it to?” I whispered, afraid his answer would only leave us an extra few hours.

“That depends.” His arms hugged me tighter and he kissed the top of my head.

“On how many more days you are here for.” 143/408

I lifted my head and propped myself up on my elbow smiling. “You are staying until I leave?”


I threw myself at him, planting baby kisses all over his face.

He laughed

and the warm deep sound washed away my reluctance to show him how relieved I was that he was staying.

“So how many more days am I staying?” He asked and I could hear his smile in his voice.


“Two it is then.”


The next morning, I woke and found Jack already awake, watching me. He smiled at me.


“How long have you been awake?” He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the palm of my hand. “Not long.”

“Shower?” He asked as I stretched to unwind my body from around his.

“Caffeine.” I responded on a whine.

“Addict?” He caught my earlobe between my teeth.

“Yes.” I responded breathlessly from his one touch. “You?”

“Nope, no coffee, tea or soda.” He stated matter of fact. My head snapped back to him as if he had just admitted that he was a vampire and drank the blood of his vic-tims. Who doesn’t drink caffeine of some type in the morning?


“How do you wake up in the morning then?” I was almost in a cold sweat at the thought of having to start a day without at least two cups of coffee.

“I go to the gym.” Ugh, one of those.

“In the morning?” I asked in an in-credulous tone.

“Yes, as soon as I wake up. I either go to the gym or for a run before I start my day. I take it that isn’t something that you approve of?” He was amused at my response.

“Nothing comes before caffeine in my world.” I overly emphasized the word nothing, to add drama.

He grabbed my ass and pulled me to him, pressing his erection into me. “Nothing huh?” A devilish smile, as he smacked my ass hard. “Go get in the shower, and I’ll 146/408

order you some coffee and breakfast. Then I’ll show you what comes before caffeine when you’re with me.”

I rubbed my bare ass and rose in protest, making a point of prancing my naked body slowly to the bathroom. Then I turned and stuck out my tongue at him. I heard the smile in his voice as he ordered room service.


Chapter 8

After a long, thoroughly satisfying shower and some much needed caffeine and breakfast, we headed out for the day. Jack wouldn’t tell me where we were headed, only that he was going to show me a few of his favorite places in Hawaii.

I honestly didn’t

care where we were headed, Jack had my fingers laced through his as he drove, the wind was in my hair and I had spent the last 24

hours having the best sex of my life. I was a happy girl.

I looked over at Jack driving and he smiled at me. All perfect and beautiful and emanating raw manhood. I smiled back at him and he squeezed my hand. My thoughts ran away from me and I found myself thinking about how good he must look in a business suit with his hair slicked back. He really could model if he wanted to, I could see him with one hand in the pocket of his 149/408

Christian Dior tuxedo, helping a woman with long legs out of a car in a magazine advertisement.

We pulled onto a gravel road and down a dirt path that led to very tall metal gates. A guard approached and began to ask for some id, until he recognized Jack. “Shit Cole, I didn’t know you were coming. How you been son?”

“Good, Stephan, how is the family?” The two shook hands like old friends, although Stephan was old enough to be Jack’s father. “Stephan, this is Syd, he’s been with us longer than I’ve been around.” Jack laughed and I said smiled and said hello to the man.

“They’re doing great. Does Caleb know you’re coming, or do you want me to call ahead and tell him to get things ready for you?”


“He knows I’m coming, but thanks Stephan. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“Be careful up there Cole.” The gates opened and Jack started down the dirt road. I could see a large building in the distance. “The way he called you Cole, it sounded like your first name. I thought Cole was your last name?” Jack smiled. “Question number 10

babe. It’s my middle name. I’m a junior and some of my father’s long time business associates started calling me Cole to avoid confusion when I was a kid. It stuck, so to the old timers I’m Cole.”

“Is your father here?” After what he told me about his father, I didn’t think we would be spending the afternoon visiting him.


Jack laughed. “No, he’s not here.

If he were, I wouldn’t be on the island. I told you my family owns a lot of different businesses, this is one of them. I come here when I visit and borrow some of their inventory.”

