bedeviled & beyond 04 - bedeviled & belittled (3 page)

Read bedeviled & beyond 04 - bedeviled & belittled Online

Authors: sam cheever

Tags: #science fiction romance angels & devils, #science fiction romance, #Dark Paranormal Romance, #sci fi romance, #humorous paranormal romance, #books futuristic romance, #fantasy & futuristic romance

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 04 - bedeviled & belittled
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Dialle found my gasping lips and covered them, his heated tongue snaking out to taste my breath and claim my cries. My hands convulsed at my sides, fingers clenching helplessly against the onslaught. I forced my hands to unclench and reached for him, sliding a touch over the smooth heat of his chest.

My back arched so that I could grind myself against his long, thick length. My skin was so sensitized from the magics in the air I imagined I could feel the gentle pearl of moisture on the thick head of his shaft against my belly.

I gasped as my feet left the ground and I found myself naked, on my back, with Dialle pressing against me.

A deep rumble filled the chamber and other sparks, other flames rent the magic-drenched air. I sensed rather than saw the hundreds of creatures in that room joining in our sexual dance, contributing to the magical sensuality with intricate steps of their own.

Through my magic-clouded vision I viewed their forms wavering on the air around us, clothing shed and limbs entwined in ecstasy. I shivered under the powers building in that enormous chamber.

The heated air around us sizzled and popped. The rumble deepened, like thunder over a heat-drenched landscape in summer. No rain, only noise.

Wrapping my legs around Dialle’s narrow hips, I opened myself to him and arched my back, moaning in anticipation of him quenching an almost impossible need with the column of hard, heated flesh that pressed against my belly.

Dialle bit down on my hickey and I screamed. Other screams echoed mine in the room. The walls vibrated and dust dropped from the ceiling high above our heads. Our lust was like a minor earthquake rolling through the room.

Pleasure exploded like a laser bomb into my body, saturating every square inch, every hungry, grasping cell to the point of pain. My muscles clenched around the intensity of the feelings, my toes curled hard against the soles of my feet, and my fingers curved into my palms, digging perfects arcs into my skin with my nails.

I was beyond control, beyond sensation, beyond thought. I was pleasure itself. A single, vibrating cell infused with almost too much sensation. Pain became delight and delight became ecstasy.

The couch where we lay moved, rolling beneath us like a ship on an agitated sea.

Dialle’s mouth lifted from my hickey and I cried out.

He slid down my body and captured a rigid, elongated nipple, sucking hard. I tangled my fingers in the dark wave of his hair and held him to my breast. Each pull of his talented tongue and lips on my nipple sent desire spiraling through my hypersensitive flesh.

Someone whimpered nearby. I think it might have been me.

Dialle captured the other nipple and, after sucking it, bit down gently on the tender flesh and tugged it upward.

I arched my back, pushing my throbbing mons into his hard flesh with mindless passion. “Now, Dialle! Please!”

Ignoring my desperate plea, he continued down my body, nipping and licking my quivering belly, bringing gooseflesh to the surface with his every touch. The fever grew under my skin. I was so hyper-sensitized that I could feel every hair on his smooth, hot skin as he slid down my body. His ministrations were whisper-soft, skittering gently across my tender flesh. As he neared my sexual core, I cried out, spreading my legs shamelessly and reaching to tangle my fingers in the warm silk of his hair.

His hot mouth closed over the pulsing mound and I gasped, plunging quickly into another earth-shattering orgasm. My head rolled back and my mouth opened and I embraced the knife-like release with a full-throated scream that sent visible waves through the magic-infused air around the platform.

Muted in the dense, moist air, other screams joined mine, building and throbbing to an invisible beat which matched the rhythm of my pounding heart.

Beneath Dialle’s talented lips and tongue, my clitoris throbbed its pleasure, sending waves of bliss throughout my body with every pull of his hot mouth.

I was helpless against the onslaught of feeling, reduced to frantic begging. “Now, Dialle. Oh my god!!”

He rose up, sliding his body along mine as he covered me in heat. Tenderly kissing my throat, he licked his way to my mouth and nibbled my bottom lip. “Your wish is my command, my queen.”

He drove into me, burying himself deep, and my body clasped him gratefully.

