Becoming a Lady (7 page)

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Authors: Adaline Raine

BOOK: Becoming a Lady
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I believe that you will do very well.  Your main task would be to support me, and I will tell you everything else that you will need to know.”  He drew a quick breath, and she was sure he had taken in the meaning behind her question.

Do I understand that when you say to support you, that you really mean, My Lord, that I sit behind you and nod my head?”  Anna could not wrap her head around the idea that he actually wanted her to be his wife.  Is that really why he had taken her away from her village?  Did he bring her here to give her a better life?

That is what I am saying to you.  You would also be given the title of lady - a title that I remind you holds a higher standard than anyone in the village that neglected you.”  Lord William ran his hand through his hair.  “What is your answer?”

I do not know if I can do what you are requiring of me.”  Anna took a small hunk of bread from the loaf and took a bite.

I will let you know something then.  If you accept my proposal I will do everything in my power and beyond to keep you safe.  No one can utter even the slightest murmur of insolence or I will deal with him swiftly and without remorse.”  He took a breath.  “I will never let anyone bring any harm to you again for as long as I live.”

What if I accept your proposal, My Lord, and am not able to assume all a lady’s duties?”  Anna dipped her bread in a bit of gravy.

I will teach you how to be a lady and how to fulfill all of your duties.”  His tone turned dangerously low on the word ‘all’ and Anna squirmed against the chair.

She began to cough then and took several small sips from the cup, remarking to herself that his teaching more than likely would continue to involve spankings.  Anna took several more sips and tried to regain her composure.  Suddenly feeling brave, she asked, “How will you teach, My Lord?”

I suppose I could show you again.”  The corners of his mouth turned up with those words and for the first time Anna confirmed that something about her amused him in a good way.

Anna coughed again as her thoughts recalled the riding crop, and she nearly choked on her wine.  “No, no, I just remembered your lessons.  I had only wondered if they were the same.”

Lord William smiled broadened. 
“I am surprised that my method has not scared you away.”

Anna took in a breath and let it out slowly. 
“I admit, My Lord, that I have recalled that more oft than I should.”

I suppose I should ask you what else you have been thinking of.”  His eyes darkened and the smile faded.  “Have you had enough time then to answer my question?”  Lord William finished his drink and set it back on the table.

Anna looked down into her lap.  She had to assume that at the very least Lord William had been true to his word.  He had not allowed harm to come to her in the time that she had been in his possession.  He had given her over to Lord Wendel not for the purpose of gaining rank as she had previously thought but to make her his wife.  Had he done something to cause the death of all the men
who had hurt her, including Lord Wendel?  Why had he said the previous lord had been dead for over ten years?  He had also said ‘save the beast that created’ her?  Did he mean her Father?  Anna looked up slowly.  “I am afraid, My Lord.”

What are you afraid of, Anna?”

His lips said her name for the first time, and she almost lost her train of thought. 
“I told you my story in detail, and I am afraid that there is a certain duty I will not be able to fulfill.”  Anna’s voice caught on the last word and she looked down.  She knew that most women of her age usually had three or more babes by this time.  She was also terribly concerned that she would not be comfortable in his bed.  Her ordeal had been so violent and painful that she truly wondered if she would ever be able to enjoy intimacy with a man.  Anna wiped pitifully at her cheeks.  The tears had decided to brim over her now red eyes.  “I am so weak, My Lord, please do not look upon me.” 

To her astonishment
, Lord William knelt down beside her chair and took her face in his hands.

Do you have any indication that I would cause harm or distress to you?”  His eyes were locked on hers again.

Anna blinked back the tears. 
“No, My Lord, you have not, but I am sure that there are dozens of younger, much more beautiful girls, that would be honored to be your wife.”  Anna finished and closed her eyes.

Lord William ran his hands down her cheeks. 
“I have given my proposal to you.  If I wanted any of those girls I would have one by now.”  He kissed each cheek softly and let go.  “I shall give you until this time tomorrow, then, for your answer.”  He stood slowly, and Anna followed him with her eyes.  “I expect that you will take my offer into consideration tonight.”

