Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4) (7 page)

BOOK: Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)
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The sound of a door
closing made Dante glance back. L looked around Dante, spotting Jade entering
the lounge with two bags of alcohol.

Jade stopped, his eyes
going between L and Dante. “What’s happening here?”

Dante pointed at L. “Beth sent in a
honey-trap to see if I’d cheat.”

“She did no such thing. That’s Llewellyn
Davies, the guitarist I told you about from Wales.”

Dante’s head snapped around to L, his
eyes running up and down him again, then settling on his hair. “Shit,” he said,
his eyes widening. He reached out and touched it, lifting it up like it was
something amazing. “You really a bloke?”

L nodded, his heart racing too fast to
mention he was intersex.

Dante let go of L’s hair, then cocked
his head to the side, looking like he was studying L’s features. “Are you the
Llewellyn who wuz friends with my brother Ash in high school?”


A smile lit up Dante’s face. “You’re the
first male I kissed.”

Jade started coughing.

Dante glanced over his shoulder. “I
didn’t realise he wuz a guy, so I kissed him. Unlike you, Llewellyn made me

“Dante!” Jade shouted, his face turning
an angry red.

Dante turned back to L. “Do you still wear
Cherry Chapstick?”

L stared at him, shocked he’d remembered.

Without waiting for an answer, Dante
grabbed L’s face and kissed him, stealing his breath away. Letting go, Dante
pulled back with a grin. “It
you, Cherry.”

Jade grabbed Dante’s arm and yanked him
back. “Go get dressed,” he snapped.

“Why?” Dante said. “You like me like

“We have a guest.”

“Well, you should be telling Cherry to
get dressed too, cos at least I have pants on.”

Jade’s angry gaze moved to L, the fire
in them threatening to burn him to a cinder.

L winced. “I left my pants in my suitcase,
which is downstairs,” he said, willing himself not to look at Dante, although
it was almost impossible, the man incredible-looking.

“Then get dressed.” Jade tugged on
Dante’s arm again. “You too.”

“’Kay, ’kay, bossy-boots man.” Dante
blew L a kiss like Kara had. “Bye, bye, gorgeous,” he said, then turned and
headed out of the lounge, taking the stairs three at a time.

L stared after him in shock, still
stunned by the kiss.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jade
snapped, pulling L’s attention back to him. “I told you he was my boyfriend,
yet the first opportunity you get, you’re kissing him.”

“I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me.”

Jade pointed at L’s legs. “You’re not
wearing any pants.”

“I told you I left them down here.” L
moved to his suitcase, searching through it for a clean pair. He found some and
quickly pulled them on. “I’m sorry, Jade,” he said, zipping them up. “I didn’t
mean to upset you. You know I don’t kiss people.”

Jade dropped his glare, guilt replacing
it. “Yeah, I’m sorry too. It’s just that Dante’s a sex addict and seeing him
standing over you with the both of you half-undressed...” He breathed out. “I
thought you two had had sex.”

L shook his head. “I don’t have sex, you
know that.”

Jade smiled sadly. “True, but my brain
stops working when Dante’s around. Now, let me make it up to you by getting you
a nice sherry.”

As Jade went to get the glasses, L
touched his lips, Dante’s kiss making him feel good, like it had the first




Saul raised a hand to knock on Beth’s
door, then lowered it, knowing he was going to make matters worse by speaking
to her. He wished Sarah hadn’t been busy, otherwise he would’ve gotten her to deal
with Beth.
He turned, chastising himself for coming, especially after
what he’d done to her. He was just grateful she hadn’t laid any charges against
him, and there was no way he was pushing his luck, which meant that Sarah needed
to cover for him once she’d finished her duties.

He headed for his car, stopping as a dark
Holden pulled up across from Beth’s small house. His eyes narrowed as the
driver’s window wound down, the man behind the wheel saluting him. He instantly
recognised Morris—the thug Ant had mentioned. Morris was a big bruiser with a
face that even a mother couldn’t love. He had a shaved head, a few gold teeth,
and a nose that had been broken so many times it was amazing he could breathe through

Saul went to go to Morris, wanting to
lay down the law, because there was no way he was allowing the violent prick to
go anywhere near Beth. Like his cousin, Big Mack, Morris had no qualms with
hitting women, the bastard having recently gotten out of prison for domestic

Saul stopped in midstride at the sound
of Beth’s door opening. He turned, finding Beth’s cousin standing in the
doorway, holding a bag, looking like she was on her way out. Josie was dressed
in a miniskirt and a tight tank top, with big, stylised lips printed across it.
Her own lips were painted a shiny red, while her eyes were rimmed with a smoky
grey liner, giving her a sex kitten look.

