Beauty from Surrender (34 page)

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Authors: Georgia Cates

BOOK: Beauty from Surrender
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"Did you hear the part about me not being on any?"

I didn't at first but I guess it sunk in after a minute. "Sort of."

"I wanted the IUD removed before I left because I wasn't sure if I'd have a problem finding a doctor here to take it out."

I don't know anything about that stuff. "We have properly trained medical doctors here. We're not barbarians."

"I know that, but we never discussed how long it would be before we wanted to start a family. I don't really know if it takes a while to conceive after an IUD is removed and I didn't want it to cause any problems when we're ready, so it seemed like the smart thing to do. I'm sorry. I was going to talk to you about it, but things moved so fast. While you were proposing didn't seem like the right time to bring it up, and then your mouth was between my legs and I definitely wasn't interrupting that to talk about it. You just moved so fast. You went from having your mouth on me one second to being inside me the next."

"Baby, it's okay. If it happened, then we'll just have a baby. We're getting married soon anyway. Don't worry about it."

"You're not mad?"

"No. I've told you how I feel about us having a baby. I'd be happy if it happened just now. If it didn't, then that's just more time to practice until we decide to try."

"I think we're okay because I'm supposed to start my period in a few days. I'd be happy too if it happened, but I'd prefer to be married for a little while first, if given the choice."

"Agreed." I roll her to her back and hold her arms above her head as I straddle her legs. "Because I want to do all kinds of explicit things to you before we have a baby, Mrs. McLachlan." I lower my mouth to her breast and take her nipple in my mouth. I roll my tongue around it until it hardens. "You know a baby would be disturbing us every few hours wanting to do this."

"You love the thought of that, don't you?"

I do, despite what Evan told me about it. "What makes you say that?"

"This isn't the first time you've brought up nursing."

What? "I don't remember ever talking about that."

"I wouldn't expect you to because you were drunk as shit—although you somehow remember the drunken proposal."

"So, I proposed while I was drunk in Vegas and talked about having kids—that you would breastfeed?" That's weird. I must've been drunker than I thought.

"Yeah, you told me you couldn't wait to see me nurse our babies." I'm sure she'll be adding this to my list of weirdo behaviors.

"I don't remember saying that, but it's true. You've triggered something in me I thought I'd never feel or desire. All I can think about is making you mine and starting a family."

"That's because you're a caveman," she laughs. "You have a desire to procreate, and I'm agreeable, but you need to marry me first."

No argument here. "Just tell me when and where and I'll be there. Mum will be ecstatic to help you plan everything. She, Chloe, and Emma will probably plan the whole thing if you'll let them."

"None of my family will come, so I don't need a big wedding, unless it's what you want."

It makes me sad every time she mentions that her family won't come. "I just want you. I don't need anything else, but why don't we go to Sydney so you can start making plans since we don't want to wait long? Does Thursday sound okay? We'll make a long weekend of it."

"Yeah. That sounds good. I can't wait to see everyone."

"Would you mind terribly if I don't tell my family you're here? I'd like to surprise them. If Mum knows you're with me, she'll be on her way here within the hour, and I'd like to have you to myself for a little while before the vultures descend."

"I'm perfectly fine with a little alone time."

I roll her to her back. "Can I practice being your husband?"

"I'd be mighty disappointed if you didn't. Practice makes perfect, you know?"





I've been in Australia for three days and Jack Henry has practiced being my husband until my stuff is tired—it's just completely worn out. I didn't think it could be done, but I was wrong. I guess that's what happens when you try to make up for three months in a seventy-two-hour time frame.

I think I'm grateful for the five-hour drive so I can have a break from our almost nonstop sex. He won't admit it, but I think Jack Henry may have had enough for a while too.

We go to his apartment before driving out to his parents'. The place seems so foreign to me. We didn't spend time here before because Margaret insisted we stay at her house. Just like at Avalon, right away I notice the pictures of us—and me. They're everywhere. I pick one up adorned by a heavy silver frame. In it, I look like I'm daydreaming about something, completely unaware that my picture is being taken. I have no recollection of when he took it or where we were because it's a close-up and I can't make out any part of the fuzzy background.

"Is this from when I was in Australia before or when you were in the States with me?"

"It's from when you were here. I have lots of pictures like that."

I know he's right when I take notice of the honey highlights in my hair. I don't have those anymore, but I think I need them back. I look brighter and more cheerful with them. "You mean pictures where I'm staring off into space looking like a goofball?"

"No. I mean pictures when you're natural and candid because you didn't know I was taking them. I like those best—it's how you look most of the time."

It's weird to think of him taking my picture when I don't know it. "I was already convinced but now you're a confirmed freak: ass-biter. Sweaty-back licker. Obsessed giver from behind. Sneaky photographer. What other kind of rabbits are you hiding in that hat of yours?"

