Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Bed of Thornes (Bed of Thornes Trilogy Book 1)
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We start walking down the sidewalk, I double check my wrist to make sure my wristlet is still attached. Can't leave that behind, need money to check in to a hotel. The short black dress and black heels with red bottoms either makes me look classy or like a hooker walking the streets of Dallas late at night. The air is cold tonight, making the walk more comfortable, this way I'm not sweating profusely. We quickly stroll by the tall buildings surrounding us. The smell of food whiffs past us. Our pace is steady and determined. I can't wait to take these damn heels off and fuck the breath out of this man.

We get to the hotel and I go up to the counter to get our room, only to find out that they are all booked up for the night.

“I'm very sorry, Ms. Thorne, if you had called in earlier to reserve...”

“It's alright, not your fault. I didn't know I was going to need a room tonight. Do you recommend any nearby spots that might be open? Within walking distance, that is.”

“Are you having car troubles?”

“No, just decided to walk, we came from Blu's.”

“Oh, got ya. Well I would say there probably isn't anything available without reservation tonight as there is a convention in town.”

“That's some luck.” I chuckle.

“I apologize that I can't help you more, Ms. Thorne.”

“No worries, dear, you all are always good to me here.”

I walk over to Adrian to explain to him what's going on. He suggests that we just walk back to the bar to get our cars, that we would be plenty sobered up by the time we made it there.

“My feet are killing me.” I tell him with a sad face.

“I will carry you if that's what it takes.” He smiles gently.

“I wouldn't do that to you... but thank you... very sweet of you.”

“Well I hate for you to hurt your feet walking back.”

“I'll just take them off and walk barefoot.”

“You sure? There's a lot of nasty shit on these sidewalks.”

He takes his Jordan's off and hands them to me. “Here, wear these, I've got socks on so I'll go without shoes before I let you.”

A man literally giving me the shoes off of his feet to protect me. This has to be the most thoughtful act of kindness I've ever had done for me.

ended up fucking in his car last night after walking back, we were both worn out but couldn't resist getting it in before going our separate ways. The car sex wasn't bad actually, it was quicker than normal and limited on positions, but just to feel him inside of me is always the best part. I took the day off from work today to have some alone time and shop for some new outfits for the weekend. I get inside one of my favorite boutiques and spot the lingerie section in the back.

I wouldn't mind getting something special for the weekend. After browsing through several options, I find one that is just right. It's a black corset with matching thongs; graced with a red rose delicately posing on the front. It's hot, I like it. I make my purchase along with an outfit for Friday's night out with Jenna.

On my way home, my phone rings, it's a private number. If this is Mr. Clayton's office again, they will get an earful. I go to answer it but quickly change my mind, I don't need that stress. I decline the call, sending it to my voicemail. My phone rings again, apparently this private caller won't give up so easily. I decline it for the second time, and turn down the street to go to another boutique to see if they have something I can wear for Saturday night.

Once I get inside, I ask the lady for some help finding something that's fitting for the night. She points me in the direction of the dresses and I search through probably a hundred before almost giving up. I don't want to arrive wearing something that's average. Then Adrian will really think I have no style. Maybe he should pick out what I need to wear that night. I chuckle to myself.

I leave the little shop of horrors to see if I can find another place that has better selections. Before I pull up to a sweet little store on the strip downtown, my phone rings. I look at it, private caller. They can't be serious. I'm trying to relax with some me time, and this asshole caller won't just leave me alone. I turn my phone off. I'm not dealing with this shit right now.

I finally find a form fitting short white dress, and pair it with black boots and a black belt and scarf. It looks classy, grown, and sexy all in one. Satisfied, I drive home to put away my new finds so they don't wrinkle. I remember to turn my phone on after I get everything hung in my closet. The phone has alerts as soon as it's loaded. I check the voicemails right away, curious if any of them are from Clayton's office.

The first voicemail plays, nothing is said, it moves on to the next voicemail.

'This is Vivian Payne, calling on behalf of your mother. She has been admitted to the hospital due to chest pains. I was asked to call this number to get in touch with you to let you know that she is doing fine at this time, but they are keeping her for further evaluation and testing. Her phone is with her if you would like to contact her personally. I'm sorry to have to relay this message via voicemail.'

Oh no. Mom! I panic to find her number in my contacts and tap the call button. Her phone goes straight to voicemail. It must be turned off. Worry sets in. I have to talk to her. I call Jenna and tell her what's going on and she calms me down the best she can over the phone. I get a call from Adrian moments later and let him know that I need to be with someone right now, my nerves are a wreck from the news I've just gotten. He tells me that he'll be over shortly and I hang up before the tears start rolling down my face.

