Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4) (26 page)

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Corey’s eyes shot to Sledge too. “Stop
laughing, you prick! And you hate Tama for threatening me.”

Sledge stopped laughing instantly. “He
did what?!”

Tama held out his hands. “It wuz a
misunderstanding; an empty threat. You know I say shit all the time, I didn’t
mean anything by it. Hell, I’ve even threatened you and you just punch my face,
then forgive me. And I would never hurt Corey, I don’t hit girls.”

“Arsehole!” Corey yelled. “And he just
threatened to rape my mum and sister.”

“I did not!” Tama yelled back. “You’re
just sayin’ that to make Sledge hate me. I would never hurt Mrs. Connor, plus
Beth’s like a sister to me.”

“You lying bastard, you just said—”

Tama pointed at Corey. “He’s spewing
shit cos he’s a selfish bastard, who refuses to share you with me.”

Sledge frowned. “You’re kidding?”

“No, he wants to hog you all to himself.”

Sledge’s eyes lowered down Tama, then
moved back up again. “Nah, I wouldn’t go with you, you’re not my type.”

“What do ya mean?”

“You’re not cute or pretty. I wouldn’t fuck

Tama jerked back. “I ain’t no fag!”

“Then why didja say Corey wouldn’t share

“We’re mates!” Tama screwed up his face.
“Don’t ever say shit like that to me again. It’s one thing you fuck Corey, but
don’t drag me into your gay shit.”

“It’s your fault for making me believe
we were a couple.”

“I did not! I said we were like bros,
not fudge packers.”

“What the hell has fudge packers gotta
do with fucking?”

“Eh? Are you high?”

“No, he doesn’t understand a lot of
words now,” Corey cut in. “The bullet damaged that part of his brain.”

Tama snapped his attention back to
Sledge. “You were shot?”

Sledge tapped the left side of head. “Yup,
right here. Though, they got it out.”

“You’re fuckin’ with me!”

“No, I already said I don’t wanna fuck

“I didn’t mean it literally; I meant
you’re pulling my leg.”

“You’re still not making sense, man.”

“Whatever. When didja get shot?”

“Last month. It wuz at my bros’ boss’s


“Yeah, his son did it. He kidnapped
Corey. I went to get him back.”

Tama looked over his shoulder at Corey.
“Why would anyone wanna kidnap the Powerpuff girl?”

Corey flicked him the finger.

“Craven’s son has the hots for Corey,”
Sledge answered.

“God, you fags are everywhere.”

Corey waved his crutch at Tama. “Fuck
off if you don’t like gays.”

“Nah, I just don’t like you, but I love
my bro Sledge.” He turned back to Sledge. “And like I said, I’ll pretend to
like your ho if it means we can be mates again.”

“I’m not a ho!” Corey’s gaze snapped to
Sledge. “And you hate him. He’s a convicted rapist, who’s escaped from jail.”

Sledge laughed. “Is this a joke? Cos
that sounds like bullshit.”

“It is,” Tama cut in. “I wuz framed.”

“You were not,” Corey said.

“Wuz so. The chick I boned cheated on
her husband, which wuz why she cried rape.”

“You’re such a fuckin’ liar,” Corey
spat. “And I’m calling the cops.”

Tama rushed over, snatching the phone
off the side table before Corey could pick it up. “All I’m ’ere for is to see
how Sledge is doin’, so stop causing trouble.”

“As soon as you leave, I’m gonna phone
the cops and tell them you were here.”

“Do as you please, I’ll be long gone.” He
turned back to Sledge. “So, mate, you wanna hang out some time? I’ve found a
safe house to stay at, it’s real cool. I’ve got a massive mother of a TV and
loads of Xbox and PlayStation stuff. Got it real cheap.” Sniggering, he lifted
his hand and waggled his fingers. “With a five finger discount.”

“Which means he stole them,” Corey said,
shaking his head.

Tama shrugged. “Sledge has nuthin’
against stealing, he used to be my partner in crime. Didn’t cha, mate.”

“Can’t remember,” Sledge said. “And I
don’t think I should see you again if my babe doesn’t like you.”