A smile spread across her face, her
hazel eyes lighting up. “Hello! What are you doin’ here?” she said, smoothing
her hair down. It was a red brown, with long wavy curls, which cascaded over
her pale shoulders, her tank top’s straps spaghetti thin.

“I ... I was going to talk to Beth about
the Torres case,” Saul said, again regretting coming.

“Sorry, she’s at an appointment, but I
can text her to come home.” Josie pulled out a bright pink phone from her bag.

Not wanting that, Saul strode up to her
and placed a hand over hers. “No, that’s fine, it’s not urgent. You don’t even
have to tell her I was here.”

Josie inhaled sharply at his touch.

Saul removed his hand. “I’ll get another
officer to come over when she’s back.”

“Why bother? You’re already here.” Josie
gave him a flirty smile. “I’ll keep you company while you wait for her.” She
ran a hand down his arm, batting her eyelashes at him.

“Weren’t you just leaving?” Saul said,
the woman as subtle as a sledgehammer.

“I wuz only gonna meet up with some
friends at the pub.” Her smile widened. “Actually, why don’t you come along? Afterwards,
we can come back here and you can have that chat with Beth. She’ll be a while, so
there’s no rush.”

“I can’t go to the pub; I’m on the job.”

“No worries, by the time we get there
it’ll be almost evening.”


“Will come with me.” She locked the front
door and hooked her arm through his. “Cos you really look like you needa have
some fun.” She squeezed his bicep. “You’re wound up tighter than a spring. I’ll
have you loosened up by the end of the night.”

He went to pull free, but stopped, his
gaze moving to the thug in the car. Morris’s eyes were locked onto Josie, the
man licking his lips.

Saul tightened his grip on Josie. “Okay,
you’ve convinced me,” he said, wanting the woman away from the house.

She bounced on her heels. “Then it’s a
date!” she squealed, sounding like a teenager.

He led her to his car. “How old are

“It’s rude to ask a lady that.” She
pulled free and climbed into the front passenger seat.

He leaned his forearms on the car’s roof
and peered down at her. “We’re not leaving until you tell me.”

“I’m twenty-one. Why? How old didja
think I wuz?”

“Early twenties.”

“Then why didja ask?”

“I was being careful. Some teenagers
look older than they are.”

“Well, you have no worries with me.” She
clicked on her seatbelt. “How old are you?”


“I’ll be the judge of that, so spit it

“I’m thirty-eight.”

“That’s not old.” She pulled her door
shut, not giving him a chance to reply.

 He walked around the back of the car,
feeling like a dirty old man taking her out, but then again, it wasn’t a date—it
was work.

His eyes moved back to Morris, who was
making a cock-sucking motion at him. Saul jerked his thumb for the man to leave.
Smiling, Morris leaned back in his seat, looking like he was in for the long

“Saul!” Josie called out.

Saul walked around to the driver’s side
and opened the door. “What time will Beth be home? I have to call another
officer to speak with her,” he said, needing to arrange for Beth to be protected.

“I told ja, you can talk to her when we get

“I’d still prefer to know the time.”

“Around seven.”

“Okay, just wait a moment while I call a

“Don’t take too long, cos I’m gonna give
you a wild night, baby.”

“I’m sure you will.” He turned and went to
the boot of the car. Keeping an eye on the thug, he dialled Sarah’s number, knowing
she would get someone over fast.

As soon as Sarah answered, Saul gave her
a quick rundown of the situation.

“I’ve finished up quicker than expected,”
she said. “So, I can come over now.”

“Bring your partner.”

“I thought you were supposed to partner
up with me tonight.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be at the
pub, and I don’t want you dealing with Morris on your own.” He glanced back to
make sure Josie wasn’t listening. Not seeing her, he continued, “He’s a woman

“You know I’m more than capable of
taking care of myself. If he tries anything, he’ll be seeing stars.”

