Belligerent (Vicara) (2 page)

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Authors: B.N. Mauldin

BOOK: Belligerent (Vicara)
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“Don't forget to protect your hands this time,” she reminded him.

Logan curled his fingers into a fist. He was more reliant on his hands than he cared to admit since he was a technology specialist. Something as small as a fractured pinkie could substantially slow down his work. “Kick before punching. Got it.”

Above them the crowd roared as the current bout came to an end, and Logan locked eyes with Eva.

“Looks like you're up,” she said and strolled over to the wall of weapons. A slight movement caught her eye, but she decided to leave it for the moment. Whoever it was wasn't a threat at that time, and Logan didn't need any distractions. She pulled a harpoon off the wall and weighed it in her hand.

“This one feels about the same as yours,” she said while carrying it over to him. Each Belligerent had their preferred weapon, and Logan's, strangely enough, had always been a harpoon.

“Thanks,” he mumbled reaching to take the weapon from her. Her hands, rough from training, lingered on his for a few moments before she released the harpoon into his hold.

“We'll talk about our victories over tea tonight,” she assured.

He grinned. “And make tequila toasts to tomorrow's fortunes.”

Eva giggled a bit. The sound helped to calm him down. “Trust Clarisse to come up with such an interesting motto.”

Logan felt himself calm slightly. “To be fair, we were only ten at the time and unaware that half of us would hate tequila when we finally got to try it. I hope we still have some of that fruity tea. I still can't stand that spicy stuff.”

“Win your bout, and I'll make sure you get any tea you want.”

“I'll hold you to that.”

With those promises made, Logan made his way down the hall to the arena. He stood at the entry and peered out at the crowd of people gathered in the stands. The turnout was sparser than usual, as the Vicara games tended to provide enough entertainment during the month they were held. Despite the thin crowd, the usual suspects were still there: drunkards who could afford the concession stand prices, die-hard fans checking replays on their mini tablets and families. Pit games were popular household outings, after all. Some of the spectators lofted signs with a scrawled name of a Belligerent. Overall, it looked like the kind of crowd typically gathered at any other sporting event.

The booming voice of the announcer flooded the coliseum as he recounted the stats of the newest combatants. Logan peered across the arena floor to where his opponent stood, ready and returning the glance.

They were given the signal. Calming his pounding heart and after a deep breath, Logan took the first step out onto the sand.

Eva remained out of sight in the armory, but where she could still watch Logan’s match.

“You can come out now,” she said without letting her gaze leave Logan. She was a combat specialist for a reason, after all. A few seconds passed with no response. Whoever was there was determined to hide. Too bad she wasn't oblivious. “You, behind the shields. And you, in the locker. Come out before I grab you myself.”

Alex emerged from the locker first, with Ryan a half beat behind her.

“Were you sneaking in?” Eva asked them, but they didn't respond. “It's not like it's a crime... Well, it is, but you don't have to be so worried. I'm a Belligerent, not a member of the disciplinary squad.”

She glanced over them but kept half her attention on Logan's match.

Too awestruck at being in the presence of a Beta, Ryan simply started at her.

“We just wanted to watch the games,” Alex said, sensing her partner’s inability to speak.

“How were you planning on getting into the stands with nobody noticing?”

Alex and Ryan exchanged glances before Ryan motioned to a nearly unnoticeable door in the opposite corner. “Crew entrance,” he said.

“You've done this before then?”

“A few times,” he confirmed.

“Do you two have names?”

“Alex and Ryan,” Alex said, careful to keep things simple with the Beta.

“I'm Eva,” she offered in return. “You guys should head up now if you don't want to get caught. This match is about over and our Owner will be here soon.”

Despite a few sloppy moves, there was no doubt that Logan would be the victor. Overestimating his opponent, he didn’t hold back, thus ending the match too quickly. Their Owner wouldn't be pleased even though it was the schedulers' fault for deciding to pit a Beta against an Omega in the first place.

“I would have liked to see your friend fight,” Alex admitted.

“No worries about that. He's going again after four more rounds. I'm sure that one will last longer than five minutes.”

“And you?”

“I'm going two matches from now. You really should hurry though,” Eva said as the crowd began cheering Logan's victory.

“Let's go,” Ryan said as he led the way to the door not wanting to risk Eva changing her mind.

They climbed the stairs to the stands and took advantage of the crowd's attention on the last match to slip unnoticed into the seats. Despite the fact that Betas were competing that day, there were still open spaces throughout the coliseum. During the month of Vicara, people tended to save their money to place bets on the finals rather than paying to see a pit game – a fact the two trespassers now took advantage of.

“We just spoke with a Beta.” Alex practically bounced out of her seat with joy. “Do you realize in a few years she may be a Vicara contestant? Okay, so logically the odds are against her. I mean four academies, each putting out one hundred and sixty students a year with only sixteen from each academy going on to the games... Not impossible, but not a good percentage either. The fact that she’s already a Beta speaks to her ability to defy the odds, though.”

Ryan listened with a grin to her ramblings. It was rare to see Alex actually excited about something, and he was always fascinated by her reaction to something she liked.

“She was nice, right?” Alex asked. Then, she stopped her barrage to take a breath.

“Yeah, sure,” he said, “but she's still a Belligerent. Wonder what she's in for.”

“Maybe she isn't a criminal. I heard some of the Betas actually wanted their positions. She could be one of those.”

Ryan shook his head. “You still shouldn't trust one.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she said. “Look! The next match is starting!”

