Bedding The Best Friend (Bedding the Bachelors, Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Bedding The Best Friend (Bedding the Bachelors, Book 4)
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“Please, Annie…”

“Please what, Ryan? Tell me what you want.”

“I want you, baby. So fucking bad.”

“I’m right here,” she said.

He started to say something else, but his words turned into a cry as she took his cock back into her mouth, pumping it in and out. She looked up at him as she sucked, wanting to see the pleasure she was giving him reflected on his face. His gray-green eyes were almost completely covered by heavy lids. His lips were parted slightly, and his ragged breaths told her all she needed to know—he was more than enjoying what she was doing to him. The tender flesh between her legs throbbed. She had never wanted to be fucked as badly as she did at that moment.

She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and began pumping him with her hand as she increased the suction and speed of her mouth. His hips moved as much as they could. Erratic. Frantic. Reluctantly, she backed off, reducing the pressure and the speed of both her mouth and her hand.

“No. God. Keep going,” he groaned.

“I will. I promise,” she said. She continued to gently caress him until she’d pulled him off the ledge.

Annie lifted her mouth and gave his cock one last pump before releasing him. He actually whimpered at the loss of contact. Annie was as desperate as he was now. She climbed back up his body, pulling her knees even with his hips, and settled on top of him so his cock pressed against the outside of her core. She’d waited so long for this moment, to have him poised at her entrance, that making the move almost felt surreal. She bent forward, not pressing her lips to his yet, just allowing her face to hover a millimeter above his. She wanted to see his face, the look in his eyes when it happened at last.

She lifted her hips slightly, and she was so wet, so
for him, that Ryan’s cock slipped inside her. He thrust up, filling her completely.

They kissed as he continued to thrust upward, and she ground downward in what seemed like the most perfect rhythm there ever was. Annie finally understood what the term “pure ecstasy” meant. No, she more than understood it. She was living it.

When she broke their kiss, Ryan opened his eyes and smiled at her. He didn’t speak, he just gave her nipples a hungry look and ran his sexy tongue along his lips. She pushed herself up so that he could reach one, and she let out a heavy gasp as he sucked one into his mouth. Her body quivered as Ryan ran his tongue around the outside of her nipple and grazed it gently with his teeth. Annie let him work on one for a while and then adjusted her body so that he could suck in the other.

“Oh Ryan, that’s so good. Oh fuck! It feels so good.”

When Ryan took a break for air, Annie sat upright. She pressed her knees into the mattress and pushed herself up so that he nearly slipped out. Before he did, she slowly sank down and squeezed him tight with her internal muscles, causing more satisfied noises to escape from his chest. She repeated the action a few times, delighting in watching his fists clench as he grew even more desperate for her.

She put her hands behind her and rested them on the tops of his thighs. She used the leverage to quicken her movements. His gaze dropped so he could watch himself plunge in and out of her. Keeping the rhythm going, she reached down, rubbing her clit, circling it with her fingers, doubling her own pleasure, and sending Ryan into fits of strangled moans.

He thrust his hips up harder, as hard and fast as his restraints would allow him. Sliding her hands under his shoulders, she molded her body to his, pressing herself against his chest until her breasts were crushed against him. She sucked on his bicep as she continued to work her hips back and forth and up and down.

Her own moans had turned into whimpers, and the noises he made were driving her crazy. She was close, and she knew he was, too. She rested her lips against his ear and said, “Come with me, Ryan.”

His body tightened from head to toe, and with a shout, he came. The muscles of her pussy clenched around him, and she covered his mouth with hers, swallowing his grunts and groans, whimpering along with him as the waves of pleasure crashed over them both, drowning them in ecstasy.

Once their trembling had passed and their breaths steadied, she lifted her hips. They both moaned as he slipped out of her. Gently, she kissed his throat, right over his pounding pulse.

