Read BECCA Season of Willows Online

Authors: Sara Lindley

BECCA Season of Willows (6 page)

BOOK: BECCA Season of Willows
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She smiled and reached out for him hugging his waist. “I’m ready. You’ll teach me?”
Becca looked nervous as Harrison took her hand. “Yes ma’am! I surely will. Let’s go.”
Harrison led her into their bedroom and closed the door. Becca took off her apron and Harrison noticed her hands were shaking.

“Becca? We don’t have to do this tonight. I don’t want you to feel pushed into anything.”
Becca tried to smile as Harrison looked at her with kindness in his eyes.
He grinned and ran his hand down her arm.

“Tell yah what. Why don’t I go and fill the tub in the wash room with hot bath water and you can take a nice long bath. I got some lavender soap too for special occasions. I would consider this one.”

Becca’s eyes lit up. “That would be so wonderful. Thank you.”
Harrison nodded. “While you’re taking yours, I’ll take mine in the creek. Then we’ll see how we feel? Okay?” Becca nodded.
Nearly a full hour later, Harrison stepped into the house with just a towel around him. He figured she would already be in bed and asleep. But there she was brushing out her long bronze colored hair. Golden highlights danced off each strand as she brushed it.
She had on a sleeveless nightgown that was so transparent he could see her breasts move with each stroke of the brush. He took a deep breath and felt his shaft fill and lengthen.
Becca must have sensed him there because she turned and gasped dropping her brush.

“Oh! Harrison! You startled me!”

Becca had a flash of remembering her Auntie telling her about the beauty of the male physique when she told her about the wedding night. At the time Becca thought she was silly watching her Aunt get all giggly over naked men. But now…now with him standing there in the firelight, he was beautiful. Harrison was broad shouldered, massive. Muscles everywhere. Heavily muscled thighs, calves, even his big feet were beautiful. Becca felt her breath catch and her nipples hardened as she saw the evidence of his arousal behind the towel.

Harrison spoke softly in a gravely voice.
“I thought you might already be asleep.”
Becca shook her head as her hair spun around her shoulders.
“I was waiting for you.”
Harrison’s heart expanded with his chest.
“Shall we then, my beautiful bride?”

Becca picked up her brush and stepped to him as he wrapped an arm around her. They walked into the bedroom together.

Becca slipped into the bed and pulled up the covers as Harrison came to the other side and let the towel fall. Becca stared at his nude body, fascinated with his erection. She caught her breath and looked up into his eyes. He was nervous too.

“I want you to see me, Becca. This is what a man looks like who wants you. I won’t hurt you, believe me. But I do want to find pleasure with you.”

Becca sat up almost whispering.

“I know. Auntie explained it all. And I mean all. She wanted me to enjoy my husband’s attentions.”

Harrison nodded and smiled.

“I want that too.” He cleared his throat.
“Would you like to touch me? I sure do want to touch you.”
Becca looked wide eyed.
“I can do that? I can touch you?”

Harrison chuckled.
“Sure honey. It will make you feel more comfortable with my body and it will feel real good to me.”

Becca sat for a moment and then inched toward him as he stood by the bed.
“Would you mind if we…ugh, well…”

Harrison nodded and smiled.

“I’ll go sleep in another room tonight.”

Becca looked distressed.

“No Harrison…that’s not what I meant. Please, don’t leave me alone. Get in bed please. This is our wedding night.”

Harrison sighed and looked a little desperate.

“Becca? If I get in that bed right now, I won’t be able to not touch you. I’m not that strong a man. I’ll want to feel your warm, soft skin and your hair. I can smell your scent, and I’ll not stop till I make love to yah.”

Becca swallowed and smiled. “Then please. Get in bed.”

Harrison smiled and turned to toss the towel on a chair. Becca giggled as she jumped in and pulled up the covers. Harrison lifted a brow.

Becca looked down feeling shy.

“Auntie said some men had beautiful behinds. She was right.”