I threw back my head and groaned my delight as he twisted his hips and rocked my world from the inside out. He was so hard that I could feel every inch of his long, thick shaft, every ridge, every vein scraping delightfully across my tender flesh as he moved inside me.

The heat around us built until we were giving off fireworks. Bright, multi-colored shafts of flame danced on the super-charged air and fired the nerve endings in my skin until I felt as if I were cocooned in the thick, caressing atmosphere.

The thunder built beyond our heated wall of flame.

As Dialle’s body enthralled mine, his lips feathered over my temple, down my cheek, and over to my lips, hungrily capturing them in a breath-stealing kiss.

Desire coiled in my belly, throbbing there as it grew into something I could no longer hold back. When it burst, sending me screaming into unfathomable spasms of delight, the heated air around us sucked inward, coating me in its light, and my screams took on the flavor of pain.

My release triggered Dialle’s. His muscles tightened and he drove into me hard, slamming deep as his rigid flesh jerked and spent itself inside my grasping channel.

Beyond our heated sphere the thunder burst and rolled through the room and then settled into a low rumble which eventually died completely away.

Dialle collapsed over me, catching his weight on his elbows and rolling his hips as my body throbbed in gentle aftershocks around his shaft. His kiss was tender, and tasted of love. “Thank you, my queen.”

I returned his gentle kiss, reaching up to touch his cheek. The world around me was muted and still, lost behind the protective walls of our personal sphere. Tingling and sated, I reveled in the warm bristles of his golden cheek against my palm and ran a fingertip across his full, soft lips. Dialle bit down gently on the tip of my wandering finger. I smiled.

The air around us cooled and turned soft again. As it did, the mask which we’d covered ourselves in seemed to drop away and I realized, with an embarrassed jolt, that the room was still filled with Royals and their subjects.

They stood in complete silence, their faces flushed and glistening with moisture. Thankfully they were all dressed.

My cheeks flooded with heat and I pinched my eyes tightly closed. “Get rid of them, Dialle.”

He barked out an order and the air changed, as a soft blanket settled over us. I breathed a little easier with the covering but refused to open my eyes until the rumblings of hundreds of feet leaving the room settled into silence.

Then I felt the whisper soft touch of Dialle’s lips. “They’re gone, Astra.” He moved his hips, sending spirals of pleasure streaming through me as his quickly hardening shaft scraped across the sensitized flesh of my channel.

Then he arched his back and drove deep.

I gasped and lifted my legs to wrap them around his firm, round buttocks. “Mm. That’s nice.”

“No watchers, no ceremony. We’re alone. This one’s just for you, my queen.”

Small flames licked the air above us. My body warmed and flushed in response to his delicious touch. Dialle’s body picked up the tempo, and my body matched it. The coil of desire he’d managed to disperse only moments earlier started building again.

I sighed as wave after wave of pleasure flowed over me and murmured, “It’s a dirty job...but somebody’s gotta do it.”


“You’re all deserting me?”

Flick lifted a shaggy, brown eyebrow and quirked his lips in a wry smile. “Are you going to miss me?”

I snorted in a less than ladylike way. “Of course not! But I’m on the cusp here. I might need some spiritual guidance or something.”

It was his turn to snort. “You’re a funny girl, Astra.”

I turned away in disgust and started pacing again. Flick continued to throw white clothing into a white suitcase in his monochromatically white cloud.

Finally, sighing, I gave a thought to sitting down and a chair appeared under my butt. I dropped into it, feeling unaccountably squirmy and uncertain. Something brewed in the center of my chest and made my stomach churn with worry. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I felt something coming my way and I was pretty sure I wasn’t gonna like it.

Whatever it was.

The premonition made it hard to sit still. Standing up, I thought the chair away and resumed pacing.

Flick closed his suitcase with a white click and turned to me. “You’re a mess, Astra.”

I glared at him. “You think? That’s why I need my angel contingent around. This is a terrible time for all of you to desert me.”

Flick shrugged his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Astra. This conference occurs only once every thousand years and it’s mandatory.” He glanced around. “You’re welcome to stay here, on my cloud if you want. Until the Settling is over...” He glanced away. A five-hundred-year-old virgin, Flick was hopelessly uncomfortable with all things sexual. And even he couldn’t miss the recent spike in my libido brought on by my Settling. I even walked differently these days, with a kind of feline sway and glide, rather than my usual stomp and stalk.