I don't want to lose her. Sure, we don't talk constantly, we haven't seen one another in quite some time, and she lives in another country. That doesn't mean it would be any easier to know she's gone from this world. I love my mother, after losing my father, she is all that I have left as far as family goes. I sit and cry to myself, attempting to call her phone over and over until Adrian arrives. He knocks on the door moments later, I rush to open it and fly into his arms, his embrace is comforting.

“I'm so glad you're here.” I sob into the side of his neck. The smell of him intoxicates me.

“Always.” He whispers into my ear.

We stand in the doorway, holding each other, for what seems like an eternity. I don't want him to let go.

called the hospital and got in touch with mom, she says she feels fine at the moment... but the tests are showing some abnormalities in her heart.” I tell Adrian while he pours freshly brewed coffee into two mugs.

It's five in the morning, I haven't been able to sleep at all. He stayed up with me all through the night and hasn't left my side, except to let me talk to my mother in private while he made us breakfast. Scrambled eggs, fried ham, and toast. Such a sweet young man, what's he doing with me? I'm no good for him. He needs someone who doesn't have so much going on, so many secrets, and a life that is utterly jagged. God I'm a wreck.

“Eat something.” He puts the plate down in front of me.

Sitting by the kitchen island, I fidget with the fork and sway back and forth in the stool. My eyes hurt from my cry fest and lack of sleep. I have no appetite, but I know Adrian is just looking out for me. I take a breath and scoop up a fork full of eggs.

“So what type of abnormalities are we talking about?” He asks, watching me closely to make sure I'm actually eating and not just shifting the food around on the plate.

“They couldn't explain much... yet... I guess they have to do extensive testing on what was found to pinpoint the cause.” I put my fork down and take a sip of coffee. The warmth brings me to a place of comfort. I close my eyes to try to hold on to that feeling for the seconds that it lasts.

“Is there anything we can do in the meantime?”

“Not exactly. All they said was to wait it out and they will update me as soon as any status changes occur.”

“Well if there is anything I can do, you know I'm here to help.”

“I know.” I smile weakly at him. “I just wish I was there for her.”

He takes a drink of his coffee and raises his eyes to meet mine as he sets the mug back down on the marbled island countertop.

“You're there for her all you can be. Don't beat yourself up.”

“No, I mean, literally being there... in Paris, at the hospital with her.”

“Hey...” He walks around the island to meet me on the opposite side and gently caresses my jawline with one hand. “I'm sure she felt the same way when you were in the hospital and she couldn't be there with you. I know that doesn't change the fact of how you feel, but you have to realize that there are a lot of things in life we just can't have control of. Your mom knows you care, there or not doesn't make it any different.”

“Thank you.” I kiss his hand as he lets it down from my face.

“Eat your breakfast, get your coffee in, and take a hot shower. I'll stay as long as you need. I called out of work this morning while you were on the phone with your mom. Is anyone there with her at the hospital?”

“A friend of hers, the one that left the voicemail on my phone, she said she's been there with her the whole time.”

“Well at least she's not alone. It'll be alright, just try to stay positive.”

I nod lightly and proceed to eat what I can of the plate he served me. I finish off my coffee and head upstairs to shower and get a fresh change of clothes on for the day. I can't get any luckier to have such a good person in my life. I just need to learn how to deal with that, how to show him more appreciation from me than what I've given him. I've always considered myself to have it made in life... but if there's one thing that's missing, it's the ability to truly open up to someone. I never let myself get too attached.

After I freshen up, I head back downstairs and find Adrian patiently waiting for me in the living room. He smiles when our eyes meet and my body feels weak for him. That smile can melt even the coldest of hearts. He sits up straight when I approach the couch. A thought briefly crosses my mind as I sit down close to him.

“You know this is the most time I've spent in my own home in years? Lately, I've been here more than normal... it's nice to finally have some time away from work.” I chuckle. “Never thought I'd hear myself say that.”

“Guess it's true.”

“What's that?”

“That all things happen for a reason.”

“How so?” I ask him, wishing I could get inside of his mind right now.

“You know... just everything that's happened in the last couple of weeks. It's made a lot of changes for you in your life, changes for the better if you ask me.”

“Yeah... I guess it is true then.” I give him a warm smile.

“It's good to see you smile. I don't like seeing you so upset.”

I change the tone of the conversation the only way I know how.

“Have any stamina this morning?” I wink at him to get my point across.

Sex is my healer, the only thing that honestly makes me feel better. I can't get enough of him either, my mind stays wrapped with thoughts of what we've done and what we will do. When I need to escape... it's either painting or sex... and right now, painting is not an option according to my hormones.

“Really?” He smiles and leans his head back as if to gather himself.

“I wouldn't ask if I wasn't serious.” I take his hand and stand up, pulling him with me. “I need you to make me forget about all of my worries.”

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