I will adhere to your timeline, My Lord.”  Anna gave a nod as he patted the top of her head.

I have business to attend to, but I will see you tomorrow night.”  With those words he left the room and Anna was alone.  Could he mean that every time she spoke in a way that was not pleasing to him that he would spank her?  Anna shook her head and finished her meal.  No, she knew that her boldness was what pushed him to place her over his lap.  She stood and got ready for bed. 


Anna was pacing on the balcony.  She had a very restless sleep, and stayed in bed for most of the day.  Anna had rehearsed her answer in detail and still could not clearly fathom what she was about to say to Lord William.  If he had truly taken care of the men - all the men – who had hurt her, with the idea to make her his wife, then she could not possibly refuse his proposal.  It was true that she still had much to learn, but he had stated several times over their journey together that he had plans.  He was not able to reveal those plans, of course, especially given what had occurred, but he had proven trustworthy.  Anna jumped as he was standing in the open doorway watching her. 

Oh!  My Lord!” she exclaimed, and stopped mid-pace.

I did not mean to startle you.”  He gave a nod towards her and bowed.  “I have been waiting to see you.”

His eyes were locked on hers and she quickly forgot all her hesitations. 
“I was deep in thought.”  Anna began to walk towards him as she smoothed her hands over her dress.  

Have you had a chance to think on my proposal?”  Lord William took her hand in his and moved out of the doorway.

Anna looked up at him.  He was quite an extraordinary man in stature as well as in demeanor. 
“I am not confident that I can fulfill every task that you ask of me, but I give you my word that I will do my very best to complete each one.”  She bit her lip.  “I would wish of nothing more than to become your wife.”

Lord William kissed the top of her hand. 
“I promise not to disappoint you.”

Anna let out a deep breath that she felt she had been holding her entire life. 
“I beg your patience, My Lord.”

That is one thing that you shall have, but be mindful of what I expect from you.  If you talk back to me in public or in private, or in a tone that is anything but amicable, I will discipline you immediately, and I will not falter in that promise.”  Lord William kept his eyes on hers.

I would expect nothing less, My Lord, and I will strive to become a lady.”  Anna gave another nod and began to think she would be doing much striving as his wife.

We shall be married in five nights from this one.  I must leave on business, but I will return three nights from now.”  He kissed her hand again.  “You will be attended to in the mean time, and the only thing I ask of you is to keep our proposal secret until my return.”

To be clear, do you mean that I am not to tell anyone, even Lynna?”  Anna raised an eyebrow.

Lord William gave her hand a squeeze. 
“Everything that I say to you, even public knowledge, shall be treated as confidential; is that clear?”

Perhaps, My Lord, I shall get a puppet to nod at you,” came Anna’s flippant retort;  she immediately found herself pressed up against his chest and wondered why she had spoken thus.

While you are permitted to speak openly to me in our chambers, I will not tolerate your sauce.”

“If you were searching for a very obedient woman, My Lord, I regret to inform you that I did not receive that training.”  Anna cringed as the words flew from her mouth.  Why was she pushing?

Lord William frowned. 
“We shall remedy that oversight, beginning immediately.”  He took her hand and led her into the main room.  Within seconds, he sat upon one of the chaises and pulled her across his lap.  She began to protest and wiggle as he lifted her skirts and, with stinging smack after stinging smack, vigorously address her bare arse.  He administered a series of ten blows to her bottom and then paused.

Regardless of your lack of training, I do not like to repeat myself, and I do not speak for the mere purpose of hearing my own voice.”  

Anna yelled out each time his hand met her bottom.  It was not terrifically painful, but she was mortified to be in such a position so soon after his proposal. 
“I regret my choice of words, My Lord!”

Lord William administered a dozen or so more until Anna was crying and begging him to stop. 
“I expect you to mind yourself while I am gone, or the next time I place you over my knees, I will let my belt teach you.”

Anna took several breaths.  She was lucky that his belt remained in place this time but still she was embarrassed. 
“I understand, My Lord; please forgive my tongue!”

Lord William adjusted her dress and moved her so that she was perched upon his lap. 
“Compose yourself.”

