Before the Fall (22 page)

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Authors: L.G. Castillo

BOOK: Before the Fall
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She couldn’t leave her family now. The Archangel Michael had promised to spare her family. All she had to do was make sure they stayed within the confines of their inn. She thought of Lahash’s family. They lived safe outside the city walls. But Rebecca, like all the other women in the city, came to the well for their daily water. What if the battle happened at that time? If she only knew when it was going to happen. She would have to tell Lahash. Maybe he could find a way to convince his mother to stay away until the danger passed.

“Hold it steady, Leah,” she said as she poured the water into the jar.

Lilia skipped around the well, singing to herself.

“What’s wrong, Naomi? Why do you look so sad?” Leah held the spout with both her hands.

“Oh, it’s nothing really,” she said, trying to keep her voice light. “Father came home very late last night and I had to tend to him. He is not in a good mood this morning.”

“Does that mean we can’t go see Lahash?” Leah pouted.

“Shh.” She glanced around to see if anyone overheard her. “You know Father won’t like it if he finds out.”

“I want to see Lahash,” Lilia chirped. “He’s nice. He talks to me.”

Naomi smiled. It was a wonderful feeling to know that her sisters liked him as much as she did.

“I’m sure you will see him soon.”

“Really?” Leah asked.

“Yes. First, Father and I have to meet with Lahash’s father and brother. He’s always in a better mood after he has met with Jeremiel.”

“Did someone mention me?”

A beaming Jeremiel walked toward them. His smile gleamed under his tanned face.

The bucket slipped from her hands at the sight of him.

“Jeremiel. I . . . uh...”

“Here, allow me.” He reached for the bucket. “I wouldn’t want your lovely hands injured.”

He leaned into her as he spoke, his breath softly hitting against her lips.

She felt that familiar pressure in her head. The same feeling she got whenever he got that close.

“Ladies.” He winked at her sisters.

Lilia hid behind her and Leah gawked at him. Even though they had seen Jeremiel a number of times at the inn, they still weren’t used to him. Lahash had a way of putting her sisters at ease. He always crouched down, making sure he was at eye level when he spoke to them. Jeremiel was kind, but he carried himself the way he did around others. It was as if he expected the admiration he got whenever his presence was made.

She watched as his thick arms lifted the bucket of water with ease. His muscles bulged with every movement he made. His beautiful face was relaxed, showing no signs of strain. It was as effortless to him as if it weighed no more than a feather.

The women around the square watched her with envy. Word of her betrothal to Jeremiel had spread quickly throughout the city. Many congratulated her in passing. If only they knew to whom her heart really belonged.

That was it! Jeremiel didn’t know how she felt about Lahash. Maybe if he did, he would call off the betrothal. She remembered how he had treated his brother during the games. He did care for Lahash. And Lahash had mentioned that they were extremely close growing up. Maybe this was what she had needed to do all along. Tell him that she loved Lahash.

“Lilia, Leah, why don’t you go play while I speak with Jeremiel?” she said. “Don’t run off too far.”

“We won’t,” they said in unison before they ran away.

He placed the bucket on the ground. “Trying to get me alone?” He winked.

“I-I-I hardly consider this alone when we are in the center of the square.” Her head started to pound and she rubbed her temples.

“What’s wrong?” Sapphire blue eyes gazed at her with concern.

“Nothing. Just a bit of a headache.”

“So what is it that you want to talk about?” He picked up the water jar and then took a couple of steps away from her. Immediately, she felt the tension in her head lessen.

“It’s about our marriage.”

His face lit up. Words came out in a rush. “My father is in the inn right now talking with Gideon. I was hoping we could have the ceremony next week. Maybe we could go later this afternoon to see the home I purchased from Levi. I think you will like—”

“I love Lahash,” she blurted.

He paused. His face shocked. “I’m confused. What did you say?”

She ran her hand along the stone of the well. She could feel his eyes on her.

Be brave. Look him in the eyes. He’s a good man. He deserves to hear this from you.

“I love Lahash and . . . I want to be bound to him.”

His face fell. The shine in his eyes vanished. It was as if his heart was breaking right before her eyes. It scared her. She had never seen him like this before.