Sighing, I resisted the devilish urge to give over to the skank side of my nature and tweak Flick a little with some outrageous flirting. I mean, let’s face it, as a five-hundred-year-old virgin he had enough problems of his own to deal with.

“Okay. Enjoy your damn conference. Bring me back a t-shirt.”

Flick grinned at me. “Size white?”

“Bleurgh!” I shifted off the cloud and back to my office, where I proceeded to pace some more. I was so immersed in my thoughts that a soft knock on the doorframe of my office door made me jerk around in surprise.

My business partner, Emo’s dark, handsome face peered in at me. He stayed in the hallway, his dark eyes filled with wariness, which I knew hid a deep-seated yearning that was making both of us increasingly uncomfortable.

He was a halfling just like I was, but as a young boy, Emo had been turned by an evil Devil King into a lower form of devil, because he wouldn’t kill one of his parents. I had known him strictly in that form, at least as far back as I could remember, since King Nerul had also messed with people’s memories of Emo so that we wouldn’t remember him as the adorable, dark-haired little waif he must have been.

As my partner, and a short, squat, red guy with blazing red eyes and horns, there hadn’t been any sexual tension between us. At least on my part. But since Nerul, presumably, had died and Emo had been released from his curse, his true, Royal Devil form had been restored. And I’d been fighting some seriously yummy reactions to him.

Which had only exacerbated his long-time um...fondness...for me.

My Settling had made everything ten times worse.

Sometimes, when we stood too close, with his heat and unique, delicious scent enveloping me, I was hard-pressed to remember why I couldn’t just strip him, throw him to the ground, and hop on his ditty.

I gave him a wary smile. “Hey, partner.”

Emo’s smile was strained. Royals could smell lust. Unfortunately he was probably getting a snout full at that moment. “Astra.”

I frowned to hide my hurt feelings at his icy greeting. “What’s up?”

“There’s a troll uprising downtown. It appears they’ve taken an interest in the underwear store at the mall. According to the very frantic manager, who was locked in her office with a few of the clerks who managed to escape when the trolls broke in, they’ve been putting the underwear on their heads and wearing the frilly teddy bear nighties as leg warmers.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Our jobs are so interesting.”

He nodded, smiling at last. “The manager was sobbing into my ear and was hard to understand, but I think she said the trolls were getting violent because she didn’t have underwear big enough to fit their queen’s head.”

I laughed. “Do you need me?”

A spark flared in Emo’s beautiful, black eyes, sending instant shock waves through my overcharged body. But it passed quickly and he shook his head. “I can handle it, boss.”

“Okay. Let me know if you change your mind. I can be there in a heartbeat.”

I watched him leave with a heavy heart. We used to have fun tackling weird little tasks together. But since my Settling started, he’d been staying as far away from me as he could. I missed our old, comfortable, friendly relationship.

However, I didn’t ruminate on Emo for very long. The air in my office sparked and thickened and Dialle was suddenly standing there, mere inches from my face. I gasped as his hands closed around my waist and he pulled me up hard against his body. “Hello, Astra.”

His lips found mine and all the air in my lungs combusted as I dragged his scent and his heat into my body, savoring it and rolling it around on my tongue like a fine wine. My body fired with hunger, clenching and weeping as Dialle’s hot tongue warred delightfully with mine.

I slid my hands from his hips, down over his firm, round buttocks, and yanked him closer, rubbing my belly against the long ridge of hard flesh beneath his tight pants.

Dialle gasped and nibbled my bottom lip. Fissures of stark desire tore through my body.

I whimpered, pulling at his clothes.

With a sigh, Dialle pulled away. “I can’t stay, Astra. I have a problem I need to deal with.”

Licking my lips, I frowned. “So go take care of it. Why’d you come here?”

He ran a smooth fingertip over my bottom lip. I closed my eyes and fought the urge to suck the heated digit into my mouth. “I wanted to say goodbye. I’m going to be gone for a while.”

My eyes popped open. “What? Where are you going?”

He lowered the finger and frowned. “As you might not know, I have subjects on other planes. They’re a wild bunch, undisciplined and used to doing as they please. They’re outcasts of a sort, and, up until now they’ve been ignored and left to their own devices. But last night one of them tried to kill me.”

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