Being Zolt (13 page)

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Authors: D. L. Raver

BOOK: Being Zolt
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“But I wasn’t with you. I didn’t get to share it with you.” A tear streaked down Rachel’s face and Cory brushed it away. As I watched their interaction, I finally got it; understood the depth of emotion he had for Rachel because I had the same for Irelyn.

“Yes, I wanted my best friends there, and I know Zolt wanted his brother there, as well. But too much has changed, Rachel. Chris is dead. Kenna is trapped with Marcus. Nothing is the way we imagined it would be when we dreamed of our weddings.”

“I know,” Rachel said and stared at her hands.

“Celebrating a marriage didn’t feel right given Kenna’s situation. We chose not to make a big deal, and opted to celebrate the way we feel for each other with each other. I hope you all can understand that. In the end, we’re the only two in this marriage, and I don’t regret beginning it that way.”

“We do understand,” Brody said, finally breaking his own silence and moving away from the pillar he’d been leaning against. “I just hope you did it for the right reasons and not because you felt compelled by the circumstances.”

“I’m not going to lie, Brody, Marcus played a part in this decision. I needed to make sure he understands that Irelyn is mine and he can’t harm her anymore. So, yeah, maybe we did rush into this. But Irelyn is it for me; there won’t be anyone else. Why shouldn’t I marry the only woman I love? The only woman I’ll ever love?”

“No reason at all. No reason whatsoever. Congratulations, you two.”

I sighed as I watched Brody leave the room. I knew this came from a place of love and concern for the brother who he’d gotten used to taking care of since my injury. I also knew he adored Irelyn.

Deep inside, Brody was happy for us. For so long, it had been just him and me since our mother basically became
persona non grata
in our lives. Marrying Irelyn changed that, and I could understand Brody might feel left out, though he wouldn’t admit it. Still, understanding all of this didn’t lessen the sting of his reaction.

Irelyn snuggled into me. Whether it was to comfort, to be comforted, or all of the above, I didn’t know, but I welcomed the love coming from her.

This is what it’s all about
, I thought as I kissed the top of her head.

Rachel rose from the couch and moved to us. “I’m happy for you and Zolt, I am. I just wished I could have been there when you married the man you’ve carried a torch for these past six years. Your story is crazy and romantic and it deserves a big celebration; not a quickie ceremony by yourselves without your friends and family there to celebrate.”

Irelyn left my side and pulled Rachel into a hug. “We did celebrate it. But the one thing I’ve learned, Rach, is that life throws you an interception when you least expect it. Sometimes, you get the ball back, and sometimes, you don’t. When you do have it, you have to score, because the other side will do their best to stop you.”

Rachel pulled back and narrowed her eyes at me. “Really, Irelyn, a football analogy? Only you would reduce your fairytale story to a football metaphor.”

I laughed out loud, watching the two women hug it out. I loved that Irelyn’s brain worked in terms of football. And I loved that, because of her, I might not always hate the game I used to love.

Cory came over and slapped me on the back. “Welcome to our jacked-up family, Zolt.”

I couldn’t help smiling as I nodded. We were a family of sorts, and I hoped that my brother would come around and be part of it, too.

“You and Cory will have a huge wedding, and I’ll be more than happy to help you plan it,” Irelyn said.

Cory winked at me and I had to school my features. He had the ring, and only Kenna’s situation prevented him from asking Rachel to marry him.

This all needs to be over soon; people have lives to live.

Rachel gave Irelyn a sad smile and another tear fell down Rachel’s cheek.

“No tears,” Irelyn said and brushed her friend’s tear away. “You and Cory will get your happily ever after, I promise. Zolt and I need to get ready to go to Quebec so we can make sure we all get our happily ever after.”

“Yes, you do,” T-bone said as he strolled into the room. “Wheels up in an hour and a half.”

He came over to me, shook my hand and pulled Irelyn into a big, rib-crushing hug.

“Congrats, Irelyn. You finally made Zolt into an honest man.”

Irelyn gasped at the force of T’s hug, and I grimaced.

“Hey, T, careful with my wife, you big lug. You’ll break her ribs.”

“Thanks, T.” She reached up and kissed his cheek.

“You bet. Now go pack so we can get this over with.”

I took Irelyn’s hand and led her from the great room in the direction of our bedroom.

“Do you want to talk to Brody before we leave?” she asked.

“No. We’ll talk when we come back. He needs time to sit with this. He’ll be fine once he realizes I’m exactly where I should be and it wasn’t done to hurt him.”

At least, I hoped so.

In our bedroom, we emptied our cases of the things we’d taken to Vegas and replaced them with clothes for Quebec.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked Zolt again. I cringed as I replayed Brody’s words to him.

“Fine,” he muttered.

“You know what fine means, right? Fucked up. Insecure—”

“Neurotic and emotional. I know.” He shrugged, and I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“Brody will be okay, right? I mean once he gets used to the idea?”

“He will. This is all a lot for him to take in, and he worries about my emotional health. Brody prefers for his life to be ordered with everything in its place. Obviously, nothing in our lives is that way right now. He’s always taken care of me and I’ve let him—given him leeway to guide my decisions. But it’s time for that to stop. I’m married. He’ll get used to it—he has to.”

“So, he doesn’t dislike me?” I asked, stripping out of the shirt I’d been wearing. I wanted the question to come across nonchalantly, as if I didn’t care, but truth be told, I did.