She took a step forward. “Jeremiel, I’m sorry.”

He placed his hand up and took a small step back. It was as if he wanted to keep his distance from her. In all their interactions together, he was always so close to her. This was different. Had she hurt him that much?

“Perhaps you could grow to love me?” His eyes pleaded.

It broke her heart to see him this way. He was serious. There was not a glint of teasing in his eyes.

“It is not that I do not love you.”

“You do love me?” He looked hopeful.

“As a brother,” she said quickly.

“Maybe once you know me better. I fear that I have been so eager to be betrothed to you that I may not have wooed you as my brother has.”

“It’s not that, Jeremiel.” Her stomach twisted into knots. She spoke carefully, praying that he would understand. “I could never feel for you the way I feel for Lahash. And I”—her voice dropped to a whisper—“I don’t think you love me either.”

“I do, Naomi! I love you deeply.”

“You hardly know me. I think you believe you love me.”

“Isn’t that what love is? A belief in love?”

“It is more than that, Jeremiel. Love is a belief in the person. The belief that with just one touch from that person, you can overcome any problem that is set before you. That one look of encouragement is all you need to help you feel like you can accomplish anything. And to know that without that person, your life would be like living as a shadow of yourself.”

“You were thinking of Lahash when you said that,” he said slowly.

She swallowed. “Yes. I love him.”

He sighed as he approached her. He reached to her, his hand cradling the back of her neck. His thumb gently stroked her jawline. “Naomi, I do love you.”

“Then let me go. Let me be free to marry Lahash,” she whispered.

He stared at her as if memorizing her face. His eyes searched hers and trailed down to her lips. He paused, closing his eyes. It was as if he was fighting something within himself. When he opened them, he said, “I love my brother. I know his love for you is great and now I see that you feel for him just as strongly. When you speak of him, your eyes shine just as his.” He let out a breath. “I shall go to my father and ask that all that I have been given be given on Lahash’s behalf so that he may be betrothed to you.”

She closed her eyes, tears rolled down her face. “Thank you,” she breathed.

He stroked her cheek, wiping the tears away.

There was a loud roar and Jeremiel’s hand suddenly disappeared. A rush of wind hit her, knocking her back.

“Lahash, no!”

Her eyes flashed open at the sound of Rebecca’s voice. She turned and watched in horror as Lahash pummeled his fist into Jeremiel.

Lahash! He saw Jeremiel with his hand—

She scrambled to her feet. She needed to stop him. It was a misunderstanding.

Rebecca grabbed her arm. “You’ll get hurt. We need to get Raphael.”

“He’s at the inn.”

“Wait here!” Rebecca yelled as she rushed into the inn.

“Lahash, stop!” Naomi cried.

Lahash looked like a man possessed. It was as if he couldn’t even hear her cries.

People began to gather around the square as they watched brother pitted against brother.

Jeremiel placed a hand on Lahash’s chest and gave him a push, sending him flying into the air to hit the side of the well with a loud crash.

Stones crushed beneath him with blood splattering over them. She gasped as he stumbled onto his feet, blood dripping down the back of his head and onto the ground. There was no way any man could have survived that kind of injury. The stones looked like they were pulverized to dust.

Lahash lunged after Jeremiel. In a bear hold, he sent them into the crowd.

The men in the crowd cheered them on as Jeremiel elbowed Lahash in the stomach. There was a loud crack followed by a groan.

Naomi fought against the growing crowd, trying to see Lahash. He was injured. He had to be. “Jeremiel, please. Stop fighting!”

There was another loud crack and the crowd roared. “Lahash! Lahash!”

That’s when she saw Lahash, his face streaked with blood, sweat and dirt. He let out a savage roar as his arm swung around and came into contact with Jeremiel’s left side. Then his other arm swung up to hit Jeremiel’s right side. One after another, his fists moved in a blur. Each blow sent an impossible loud cracking sound of the crushing of ribs.

“My sword, Jeremiel!” A solider whipped out his sword from its scabbard and held it up in the air. “Come, take my sword!”

“No!” Naomi ran toward the soldier. “I implore you. Do your duty. Break up the fight.”

The soldier laughed as he looked down at Naomi. “Go to your home, woman. This is no place for you.”