Harrison chuckled and blushed.

“I’m glad you like it.”

He turned down the lantern.

He grunted as he sat on the bed and swung his long legs around to settle under the covers. Becca was looking at him like she was before a feast.

“Now what do we do?”

Harrison almost laughed at the excitement on his new bride’s face.

“You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, Becca. There are no rules here.

It’s just you and me in our bedroom on our wedding night. This is our night to find out what we like and give each other pleasure.”
Becca grinned. She leaned over and kissed him. Harrison’s heart soared. She was kissing him! He lifted his hands as they sifted through her long sun streaked hair breaking the kiss.

“Like Silk. So beautiful…and those sparklin’ eyes.”


She ran her soft hands down his throat, his chest and down his stomach muscles so well defined.

Softly touched the line of soft hair from his belly button to the curls at his groin Harrison gasped.
Becca bit her lip and softly grasped his cock in her hand and she smiled as it bucked.

Harrison moaned at her touch and pulled her to him.

“It’s your touch Becca that makes me respond this way. It feels so good. Here, let me show you how good you feel.”

He covered her hand with his and squeezed moving the soft skin of his cock up and down.”
Groaning, he arched his back. Becca kept up the steady movement seeing a bead of liquid spill from the little hole at the tip.
Harrison brushed a hand behind her neck and pulled her to him kissing her. His tongue delving into the sweet taste of her mouth made him shiver. Becca moaned at the taste of him. His hand trailed down her neck and cupped her breast softly squeezing. Becca sucked in a breath as he rubbed his thumb around and across her nipple.

“Here. Let’s get rid of this nightgown.”
Harrison pulled up the gown and tossed it to the floor.

Pulling her to him he nuzzled her neck and kissed down to her rounded breasts. His lips captured the hard bud and he suckled her as Becca arched pulling his head closer to her breast.
He nuzzled her nipple and swiped it with his tongue.
“Oh Becca, so sweet. So sweet. Here release me darlin’. I don’t want things to end too quickly.” Becca bit her lip.

“Did I do something wrong?”

He shook his head and kissed her.

“No Becca. I just want to be inside yah.”

Becca bit her lip again.

“Then show me Harrison, please? Show me how to please you.”


Harrison groaned and felt his control fly away as he kissed her passionately.

Their tongues met and seemed to fuse together relishing the movement of their lips. Becca gripped his shoulders and ran her hands over his arms and back.
Becca felt his erection at the entrance to her secret place and knew her time had come. She would now become a woman.

She braced herself for the pain that Auntie had said would only be temporary. Harrison reached between her legs and began to rub her swollen bud. Becca was already wet for him. He rubbed her bud as he kissed, licked and nipped his way to her breasts again suckling her nipples with relish.
Becca could feel something…something within her building. There was no holding it back. It was like trying to close a door against a strong wind.
Becca closed her eyes and let go as she cried out her release. That was just before Harrison broke her maidenhead hoping his timing was right to cause her the least amount of pain.

Becca never even felt the pain for the orgasm racing through her was so strong she felt she would faint. She arched her back shifting her pelvis for more of him. Harrison gripped her hips pounding into her feeling his release as her vaginal muscles gripped him, holding him in place till the finish.

Becca laid there, feeling the weight of him on her and it wasn’t uncomfortable. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and kissed his neck. He chuckled as he lifted up on his elbows.

Harrison brushed her hair away from her forehead and stared at her lovingly.

“My beautiful wife. You have made me very, very happy. I hope I pleased you?”
Becca smiled and brushed his cheek with her palm as she kissed him lightly all over his face.
“That was wonderful… Harrison? Will it always be like this?”
Harrison kissed her again.

“Give me a few minutes honey and I’ll make sure it does.”
Becca grinned, wanting to know but feeling rather foolish.
“You mean we can do that more than once during the night?”

Harrison laughed.