I was confused at what inventory he was planning on borrowing, but quickly became distracted by the low flying helicopter almost directly above our head. The sudden loud noise scared me and I jumped in my seat.

Jack looked amused. “It’s a helicopter launch area babe, I didn’t mean for it to scare you.”

We pulled up to a building and Jack got out and jogged around to open my door. There was something incredibly sexy about a man so demanding in the bedroom, but such a gentlemen outside of it. He 152/408

grabbed my hand and a man walked to greet us.

Jack shook hands with the man and I smiled. I couldn’t hear what they were saying because of the sound coming from the helicopter that was just landing. I watched in awe as the big machine gently settled on the ground. Jack leaned in close to me and yelled “Are you ready?” over the sound of the nearby helicopter. I shook my head, unsure if I was ready for what was really to come next. Jack grabbed my hand and led me to the helicopter, helping me in the passenger side and handing me a set of earphones, motioning for me to put them on.

Then he disappeared and I was shocked when he got in behind the driver’s seat. He put on his headphones and I watched his mouth move and heard his voice in my headphones. “You doing okay babe?” 153/408

I nodded, utterly confused. “Are you going to drive this thing?” Jack laughed. “Yes, I’m a licensed pilot. I’ve been flying these since I was 16.

You are safe with me.” He reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing reassurance in-to my body

I gave him a halfhearted attempt at a smile and he reached up and grabbed my face. “Stop worrying, I won’t let anything happen to you beautiful.” Then his mouth covered mine and he gave me a long slow kiss. I wasn’t sure if he did it to help me relax or not, but it seemed to have worked.

Jack buckled us both in and gave me one last nod, before we started to go up.

It was an odd feeling to go straight up in the air. I had obviously flown before, but never in a helicopter. Planes go up on an angle, which is a very different feeling.


We lifted off the ground and I had the strange sensation that someone was dangling us from a rope above. I was excited and terrified at the same time. My nerves didn’t let me speak until our altitude leveled out and we were starting to travel forward at a steady pace.

“You okay babe?” Jack’s voice was full of concern as he looked over at me. One of the reasons I wasn’t a good liar, was because my emotions showed on my face.

“I’m getting there. At least I don’t feel like I am going to pass out anymore.” I smiled.

He reached across and grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Try to relax and look around, this is the best way to see the island.”

Tentatively, I turned my head and peeked out the window. The view was 155/408

breathtaking. Turquoise water, bejeweled with vivid coral reefs contrasted against Bill-lowing white sand beaches. It looked like I could see the ocean floor, with how clear the water was. Jack pulled my hand to his mouth and kissed the top of my hand. I smiled and felt myself start to relax a little.

He pointed to the right, out my window, at a patch of green in the distance. “We’re heading that way, over the rainforest.” I nodded my head and smiled, a sincere smile this time.

The green forest in the distance quickly came into view and Jack circled the breathtaking coastline. As we rounded the massive forest of trees, a clearing came into vision of the most amazing tall waterfalls I had ever seen. I gasped in excitement, the picturesque scenery helping me to rid of the last of my nerves. “That’s Sacred Falls. It was the first place I flew on my own when I got my license.” We flew a little further and 156/408

Jack warned me that he was going to bring the helicopter down a little to show me something.

We flew lower for a few minutes and then Jack took my hand and squeezed it.

“Here we go babe.” Then he raised us up dramatically along the side of huge cliffs so that it felt like we were scaling them. I couldn’t help but scream in delight. It was terrifying but exciting, and my adrenalin was pumping.

A little while later Jack landed us on a large open green field, with no one in sight.

He powered the helicopter down and came around to help me down. I jumped up and hugged him as soon as my feet reached the ground. “That was so incredible!” Jack smiled and looked pleased. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked for a while. We reached a 157/408

secluded beach and took off our shoes to let the warm, crystal clear water wash over our feet as we walked. “So, you’re out of questions, and I still have half of mine left.” A sexy half smile that reached his enticing eyes.

I kicked a little water at his leg. “I guess you do.”

He shook his head, but smiled. The man was utterly delicious. “Do you like pornography?”

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