“Don’t underestimate him. Ant originally
hired him as an underground MMA fighter. He rarely lost a fight; he even bit a
man’s nose off in one match.”

“Christ! Okay, I’ll ask Liam to come.
See you later.” She hung up.

Saul pocketed his phone and hopped into
the driver’s side.

Smiling, Josie placed a hand on his lap.
“I forgot to thank you for saving my cousins from those horrible men.”

“It was nothing.” Saul fired up the
engine and backed out.

“It wuzn’t nuthin’, you’re a hero.” She
squeezed his leg.

Not feeling like one, Saul swung the car
around and drove past Morris.

Josie ran her hand up his leg, stopping
close to his crotch. “You’re lucky that Beth wuzn’t home, cos I’m much more fun
than her. All she cares ’bout nowadays is her man-whore of a boyfriend.”

“I’m only interested in Beth in regards
to the case.”

“Don’t play me, there’s sumpthin’ goin’
on between you two, I know it.” She tapped her head. “I can sense these things,
but if you know what’s good for you, stay away from her. She’s not worth your
time, cos she’s a cheat. Whereas me,” she ran her hand over his cock, “I’m a
one-man kind of girl,” she said, giving it a squeeze.

Inhaling sharply, he slammed his foot on
the brake. Josie jerked forward, letting go of his cock.

He breathed out. “Don’t do that again.”

“Sorry,” she replied. “I thought you
might like it.”

“Not that hard and
while I’m driving. Also, ask before you touch,” he said, his mind going to Beth.
He hadn’t asked her, had just taken what he’d wanted.

“Sorry,” Josie said again. “I didn’t
meana upset you.”

He resumed driving. “I’m fine, just
don’t do it again.”

She slumped in her seat. “Then take me

He glanced at her. “What about the pub?”

“It’ll be full of my slapper friends,
who will swarm all over you like ants on honey if they think you’re not interested
in me.”

“Who said I’m not interested?” he asked,
knowing he couldn’t take her home with Morris hanging around.

She sat up straight. “You like me?”

“Yeah, you seem nice enough.”

“No, I mean, do you

He glanced at her again, wondering
whether the woman had low self esteem. “If you’re asking if I think you’re
attractive, yes you are.”

Grinning, she placed her hand on his leg
again. He looked down at it. She whipped her hand back. “Sorry, I lose all sense
when I’m with hot men, and you’re totally drool-worthy. I can’t believe I’m
even sittin’ next to you; it’s like sittin’ next to The Rock. Do ya know you
look a bit like him? Are you Samoan or Tongan?”

“Half Samoan and half Irish.”

“I’m half Irish too!” She bounced in her
seat. “Though, you totally don’t look Irish, not even an itsy bit.” She touched
his cheek. “You have a lovely complexion, like caramel. It makes me wanna lick
your face to see if you taste like it.” She giggled. “I’m joking of course,
well, sort of, cos I really do wanna lick you all over. You’re totally
scrumptious-looking. Hope you don’t mind me sayin’ it. Actually, why would you?
It’s totally a compliment, like a major one, cos I’ve only ever wanted to lick
one other guy and he turned out to be a nasty ho bag. Actually, I would’ve
licked his brother too, cos Ash looks just like Dante.”

Saul laughed, now finding Josie amusing.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re cute as a button.”

She scowled. “I’m not cute, I’m sexy.”
She cupped her tits. “Cute is a B cup and I’m totally a double-D.”

He laughed again.

“Stop laughing at me! I’m bein’ serious.”

He patted her lap. “Calm down, you’re
the first one to make me laugh in a long time. Take it as a compliment.”

Her scowl dropped. “Really?”


“Then my job tonight is to make you
laugh more than you ever have before.” All of a sudden, her head snapped
around, her eyes locking onto something. She pointed at the windscreen. “McDonalds!”
Her eyes shot to him. “Can we have some?”

“Sure,” he said, again thinking she was
acting more like a teenager than a twenty-something. She bounced in her seat,
clapping her hands, proving his point.

“I wanna Big Mac with no onions,” she
said, “cos onions stink and I wanna kiss you. I also wanna strawberry shake as
well as a sundae; make that strawberry too... Ooh, ooh, ooh, and we hafta get
some fries with loads of tomato sauce, cos I
tomato sauce. Fries
are yuck without it...”

Saul laughed again, for once forgetting
about work.

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