Believing in Dreamland (9 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Believing in Dreamland
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“Maybe. Maybe, they won’t waste more ships and lives on us. We can adapt. We can fight.” Mason braced for war.

“Keelons do nothing but fight. Over that distance, however, we’re not a prime target. Hopefully, taking one out will discourage them enough to keep them away. We have to think positively.” Jonah moved to Sammie and hugged her tight.

“I want to. As long as we all agree to nothing drastic, like trying to get me pregnant or injured so I can’t fly.” Sammie looked at Dorian and Mason.

“Fine, as long as you stop being weird about the sex. That’s only going to make you miserable, as well,” Mason said.

“Fair enough. Let’s go put out a call for pilots so we can meet them all. We need to learn their strengths and experience first.” Sammie nodded.

“Sounds like a plan.” Dorian headed out of the conference room.




Chapter Eight


Dorian watched the ships fly in formation. It was a test run, and he’d elected to watch from the ground. Mason was up in one of the jets testing the aircraft. Not flying the mission would be hard, but it was the right call. Humans wouldn’t be compromised if they came into contact with the weapon. They had to do what was right for the mission.

“They’re doing well.” Jonah stood next to Dorian and watched the screen that tracked the squadron in a more high-tech fashion.

Eight planes went through maneuvers again and again. Testing fuel time, speed and how the different planes coordinated together.

“Sammie. Deploy,” Dorian ordered into the communication system.

Speeding along as if into the Keelon’s ship, she put distance between herself and the others and pulled the trigger. A rocket went five feet and exploded, showering stand-in pressurized powder for miles in every direction. The ships returned to base after the success. Five tests runs gave them confidence.

“I’m exhausted.” Sammie stretched as she walked away from her plane.

“We’re ready. We really need the opportunity now.” Mason came up behind her.

Dorian nodded. “And the bait. Somehow, they have to open their ship.”

“Can we blast a rocket through the hull?” Jonah frowned.

“With the shields up? No way,” Mason said.

They walked into the cafeteria and loaded up on food. Their planes were getting washed down and refueled. Another set of pilots would go through the same tests this afternoon. Dreamland was determined to be ready.

As they ate, Dorian mulled the problem of the bait.

“It’s not all on us. Hastings has to have more information than we do.” Sammie kept pace with the guys’ eating.

“Sure you’re not eating for two, Sammie?” Jonah teased.

She smacked his arm. “Very sure. It’s nice to have work to do again. Keeps the calories burning. Not that you three don’t do enough there.”

Dorian smiled. Their relationship had grown stronger with a purpose and nothing standing in their way. While Hastings still treated them as the odd stepchildren in the group, he respected their skills and let them work on the mission as much as the others. Sammie had relaxed her fear about getting pregnant, and things were back to normal.

When their phones beeped in unison, they knew something was up.

“Hastings wants us?” Mason asked.

“Weird. He wasn’t watching today?” Sammie asked.

Jonah shrugged. “He gets reports. We’re practicing so much so it will become second nature. We can’t expect him to sit around watching the air show.”

“Let’s see what he wants after lunch.” Dorian texted a reply. They needed to stay on a routine, and that included food and rest. Mason was still the leader of their little group, but with him flying test missions, he’d left the coordination to Dorian.

They finished their food and headed to Hastings’ office. There was no waiting. The four were shown inside quickly.

“Something wrong, Sir?” Mason asked.

Hastings shook his head. “Not wrong. I’m pleased with the progress. We’re nearly ready.”

“We are. However, getting the Keelons to open their ships so we can attack is the tricky part,” Dorian said.

“True. I’ve got a team working on that. We have decoys and options. Keep the pilots ready. That’s all we can do right now.” Hastings opened a small box.

“Was there something else?” Jonah asked.

“There is. I’ve reinstated you with the Air Force, under my authority. The government doesn’t like it. They think I’ve taking up too much resources. It was a fight, but your ranks and benefits are all back. We’ll get you four into our uniforms. You report to me and are based here. Sorry, you can’t go back to California, but hopefully, you’ll like feel part of the group in Dreamland.” Hastings handed them small medals. “These are Dreamland insignias. If you fall into the hands of another military outfit, they’ll know you belong to us. Put them on your uniforms.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Mason said.

“You’ve earned it. None of this changes your limitations. No aliens flying that real mission against the Keelons.” Hastings wagged a finger.

“Understood.” Dorian nodded.

“Does this give us more access around here?” Sammie asked.

“Your phones have been updated. You can view the top secret details of the crash landings and all Keelon data. There are also some training areas you can go into now. We weren’t keeping you from too much.” Hastings smiled. “I’ll let you get some rest. Good work today.”

“Thank you, Sir,” they replied.

* * * *

Three hours later, Sammie woke from her nap. Snuggled between Mason and Jonah, she yawned and sat up. Glancing at the desk, she saw the box with their four insignias for Dreamland sitting there. It wasn’t a dream. It was real. They were back in the Air Force. It wasn’t exactly normal service, but at least, it gave them a purpose—and not just as volunteers. They were now part of things on a deeper level.