Tama screwed up his face. “Your
Shit, the Sledge I knew wouldn’t speak like that, he’d say slut, cock-bag, or

“He only said that shit cos of you,”
Corey cut in. “You were a bad influence on him.”

“What are you?” Tama said. “His fuckin’ mother?”

“His mother’s dead, so don’t be

“So is mine, douchebag.” Tama refocused
on Sledge. “Look, how ’bout I catcha later when your girlfriend is out.”

“I’m not a girl!” Corey yelled.

“Keep telling yourself that.” Tama
walked up to Sledge and patted him on the shoulder. “Take care, mate. I’ll call
ya tomorrow, and see if you wanna come to my bat cave. Honestly, it’s real
cool, man. Actually, I’ll wire a car and pick you up. We can smoke some pot and
play some Xbox, like old times.”

“He’s not goin’,” Corey said.

Tama flicked Corey the finger. “Eat
shit, pussy. It’s bros before hoes.” He turned and headed for the door,
stopping as it opened.




Beth stood in the doorway, shocked to
see Tama. He was one of her oldest brother’s friends, a right cutie pie when he
was little. But now he was eighteen and a convicted rapist, with a huge tattoo
covering his shaved head. At first, she hadn’t believed he was guilty, but
after seeing the victim’s husband, she knew it was true. It made her think of how
Saul had tried to rape her. Jess Daniels would’ve felt the same way, terrified
and helpless. No, she would’ve felt worse, because Tama had gone through with
the rape. Jess had been pregnant too, like Beth was now, the parallels
shockingly similar.

“Hi, Beth,” Tama said, as though he’d
done nothing wrong.

“Get out!” she screamed.

Tama jerked back. “Beth?”

“Don’t Beth me, get out and don’t come

Tama’s face dropped. “Don’t be like
that; you’re like a big sis to me.”

“You’re not my brother! None of my
brothers would rape anyone.”

“I didn’t rape Jess.”

“Liar! I know what it’s like to be sexually
assaulted and it’s not an easy thing to admit to, so get the hell outta my
sight before I call the police. I don’t ever wanna see you again!”

“I’ll leave, but I still didn’t do it.”
He glanced over his shoulder at Sledge. “You gotta believe me, bro, I don’t
needa force chicks, they love me.” He turned back to Beth. “And I’ll prove it.”

“If you’re thinking ’bout goin’ near
Jess, think again, cos Nike will put you in a coffin. He’s a killer now.”

Tama’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re dicking
with me?”

“No, he killed Craven and said you’re
next on his hit list.”

“You’re definitely fucking with me now.”

“Believe what you want, I don’t care.
All I care ’bout is you leaving, and never having to see your rapist face

He grimaced at her. “You’re a right
bitch. And to think I thought you were all right. You’re just like Corey,
believing whatever shit people spew ’bout me. Well, fuck you; I only have time
for Sledge.” He glanced back at Sledge. “Don’t believe her shit, it ain’t true.
I’ll catcha later, bro.” He saluted Sledge, then disappeared through the

Beth locked the door behind him, the
shock at seeing Tama unsettling her even more.

“You all right, Beth?” Sledge asked.

She shook her head and looked over at
Corey, her brother now sitting on the couch. “Where’s Mum, Corey, I needa talk
to her.” She needed more than her dad right now, Ash having shattered her. All
that time she’d spent with him had been a complete waste, and now she was
pregnant with his baby, a baby that should’ve been Dante’s. To have a baby with
a man who hated her—it was cutting her up.

Corey grimaced at her. “Mum doesn’t
wanna see you. She wuz just pretending to be nice to you last night so Dad
didn’t ask questions.”

“Mum’s not like that, she’s too nice to
hold grudges.”

“Well, I’m not, so get lost, you don’t
live ’ere anymore.”

“Yes, I do,” Beth said, willing herself
not to cry. “Mum said I can stay in Naf’s room until I get things sorted with

“Then sort it out quick, cos I can’t
live with you after what you said.”

“What did she say?” Sledge asked.

“That our relationship is disgusting.”

Beth looked at Sledge, still unable to
comprehend how he could have a sexual relationship with her little brother.
“Are you really Corey’s boyfriend?”