She could have interpreted their continuing silence as a bad thing, but for some reason she didn’t. Instead, their lack of words felt reverential. Silent acknowledgment that they’d just professed all they needed to with their bodies.

He kissed her temple and she cuddled close to him for a long time, almost falling asleep and only rousing when he shifted beneath her. A quick glance confirmed that despite still being tied, he was about to doze off himself. Forcing herself to move, she got to her feet, kissed him gently, and whispered, “I’ll be right back.” Unable to keep herself from smiling with pure joy, she staggered to the bathroom to grab a small pair of scissors from her makeup bag, then released him from his bonds. Immediately, he pulled her into his arms. She buried her face in his neck, breathed in their combined scent, and with a final sigh of contentment, fell asleep.

Chapter Thirteen

Annie woke up with a smile on her face. She’d had such a nice dream about Ryan last night. A dream in which they’d finally admitted they wanted each other and done something about it. Wow, the way he’d caressed her. Talked to her. Like she was a woman who drove him crazy with desire. A woman he wanted to fuck to the point he lost all control. God, if only he really felt that way about her.

She stretched and rolled over, bumping into something—or
—as she did.

“Oh shit!” she said, jerking upright.

Ryan was on his side facing her, the sheet pulled up to his waist. Her mind could barely comprehend the sight of all that naked skin and bulging muscle, and she gasped when he opened one eye and grinned. “Wow, that’s kind of a rude way to wake someone up.”

“Oh damn! I’m sorry, Ryan.” Annie suddenly realized that last night hadn’t been a dream. They were both still naked and…God…even now the sheet was tenting, revealing how aroused he was getting just lying there in bed with her. She wanted to snatch the sheet away to uncover him in all his glory. Take him in her hand. Her mouth. Claim what was hers.

She felt so unlike herself. So wild and possessive. Entitled to do with him whatever she wanted, for as long as she wanted.

Heat stung her cheeks as she remembered in vivid detail everything she’d already said and done with him. She’d tied the guy up, for heaven’s sake.

Laughing softly, Ryan rolled over onto his back. “What are you sorry for, exactly?”

“Nothing. I mean, for waking you up with profanity. I was just startled.”
Great, Annie. That’s just great. You’re really messing this up. Recover. Fast.
“I mean, I forgot—”

He raised an eyebrow. “You forgot?” Putting his hand over his heart, he quipped, “Just shove a knife in my chest, why don’t you?”

“That’s not what I meant. I didn’t forget. I was disoriented. I thought it was a dream.”

“Well, I am pretty dream-like,” he said, a teasing smile creasing his face.

Annie settled on her back next to him. “Yeah, you kind of are.” There was no
kind of
about it. Ryan was her dream man. The one who made her feel whole and secure and happy.

She had no idea where to go from here. Was she supposed to tell him she loved him as more than a friend? Was it too soon to blurt the words out? He wasn’t running away. To the contrary, he’d spent the night, and he was smiling. He was also acting a little cocky. Those were all encouraging signs, but…

He leaned in like he was going to kiss her, and she actually yelped as she pulled away.

Raising another eyebrow, he said, “No morning-after kiss?”

Turning her head to the side slightly, because he was still so close, she said, “I’d love one. Let me go brush my teeth first.”

She jumped out of bed and left Ryan lying there. Annie closed the bathroom door behind her and stood in front of the mirror. Her hair was a wild mess, and she had never been fond of looking at herself naked, not even after she’d lost the weight. Speaking of which…

She reached into the bottom of her makeup case and took out her bottle of diet pills. She shook one out into her hand and swallowed it with a cup of tap water. She put them back underneath her makeup. She didn’t want Ryan finding them. He already thought she’d lost too much weight. He would definitely have something to say if he knew she was still taking diet pills to help her along.

She picked up her hairbrush and did her best to smooth down her crazy hair. Brushing it only served to make it bigger…frizzier. She made a face and pulled all of it back to the nape of her neck. She wrapped a stretchy band around it and decided that was the best she was going to be able to do at the moment. After emptying her bladder, washing her hands and face, and brushing her teeth, she put on her robe, took a deep breath and went back into the other room.

