Beck & Call (27 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

BOOK: Beck & Call
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“You tasted good,” she said and pushed her tongue inward.

Damien moaned, maybe tasting himself on her. He accepted the kiss completely then pushed forward and gave it back to her. Mia crooned out a little sound. Erotic chills raced up and down Jake’s spine.

Damien and Mia kissed like they’d been craving it for a while.

Long minutes passed while they drew on each other’s mouths. Finally, Mia cupped his cheeks and drew back. “You’re a good man, Damien. You deserve kindness.”

She was in the moment—sincere, Jake would have bet—but if she’d been trying to make the CEO to fall for her, she couldn’t have chosen her words better.

Since this situation was bound to end, Jake thought a bit more lightness might be in order.

“Spare the rod, spoil the sub,” he quipped.

“You spanked him because you thought he’d like it,” she pointed out.

“He’ll like what I do next as well.”

He pushed onto his feet, helping Damien rise at the same time. The man had good coordination. He avoided stumbling on the way up. He labored under more handicaps than bound wrists. His cock had increased in size from Mia sucking it.

The tie she’d knotted around him was digging in slightly.

“Does that hurt?” he asked.

“Only in a good way,” Damien admitted.

Jake smiled, took the man by the shoulders, and gave him a sharp quick kiss with a bit of tongue. This seemed to surprise Damien. His eyes were wider when Jake drew back. Jake couldn’t resist an urge to tease.

“You do taste good,” he declared. He turned his attention to Mia. She was wide-eyed too. He waved her forward. “Please lead the way to Damien’s bedroom. I’d like our sub to be comfortable while I have my way with him. And take off your clothes while you go. I wouldn’t want him to give in to … trepidation on our walk.”

Jake doubted any amount of trepidation could discourage Damien’s killer erection. Mostly, Jake just wanted Mia to get naked. As he’d expected, she was no slick stripper.
Adorably awkward
better described her disrobing style. She made the process more challenging by refusing to simply let each item fall. She picked them up and draped them over her arm instead.

Watching her wriggle around to undo her bra clasp one-handed was humorous.

“You can just drop those things,” Damien said, still thinking of himself as her host—despite the fact that Jake was marching him behind her by his tied wrists.

“Nonsense,” Jake contradicted to remind him of his place. “Mia is observant. She knows our sub likes his home tidy.”

Mia flashed a grin over her shoulder. “I do. Plus, I might need to find these things later.”

She paused to drag her lacy panties down her legs. She’d come a long way in a little while if she didn’t hesitate to strip down to nothing in front of them.

“Wow,” Damien murmured once she straightened again.

Jake didn’t rebuke him for speaking out of turn. Mia’s back view in motion was praiseworthy. Her heart-shaped butt jiggled just enough, the bare soles of her feet oddly alluring. She reached behind her neck for the clasp of the diamond rope necklace.

“Leave that on,” he and Damien chorused.

She snorted but let it be. “You two
birds of a feather.”

They’d reached Damien’s bedroom area. Mia turned on a light and looked back at them. Her front view stole their breath then.

“Beautiful,” Damien said softly.

She dropped her load of clothes on a chair, her eyes glowing happily. Jake’s trousers felt tight enough to strangle his erection. He was so ready to do this.

“On your bed,” he ordered, giving Damien a gentle push.

Damien swung onto the mattress and sat on his feet. With his arms bound behind his back, the excited in and out of his diaphragm was especially obvious. He looked at Jake warily. “I have condoms in my bathroom.”

Jake enjoyed his caution. He wouldn’t want his new toy growing complacent.

“I’ll get them.” He turned back after a step. “Feel free to keep your mistress happy while I’m gone. Mia, if you want to, untie his wrists.”

The glance the pair exchanged amused him. When he returned, he wasn’t surprised to find them on their knees kissing. Damien’s hands were free, and he was sliding them up and down Mia’s silky back. Evidently, now that he’d broken his fast and gotten a taste of her, he didn’t want to give it up. Jake liked the tenderness with which he held her, the way Mia melted into him. It got to him—as if he shared the pleasure Damien and Mia took in caressing each other.

He was beginning to understand the billionaire’s obsession with watching.

They broke apart as he approached.

“Oh,” Mia said, because he was naked too.

