Read Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America Online
Authors: Brigitte Gabriel
Since 2002, there have been at least seven terrorist bombing and shooting attacks inside Pakistan (not counting assassination attempts on government officials).
Pakistani schoolbooks state that Hindus are “backward, superstitious wife burners, and that they are inherently cruel and if given the chance would assert their power over the weak, especially Muslims, by depriving them of education and pouring molten lead into their ears."
Muslims account for only 9 percent of the population of Thailand.
Between January 2004 and October 2005, at least 1,100 people have been killed in a series of Islamic terrorist attacks.
Muslim terrorist atrocities include bombings (including numerous simultaneous bombings), beheadings, and the burning of Buddhist monasteries.
India has also been the scene of numerous Islamic terror beheadings and bombings.
In the last twenty-some years, while Americans were trying to understand how to reason with the Middle East, Islam has reinvigorated its export of fundamentalism. Our ignorance and complacency have been the radical islamists' ally. Their first major attack on America was the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. To show how far out in left field we were, the government handled it as a crime, not as an act of terrorism. Twenty years after a Hezbollah terrorist suicide bomber detonated a truck bomb at the marine barracks in Beirut, the perpetrators who drove the Ryder truck bomb under the World Trade Center were treated as regular everyday criminals. Later that year, in June, nine followers of Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman of Egypt and the sheikh himself were arrested for planning a day of terror in New York City. They planned to bomb the United Nations headquarters, the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the George Washington Bridge, and a federal office building.
After months of investigation by our government, days of reviewing documents, and many hours of court exhibits and interviews, we found out that the conspirators had come and worked together from five different terrorist groups, including the Egyptian al Gamaat al Islamiya (Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman of Egypt); Sudan’s National Islamic Front (members of the Sudanese mission in New York and five Sudanese were arrested for the second series of bomb plots in Manhattan); Hamas (Mohammed Saleh, owner of a Yonkers, New York, gas station, who was to supply the fuel for the second WTC-connected bombing plot and who was also a pivotal Hamas figure in arranging for Hamas military training in Sudan and for acquiring military equipment for Hamas forces in Jordan); Islamic Jihad; and al Fuqra (a militant black Pakistani organization with adherents in Colorado, New York, Canada, and Pakistan). This discovery showed the authorities a network of terrorist organizations woven into the fabric of American society.
America never seems to learn the danger of letting your enemy think that you are weak, asleep, or careless. America sent message after message to the Islamists that while America possesses the most superior weapons of war, it does not possess the resolve or the will to follow through till victory. America proved it when it withdrew from Lebanon after the barracks were bombed and after it didn’t finish the job in Iraq the first time around during the Gulf War. Ever since that signal was sent, the Islamists ratcheted up their attacks, and the United States slept through every attack on its bases and interests overseas. They hijacked TWA flight 847 and the cruise ship
Achille Lauro
in 1985. They bombed another TWA flight and hijacked Pan Am flight 73 in 1986. They bombed Pan Am flight 103 in 1988. They bombed a military compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1995. The Khobar Towers, also in Saudi Arabia, were bombed 1996. They also bombed the USS
in Yemen in 2000. So what signal did the United States send to the Islamic terrorists during eight years of the Clinton administration? During those years the U.S. defense budget was depleted and the U.S. government was a social development center of political correctness, political corruption, and arrogance while the Chinese stole our military secrets. The United States was in the middle of a slumber party while the Islamists were organizing, training, recruiting, and infiltrating our country and counting on our blindness, carelessness, and ignorance. They knew that the leadership was busy lying and covering up sexual scandals instead of building our military, building our intelligence, increasing America’s defense, and staying on the lookout for anyone wishing our country harm.
What was our response after the Muslim terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in February 1993, killing six people and injuring hundreds? Nothing. The outcome of our government’s investigations should have rung like a morning alarm resonating in every government and military office in our country to wake up and fight against worldwide Islamic jihadist terrorism. Al Qaeda-trained Islamic fighters brought down two U.S. helicopters in October 1993 in Somalia, killing eighteen U.S. rangers. What did we do? Nothing.
What was our response when Muslims exploded a truck bomb in June 1996 in the air force’s Khobar Towers housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, injuring more than 500? Nothing. What was our response when Islamists exploded a truck bomb in August 1998, destroying the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, leaving 234 dead, including 12 Americans, and injuring more than 5,000? Nothing.
What was our response when the same Islamic fanatics bombed the USS
in October 2000, blasting a hole in it as the ship took on fuel in Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and wounding 39? Nothing.
In a shameful effort to demonstrate strength, President Clinton launched some guided missiles onto a deserted terrorist camp in the desert, hoping that the headline would replace his sexual escapade with Monica Lewinsky in the front pages of America’s newspapers.
Our antimilitary attitude as a nation and our cowardly responses to terrorists empowered our enemy to strengthen, grow, acquire weapons, recruit scientists, and place Islamic terrorists right here in our midst, learning flight lessons, to begin our destruction. Finally on September 11, 2001, they tried again and successfully attacked America. Do you have any doubt that if Osama bin Laden had had a nuclear bomb, he would have used it instead of airplanes?
Terrorist networks have set up shop in America. They took their time watching our reaction, learning our weaknesses, learning how to use our political system, and studying our immigration system and how it works. America has focused on al Qaeda only as the most threatening group du jour and America’s number-one enemy. This is a grave mistake. Al Qaeda is nothing more than a melting pot of Islamists from different countries and various Islamic militant groups that share an ideology and a hatred for the West. Intelligence reports show evidence that Hamas, the terrorist organization that most Americans believe is Israel’s problem, and Hezbollah, that most Americans believe is a Lebanese problem, have both established cells in the United States and networks with al Qaeda to perpetrate suicide bombings in American cities.