“Oh yes ma’am…”

It was just before dawn and Becca woke snug and warm feeling something long and hard in the crack of her behind. She blinked her eyes and all the night of loving came back to her. Harrison has shown her what making love was and it was worth every single embarrassing giggle from Auntie Marcie’s description.

She grinned thinking of all that Auntie had told her and she was so right. Bless her heart!
Becca had enjoyed every moment of his kisses, his touches and his pleasuring her. His whispers in her ear as he nibbled her lobe. His groan as he released his seed in her. It was all so strange but beautiful. She wiggled her behind into his groin and she heard a rumble of laughter in her ear as she felt his arms pull her into his chest.

Harrison was thrilled with his sweet new wife and their wedding night. Becca was a virgin and inexperienced as he expected but what she didn’t know she made up for in enthusiasm.
He was tickled to death that she actually liked touching him. Now, he would work just as hard to make her happy in and out of the marriage bed.

He nibbled her ear and slipped inside her from behind. He groaned for she was already wet for him. Palming her breasts and tweaking her nipples he brought them both to a quick climax.
Becca kissed his bicep close to her and she rose from bed. Harrison felt the cold with the feeling of wanting her back snuggled against him.

“Where yah goin, Mrs. McGann?”

He flipped the covers off and stretched out like an old tomcat winking at Becca. She had the good graces to giggle and blush at his blatant nudity.

“You rascal! I have to wash and get dressed. There’s coffee to make and eggs to gather. Children to get dressed and breakfast to make.”

Harrison groaned and got out of bed.

“I guess then I’ll go milk Mrs. Astor”

He got a rag and started to wash himself.

Becca gave him a look.
“Mrs. Astor?”
He nodded.
“Mac named the milk cow.”
Becca laughed and got Harrison to laughing too. He never thought he would wake with a smile and now sharing a laugh over the name of the cow.

Finished with his washing, he gave the rag a pop on her behind. Becca jumped and squeaked giving him a smirk.


She watched him put on a fresh pair of jeans and a clean shirt deciding she needed to get busy and dress herself.


Becca washed up and dressed in her chemise, then wrestled on her favorite blue cotton dress. Grabbing a clean apron, she tied it around her waist making her way to the kitchen.

It was just a few short minutes and she had the fire in the stove going. She put on the coffee as Mac drug himself into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. Becca grinned and kissed his cheek.

“Good morning Sunshine! Will you be so kind as to watch the coffee as I go gather the eggs?”

Mac yawned big.
“I’ll gather the eggs for yuh, Mama.” Becca nodded.
“Why thank you, Mac.”
She went to the cellar and got the bacon setting it on the kitchen counter. She sliced it in strips and soon had it frying on the cast iron skillet. She set the boiling coffee off the hot part of the stove and turned to the pantry.

The bread she had mixed the night before had risen nicely and she kneaded it out to put in the bread pans to rise again. Next was biscuits. She had a big pan in the oven when Mac ran in and set down the eggs.
“Mama? The rooster got me on the leg. Can you help me?”
Becca saw his leg bleeding through his pants and she wanted to cry out.
She bit her lip and nodded not wanting to show she was a coward when it came to blood. She already felt herself getting light headed and fought it off.
“Let’s get that taken care of Mac, shall we?”

She found the salve and bandages in the pantry and knelt down to wash his wound.
After she had bandaged him Mac jumped up completely unaffected by the wound or all the blood. He hugged her and ran out of the kitchen as Becca wiped her face and swallowed hard. She rinsed out the cleaning rag watching the pink cover her hands and she felt that feeling of going to faint as she dumped the water out the back door. She quickly looked away to shove her hands in soapy water to wash. Wiping her face with a cold water rag grounded her thoughts to finish her breakfast.
Scrambled eggs, crisp bacon and fresh biscuits were on the table as Harrison walked through the kitchen door.
“I see I’m just in time.”
He set the milk pail on the counter and washed up for breakfast. He gave her a strange look.

BOOK: BECCA Season of Willows
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