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Authors: Natasha Walker

Beginnings (18 page)

BOOK: Beginnings
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He knew! He knew! The slightest movement of his eyebrow said as clearly as speech,
You’ve been wicked

She could hide nothing from Paul. He reached around her and grabbed her backside and drew her to him. He knew what she wanted. He knew how she wanted it. He had been here many times before. He accepted his role.

He spun her around and bit down on her neck. She pushed her butt into his crotch. He thrust his hand down the front of her jeans. His fingers found her waiting for him. She ground against him.

Emma was pushed against the wall. He
unbuttoned her and drew down her jeans. She reached around and fumbled with his fly. Impatient, he moved her hand aside and released himself. Tearing down her G-string with one hand he gripped himself with the other.

‘You’re a very bad girl, Emma,’ he said as he entered her.

After Paul had gone Emma had a very hot bath. She lay back and turned on the bubbles. Paul’s visit had settled it. She was never going back. She loved David, but she was never going to be entirely his. She would have to lie to him. She would have to deceive. To do otherwise was to deceive herself. In an hour or so Jason would walk through the back door and she would lead him to her marriage bed. She would. Jason adored her. He had come so far in such a short time. The way he had taken her again and again in the early hours of the morning … this was not the boy who had jumped over the fence. Emma knew she was responsible for this change. And now he would come to her and show yet another side to himself. Even with all her experience with men she realised she had no idea what this might be.

It was now almost five and Jason had not arrived. Emma lounged on the day bed on her balcony. She wrapped a blanket around her and tried his mobile again. It went straight to messages. She cancelled the call.

It hadn’t crossed her mind that he wouldn’t turn up. She was shocked. She couldn’t help but feel hurt. She tried to remember what he had said when he left her at dawn. She had been exhausted, she remembered. She couldn’t recall what he had said. She did recall that he had been willing to go on. She had said no. The temperature had plummeted and they had been wrapped in the blankets. At her no, he had stood in naked perfection. He had raised his arms in the blue light of dawn, stretching out towards the sky, and would have roared like some beast had it been possible. He looked like a conqueror. Even then, after hours of fucking, his cock seemed unwilling to expire. It hung thick, caught between two worlds.

He had then reached down, taking her hand, and pulled her upright. It was he who had led her to the back door and had sent her off to bed. She had locked the back door and watched him as he had picked up his clothes and walked, still nude, towards the side passage.

He hadn’t said he would come to her the following afternoon, she now remembered. But she had assumed he would.

As daylight waned and her patience ended she decided to raise herself from disappointment. She had nothing in the house for dinner. She would head up to the shops.

After parking illegally in the evening rush hour she’d walked briskly to the supermarket and on arrival had realised she had no desire to cook or to shop or to even breathe.

Jason had followed Emma in, making sure she did not see him. The mini-market was deep and narrow with only three poorly lit aisles stacked to the high ceiling with boxes atop of the shelves. Lines of disgruntled shoppers stood waiting their turn at the checkout, juggling necessary and unnecessary items in their arms.

Jason watched from just inside the door as Emma negotiated her way through them, lifting a basket from the stack as she went. He passed by the checkout counters and hovered at the end of the first aisle to see how far Emma intended to go.

He now knew what he wanted to do to her. The skirt she was wearing had been his inspiration.

Jason followed her as she made her way to the very back of the mini-market. Rounding the corner he found Emma at the freezers holding one of the doors open. Her back was to him. He could hear people around the corner. Would Mrs Emma Benson approve of any public display of affection? There was no time to reason it out.

Emma was having trouble deciding what she wanted. One of the checkout girls had looked a lot like Jason’s Jess. And this had started Emma thinking about her. Jason would go to Jess with all that she had taught him. It was unavoidable. It was even possible he did so this afternoon. This thought was painful to Emma. It tasted bitter. Would he do such a thing? And then she remembered how he had taken her that morning. He had exulted in his newborn powers.

These thoughts were interrupted. While looking for frozen peas she felt her skirt rise and then felt a warm hand smooth swiftly along her thigh before coming to rest between her slightly parted legs.

She spun around quickly, ready to hit out at her attacker but found Jason in his school uniform staring at her with a frightened expression.

‘Fucking hell, Jason!’ She started hitting his chest with open palms. ‘What the fuck!’

Jason was devastated by this reaction. He took a few steps backwards. A man came around the corner and walked between them. He eyed both with interest before moving on.