Ryan was still in the bed, but he’d propped himself up against the headboard with all the pillows.

“Oh, there you are. I thought you left,” he said with a grin.

“I’m sorry, I was a mess,” she said.

“Come here.” He patted the bed next to him.

Annie walked over. Ryan tugged on the belt that held her robe together and pulled her toward him. Then he pressed his lips to hers.

He tasted like cinnamon. He must have used the breath spray she’d left on her nightstand. As he kissed her, she felt him untying the robe and sliding his warm hands inside. He gripped her hips with his big hands, and Annie shivered as she felt them begin to roam across her curves. Ryan kissed down the side of her face to her neck. She felt his hands slide upward and push the robe down off of her shoulders as he licked and nibbled. Annie leaned her head back to give him better access, her whole body quivering with delight.

Ryan brought his face back up to hers and kissed her softly. At the same time, he reached back and took the wrap out of her hair, letting it fall free.

“I like all that hair in my face.” He pulled her back against him, crushing her body against his as his mouth took hers in a deep, hungry kiss. His lips nearly devoured hers, and she moaned and leaned further into him. When Ryan finally broke away, her lips were moist and parted, and she had to suck in a deep breath before opening her eyes. She looked at him, sure that her complete surrender was reflected in her eyes and splashed across her face in vivid color.

“Kiss me again. Please,” she said in a soft, husky voice.

He let out a deep groan and kissed her as hard as the first time. She wrapped her arms around him and returned his kiss with a wild passion that spurred him on. He wrapped a thick bundle of her hair up in his fist and tugged her head backward. He blazed a wild trail of kisses from her lips, down across her chin, and down her neck before stopping at the base of her throat. His other hand moved slowly down her back until it met with the supple curve of her ass, gripping it. Annie was practically in his lap now, grinding herself against him, remembering the night before and how amazing he’d felt inside of her.

Ryan adjusted his body so he was lying on his side with his body resting against hers. He propped his head on his elbow and looked at her. She could see the desire in his gray-green eyes, and she loved it. He began to lightly trail his hand across her body. He started with her shoulders and traced a path down her arms to her hands. Then he dragged his fingers across her abdomen and her softly flared hips. She shuddered when he reached the tops of her thighs and ran his palms across her soft skin. He smiled at her before finding her lips with his again. This time, he kissed her softly, gently probing and gradually becoming more insistent. He slipped his tongue in her mouth, pushing and teasing. Annie sucked on his tongue, tasting him and loving it as his hand continued its exploration of her thigh. He slid it upward, groaning and smiling against her mouth when his fingers reached her hot, wet center. Annie settled back farther so that she could open her legs wider, giving him full access.

“Oh Ryan,” she breathed against his mouth as his fingers worked her. He stopped kissing her and raised his head. He was looking at her seriously, his mouth open as if to speak even though he remained silent.

“What, Ryan? What is it?”

“You’re just so beautiful, Annie. I wish you could see yourself the way I do.” Without waiting for her to reply, he pushed her down so her back was against the mattress and rolled on top of her.

He kissed her until they both couldn’t breathe. When he came up for air, he shifted so his hard erection pressed against the inner part of her thigh. His left hand reached up and softly pinched her nipple then tugged on it. Annie shivered, hoping he’d use his mouth on her. He didn’t disappoint.

He flicked his tongue across one of her nipples and then lightly grazed it with his teeth. Then he drew it into his mouth and sucked, sending vibrations directly to the juncture between her legs. She moaned as he gave equal attention to each of her breasts before letting his mouth travel down—over her ribs and abdomen, across her navel, and finally, between her legs. With his index finger, he rubbed her clit, causing her to cry out before he leaned in and ran his tongue through her moist slit.

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