“Irelyn,” Zolt said and stopped my progress into our closet. He turned me around to face him, and his eyes dropped to my black, lacy bra; he licked his lips. “Brody adores you,” he said, slowly dragging his gaze to mine.

“His reaction has to do with me and me alone. I’m sure, by the time we come home from Quebec, he’ll be his normal self.”

“Okay,” I said, hoping he was right. The last thing I wanted was for Zolt and Brody to be at odds because of me.

“I promise.” Zolt kissed me sweetly. “I also promise that if you don’t put a shirt on in the next minute, I’m going to decide to throw you on the bed and fuck you, and I won’t care if T bangs on the door the entire time.”

“Oh.” I giggled and glanced at the bed, considering his threat.

“Irelyn,” Zolt growled and reached out for me.

Still giggling, I dodged his advance and ran into the closet. As I picked through my clothes, searching for a warmer shirt, I stopped and took a beat. In less than a month, my life had totally changed. It was enough to make a girl’s head spin right off her shoulders. Shit, even this closet had changed when Zolt decided to make room for me in his life. I couldn’t help but worry this might all become too much for him. I came with a ton of baggage, and combined with his, we were a huge mess. Maybe this was the reason for Brody’s reticence.

“Irelyn?” Zolt put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. “Don’t fret over this.”

“It’s hard not to.” I turned around and kissed him. “And I was thinking about all the changes we’ve been through in such a short time.”

“You’re worried it’s too much for me, aren’t you?” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “For better or worse, remember? Or have you forgotten our vows so soon?”

“Our vows didn’t say that.”

“Implied, baby. Implied. Are you wanting out on a technicality, Mrs. Hamil?”

“No, not at all. But this is a lot. I’m mean, it’s a lot for me, and I have no choice but to deal with this. You don’t, Zolt. Honestly, I wouldn’t bl—”

Zolt’s mouth on mine stole the rest of my words. In his kiss was a reaffirmation of what our vows had said: he would hold me close and prize me above all others, the “in good and bad times” implied.

When he pulled away, we were both breathless. “Never do that again, Irelyn. I went into this with my eyes open. Don’t let Brody’s reaction make you question that. I love you, Irelyn Hamil. Today. Tomorrow. One hundred years from now. You are my seraph. My angel. Nothing will change that. Nothing.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest; my most favorite place to be.

Zolt rested his chin on my head and sighed contentedly. We stayed like that for a few minutes before we both let go.

“Once we’re on the other side of this, we’ll go away. Anywhere you want for as long as you want,” he said, cupping my face.

“Mmm. A honeymoon. I’d like that. Somewhere tropical so I can admire you shirtless.”

“A private beach so we can fuck whenever we want.”

I laughed. “Geez, Zolt. Is that all you think about?”

“Um, yeah. Have you seen my wife? She’s hot. But if she doesn’t get her ass in gear, T-bone is going to come in here and start barking at us. So, move it, Blondie.” He slapped my ass then left the closet. I had a big smile on my face as I pulled clothes from the hangers. Maybe this would be okay after all.

We flew the same private jet we’d flown to Vegas, only this time T-bone and another man named Grant came with us. We’d been in the air for about an hour, and I felt restless. We’d discussed the evidence Chris had left on the car stereo and how we planned to confront my father. I needed all the bravery I could muster, but even then I wondered if it was enough.

All of this made me antsy, and I needed an outlet. How T-bone and Grant could be so calm—both of them relaxing with their eyes closed, listening to music—I didn’t know.

I glanced over at Zolt, who read on his tablet. His long legs were stretched out in front of him, and I let my gaze travel over them to the bulge in his pants then up to his gorgeous face. I bit my lip thinking about how much I’d love to take him in my mouth and pleasure him. It made me squirm just thinking about it, and I felt my panties grow damp.

Zolt glanced over at me, brow arched.

I abandoned my tablet next to me on the bench seat we sat on and closed the short distance between us, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Book not doing it for you?” he asked as he set his own tablet aside.

“Nope.” I licked my top lip.

“Irelyn?” He drew out my name and gave me a wicked grin that told me he knew exactly what I thought.

I put my arm around his neck and pulled his head close enough for him to hear me whisper.

“I really want to suck you off. How about initiating me to the Mile-High Club?”

Zolt shivered and swallowed hard. He glanced at T and Grant. “Yes,” he said and pulled me to my feet. “Far be it from me to deny you.”

We walked silently to the back of the plane where the bedroom and en suite bathroom were located.

I went into the room and Zolt closed the door, locking it.

Before I could make a move, he pushed me against the door and kissed me, his tongue greedily ravaging mine. He seemed to know how much I needed him to stop the maelstrom in my mind.

I broke the kiss and pushed him back from me. Raking my hands over his chest, I dropped to my knees and stared up at him through my lashes. Flicking my tongue over my lips, I undid his jeans. As normal, Zolt had gone commando, making it easy to free his erection.

He stepped away from me, and I let go as he toed off his shoes and kicked off his jeans.

God, he was sexy as hell standing before me naked with only socks donning that gorgeous body of his.

With a crooked index finger, Zolt moved closer to me, closing in the distance left from him stripping off his clothes.

I breathed in his musky Zolt smell.

“Mmm,” I said and licked the head of his impressive cock, squirming at the thought of sucking my husband off. Then, I leaned down and placed a kiss on the scar on his leg, loving that part of him as much as I loved the rest.

Placing my lips over his engorged head, I moistened his incredible erection. With light grazes, I ran my teeth up and down his length while I moved my hand up and down him.

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