Bedding the Babysitter

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Bedding the Babysitter
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Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent



ISBN: 978-1-77233-853-9


Artist: Jay









The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a
work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.






Romance on the Go


Sam Crescent


Copyright © 2016




Chapter One


“You want me to babysit this Friday?” Elise Kelley
asked. She was twenty-one years old, and had been babysitting for Mr. Ross
since she was a teenager, and his wife left him.

Jon Ross was a hot single dad. He worked out a lot,
seeing as he owned the local gym. Some women thought he was wealthy, but he
wasn’t. The gym made him enough to live comfortably, but also to put money
aside for college for both kids. He dated but never brought a woman home.

Elise had heard that he was damn hot in the sack as
well. Only from rumors she had heard while working at the mall serving
doughnuts. He had quite the reputation.

“If you don’t mind. I’ve got a client coming by the
gym, and he only likes to visit when everyone has gone.”


“Huh?” he asked.

“Nothing. You know if you’re going on a hot date, you
can tell me. I’m just your babysitter. You don’t owe me any explanation.”

“It’s not a hot date. I’d tell you if I was taking a
woman out. Are you available?”

“Yes, I’m available.” She happened to like the twins,
George and Alicia. They were good kids, and they liked her as well. They
behaved for her and never gave her crap, which was always a good thing.

“Excellent. If you came to the gym, you’d see that I
wasn’t joking. I do have personal clients.”

“It’s no problem, Mr. Ross.”

“Please call me Jon.”

“No problem, Jon. You wouldn’t get me in a gym unless
it had ice cream at the end of it.”

He chuckled. “I’ll see you Friday evening. Goodbye, Elise.”


She loved it when he said her name. It was always so
deep, and it made her panties wet to hear him.

He had already hung up, so she put her phone down,
staring at it on the table.

“What’s the matter, honey?” her mother asked, walking
into the room.

She was home from college for a couple of weeks, and
she was using the time to catch up on her studies.

“Mr. Ross wants me to babysit for him.”

“Ah, I’m not surprised. The twins are not very nice
from what I hear.”

“George and Alicia are sweet,” she said, defending the
twins she looked after.

“I don’t know. I’ve heard they’re horrible, whining
terrors. He went through the caring agency, and no one wanted to work for him.
He’s had a hard time of it during school vacations when they’re off. From what
I hear, you’re a godsend.”

Elise shrugged. “I’ve never had an issue with them,
and I’ve been babysitting them for years.”

“I wonder if they see you as a mom

She almost spat her coffee out as she stared at her
mom. “What?”

“Their mother left them when they were nothing more
than babies. You’ve been the only one to take care of them.”

Elise had seen Jon struggling outside of the
supermarket. Alicia had been screaming, George had stunk as he had filled his
diaper, and Jon had just looked frazzled. Instead of walking past him like so
many had done, she’d gone to him, offering help.

At first, he’d declined, but in that moment she saw
the stain of George’s full diaper through his romper. She hadn’t even given him
a chance to stop her. Picking George up, she had taken him to the toilet with
Jon following behind her.

With an efficiency that obviously impressed Jon, she’d
cleaned George up, changing his clothes, and settling him down with a pacifier.
After she handed the quiet baby to his father, she’d picked Alicia up, and
taken the warm bottle that had been kept in a special thermos in the carryall,
and she started feeding her.

Within minutes she’d had both babies quiet and happy.

“Do you want a job?” Jon had asked.

It was a fond memory. He’d paid her to babysit after
school, on the weekends, and pretty much every chance she got.

She’d put all the money into a savings account ready
for college. The only time she didn’t babysit was when she had to attend family

“They’re good kids. I’ve missed them.”

Jon, George, and Alicia had been there for her high
school graduation. It had been sweet to see the family she’d come to love. Of
course, she’d been a little embarrassed by her crush on Jon Ross. He was
thirty-five years old, and would never look at a woman like her. She was
full-figured, enjoyed eating, and hated exercise.

She had always been comfortable in her own skin, never
feeling the need to lose weight.

Her mother sat down and stared at her. “You didn’t
bring any boys home.”


“You’ve been in college, and there’s been no one?”

“There have been some guys, but none of them I want to
see long term.”

There had been one guy, and she didn’t want anything
else to do with him. He’d bragged to the whole of his fraternity about bagging
a virgin. Any attraction she’d had for him, which had been little, had
evaporated into thin air. It didn’t help that she had imagined him being Jon.
When she had opened her eyes seeing it wasn’t Jon had taken all the fun out of
the experience.