She poked Mason in the shoulder. “Wake up, boss. Enough napping. We need to celebrate.”

“Celebrate? You’re supposed to be resting.” He pulled her down into a kiss.

Deepening the embrace, Sammie pressed her body to Mason’s as her hand slid over Jonah’s pajama bottoms and groped his cock.

Jonah lifted into her hand. Sammie kept up the attention until he was fully hard and his hands were on her ass. When she leaned over to Jonah and kissed him, she pulled his cock free.

“Wake up Dorian. Go for a ride.” Sammie nudged Jonah.

“You like to watch,” he replied.

“You love his big erection up your ass. We need to celebrate. We’re officially in the Dreamland club, and we’re together. Humor me.” Sammie bit his lower lip playfully.

Jonah didn’t argue one bit more, stripping off his pajamas and grabbing supplies. Finally, he kissed Dorian and jerked his cock. Sammie kept herself busy, slipping from her nightshirt then freeing Mason from his clothing.

She heard moaning and couldn’t help but look over. Mason turned his head as well to see Dorian and Jonah in serious sixty-nine. Both of their cocks were hard and ready.

“I said ride him, not suck on him,” Sammie moaned.

“Can’t ride him limp.” Jonah winked at her. He slid protection on Dorian’s shaft and lubed it up so thoroughly that Dorian bucked in frustration.

“Get on or I’ll pin you and not let you come,” Dorian said.

Mason chuckled. “Threats are so hollow when you’re this hard.”

Jonah straddled Dorian’s hips and chose to face his lover. Easing down, he moaned.

Sammie watched Jonah’s ass stretch as he knelt down and ground. Grabbing protection, she rolled it onto Jonah’s cock and faced him. Taking Jonah’s cock in her cunt, she moaned while Dorian’s hands pressed to support her. Finally, she looked at Mason as if she were able to read his mind.

He caught on quickly enough, putting on protection and lubing her ass. When he used two fingers on her, she groaned for more. Riding Jonah was good, but she’d become spoiled with all the men. Having two inside of her felt natural.

Looking in Jonah’s eyes, she saw his intense pleasure. She felt Dorian lifting into Jonah’s ass, and she couldn’t help but kiss him. Finally, Mason filled her ass, and she rocked between her men.

Jonah rode Dorian hard, and Sammie enjoyed the benefits. The men fucked her hard too. Jonah shook, and she watched the pleasure register on his face as he came on Dorian’s erection. Her hips were inspired and snapped faster on the men filling her. Mason’s fingers worked her clit, and she screamed as her orgasm hit.

The men held her safe and sound. Then the pile broke up. Jonah still rode Dorian as Mason pulled Sammie back and pressed her pussy to Dorian’s face. His thick fingers filled her cunt, two then three, faster and faster.

Mason sped up his strokes, and she moaned as Dorian tongued her clit. Her glorious second climax mingled with Mason’s shouts of release. Finally, Dorian grabbed Jonah’s hips and held him tight as Dorian came hard. Jonah pulled the protection off his cock, and Dorian gripped Jonah’s erection, jerking him off until cum shot into the air.

Smiling, Sammie leaned in and kissed Jonah as he gasped. “You guys are wild sometimes.”

“You should see what we do the night before a real mission. We can get dirty.” Mason flopped on his back. “You better get on board, Captain Montgomery. Kinky releases are needed in this sort of work.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m on board every cock in our team if that’s what it takes.” She kissed Dorian then Mason.

Jonah crawled off Dorian and snuggled with Sammie. “You fit right in. Always have.”

“I’m sure. I think we’ll all fit in here more than we imagined. Dreamland has weird rules and alien knowledge. But where else will I find other women who are in relationships like this? Multiple men. Alien sex. It all seems so normal here. I might make some female friends,” Sammie said hopefully.

“You’re worrying about making friends and being normal?” Dorian chuckled.

Sammie smacked his arm. “Yes. If everything goes right with the Keelons, I want to feel normal. I want friends who get this sort of thing. I don’t want to be the freak with a group sex lifestyle. If we have kids, I don’t want to be the weird family. Is it so wrong to think about these things?”

“No, not at all. Positive thinking and friendships will help us get through the wait. The worst part of a surprise mission is the sitting around. It can drive us crazy. We’d all be smart to make more friends and connections. It’ll be over, one way or another. Hopefully soon.” Mason brushed back her hair.

“I hate waiting. All the talking about it in the world or practicing for it won’t make it better.” She smiled. “Sex is wonderfully distracting.”

“I think that’s a request for another round.” Dorian lifted an eyebrow.

“No, I just meant it’s nice to have something to turn off your brain for a while.” Sammie’s cheeks felt hot.

“You want more. We have a few days before we’re on the practice schedule again. No reason to conserve our energy.” Jonah sucked her breast.

Mason held her thighs and licked her pussy.

“I think you’ve been overruled.” Dorian kissed her lips then nipped at her other breast.

Sammie moaned. “Fine, you guys win.”

Jonah chuckled. “I think we all win.”



About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans, where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day, she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels. Cheryl can be contacted via her website:



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