He shoved her to the side.

Someone had to help her. They were going to kill each other. She ran through the crowd, begging each of the men in the square to help her stop the fight. No one paid attention to her cries. They all continued to chant as Lahash and Jeremiel attacked each other.

She let out a sigh of relief when Raphael rushed out of the inn.

“Lahash!” he roared. “You will stop this. Now!”

He gripped the back of Lahash’s neck and tossed him to the ground as if her were no heavier than a sack of grain.

He raised his hand and was about to hit Lahash when there was the sound of a ram’s horn.

The crowd quieted and there was an eerie silence.

Jeremiel went to his mother and placed an arm around her as she sobbed into his shoulder.

Raphael tilted his head as if listening for something.

The next sound was barely noticeable at first. It was a thumping that grew louder. For a moment, Naomi thought it was the pounding of her heart at the sound of a ram’s horn. The Archangel Michael had mentioned a chorus of horns, not a single one.

The sound grew louder.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Then, silence.

A chorus of horns blared, screeching painfully into her ears.

And the ground began to tremble.

Voices in the distance cried out.

“We’re under attack!”

“Close the gates!”

People began to run, screaming as children and loved ones sought shelter. Soldiers pushed their way through the crowds toward the city gates.

Oh, no! It can’t be happening. Not now.
Naomi rushed over to Lahash.

“Lahash,” she gasped when he swept her into his arms. “You must leave. Take your family out of here and—”

She froze at the look on his face. His jaw dropped as he stared out into the square.

In a halo of light, a woman moved gracefully through the crowds, her red cloak fluttering with each move she made. Beneath her hood, green eyes glittered, though stern with concentration, her face was stunning. Naomi had never seen such unearthly beauty. She was breathtaking. She was horrifying.

People ran around her. It was as if they sensed her presence even though they couldn’t see her.

Behind her was the Archangel Michael, his majestic wings spread open. He held a sword in his right hand.

It had begun.

The woman pushed back the hood from her head, revealing golden hair worn high on her head with intricate braiding.

“Gabrielle,” Raphael breathed.

Naomi looked at Raphael, surprised by the expression on his face. It was as if he was waking up from a dream.

He glanced over to Jeremiel and then at Lahash, his face turning pale. “What have I done? What have I become?”

The woman, Gabrielle, then shook off her cloak. With one swift move, she reached to her side and pulled out a sword.

The inn!
Naomi thought. She had to get everyone in there. She scanned the crowd frantically.

“Lilia! Leah! Where are you?” she cried. “Lahash help me. I need to get them into the inn. It’s starting.”

“What’s starting?”

“The battle. Joshua’s army is here to destroy the city. Please help me find them.”

“What battle? Who is Joshua?” Lahash looked at her in panic.

“I was told that the city would be destroyed because it harbored fallen angels. Anyone found within the city walls will be killed.”

Rebecca’s face grew white and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Who told you this?” Raphael asked.

“You won’t believe me.”

“I will, Naomi,” Lahash said.

“The Archangel Michael. You probably can’t see him. He’s over there.” She pointed to the angels.

“I don’t see him,” Rebecca said.

“Over there, beneath the tree. Angels,” Jeremiel said, amazed.

“You can see them?” Naomi looked astonished.

“Lahash, can you see them?” Raphael asked.

“Yes. I do.”

“I don’t understand,” Naomi said. “I thought I—”

Raphael grasped her arm, his face looking frantic. “Naomi, what else did Michael tell you?”

“I . . . I hid his army’s spies last night and begged that he save my family. He said they would be spared, but only if they stayed inside the inn during the battle.”

“Rebecca, Naomi, get into the inn,” Raphael said.

“We need to help Naomi find her sisters first!” Rebecca sobbed.

“Please, Mother. You’ll be safe at the inn,” Jeremiel said. “I’ll go look near the gates. Lahash and Father can go to the other side of the city.”

“I’ll go with you. We can cover more ground if I go,” Naomi said.

“No, Gabrielle!” Raphael cried.

Naomi spun around. Gabrielle held the sword with both hands high above her head, pointing downward. It was as if she was going to plunge it into the ground.

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