‘Have you gone mad?’ whispered Emma. ‘What the hell are you thinking? You scared the crap out of me.’

‘I couldn’t help it,’ said Jason truthfully.

‘Oh, Jesus.’ Emma picked up the basket she had placed on the floor. ‘I can’t be seen with you. This is insane. You have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘I’m not going.’ He stepped closer to her, his confidence returning. What right had she to dismiss him?

‘Go, before somebody sees us.’

‘I’ll go if you do something for me.’

A middle-aged woman rounded the corner. Emma knew her face. She worked in the bank. She opened the freezer door beside Emma. They both waited until she had moved on.

‘Why didn’t you come this afternoon?’

‘Got detention for swearing at a teacher,’ he lied. ‘Let me touch you.’

‘No!’ she said.

‘Yes,’ he said, coming even closer. He took hold of the hem of her skirt. Anyone rounding the corner now would have no doubt what was going on.

‘Not here.’

‘Yes, here.’

‘No, Jason.’

‘Then give me something. Give me your undies. Take them off for me.’

Emma couldn’t think. He was exciting her. She pulled the skirt from his fingers.

‘I’m not going until you give them to me.’

‘Will you come to me tonight?’

‘I could take you here and now. It’s all I want to do from now on.’

Emma hesitated. She wanted to give them to him. She was trembling. She could hear voices. A group of teenage girls rounded the corner. They were chatting loudly. Behind their backs, as they passed by, Emma quickly lifted her skirt, pulled down her undies, stepped out of them and scrunched the tiny G-string in her hand.

Jason had watched her thinking only of her naked pussy. He was rock hard when she handed him the warm bundle. He raised it to his nose and then pushed it into his pocket.

‘Now go.’

With that, he rushed off.

Emma waited a minute or two then followed. She had been so aroused by her young lover’s confidence. He was bold. Imperious. He had shown her he was willing to break the rules. She had been so frightened when she felt his hand touching her. All of her adolescent fears had returned. But as soon as she saw his face she had marvelled at his audacity. He hadn’t pressed home his advantage. He had won her G-string. He might have taken more.

Having taken four or five steps down the middle aisle, Emma heard Jason’s mother, Anne. Horrified, she stopped and listened.

‘We agreed to the plan. You said you would keep to it.’

‘I arranged to meet Jess before I agreed to your plan. I just forgot.’

‘Jason, it’s not good enough. We’ve worked too hard.’

‘I’ll do twice as much tomorrow.’

‘You’ve lost a full day. You can’t do this to us now. You’ll have plenty of time to waste after your exams.’

‘My time with Jess was not a waste. I need to
have a life, too. If you keep pressuring me I’ll just give up.’

Emma had heard enough.

Jason was stuck talking to his mother while she shopped. They had not come across Emma as they did so. Jason was really hoping Emma had left and had not overheard him tell his mother he had been with Jess. He knew it wouldn’t sound good. What a fool he had been to get off the bus. If he had gone straight home he would have spent the afternoon fucking Emma. He felt exhausted just thinking about the consequence of that one stupid act. Now he was carrying his mother’s shopping basket.

He diverted his anger at himself towards his mother. She was always interfering. He was over being the good son. He was over it. He’d been good, he’d been predictable, and where had that got him?

Only five minutes ago when his hand had lifted Emma’s skirt he had been shaking. When his hand touched her between her legs the blood pounded in his temples. Her sudden and violent reaction had frightened and excited him in an extraordinary way. Her blows against his chest accentuated
his already heightened sense of the indecency of his actions.

Everything had changed but his mother remained the same. He had done with being good. Bad was working very well for him.

When Emma overheard that Jason had spent the afternoon with Jess she was not surprised. But she was hurt. Her pride was a little shaken too. She exited the mini-market right away. She could not bear to look at him. When she got to her car she found she had been given a parking ticket. She ripped the slip of paper from under the wind-screen wiper and got into her car, slamming the door as she did so.

Three minutes later she was sitting in her car outside her house. David’s BMW was in the driveway. She couldn’t face him. She didn’t have the strength to hide her feelings. She didn’t want to lie. If she walked in now, everything would have to be false. He deserved better than that. She started the car again and drove off.

Trouble was, she had no idea where she was going.


Jason had been on the lookout for David. His attempts to contact Emma had come to nothing. She had disappeared. Days and days had gone by without a word. He was left with no other choice. If he wanted to know where she was he would have to approach her husband. Trouble was, he was afraid David might not want to have anything to do with him.

BOOK: Beginnings
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