"That's a long list. You make me sound like I need therapy or something."

"It's highly possible," I laugh.

"The only reason I'd need therapy would be if I didn't have you in my life. I admit I may have bordered on the need while we were apart." I completely get that.

He pulls me to him and kisses the top of my head. It's a gesture of the pure way I know he loves me—nothing sexual about it—and there's never a time when I feel more cherished than when he does this simple act. "I love you."

He squeezes me and plants another kiss on the crown of my head. "I love you, babe—more than anyone or anything else in this world."

I adore this man and I don't doubt his love. Trust doesn't come easy, but I believe him when he says he will never hurt me. My ability to feel safe enough to give myself entirely is a true miracle within itself. He has changed me—just as I have changed him. These moments mark a new beginning for us—one we will begin as husband and wife.



Jack Henry parks in front of his parents' house, and I'm anxious. I don't know why but my heart is pounding a million beats a minute. "Why am I nervous?"

"I don't know, but I am too. It feels weird, doesn't it?"


He looks at the cars in the driveway. "Everyone's here. Are you ready to make your surprise appearance?"

I shrug. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

He leans over and cradles my face with his hands before kissing me. It's so soft and sweet that I feel like I'd float away if he weren't holding on to me. "Don't worry. They love you and they're going to be thrilled for us."

"I know. I'm not worried. I think excited is a better word."

"I agree. Come on. Let's go make Margaret McLachlan's life complete."

Jack Henry knocks on the door but doesn't wait for anyone to answer before he opens it. He ushers me in first and we stand in the foyer. "Mum? Dad?"

"In the living room," I hear Henry call out.

He squeezes my hand. "Let's do this thing."

The scene in the living room is a surreal vision for what life with this family will be like. Henry is sitting in his recliner. Evan is in the floor with the girls and the new baby, Aidan. The women are absent and I assume they're in the kitchen finishing up dinner. Celia squeals with delight when she sees me, "Law-re-ren!" I love the way she says my name and I'm so happy she remembers me.

She races across the floor and I bend down to catch her in my arms. "Hey, girlie girl. Look at you and how much you've grown."

"Where you been?" she asks as only a child can.

"I had to go to my house for a little while, but I'm back and I'll be here from now on."

She claps her hands and screams, "Yay!"

Mila toddles over to get in on a little of the action and I know Jack Henry is having a fit to get me into the kitchen, but I can't resist picking her up for just a minute. "And look at you. You've grown so much and you're walking now." She stares at my face and touches it with her sticky hand. I know she doesn't remember me but it looks like we'll be fast friends again.

"Baby," she says as she points to Aidan on the blanket in the floor and wiggles to get down.

"I see your new baby brother," I tell her as I put her back on the floor.

Evan gets up with Aidan and comes over to hug me and I get my first good look at the baby. He has a headful of dark curls and I can easily see that his eyes are a blue-gray color like Evan's, instead of Emma's brown. "I see we have another handsome McLachlan man."

Evan holds him out for me. "We do. He's ten weeks old." I take him in my arms and he smells so good—that sweet little fragrance that only a baby has.

Henry is up from his chair and hugging me as I hold Aidan. "We had no idea you were back."

He hugs Jack Henry next. "I know, Dad. We wanted her return to be a surprise for Mum."

"It certainly will be and probably couldn't have come at a better time. She's close to giving up on you, missy."

I feel like I need to explain my absence. "I had some things to take care of before I could free myself to come back, but it's all cleared up now."

"Whatever it was doesn't matter now. Please don't waste another second in here with us. I want Margaret to see you. She's going to be thrilled."

I pass Aidan back to Evan and we walk to the kitchen with Henry ahead of us. "Margaret, Jack is here and I hope you prepared enough for an extra guest. He brought company."

She's standing in front of the sink washing her hands. She reaches for a dishtowel. "Henry, I always cook more than we need. Of course, I…" She trails off when she sees me. "Laurelyn!" she says and drops the towel and hurries over to me. She puts her arms around me and squeezes tightly as she plants a kiss on my cheek. "You're here. Finally. I'd almost decided you weren't going to come."

"It took a little longer than I liked, but I made it."

She releases me so she can see my face. "Is this a visit?"

"No. I'm here to stay." It feels good to say the words.

"So, it's official now? He finally asked you the way he should have months ago and you're engaged to be married?" She takes my left hand and brings it up for a look. She reaches for her glasses on top of her head and pushes them to her nose. "A cushion-cut diamond with a pavé halo in platinum. My boy did good."

"Your boy did excellent. His taste is impeccable." I'm very glad he showed some restraint when choosing my ring. We all know he could've bought a diamond the size of my head, but he knew that wouldn't be me. "His choice is perfect and couldn't suit me better if I'd chosen it myself."

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