Anna laid her head against his chest.  It seemed natural, and for a moment she wondered if he had spanked her simply because of his earlier promises, or if she had simply been cheeky too many times. 
“I am deeply sorry.”

You will be sorrier tomorrow, whenever you attempt to sit comfortably; that I will guarantee.”  He rubbed the small of her back and kept her close.

Anna nodded into his chest. 
“I will keep my promise.”

He slid her off of his lap and patted her face softly. 
“I still have to leave this night, and I do expect you to mind yourself.”

Yes, My Lord.”  Anna rested her hands on the chaise.  “I look forward to your return.”

Lord William leaned down and kissed her lips. 
“Do not forget my words.”  He left the room, and again Anna was alone.

Anna released a deep sigh.  Her bottom was tingling, and to her utter mortification and surprise, the same tingling was inside her womanhood as well.  She shook her head and tried not to think of what had just occurred.  Above all, she deeply wanted to please her lord.  She sighed again.  How she had gone from nearly hating this man to agreeing to become his wife was an unexpected turn of events that was quite a mystery.  She knew now that he had cared about her from the beginning, though she wondered if he had been sent on a mission to find her, or if he had set out on his own?  Did Lord Wendel send him to find the broken
‘babe’ he left, or did Lord William hear the stories and seek to give her a better life?  Anna stood and got herself ready for bed.  She supposed that the ‘how’ was not as important as what was occurring now.  She shook out her hair and lay down in bed.  Deep in her heart she knew that Lord William cared for her, and she hoped she could keep her promise to him.

Chapter Six


Anna had spent the past few days thinking about her wedding day.  Such an odd string of events had led to it.  She
yearned for her sister, but knew that it was truly a blessing that she was getting married at all.  Once a woman lost her purity, the chance of finding a man who would call her wife was near zero.  Lord William was not only making her his wife, he was giving her the chance to become a lady.  She did hope that he would tell her more about his original promises, but for now she was happy.  Anna looked down at her hands.

My hands will not stay still,” she complained, as she flexed her fingers.  Anna had been draped in several layers of cloth and Lynna was diligently working on her hair.

Shall I get you something warm to drink?”  Lynna was fussing over one stray strand that would not stay put.

Anna shook her head. 
“I feel like my insides are all mixed up.”

Lynna leaned down and kissed her cheek. 
“You are nervous.”

Anna looked up in surprise.  Lynna was smiling. 
“I suppose.”

You look so very beautiful.  Lord William is going to have to blind the rest of the men.”  Lynna finished with her hair.  “I am so very sorry that I have not been able to wait on you like a real lady.  All of that will change with this night!”

The wedding was but a blur.  The ornate church had been lavishly decorated and there were a goodly number of local peasants in attendance.  The priest had given a lovely homily before administering their vows, and the sunbeams streaming through the windows made a cheery, bright pattern upon the floor.

As they were completing their vows on this perfect day, to the horror of all, the church door flew open and in stormed three shabbily-dressed adults.  It was her parents and Sir John!  As everyone looked on, stunned, her father, cursing loudly, strode immediately up to her, and before anyone could react, struck her across the face several times.  Her mother was not in her line of vision, though she could hear her yelling as well.

Lord William was furious; his tone of voice was deeper than she had ever heard before.

“Place that man in the gaol, immediately!”

Anna could hear her mother
’s desperate voice.  “Please, Sir!  I have never spent a moment away from my husband.  Please, do not take him away from me!”  Anna was holding her face with both hands now and she dare not move.  

Very well, gentlemen, bring the wench as well.”  Lord William’s voice of authority was loud over the din of the crowd and Anna heard the pleas turn to screams.  She felt someone gather her up; Anna could tell just by his arms that it was him and she forced her eyes open, sniffling against his chest.  They should be celebrating by now, but instead her dress had been ripped in the shuffle and her face was burning. 

Anna was carried inside a set of chambers that were not familiar to her; she glanced around in a daze. 
“Where are we?”

Lord William set her down gently on an elaborate bed. 
“These are our chambers.  I cannot join you tonight, but when this is over -” he trailed off, as Anna began to cry.

Why did they come looking for me after all this time?”  Anna began to sob.

