Read BeautyandtheButch Online

Authors: Paisley Smith

BeautyandtheButch (4 page)

BOOK: BeautyandtheButch
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Chapter Three


Ella’s mouth went bone-dry as Lindsey guided her hand
between her legs. Sucking in a harsh breath, Ella caressed the moist heat,
thrilling when her lover’s thighs opened a fraction wider. Dampness trickled
onto her fingertip as she explored the juicy crease.

Her own clit pulsed with need as for the first time she
touched another woman’s pussy. Lindsey breathed deeply. Contentedly. “Feel how
wet I am for you?”

Gnawing her bottom lip, Ella nodded.

Lindsey reclined on her elbows and spread her legs wider.
“Put your finger inside me.”

Ella slid her middle finger down until it found the opening
and slipped inside. Lindsey’s inner tissues hugged Ella’s finger like warm, wet

“Mmm,” Lindsey murmured and planted a foot on the bed. She
twisted slightly to lift her hips. “Don’t be gentle, princess. Fuck me hard.”

Bracing herself with one hand, Ella leaned over her lover
and worked her finger in and out of the tight passage. Lindsey’s eyes closed.
Her chin dropped and her forehead furrowed as she pumped her hips furiously to
meet Ella’s thrusts.

“Fuck, baby.” Lindsey’s voice was but a rough breath. “Oh, fuck.
Mmm. Oh yeah, like that. Harder. Oh God, yes. I’m gonna come.”

Her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Her fists clenched and
her toes curled and then Lindsey’s pussy clamped down on her finger and
squeezed. Lindsey seized Ella’s wrist and held her hand captive against her
groin while she ground her clit against the heel of Ella’s palm.

She gasped when Lindsey grabbed her and pulled her down on
the bed. Their mouths fused and they kissed hungrily. Ella whimpered. She
couldn’t get close enough, she couldn’t kiss hard enough. Her body moved
restively against the other female’s.

“Taste my come,” Lindsey said, urging Ella’s shoulders

Ella didn’t need coaxing. She kissed the slender column of
Lindsey’s neck, laved each breast and sucked both hard nipples. Ella traced a
path with her tongue around Lindsey’s navel, flicking the little silver ring
before kissing her way farther down.

Wedging her shoulders between Lindsey’s thighs, Ella
breathed in the musky scent of feminine sex. The fragrance intoxicated her,
lured her. She spread the blushed folds open. Liquid glistened like a raindrop
at her opening. Her pink clit was slightly swollen, begging for more attention.

Ella had always imagined what it’d be like to taste another
woman, but this moment exceeded all her expectations. She’d never thought it
would be so earth-shattering, that a woman’s body could possess such allure.
She’d never known the thrill of wanting to give every bit as much as she
received or to be aroused by the thought of pleasuring someone else. Those
details surprised her. Awed her.

And left her with the innate knowledge that she was one
hundred-percent lesbian.

She dipped her head and bestowed a kiss to Lindsey’s clit.

Lindsey had drawn a couple of pillows under her head so she
could watch. “The sight of you between my legs is so damn beautiful,” she said.

One corner of Ella’s mouth twitched as she smiled and then
traced her tongue through the succulent folds. Lindsey shivered. She tasted
sweet and salty at the same time, like sweat and woman and sex. Like heaven.
Ella wanted more. She shifted closer and sucked one plush lip and then the

“You like eating pussy, don’t you, princess?”

“Mm-hmm.” Her lips smacked as she sucked Lindsey’s clit.
Ella bent her neck so she could slide her tongue inside her lover’s opening.
She flicked the tip inside and then drew it out to take as much as she could of
the tantalizing sex in her mouth. Her tongue swept over the juicy flesh and
then back inside the channel.

Laying her legs open as widely as possible, Lindsey anchored
Ella’s head in place.

Latching hard on to the ripe clit, Ella plunged her index
finger into Lindsey’s cunt to fuck her while she ate her. Lindsey’s muscles
jerked but Ella refused to let up.

“I’m gonna come again,” Lindsey managed breathlessly as she
rolled her hips against Ella’s mouth and finger. Lindsey’s thighs shook. Her
whole body trembled and once more, Ella felt the telltale spasms deep inside
her lover’s pussy. She didn’t stop until Lindsey fell back limp against the

Lindsey stroked Ella’s hair as Ella pressed a kiss to her
lover’s inner thigh. “Damn, princess. You sure you’ve never done that before?”