“I worry about you.”

“No need to worry, Mom. When I find a guy I like, you’ll
be the first to know.”

“That’s always good.” She patted her arm, and Elise
smiled at her.

Watching her mother walk away, she picked up her cell
phone, and flicked the screen up, pressing the photo app. She flicked through
the pictures, stopping on the file for the Ross family. Pressing the button to
open them, she looked at each one. There were loads of George and Alicia, a
couple of her, the twins, and Jon. Then there was a single one. It was the day
of her graduation, and she had removed her gown so she was wearing her black
celebratory dress. Jon had his arm on her hip, and as she looked at the photo,
she couldn’t help but remember the buzz of his hand on her body.

If he’d been in school with her, he’d have been the
jock, never looking her way.

Get a grip. He doesn’t want you.

He’s older than you.

Closing the file, she concentrated on the work in
front of her, and not the crush that had gotten her through high school.


Friday night came too quickly, and Elise knocked on
his door. She didn’t know whether to call him Mr. Ross or Jon. Was it rude to
call him by his first name? He always asked her to, but her mother told her it
was rude.

“Elise,” he said, opening the door.

Before she got a word out, twin bodies ran into her.
She wasn’t prepared for it and tumbled onto her ass. Both bodies were on top of
her, stopping her from moving.

“Elise, you came back.”

She wrapped both of her arms around them. “Of course I
came back. I wasn’t going to leave you.”

“You stopped babysitting us,” Alicia said.

“I had to, honey. I’ve only been to college.” She
kissed the top of both of their heads, smiling. “I missed you guys as well.”

“Come on, George, Alicia, get up,” Jon said. “You’re
going to crush her.”

“There’s no chance of that happening.” Jon picked up
each kid, and she got to her feet, pushing her hair out of her eyes. “
Wow, that
was fun.”

“How was college?” George asked.

“I’m not finished yet. How is school for you two?” she

“I think you two should go in and finish your

The twins grumbled, and Elise laughed. “I take it
they’ve missed me.”

“I never knew it was so hard to get a babysitter.” He
rubbed the back of his head, and his shirt lifted giving her a good view of his
rock hard abs.

Her mouth went dry. “
, I
never saw a problem, but my mom told me you had a problem finding people to
take care of them.”

“I don’t know what the problem is. Every single
babysitter runs out on me, screaming, and telling me I have evil spawn.”

Elise burst out laughing. “Yeah, right.” She looked at
what he was dressed in, and saw he wore workout clothes. “Can I come in?”

“Sure, sure.”

“Have they eaten? Would you like me to cook dinner?”

“I’ve not fed them yet. I’ve got to head out. I don’t
want to be late.”

“This must be one hell of a client,” she said.

“He is. Well, he’s something all right. He pays a lot
for private sessions, and he doesn’t like to be watched when he’s working out.”

She walked into the kitchen. Nothing had changed since
she was last there a couple of years ago. She had seen Jon and the kids around
town when she was home, but it wasn’t the same.

“I can feed them. They’ve got homework, right.” Elise
turned around to see him staring at her. “Is something wrong?”


“You’re staring. Do I have something down me?” She
glanced at her shirt, and then wiped her face. She’d not drooled or anything.

He was worth drooling over. “No, nothing. Sorry. It
has been a while, Elise. You’re looking really good.”

Her cheeks heated. “I’m still the same person. Not a
lot has changed.”

“No gym visits?”

“None. I told you, I don’t exercise. It’s what devil
worshipers do.” She tried to make a joke, a little unnerved by his attention.

“There’s just something a little different.”

“I’m older. I’m not a teenager anymore.” She gave a
little twirl then felt like an idiot after doing it. Jon could have any woman
he wanted. She was not in his league.

“You’re beautiful, Elise. You always were.”

Silence fell between them, and she looked down at her
bag, which she’d placed on a chair. “
, I’ll feed
the twins and finish their homework if you want to head out.”

“You’re happy to do that?”

“Yeah. More than happy.”

“Okay. I’ll go.”

He paused, and she wondered what was making him

Biting her lip, she watched him gather his stuff. She
followed him into the sitting room, where he kissed his kids on the head, and
then headed out.

The sound of the door closing finally gave her the
chance to breathe.
Phew, that’s done.

She hoped he never found out about her crush. It was
so embarrassing, having a crush on someone who was not only older than you, but
would also never look your way.

Walking back into the sitting room, she knelt down
between the twins, and helped them with their homework, putting her thoughts of
Jon to the back of her mind.

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