The bout was between two Omegas, who weren't formally trained like the Betas. Their knowledge was gained from experience. It provided an entirely different kind of entertainment in that manner.

Alex and Ryan watched as the two Omegas battled it out using a mace and a dagger. The match dragged on for nearly a half hour and the end result was two battered, nearly dead combatants. The crowd seemed only partially interested as they talked amongst themselves, called their children back from the rails, downed cheap beer or otherwise occupied themselves.

Eva's match came up and she made her way out to the center of the arena, griping a flail in one hand as nonchalantly as if it were an umbrella. Her opponent, another Beta, was a well-muscled teenager a few years older than her - likely in his final year at an academy. He towered over his opponent and chose a medieval sword as his weapon.

The crowd, bored with the Omega match, perked in interest and volume as the Betas moved towards each other. Some of the spectators stood and pumped their fists as the duelists clashed. Steel’s clear ringing permeated the arena with each sharp meeting of weapons. The match was even for the first several minutes until Eva's opponent landed a lucky hit which knocked the flail from her hand.

Eva was forced to be on the defensive, dodging sword blows while trying to find an opening. She wasn't concerned yet. They were both holding back in order to put on an entertaining show. If the excited cheers of the crowd were any indication then they were doing a decent job at it. Eva's opponent, Jordan, grew tired of prolonging their match and managed to nick her. Blood trickled down her arm, and Eva tried not to roll her eyes. That was the best he could do? She swung the retrieved flail around and smiled when it impacted with his ribs. Jordan grunted as the weapon left behind a bruise and several small gouges.

“I was hoping to avoid the pods,” he said.

“Should have dodged, then.”

Jordan laughed, a deep chuckle emerging from his throat even as he swung his sword at her head. Eva avoided the attack easily. Blows that could kill were never performed at full speed or without at least a quick warning. Unlike Omegas, Betas knew how to keep themselves and their opponents alive.

“Stop laughing so obviously,” she said. “We have to keep the show going.”

Eva had schooled her features into a mask of seriousness, but Jordan couldn't wipe the grin off his face. They had the crowd on the edges of their seats screaming their names in excitement and anticipation.

“About time to end this, don't you think?” Eva asked with a wink.

“If you think I'm gonna let you win, then I suggest you think again.”

Jordan growled and swung his sword in several tight arcs. Unable to dodge the furious assault, Eva watched the blade bite into her thigh.

She hissed through clenched teeth. “What was that for?” she whispered even as the crowd's cheers intensified.

He deflected her next attack. “You're in the running, right? Ranked in the top ten? You think I'm going to let someone from Shifter's collection get more points?”

He started advancing, not pulling his blows like before. Eva hadn't gone into the arena with the intention of actually fighting for her life. Her training kicked in, and without contemplating her actions, she fought back with the same determination. Exchanging blow for blow until her flail crashed against Jordan's side, and unlike the previous time - remained stuck. Jordan fell to his knees, blood trickling down the torso of his thin armor, and gasps sounded through the coliseum.

“Halt!” The command sounded through the arena.

Eva dropped her flail and took three quick steps back. She held her hands up showing that she was obeying the order. There was a moment’s pause before the next announcement was made.

“Jordan is being withdrawn from the competition.”

Grumblings escaped from the crowd, too accustomed to watching Omegas fight. Omegas were sacrificed in the arena for the entertainment of the crowd, but Owners would pull a Beta before they could be killed.

“Eva is the victor!”

At least the audience cheered for that. A medical specialist rushed out onto the sands to ferry Jordan to the pods to heal. As the adrenaline wore off, Eva wished her team's medic was present instead of back at the hotel. She threw her arms up in victory then hurried out of the arena as fast as her sore body would allow.

Logan waited for her at the doorway of the locker room and said, “You need the pods. We should call Daylan.”

She shook her head but accepted his arm around her waist. “No, it's nothing serious. I can wait until we get back.”

“I still have another match. That's too long for you to wait.”

“He's right,” her Owner's voice startled both of them. “Looks like we have a decision to make.”



Chapter 2


“I told you that a Beta couldn't be trusted,” Ryan remarked as they watched Jordan stumble off the sands with the help of a medic.

“She didn't kill him,” Alex said.

“They're Betas. They're here to show off their skills with no serious injuries. What she did... It was brutal.”

“Maybe she didn't have a choice.”

“There's always a choice.”

Alex opened her mouth, and Ryan was expecting to hear an argument. Instead, he was surprised by her words.

“Run or walk?” she asked, suddenly distracted.


Alex subtly gestured behind her to where an usher was making his way down the aisle checking for ticket stubs. Ryan looked for a way to escape.

“What's the plan?” he asked.

Alex’s mind always worked faster than his. “Head in the direction of the concession stands then go out that exit,” she said. “Make it look like you're stepping out to make a call or something.”

“And what will you be doing?” he asked.

She smirked at him. “I'll be sneaking out through the lockers again.”

“We can't both go out to make a call?”

“Too obvious. The guard would notice.”

“Then, no.”


“That's too dangerous. Besides, you could never climb up out of the window without help.”

“Well, I don't have time to think of another plan!” Alex murmured. Her knuckles were white from where she was clenching at the armrests in her panic.

“Then we'll use your plan, but you pretend to be making the call. I'll head out through the lockers.”

“You know, chivalry is an old fashioned concept. You should give it up.”

“Use your logic then. Statically, which plan would be more likely to work?”

The usher was getting closer. “Fine. We'll meet back at the apartment,” she said, but Ryan could tell she wasn't happy with the idea.

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