Damien tried to be more nonchalant than her. As his gaze dropped to Jake’s erection, he gave himself away with a shoulder twitch. Jake had already donned a rubber and slathered it with lube. Damien received the intended message that foreplay was over.

“Lie on your front,” Jake instructed Damien.

The CEO shivered and complied.

“Sit next to him,” he told Mia.

She sat and crossed her legs like a well-behaved schoolgirl—one with expensive taste in jewelry. The rope of stones hung between her trembling breasts, the picture made prettier by the docile lowering of her head. Jake’s heart banged faster inside his chest. Sometimes Mia was too much of a natural at this.

He’d have to work at maintaining his self-restraint.

He swung over Damien on the low platform bed, using his knees to force the man’s legs apart. Force was a tool he knew how to apply. Use too much and you risked putting your partner off. Use just the right amount, and anyone with a hint of sub would get pleasantly wound up. Surrender was the ultimate goal of sex, even for dominants.

What else was a climax?

Jake knew Damien wanted one of those. He drew his hands down the other man’s muscled back, savoring his strength and responsiveness. Damien tensed when Jake’s gliding touch reached the bend of his waist, so likely he was ticklish. Jake smiled but let that pass. The CEO’s ass cheeks invited kneading, especially since they still were red. Damien’s arms were bent up, his hands resting palm down on the covers beside his head. As Jake massaged his glutes more deeply, his fingers curled under.

Experienced top that he was, Jake let him take in the new sensations, and the reminder that he’d been spanked. When his butt began to tense again with arousal, Jake reached for a pillow to prop up his hips. The new position exposed him, preparing him for assault. Damien breathed faster. Maybe he was nervous, but Jake doubted it.

His own cock throbbed with anticipation. Ignoring the ache, he spread Damien’s cheeks and placed his tip at the tight entrance. He wasn’t going to rush. This was the other man’s first time. Whatever else they were doing here, Jake was damned if Damien wouldn’t enjoy it.

“Bear down,” he said. “That relaxes your muscles.”

The second Damien did, he shoved his well-lubed tip inside.

Sensation spangled through his nerves at the sudden pressure around his glans. Mia inhaled, so she’d seen what he’d done. Jake pushed carefully farther into the smooth passage. Damien’s body didn’t resist. He moaned, writhing deliciously around him. A heartbeat later, Jake was fully surrounded.

He dropped to his elbows and nipped Damien’s earlobe.

The CEO wriggled frenetically. He was definitely trying to get closer. “Shit. I didn’t know it would feel so good.”

“You didn’t know it would feel so good,

Damien laughed breathily. “All right. I didn’t know it would feel so good, master.”

That answer was sufficient. “You have a lot of nerves in your first inch or so. Under the right circumstances, they hook up to sexual sensations. You probably noticed that when I played with you in the shower.”

“I … remember.”

His voice was choppy, his urge to beg fighting with his struggle not to succumb. Jake decided to show pity. “Ready for me to move?”

Damien arched, the motion pushing his ass harder into Damien’s groin. His loosely curled fingers turned into fists. To his credit he didn’t immediately say
hell, yes.
“Am I … allowed to come?”

“You are.” Jake pulled back gradually, noting the man’s longing reaction. “However, you know you’ll enjoy it more if you don’t give in right away.”

“Right,” Damien said, not sounding so sure he could refrain.

Satisfied his condition was what it ought to be, Jake turned his attention to Mia. Her gaze was glued to the spot where his rigid cock was half drawn from of Damien. She bit the side of one finger.

“Mia,” he said softly.

Her eyes jerked to his. The hypnotized look in them sent a jolt of pure lust through him. “Yes?”

“Spread your hand across the small of his back. I want you to feel me go in and out. I want you to know what me fucking Damien does to his body.”

She placed her hand where he instructed, her palm crossing Damien’s spine and the muscles that torqued his hips. She shuddered as she registered his sweat. Her nipples beaded tighter, the diamonds that hung around her neck flashing with her heartbeat. Sensing something going on, Damien turned his head to her. When he saw how she’d reacted, he reached for her upper thigh and squeezed.

The urge to touch her was understandable. The position she sat in exposed her sex. The gleam of liquid between her folds told both men how very wet she was. Jake’s balls began to hurt from his eagerness. He wished he could fuck her and Damien—and not one at a time.