“First time,” Ella said, pleased she’d made Lindsey come

“What’d you think? I mean, how does it compare?” Lindsey
asked, coaxing Ella to lie beside her.

Ella moved into Lindsey’s arms, amazed at how
she felt at this moment. “There’s not any comparison,” Ella admitted.

Lindsey hugged her close and kissed her on the forehead.
They lay entwined for several minutes before Lindsey dragged in a deep breath.
“As much as I’d enjoy snuggling like this with you all night, I’d hate for your
competition to find out you were making the walk of shame from another woman’s

Ella giggled softly. Lindsey was right and Ella hated to
admit it. Some of these girls could be catty and a scandal would most certainly
get her evicted from the pageant.

She sat up and the sight of Lindsey’s androgynous sexuality
made Ella long to risk anything to remain here.

Cupping Ella’s cheek, Lindsey brushed a thumb across her
bottom lip. “I’d really like to do this again before we wrap production.”

Ella’s heart soared. “Me too.” She bent and kissed Lindsey’s
mouth, lingering there to savor their connection before she got up and began to

She glanced at Lindsey and gave her an impish smile as she
collected the scattered clothes she’d so hastily discarded earlier. Ella pulled
on her panties and the look Lindsey gave her caused renewed desire to throb in
her clit.

Shaking, Ella put on her jeans and then donned her bra and
shirt. She’d thought she could hook up with Lindsey, get dressed and then walk
away—but already her mind turned over future encounters with the sexy producer.

“I…I’ll see you tomorrow,” Ella said.

Lindsey gave her a single nod. “Looking forward to it.” Her
smile caused Ella’s stomach to somersault.

“Good night,” Ella said before she quietly left.

* * * * *

Lindsey looked at the clock. It was nearly five in the
morning and she hadn’t slept a wink. Her sheets still smelled like Ella’s

Clapping a hand on her forehead, Lindsey sighed. What was
she thinking? She wasn’t in the business of seducing virgins.

Virgins were dangerous territory. They tended to want to
come back for more. She briefly entertained the erotic memory of the beautiful
blonde head between her thighs. “Fuck me,” Lindsey muttered and raked her
fingers through her short hair. How the hell was she ever going to be able to
film her for the next three days?

Hoping to find a message from Ella, Lindsey reached for her
cell. No messages. She stuck out her bottom lip. It’d been a long time since
she’d been disappointed at not receiving a next-day text or call. Then again,
they had laid out some ground rules. Sort of.

She lay there until six and then rolled out of bed and
showered. Her no-fuss, no-frills morning routine had her downstairs searching
for coffee in less than twenty minutes.

Maurice was already in the breakfast area, paper plate piled
high with powdery-looking eggs and some sort of greasy tube-shaped meat.

“Morning,” Lindsey greeted with a tilt of her head as she
made a beeline for the coffee. After pouring a Styrofoam cup full, she snagged
a banana from a fruit tray and joined Maurice who’d already devoured half his
breakfast. “Dude? Did you inhale that?”

He chuckled. “Where’d you get off to last night?”

I followed one of the contestants to a lesbian bar and
then brought her back to my room and fucked the shit out of her.
shrugged. “Just taking in the local scene.”

Dressed to perfection in a powder-blue suit that showed off
her legs, Ella appeared in the entryway of the breakfast area. Lindsey’s
stomach clenched. So did her channel.
Damn. I ate her pussy last night.

Ella had swept her blonde locks up into a neat bun that made
her face look dewy and fresh in spite of the fact she’d been up late.

Lindsey couldn’t stop staring.

“What the hell?” Maurice teased. “See something you like?”

Lindsey didn’t want to be obvious nor did she want to give
Ella the cold shoulder.

Ella glanced her way and heat swept up Lindsey’s spine.
Feeling like a kid in the throes of a first crush, Lindsey gave her lover a
little smile and then she turned to Maurice. “I didn’t want to be rude.”

He dragged his napkin across his scruffy face. “I ain’t

“How about you? How’d you make out last night? When I left
the bar, you were surrounded by no less than eight of these gals.”

He snickered. “I feel so used,” he declared dramatically.
“They only want me for my big…camera.”

Lindsey’s pulse rioted when Ella sat at their table.

“Good morning,” she said, suppressing a yawn. “Something
kept me up all night. I hope you both slept well.”

Nearly choking on her coffee, Lindsey nodded. “Like a rock.”
She shot Ella a wicked glance.