I will take care of your parents and Sir John; do not let this matter upset you any more tonight.”  Lord William carefully took the veil off her head and laid it next to her.

Anna began to shake. 
“No!  Just make them go!  I do not wish for something bad to happen.”

They will get whatever punishment is due.  They neglected you and I will not stand here and allow that deed to go unpunished.  Your father will be tried for neglecting you.”

Anna screeched and stood up. 
“You can stop this!”  She walked back and forth in front of him.  “Must I beg for my father’s life?”

Lord William caught her and flipped her over his lap. 
“I would rather not do this today.”

Anna immediately went still. 
“I am sorry for my outburst, My Lord.  I will do what you ask of me.” 

Her heart was nearly thudding out of her chest as she felt his arm move

Lord William gave two sharp taps over her dress and laid his hand against her back.  “I am telling you to compose yourself and go to bed.”

As much as she needed her voice to be heard, she did not want to be taught a lesson on what should have been the happiest day of her life. 
“Can you please send Lynna in to help me undress?”

He moved his hands off her back and laid her on the bed. 
“I will send for her; just be sure that you do not let this worry you.”  Lord William laid a kiss on her lips.

Anna began to sniffle again,
“I so desperately wanted to become your wife this day.”

You were told to no longer think about the events that have occurred on this day.   Are you going to abide by my command?”  He kept his eyes solely on hers.

Anna bit her lip, as she did not want to test his patience, but by the same token she was very concerned for the well-being of her father. 

Yes, My Lord.”  She finally resigned herself to his decision though; she knew it only meant that she would have to think of another way.  He wrapped his arms around her, and they lay quietly together.  She felt strangely cared-for as the minutes ticked by.  Her tears finally began to dry, and she gave his hand a squeeze.  “Thank you, My Lord.”

Why do you say thank you?”  Lord William unwound himself from around her body and gave her an odd look.

If it were not for your bravery, I would not be here in your arms on this night.”  Anna gave a sigh full of contentment.

I appreciate your gratitude, and expect that you will now rest well.”  Lord William gave her another kiss before he arose.

Yes, My Lord. I will dream of you.”  Anna smiled as he left the room, and waited for Lynna to help with the layers of cloth.  Perhaps the rather creative woman would have an idea.


Lord William had forbidden her to be involved in the hearing of her father.  She had tried several times to ask for permission but each attempt landed her over his lap.  Anna bit her lip and began to pace.  She needed him to spare an old man’s life for her sister’s sake!  Anna pulled the blanket from the bed and swept it around her.  She needed to be heard, no matter the consequence.  Anna opened the door where Sir Talon was standing guard.  He was one of Lord William’s most trusted guards, and Anna felt her face fall.  How on earth would she persuade him to leave?

What are you doing out of the room?”  Sir Talon gave her a look up and down, as if trying to assess what she was planning.

I need to get some air.  I have been trapped in this room for days,” Anna pouted.

You have a balcony, Miss, and your chambers are more than adequate.”  Sir Talon shook his head and twisted the knob to her chambers.

I just need to walk - you know, stretch my legs.”  Anna gave a genuine smile.  “Please, Sir, let me walk for just for an hour.”

Sir Talon shook his head. 
“I have my orders - ”

Lynna suddenly came running down the hall at full speed. 
“Sir Talon!  There is an emergency in the kitchen!  The cook is throwing pots everywhere!”

Sir Talon gave an uneasy glance between the two. 
“I will send another guard.  Do not let her leave.”  He gave a slight nod and ran up the hallway.

Lynna gave Anna a shove. 
“You’d better hurry.”  She pushed towards one of the side hallways.  “Hurry!  I will tell him that I sent you to bed!”

Anna hugged the other woman for a moment and ran off.  She knew that the blanket only served to get out of her chambers, and that a better disguise was required.  Anna slipped down to the laundering room.  She rummaged through uniforms until she found one that would fit.  She stared at the tabard for only a moment before slipping it over her head.  To add to it she found a hooded cloak and put i
t on over the entire outfit.  She knew that Lord William would take out her blatant disregard of his orders out on her bottom, but this was literally a life or death matter. 