“Yeah, I fucked him earlier.”

“Sledge!” Corey yelled. “You said you’d
think before speaking. Mum told you not to say shit like that. We’ve been over
this enough times.”

“Fuck! I might as well just not speak.”
Sledge swivelled the wheelchair around and rolled himself into the passageway,
disappearing from sight.

Corey’s eyes snapped to Beth. “Look what
you did, you upset him.”

“You did that, not me.”

“Just leave.”

“No, I’m stayin’.” She walked over to
the couch.

Corey grabbed the magazines off the
coffee table and threw them over the couch.


“If you’re not gonna leave, go to Naf’s
room—where I can’t see you.”

“You’re horrible.” Beth wiped her face.
“And I don’t need you ragging on me too; I just got ripped into by Ash.”

“Which you deserve for cheating on him.”

“I don’t deserve to be belittled!”

“Gettin’ a taste of your own medicine,
eh? Doesn’t feel so good, does it?”

“I didn’t belittle you.”

“Yes, you did! You put down my
relationship with Sledge cos we’re both guys. But you, you go and cheat on Ash
with his brother, and worse, get pregnant by him.”

“The baby’s not Ash’s!”

“I didn’t say it wuz.” Corey frowned.
“Actually, how can you know for sure it isn’t? You fucked them both.”

“Cos I didn’t use protection with
Dante,” she said, upset Corey had thought of that.

“Then why are you so upset and why are
you visiting Ash? He hates you.”

“I’m upset cos everyone’s attacking me:
you, Ash, Josie—”

“Why’s Josie attacking you?”

“She’s not now, she apologised for bein’

“What for?”

“For sumpthin’ she should never have
questioned me on, and I don’t needa explain myself when you think I’m a crap
sister after all I’ve done for you.” She turned and headed down the passageway
for her old room, intending on kicking Sledge into Naf’s room. She wanted to
pretend she was a kid again, when she had nothing to worry about, other than
doing her homework and chores.

She opened her door, stopping at the
sight of Sledge lying on her bed. He was facing the wall. His back was shaking,
making it look like he was crying.

Surprised, Beth stared at him. He was
the tough kid brother of Ash and Dante, the boy who was always staunch, the one
who had saved Corey from Ant Torres, the big, muscular guy who feared no one
but his oldest brother ... and he was crying?

“Sledge?” she said, stepping inside the
room. “You all right?”

He shook his head, not turning around to
face her.

She closed the door and sat down next to
him. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not me.”

“What do ya mean?”

“I say all the wrong things, things I
wouldn’t have said before I wuz shot. I’m not the same person I wuz. Corey is
always gettin’ mad at me cos of it.”

“Corey shouldn’t do that.”

“Well, he does.” Sledge turned over, his
eyes red and watery. “I’m always worrying that I’m gonna say sumpthin’ wrong round
him, cos we do nuthin’ but fight now. I’m scared he’s gonna leave me cos I’m
not the same.”

Beth frowned, not sure whether she was
comfortable with the conversation.

“And when I think I say sumpthin’
right,” Sledge continued, “he tells me it’s wrong, like when I said he could
fuck me cos he wanted to.”

Beth shot up. “I don’t wanna hear that.”

Sledge’s face twisted more. “See! I
can’t say anything right.” He covered his face, his hand shaking.

“Don’t cry, I didn’t meana upset you.
You just hafta understand not to say bad things like that.”

Sledge lowered his hand. “Why is it bad?
Is that why Corey wuz angry at me?”

“I don’t know why he wuz angry, just that
what you said wuz wrong.” She sat back down and took hold of Sledge’s hand.
“You shouldn’t be doin’ stuff like that with Corey, he should just be your
friend, nuthin’ more.”


“Cos it’s a sin for males to be together

Sledge frowned. “Why? I love him, he
loves me, well, I’m not sure ’bout the last part, but I love him more than

“Which is fine, but only as friends. And
if Corey tries to say differently,

“Is that why those people at the
hospital looked at me and Corey as though we were disgusting for kissing?”

“Most likely.”

