Belle (The Daughters of Allamont Hall Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Belle (The Daughters of Allamont Hall Book 2)
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Eventually, their diligence was rewarded. Mr Burford extracted a large, heavy box from a hidden recess beneath the late Mr Allamont’s armchair beside the fire.

“Now that is more like it,” Miss Endercott said. “Your father was sitting upon his fortune. How amusing! That is a very good-sized box. There will be a large sum in there, I warrant.”

Excitedly, Belle tried all the keys. None of them fitted.

In despair, she rested her head in her hands. It was too trying. “Oh, why could Papa not put his money into the bank, like everybody else! I declare, it is too bad of him.”

Miss Endercott patted her shoulder. “There, there, child. Do not be discouraged. We have had a successful morning. We must leave you now, but when we get back to the village, I shall ask Mr Turner to call round.”

“The carpenter? Do you think he can cut through the wood to open this?”

“Well — he might be able to, but I should imagine there is a metal lining which would defeat his saw. However, he makes boxes just like this, and fits locks, so he also knows how to open a lock, if need be. He once unlocked the cellar door at the parsonage when the key had accidentally gone down the well. You shall have all the money you need very soon. In the meantime, you should add up the total amount owed to your creditors. It will be a substantial sum, I expect.”

“So it will. I shall begin at once.”

“Shall I hide the box away again for the moment?” Mr Burford said.

“Oh, please do so! I cannot thank you enough, both of you. I am afraid you have got rather dusty, Mr Burford.”

He smiled. “Indeed I have! You cannot imagine how much I have enjoyed this morning’s adventures, Miss Allamont. If you have any more rooms you wish to be searched, I hope you will send for me immediately.”

She laughed, but shook her head. “I very much hope this is the end of it.”

hope you are mistaken on that point. Good day, to you, Miss Allamont.” He followed Miss Endercott into the hall. A moment later, his face, slightly pink, reappeared round the door. “Pray give my regards to
your sisters, Miss Allamont.”

“Indeed I shall. Thank you, sir.”

Then she bent her head to the pile of bills.

6: Locks And Keys

After the subject of Amy’s wedding clothes had been thoroughly gone over, the talk at dinner that evening turned to Grace’s plans for a school in the village. The estate’s former gamekeeper was recently deceased, and since there was no longer any shooting on the Allamont estate, the cottage was not now required for that purpose. Being conveniently located on the edge of the village, it was ideally suited for the provision of a modest village school.

“You should have come with us today, Belle, for it is all fitted up in the most delightful manner,” Grace said. “Everything I wished for has been done, and Mr Ambleside has been most helpful, for it is all modelled on his own school at Higher Brinford. All we need now are furnishings, and a master to teach the children.”

“And books, I hope,” Belle said.

“We will have the Bible,” Grace said. “What else might we need?”

“Some history, I hope,” Belle replied. “Shakespeare, perhaps, and the great poets and philosophers. Books written by travellers so that the children might know of other parts of the world. And what of mathematics and chemistry and astronomy? The great discoveries and principles must be taught.”

“Gracious, Belle, we are teaching the sons of farmers and smiths,” Dulcie said. “What should they need to know of such things?”

“Papa always said that everyone should know a little of every subject,” Amy said.

“He meant people like us, not poor children,” Dulcie said. “There is no purpose to teaching them more than a little reading and writing and perhaps accounting.”

“I agree,” Lady Sara said. “You must not allow the lower orders to get above themselves and become discontented. They have their station in life, and we have ours.”

“Are such subjects taught at your school, Mr Ambleside?” Belle said, unwilling to let the subject drop.

“Mathematics and astronomy, certainly, and Latin and Greek also, since Mr Williams takes in boarders, as well as teaching the village children.”

“Boarders!” Grace said. “What a splendid idea! Our school must take in boarders, too. Then you may have them taught whatever you choose, Belle.”

“Is the cottage large enough to accommodate boarders?” Belle said. “It seemed rather small to me, when last I saw it.”

“Mr Plumstead raised nine children in that cottage, so I think it very adequate,” Grace said.

“It might be perfectly adequate for a gamekeeper,” Mr Ambleside said, with a smile. “A schoolmaster is from a different level of society, and has different expectations. With boarders, it is better for the schoolmaster to have a wife, and then there are usually children, and additional servants, with all the added expense that entails. I believe you should look for a single gentleman initially.”

“But where is one to be found?” Belle said. “How did you find yours, Mr Ambleside?”