Since that wasn’t possible, he orchestrated the next best thing.

“Slide two fingers into her pussy,” he said to Damien. “Gently.”

Damien didn’t need the warning, but Jake enjoyed giving it. Two fingers curved into Mia’s drenched passage, followed by his thumb tucking over her noticeably swollen clitoris. Mia gasped when he gave it a little rub.

Jake sensed she was still self-conscious.

“His hand is yours,” he said. “Do with it what you like.”

She cupped it, lightly covering Damien’s fingers with hers. She looked at Jake. “
yours,” she asserted.

He hadn’t expected that. Another jolt ran through him, a primitive satisfaction at the acknowledgement of his ownership. Desire abruptly flared too high to control. His body wouldn’t let him delay longer. He had to start this now.

He pushed his hips into Damien, thrilling to the man’s grunt of surprised pleasure. He was hot inside, and Mia’s hand between them made the long delicious thrust seem like a true claiming. Jake couldn’t conquer Damien by himself. He didn’t want to, if it came down to it. They both liked women:
woman. Mia made what they were doing feel like a complete vanquishing.

He crushed himself as deep as he could go. Damien’s free hand fisted in the bed covers.

“Please,” he gasped, his ass a hard cushion that rocked insistently back at Jake. “More of that.”

Jake should have resisted. He was the master now. With any other partners, he could have. Then Mia made a sound as Damien began fingering her.

The devil on his shoulder said what could a few thrusts hurt? He gave Damien six, then seven, and then suddenly he was pumping hard and fast, bliss driving up his dick in waves. Damien groaned, his brow rolling from side to side on the bed as he strove to coordinate the hand that finger-fucked Mia.

He must have pulled it off. Jake knew the moment she forgot herself.

She lurched up onto her knees, clutching Damien’s hand against her pussy, writhing on the fingers that penetrated her. Her hand still star-fished across the small of Damien’s back, and she’d come close enough to bump Jake. She leaned her weight on her straight left arm. Damien seemed to like the pressure this put on him. He groaned louder, his pelvis struggling to tilt up to the angle that allowed Jake to penetrate most deeply.

Jake shifted tack to accommodate the implied request.

Damien let out a low growling noise. “Oh yes,

Jake’s thrusts had found his prostate. He kept going, not caring that he ought to make Damien wait. His cock felt too good. Actually, his whole body did. He pumped and grunted and finally gripped Damien’s hips to hitch them to exactly the right position for satisfying the screaming nerves of his dick and balls. He pummeled Damien’s ass as forcefully as if he were spanking him. Excitement threatened to undo his control. He had to bite his cheek to keep from blasting every drop of seed that second.

“Beat him off,” he ordered Mia, his voice gone harsh. “Reach under and tug his cock.”

Mia obeyed, but it didn’t feel like enough. Jake had to jack him too. He slapped his hand around Mia’s, around the hot thick organ. Their fingers stacked like puzzle pieces meant to work together. Jake felt the knotted bowtie, the bondage
tied around Damien. It was tighter than ever on Damien’s shaft, his extreme arousal causing it to constrict.

The final thread of Jake’s control snapped.

He humped Damien so hard he could have been trying to stab the man. Damien sucked a great gulp of air, his passage clenching around Jake’s cock. He was coming. The instant Jake’s brain recognized this, his own orgasm exploded. Hot ecstasy flooded his body. Mia cried out sharp and high. Damien’s fingers had brought her off. Jake’s cock contracted more intensely, cum shooting copiously.

“God,” Damien groaned, pushing toward Jake with all his strength. He was still going, pumping seed on the bedcovers.

A long ripping sound announced that he’d torn the sheet.

Damien collapsed and trembled, and Jake had to catch himself on his palms. Mia touched his arm.

She was utterly beautiful: part vulnerable doe and all gorgeous sex goddess. Even though he had no breath left, he needed to lean over and kiss her. Her lips clung to his as he cupped her cheek. Their tongues stroked together, their accelerated heartbeats vibrating through their mouths. His free hand fell to Damien’s back, caressing the man’s warm skin between his shoulder blades. Damien made a rumbly noise like he was happy. Mia pulled free of him.

He watched her lick his kiss from her lips and savor it.

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