Anna adjusted the cloak and hurried to where the hearing was being held.  She had witnessed trials before, but only when she hid in the very back of the room and did not utter a peep.  She slid carefully into the room and spied Lord William sitting near the front; it would only be a matter of time before he saw

Anna waited until Lord William asked if there were anyone to speak on behalf of her
father’s defense.  Anna stood up and kept her eyes focused on her parents, which were throwing off the little courage she had left.  There were murmurs all around her and for a brief moment she wondered what had given her enough courage to be there at all.

He called her to the front of the room. 
“Why do you wish to speak on behalf of this man?”

Anna took a deep breath and pulled back the hood. 
“I am his eldest daughter.”

Lord William glared daggers at her. 
“I give you the right to speak, but I doubt whatever it is you wish to say will change my mind.”

She heard her father cough,
“Let the damn wench speak.  She is greatly damaged and no honorable man would risk taking her into his house.”

Anna looked over at her mother who was also glaring at her.  She moved her eyes to her father, who kept his eyes squarely on Lord William.  She took a deep breath, and in that moment she wished him to live only for Emma. 
“My Father did not protect me, that is true, but what hurt me the most, My Lord, was that I became my parents’ slave.  They continued to save for my sister’s dowry and forced me to do all the chores of the house.  I was no longer allowed to stay in their house and they beat me whenever they saw fit.”

Lord William raised an eyebrow as she returned her focus to him. 
“I am baffled, as I was under the impression you were going to ask for me to spare this creature’s life.”

Anna looked down at her feet.  He was correct that it had been her original intention.  Anna was now fighting the thoughts that were bouncing around in her head.  She took another breath and gathered the strength to look back up at Lord William. 
“My Father was not good to me, but I have a younger sister.  She needs my parents until she has a husband.”

He gave a nod as his focus was now over her shoulder. 
“Sir John, you are from this man’s village, what could you possibly wish to say?”

Sir John walked up to Anna. 
“I need to tell Anna something before you decide.”

Speak quickly; this woman is already on borrowed time.”  He added a chill to the last line and Anna shuddered.  She knew at that moment that she was in way over her head.

Sir John took her hand. 
“I know what you meant to do here but there is something I have to say.”  He let go and turned towards Anna’s parents.  “I mean no disgrace, but your daughter Emma and I are already wed.  I do not want her dowry, as I know that this year has been rough on you.”

’s mother screamed and threw herself on the ground.  “No!  No!  You lie!”

Every word I say is true.  Emma no longer requires the protection of her parents.”  Sir John turned back towards Lord William.  “I have a respectable job, Lord William, and I have saved enough coin to allow Emma’s mother to be taken care of for the rest of her life.  I also wish to add that Emma is to bear our first born within the year.”

Lord William let out at breath as the woman on the floor began to sob. 
“Well then, I thank you for your testimony.”  He focused his attention back to Anna’s father.  “Do you have anything else to say in your defense?”

If these be my last words, my only hope is that the wench that stands there in the guise of lady will never bear any fruit of her own.”  He spat in Anna’s direction and pulled his wife to the small bench. 

If you were truly an honorable Lord you would have come to my village and given me coin to take that repulsive wench off our hands.  She has been nothing but a stain on our family.”

Anna felt as if she had been struck.  She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall from the sting of her father
’s harsh tongue.  How dare he speak of such ill matters!  She had come here with full intent to beg for him to be spared and he showed not one speck of remorse for his failure as a parent.  “I know that you have granted me a very rare opportunity, Lord William, may I please hear your decision?”

Lord William gave her a nod though his eyes were darker than she had ever seen them, and held promise as to what he would do once they were back in their chambers. 
“As this added information has been brought to my attention, I can see that both of your daughters are in very capable hands.  You are no longer in a position to watch over your youngest and therefore your sentence shall be carried through immediately.  For the crimes of neglect and maltreatment and complete disregard in righting the wrongs done unto your eldest daughter, it is my proclamation that you shall be hanged at dawn.”  He took a breath.  “I will also tell you that I shall take better care of your daughter than you or the woman who cries for you ever could imagine.” 

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