“I applied to the school in Brinchester, and they suggested Mr Williams. However, they have been unable to furnish me with anyone suitable for Lower Brinford.”

“We must advertise the position, then,” Grace said.

“Perhaps it will be necessary to do so,” Mr Ambleside said. “However, I will continue to enquire amongst my acquaintance, as it will be a great deal more satisfactory to find someone who comes recommended. Perhaps one of your family might know of someone who would like the position, Lady Sara? The Earl moves in a much wider society than we do here.”

“I do not believe my father would know of anyone suitable,” she said languidly. “Girls, shall we leave Mr Ambleside to his port?”


Mr Turner came promptly the following morning to unlock the money box. Belle and Amy showed him into the book room, and Belle retrieved the box from its hiding place.

“This is one of mine,” Mr Turner said, running his hands over the wood with obvious delight. “Every carpenter knows the little signs of his own hand. Aye, I well remember choosing the wood for this. It was the first of this type I ever made, although I’d watched my father make them often enough. He made several for the late Mr Allamont, may he rest in peace.”

“Several?” Belle said in alarm. “Do you mean to tell me there might be more of these?”

“Oh, aye, my father made a few of these for the Hall, although I don’t know exactly how many and can’t ask, neither, being as he’s dead now, God rest his soul. Passed on last Candlemas, poor man, and him not even sixty.”

Belle made some sympathetic noises. “And can you unlock it, Mr Turner?”

“Aye, should be able to. It’s a solid lock, and would defeat all but the most determined thief, but I know the way of it.” He produced some tools from a pocket, a collection of oddly-shaped slivers of metal. “May I sit down to work? It is a little easier.”

“Of course.”

Belle and Amy withdrew to the window while the carpenter set about his task. “It is very good of you to be taking on the burden of the accounts, dear sister,” Amy said in a low voice. “I am sure I should not have the least idea how to go on with such matters. I am so thankful that I have Mr Ambleside to take care of everything.”

“You have indeed been fortunate in your choice of husband, and who could deserve it more than you!” Belle said. “Now
choice of husband is not so capable with money, so it is as well for me to learn how to manage.”

“You still plan to accept James, then?”

“I do. It will be a most beneficial arrangement, on both sides.”

“Now you sound like Mary,” Amy said sadly. “Or Mama. I wish you could find someone to love, dear Belle. You work so hard and never think of yourself, and I do not like to think of you throwing yourself away on Cousin James. Mr Ambleside says he is not at all steady.”

“Yes, Mary said much the same, as I recall. Young men are often a little wild as they grow up, but marriage and a little more regularity in his life will settle James down. And I shall like to live at Willowbye extremely. It has an excellent library.”

“Really?” Amy said, looking at her sister doubtfully. “You would wish to leave this house, where we grew up and had so many happy times?”

“So many—? Your memories must be more pleasant than mine, sister. Did we not tiptoe round the house like little mice so as not to disturb Papa? And every hour of every day with its allotted activities — lessons, music practice, reciting in Greek, and every achievement tested and recorded. Even mealtimes had their fixed topics for discussion, and a sermon or a chapter of a history book to be read later. There was only our hour of needlework each day to look forward to, when we could at least talk freely, and a public ball in Brinchester once a month. Yes, I shall be glad to leave Allamont Hall.”

“It was so pleasant to have everything orderly,” Amy said. “I liked knowing exactly what I must do each day, and which gown to put on. I shall miss the garden, too, although I have such plans for the grounds at Staynlaw House. Mr Ambleside says that—”

But at that moment, Mr Turner made an exclamation of triumph. “There, Miss Allamont! The lock is free. You may examine the contents at your pleasure. You’ll not be able to lock it again, not unless you find the key, so you’ll want to keep it safely hidden.”

“Thank you, I shall. It will go back inside the chair directly.”

“Aye, that’s a good place for it. I’d not have thought of looking there. I keep my strong box under the floorboards.”

“Under the floorboards? Really? So the other boxes might even be somewhere in this room?”

“Oh, aye. All that’s needed is to cut across a board, then lift the loose piece. All kinds of things can be kept secret that way, with a piece of rug to hide the spot.”

“Thank you, Mr Turner, you have been most helpful.”

As soon as he had departed, the two ladies turned to the newly opened box. With trembling fingers, Belle lifted the heavy lid. Inside was treasure unimaginable — coins wrapped in cloth, and rolls of notes.

Amy’s eyes were wide. “Why, there must be hundreds of pounds in here.”