The Muslim Brotherhood is also active in the United States.
America’s problems with terrorist infiltration stem from its long, porous borders with Canada and Mexico. Our Canadian border stretches more than four thousand miles, while the Mexican one is about two thousand miles long. Almost half these borders are in unpopulated areas and are not patrolled. Thousands of terrorists can get in undetected. The Mexican border poses the most dangerous threat. Non-Mexicans—called the politically correct OTMs (other than Mexicans) so that we do not call them for who they are, Muslim Arabs— are being sneaked into our country by the notorious Mexican MS 13 gang. It is estimated that thousands of sleeper agents have been smuggled into the country illegally through the Mexican border alone.
Many sources within the FBI believe that these terrorists are here in America raising funds and working on logistics, waiting for the opportunity to strike within the United States. Many of them have received training in Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
The majority of these terror cells are made up of Muslim immigrants from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle Eastern Muslim countries, people have families, relatives, or friends residing in the United States and came in the country legally. However, some of these cells include members who are U.S.-born American Muslim citizens. They are strongly established in Muslim communities, working and running small businesses under the radar, and having meetings, recruiting sympathizers, and offering videos, Arabic magazines, and other publications that encourage hatred of anything Western and glamorize
jihad fe samil el lah,
jihad for Allah. They are also able to raise funds for their cause under the cover of Islamic charities and foundations.
International terrorist organizations of all sorts have set up shop in America,
and they are taking advantage of religious, civic, and charitable organizations, using our laws for their protection. They are fooling the American public by appearing to be charitable and human rights organizations. After September 11, 2001, the U.S. government shut down a few of these charities with links to terrorism, such as the Holy Land Foundation. Our politically correct law enforcement officials and especially naive, ignorant leaders of religious or educational institutions, who want to believe the best about everyone and not judge anyone, are more than willing to encourage and sponsor groups such as the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the name of multiculturalism and diversity. We are facing total destruction at the hands of an enemy that is absolutely committed to killing
the Great Satan America.
These American-based terrorists have been able to use such Islamic charities and front small businesses to send equipment to terrorist groups in the Middle East, to offer financial rewards to the families of suicide bombers, and to coordinate efforts with other terrorist networks around the world to attack American interests abroad while preparing for the right time to strike here in the homeland.
According to Philadelphia-based terrorism scholar Daniel Pipes writing in the
New York Post,
fifteen warrants were executed in March 2002. In Ann Arbor, Michigan, Rabih Haddad was accused of funneling money to terrorists via the Global Relief Foundation in December 2001 (he was later deported); in justice, Illinois, Enaam Arnaout, executive director of the Benevolence International Foundation, was accused of tunneling money to al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations (April 2002); in New York, Mohammed Yousry, Ahmed Abdel Sattar, and Yassir al-Sirri have been accused of passing messages between Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman (serving a life sentence for his part in an attempt to blow up New York City landmarks) and his followers (April 2002); in Chicago, Jose Padilla was accused of being an al Qaeda member who was plotting to release a dirty bomb in a U.S. city in May 2002 (he pled guilty to a racketeering charge not involving al Qaeda); and in Sunrise, Florida, Adham Hassoun was suspected of organizing al Qaeda operatives in the United States (June 2002) . . . and the list goes on.
The largest networks and most dangerous terrorist groups in the United States are Hamas, al Qaeda, and Islamic Jihad. Some of their members and supporters have entered the country illegally using visa fraud. For example, Abu Mezer, who was arrested by New York City police in 1997 for planning to bomb the city subway system, had been captured three different times by the INS within little more than a year prior to his arrest, each time for illegally entering the country from Canada.
Of all the Islamic terrorist groups in the United States, Hamas has developed the largest network of cells, spreading across the U.S. from sea to shining sea. According to intelligence information, it has cells in Boston; New York City; Laurel, Maryland; Potomac, Maryland; Washington, D.C; Herndon, Virginia; Springfield, Virginia; Raleigh, North Carolina; Boca Raton, Florida; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Philadelphia; Cleveland; Charlotte; Orlando; Tampa; Detroit; Houston; Columbia, Missouri; Plainfield, Illinois; Kansas City, Kansas; Chicago; Denver; Oklahoma City; Arlington, Texas; Dallas; Tucson; Seattle; San Francisco; Santa Clara; Los Angeles; and San Diego.
Hamas is right in many of your towns and cities, right in your backyard. And it’s our lazy and ignorant government officials and lax laws that have allowed them to come here to plan our destruction. Many are still blind in this country to the threat that we face. When are we going to wake up? Yes, we now have the Department of Homeland Security, but without all Americans, the public as well as all branches of government, supporting the war on terrorism, our success will be limited.
We need to know our enemy better. And I’m not talking just about al Qaeda. How many of you have read the Hamas charter published in August 1988? It is public information and will open your eyes as to why you need to become active and involved in protecting our country. For example, Article 22 states:
Our enemies have planned from time immemorial in order to reach the position they’ve obtained now. They strive to collect enormous material riches to he used in the realization of their dream. With money, they’ve gained control of the international media beginning with news agencies,
newspapers and publishing houses, broadcasting stations. They also used this wealth to stir revolutions in different parts of the world in order to fulfill their interests and reap their fruits. With their money they created secret organizations that spread around the world in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests. Such organizations are the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, B’naiB'rith and the like. All of them are destructive espionage organizations. With their money they’ve taken control of the imperialist states and pushed them to occupy many countries in order to exploit the wealth of those countries and spread corruption there.