Maurice popped the last of his sausage links into his mouth.
“Are we filming in the big meeting room today?”

“Yep. We’ll be doing the judge’s interview portion of the
pageant today,” Lindsey said, trying to keep it between the ditches. Proximity
to Ella made her feel as if she’d stepped into a steam sauna.

“See y’all,” Maurice said before he gathered his trash and

Ella grinned. “I really did enjoy last night.”

“Me too,” Lindsey said.

Ella peeled the top off a cup of yogurt. “I know we kind of
left things open, but I’d really like to spend time with you while we’re…while
we’re here. If that’s okay with you.”

“Better than okay,” Lindsey blurted, thrilled about the
opportunity of getting naked with this sexy woman again.

“Mornin’ y’all,” Marquita said as she sat her tray laden
high with syrupy, buttery waffles on the table.

Ella’s eyes widened at the stack of carbs and sugar. “Oh my
God! How do you stay so fit and eat all that?”

“High metabolism,” Marquita said with a grin. “Plus I did an
hour on the treadmill this morning.” She dove into the waffles. “Did you hear
about that business with Ashley Lowrey?”

One of Ella’s fair eyebrows arched. “No. What?”

Marquita’s smile faded. “She got DQed.”

“Disqualified?” Ella asked in shock. “Why?”

“Somebody sent the judges a link to a picture of her
handstanding with a beer bong that somebody’d tagged her in on Facebook.”

“You’re kidding?”

Marquita pursed her lips and shook her head.

“Damn, you girls are cutthroat,” Lindsey said.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Marquita said. “A lot of these
girls’ll do anything to get a leg up on the competition.”

Lindsey leaned back in her chair and sipped her coffee. She
scanned the room for the other woman who’d agreed to be filmed. “Where’s Chelsea?”

“Speaking of catty?” Ella joked as she shrugged.

Marquita raised an eyebrow. “She probably won’t be sitting
with us.”

“I take it she’s the type who’d do whatever it took to win?”
Lindsey asked.

Marquita nodded solemnly. “I probably shouldn’t say anything
but in this day and time people like her need to get over their prejudices.”

“Seriously,” Lindsey added. “Jeez. How do you deal with
people like that?”

Marquita halted the waffles in mid-journey to her mouth.
“Not me, honey. You.”

Lindsey’s lips parted. She snorted. She’d always worn her
sexuality like a badge. It didn’t define her but it was part of her. The way
she dressed, wore her hair and talked was just her personality. She never would
have been able to hide it and because of that she’d garnered her share of crass
comments and disapproving looks. Because of her openness, she’d never really
suffered the mean-spirited speculation Reagan had though.

But when Ella’s lashes lowered and she averted her gaze,
Lindsey wanted to smack Chelsea.

“It’s people like her that make it hard for closet lesbians
to come out,” Lindsey said. “It’s too bad she feels that way.”

She reached in her back pocket and pulled out the schedule,
unfolded it and read over it. “Looks like you three will be up first in the
interviews because we’re filming.” She grinned at Marquita. “You better gobble
up them waffles, girl.”

Marquita shoved a giant forkful into her mouth. “I’m eatin’
as fast as I can,” she mumbled. “Y’all go ahead. I’ll catch up.”

Lindsey stood. “I’m gonna get another cup of this rotgut
before we go.” She collected her banana peel and flung it in a trash can on her
way to the coffee counter.

Ella dashed her refuse in the can and put her cup down next
to Lindsey’s.

Lindsey angled the pot over Ella’s cup. “Buy ya a cup of

“Please and thank you,” Ella said with a sexy smile.

Lindsey filled them both and they left together on the way
to the ballroom.

“So…I take it none of these folks know about you,” Lindsey
said softly.

Ella shook her head. “I’m not proud of hiding it. But…I’m
just not ready to take that step. I guess you think I’m a coward, eh?”

“No,” Lindsey said quickly. “I just didn’t want to
accidentally out you.”

“Thanks,” Ella whispered as she pushed open the door to the

Maurice had already set up the lights and put the camera on
the tripod. A panel of judges sat behind a table, drinking coffee and picking
at pastries.

Chelsea sat in a chair near the judges’ table, her feet
crossed at the ankles, her light-brown hair perfectly coiffed and spilling over
the shoulders of her pale-green suit. A diamond cross gleamed against the ivory
skin just below the center of her collarbone. An American flag pin adorned her

BOOK: BeautyandtheButch
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