“Thousands, I hope, for that is what I shall need to settle all our accounts. Oh, look — another key! And not the same as any of the others. Why is there a key in every box, yet none of them work?”

“But surely it fits this box?” Amy said.

“How can it? The box was securely locked with the key inside it.”

Amy’s face fell. “Oh. Of course. How foolish I am.”

Belle tried it it the lock anyway, and was unsurprised to find it to be of no use. “Well, it is a mystery. Another mystery,” she amended.

“Oh, Belle, listen! Can you hear a horse coming up the drive? Perhaps it is Mr Ambleside. You will not mind if—?”

“Indeed, go and meet him, by all means. I am come to the tedious part of the procedure anyway, when I must add up the value of all this money. Run away and enjoy Mr Ambleside’s smiles.”

Her sister skipped off, her pretty face alight with happiness. Belle sighed. It would be so delightful to fall conveniently in love with an adoring man of handsome appearance and good income, but she had no expectations for herself. If she paraded herself about sufficiently, she would certainly find a husband who would gloat over her fortune while pretending not to mind her unlovely face. That being so, better a man she knew how to manage, with the comfort of familiarity rather than a stranger. Yes, Cousin James would do well enough. But it was disheartening, all the same.


Henry Allamont had not forgotten his promise to speak to Belle about Jack Barnett, and on his next visit to the Hall, he drew her to a quiet corner of the drawing room. She was, as always, neatly dressed in a plain gown with little trimming. On another young woman, it might have looked dowdy, but he thought it suited her very well.

“I hope you will forgive my intemperate behaviour when last we met, Belle. I should not have acted so, but Sara can be so obstinate. I cannot understand her, and that is the truth of it. She neglects your interests shamefully, and who should have more care for fatherless daughters than their own mother?”

“You cannot expect me to support you in any censure of Mama,” Belle said. “If that is all you have to say—”

“I beg your pardon, that was disrespectful of me. Your father kept all of you on a very tight rein, and your mama suffered as much as anyone. It is hardly surprising if… well, no matter. That is not what I intended to discuss.”

“You wish to talk about Mr Barnett.”

“I do, for it concerns us all very closely. I have talked to Plumphett about it, and dragged some information out of him, and he confessed that he had discussed the matter with you, in great detail. I am sorry you had to learn such things about your father, Belle, and even more sorry that you were obliged to meet this person. It is not fitting that he should come here, just as if he were a gentleman.”

“And yet he might be,” she said calmly. “If he inherits Allamont Hall, he will have a very good independent income.”

“But he will never be accepted into good society,” he said, thumping a fist into his palm so hard he made Belle jump. He took a breath to steady himself. It would never do to lose his temper again. Even though Lady Sara was not present, she was constantly in his mind, her serenity an example he struggled to follow. Even after all these years, her beauty and graceful bearing took his breath away. If only she were more malleable… He brought his thoughts back to the matter at hand with difficulty. “He will never be
, no matter how large his income.”

“True, but I do not quite see what is to be done about it,” Belle said. “The law will decide.”

“But we might assist the law to make its decision,” he said. “We might, for example, engage lawyers to defend the case. We might present evidence that demonstrates that your father did not intend Barnett to inherit. Or we might persuade the man to relinquish his claim.”

“How might one persuade him if he is determined on this course?”

He smiled at her innocence. “Offer him money, Belle. A fixed sum, paid into his hand, if he signs an agreement not to pursue his claim. But all of these options would be expensive, and your mama is unwilling to pay a penny piece to him, or to lawyers.”

“Then that would appear to be the end of the matter.”

“Not if you girls work on her, talk to her, convince her of the dreadful consequences if this should come to pass.”

“Mama does not listen to me or to any of us,” Belle said. “She feels it does not concern us, since she has her Dower House and income, and she assumes that we will all be married very soon.”

“But think how it must drag all of us down, to have such a person living in Allamont Hall. It must have a very damaging effect, and as soon as this young man lodges his claim, it will all be out in the open and your reputations will be irreparably damaged. I have said as much to your mama, but I cannot make her attend to me.”

Belle was silent, and he felt the subject had been exhausted. “If you will consider all that I have said, I am satisfied, for I can trust to your good sense and your influence on your mama — if any!” he ended, which brought a wan smile. “But there is happier news, I hear. Your dowries will be more than anticipated. I am very glad of it, for all your sakes.”

“Yes, although it is very surprising that it should change so much in such a short time.”

BOOK: Belle (The Daughters of Allamont Hall Book 2)
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