“But I thought it wuz all right to kiss and
have sex with him. He said it’s natural, that there’s nuthin’ wrong with it.”

“My brother says things to get what he
wants,” Beth said, now concerned Corey was taking advantage of Sledge’s
condition, Sledge believing things without questioning them. “Is he pressuring
you to do stuff you don’t want to do?”

“No, I want it just as much as he does.
What should I do?”

“Tell Corey that you should just be

“But I want more from him. He’s so cute.
I like having sex with him, no, I love it.”

“Well, you shouldn’t.” She squeezed his
hand. “You should come to church with me. My priest will make you understand,
he’ll help you.”

“But what will Corey say?”

“If he loves you, then he’ll understand.
You should be with a woman, not Corey. You can’t marry a guy.”

“Corey said we can in Spain.”

“This isn’t Spain, so get that thought
outta your head. Just promise me you’ll make Corey stop treating you like a

“But, I don’t want to.”

“Sledge, you hafta, it’s the right thing
to do. Plus, you got that blonde girl pregnant. You should be with her, not

“What blonde girl?”

“Don’t you remember Stella?”

Sledge shook his head.

“Didn’t she visit you at all?”

“No, only Corey, your mum, Solomon, and
my family visited. I’m gonna be a dad?”

“Yes. Do ya want me to contact her for
you? I know she’s not your girlfriend, but she could be if you weren’t with
Corey. You can marry her and be with your baby. After all, you need to take
responsibility for your actions.”

Letting go of Beth’s hand, Sledge pushed
up into a sitting position. “Corey didn’t tell me ’bout her.”

“Cos he’s selfish. He wants to keep you
to himself. But you have a right to be with your child.”

“Has she had the baby yet?”

“No, but she’s more pregnant than me. I
saw her in the mall the other day.”

“Do you have her number?”

“No, but I can get it for you. Actually,
I’ll call and tell her you’re now staying here.”

“Thanks. It’ll be cool to have a kid. I
want a boy, so I can make his life fun, unlike what my dad did for me. He
really wuz a shit dad.” Sledge’s eyes widened. “Hey! I remember him now. He
pretended to be my cousin while Ash and Dante’s parents looked after me and my
sis.” His face fell. “That means Ash and Dante aren’t my real brothers, only my
cousins.” His face dropped further, Sledge looking devastated.

Beth took hold of his hand again. “No,
your brothers, maybe not by blood, but in heart. Dante would be
upset if he heard you say differently. He loves you a lot.”

Sledge remained silent, his memory
obviously hurting him.

Beth squeezed his hand. “Dante and Ash
love you, so don’t take this memory so hard. If you want, I’ll see if Dante can
visit when he’s feeling better.”

“Why? What’s wrong with him?”

“He banged his head,” Beth said, not
wanting to alarm Sledge.

“Okay, when he’s better, get him to come
here. I miss him. He hasn’t visited me for a while.”

“Sure, and do you wanna come with me to

“Am I religious?”

“You could be, plus the priest at my
parish is really nice.”


She smiled at him. “Good, and remember,
if Corey asks for anything vile, tell him you two should just be friends.”

Sledge breathed out. “I don’t know if I
can, I love him too much.”

“Just try for me, will you? It’s the
right thing to do.”

“I can try; I just don’t understand why
it’s so wrong to want him.”

“Cos it’s against God’s law, so try your
best to resist him.”

Sledge frowned. “Will it make us

“Maybe not at first, but in the long run
it’s for the best.”

“Okay, I’ll try, and thanks for lettin’
me have your room. Sorry ’bout what I did to your toy, Corey told me to.”

“What toy?”

Sledge looked around the room. “Hey!
Where’s it gone?”

She patted his arm. “Don’t worry ’bout


“You’re welcome.” She leaned over and
gave him a hug.

He hugged her back.

Beth kissed his head, thinking Sledge
had become a lot sweeter since he’d been shot. “How ’bout you get some sleep,
you look tired.”

Sledge nodded. “I do feel tired. My
medication is shit.”

“Then sleep. You’ll feel better for it.”
She pushed to her feet and went for the door, opening it.

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