Read Beauty Bites Online

Authors: Mary Hughes

Beauty Bites (28 page)

BOOK: Beauty Bites
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He opened his eyes. They were a stunning violet, no longer red, and his fangs were gone. “Why two numbers then?”

“The higher number matches your heart filling your arteries. I continue releasing the pressure until there’s no sound.” Slowly, I let more air out. “There. The lower number is the pressure between beats, when the heart rests.” I frowned as I released the cuff. “You’re at 80/50. You should be fainting.” This was amazing. “Something must be keeping you going. Maybe your capillaries are all constricted. Or maybe there’s some pseudo air pressure thing going on. Maybe your blood vessels or heart aren’t constructed like humans. Maybe—”

“Maybe I’m desperate for you.” He grabbed me and yanked me into his rock-solid torso.

Chapter Nineteen

“Maybe I’m desperate for you.”
Ric Holiday, desperate for me? My mouth was already gaping open in astonishment, so when he kissed me it was easy for him to drive his tongue deep into my mouth.

His lips were burning hot. His taste was darkly male. The cuff dropped from my nerveless hands.

He planted palms on the mattress behind me and leaned forward, pressing me onto the bed. As I flattened beneath him he climbed over me, tongue still deep in my mouth. He wedged his thigh into the crease between mine and thrust insistently. My legs parted. Immediately his thigh filled the gap, nestling tight. Both of us could feel the moist heat of me. He groaned.

He began flexing his thigh, pressing my mons in rhythm with the thrust of his tongue in my mouth. His hand found my breast, cupped it. Hefted its weight. His hot palm felt so good. I curled my legs around his thigh and rocked my hips in counterpoint to his flexing rhythm. That made us both groan.

His thumb found my nipple, already half-peaked under the thin silk. He flicked it. I yelped. He seized the stiff peak between thumb and forefinger and

I shot straight into the cage of his heavy body. I moved maybe half an inch, rippling into his strength like a little bird. I gasped into his open mouth. He took my panting breath, gave it back with masculine fire.

His leg between mine was driving me insane. I’d never fired so hot or so fast. I wanted more. I rubbed my hands over his arms, his back. More, much more—all of him, hot, sweaty and naked. I tried to say that with my petting hands. He only flexed his thigh between my legs and thrust his hot tongue into my mouth and tweaked my nipple until I thought I would explode. Frustrated, I snatched his shirt and yanked it out of his pants so hard it tore.

He swore and released me to rear back on his knees. Strip-strip and the shirt was gone. I was confronted by a tautly muscled, bronzed god.

Desire flooded me at the sight of so much bulging male strength, an elemental
seizing me. My hands grabbed whatever they could. With one hand I clutched an incredibly sculpted external oblique—damn, could have used him to practice my anatomy—and with the other I caught his belt.

. A good idea is a good idea whether you’ve actually thought of it or not. I whipsawed the end until the buckle loosened, then came undone. It took me forever and I was relieved when he pushed my hands aside to unsnap and unzip. He was a whole lot more autocratic in bed and I was liking it.

Until he stopped. I reached for his pants with a whimper. Again he pushed my hands away; this time I was a lot less pleased. “More,” I demanded, waving at the luscious abs, the line of hair rippling down into happy land.

“Too soon.” His voice was a deep, feral growl and the tips of fangs flashed as he spoke. I shivered. I’d unleashed something very beastly in the urbane Ric Holiday.

And I loved it.

.” I didn’t think it was too soon at all, but apparently I needed to convince him of that.

He had uncaged me when he stripped his shirt and unfastened his pants. I did a half sit-up and reached behind me to flick open the hooks of Twyla’s bra. Tearing it off, I tossed it to the floor.

That convinced him pronto.

He roared, circled my ribcage with one arm and hauled me to him. Opening his mouth he latched onto one breast and suckled like a mad man. I gasped at his hot, questing lips, the suction of his mouth, the spike of fang grazing my skin. He wrapped me entirely in that muscled arm, and thrust his free hand between my legs. His fingers dove under the thong so aggressively it tore. Warm, rough skin skidded on my moisture and slipped deep into my body.

I shrieked. One of his fingers began to plunge in concert with his suckling mouth. I clutched brawny back, muscles hard and defined under my fingers. My hands began to rove the wonder of him of their own accord, not subtle or caressing at all but feeling him up like a sexual beast. In my defense, he was attacking my body with the same mindless fever.

He released me to press me back into the bed, licking my breast until it bobbled, hand riding me between the legs. I arched in pleasure so intense it was like tightening a screw. He licked lava trails from one breast to the other, latched on and suckled me brainless. I was mewing and arching and wanting even more when he sank the fingers of his free hand into my DD globe.

Sensation flashed through me, bright and almost painful. I howled. I wasn’t sure who was the beast any more. My thighs clenched in reaction, grabbing his riding hand. If I’d thought that would stop him I didn’t know him very well. He simply doubled his efforts, shaking my whole bottom until my hips bounced into the mattress. My fever climbed. I was naked and close to orgasm, just from a hand job, and he was still half-dressed. Although if the bulge ballooning against my leg was any indication, he wasn’t unaffected.

“You’re so beautiful. So hot and wet and lovely.” He returned to my mouth, kissing me while his hand squeezed my breast and his other hand rode my pussy so insistently it drove me up the slope of no return. I moaned, long and low.

A rumble started, vibrating where our bodies pressed together, a deep roll of thunder like a lion’s purr. “I love your smell.” His words were ruffled by the purr. “I love your taste. I want more. I’m starving for you, Synnove.”

“You’re starving for blood,” I gasped.

“No, not blood. For you.” He kissed down my jaw, hot open-mouthed kisses, sharpened by the nick of fang. “Only you. Let me bite you.” Two fingers thrust into me, sudden, burning. I cried out. He purred louder.

I panted, almost mindless with need. But I managed, “Does it hurt?”

“Mmm. It’s exquisite.” His tongue traced along the tendon of my neck.

“That doesn’t answer—”

“Please, Synnove.” He nuzzled my throat. His breath billowed hot on my skin. His fingers drove into me repeatedly. I built higher, higher still. “I’m desperate for you. Say yes.” His thumb rasped over my clit, sending waves of need crashing into me. “Say it.” His fangs pressed into the sensitive flesh of my throat, not breaking skin but sharply pregnant with sensation. His thumb flicked, hard, sending me so close to the edge I could see the canyon dropping into the warm lagoon below. “Say it

I launched myself over the edge, flying like a cliff diver. “Yes!”

Midair, lightning skewered my throat. Twin bolts spiked through my body straight to my groin where his fingers had thrust practically to my eyeballs. They met in an explosion.

I screamed. I didn’t fall over the edge of orgasm, I shot straight up into the stratosphere. Climax didn’t ripple, it sheared, a jagged bolt of lightning that tore through the night sky. I came so hard my brain lit up, my ears rang and my body wrenched apart.

Slowly, relaxation enveloped me like freshly laundered sheets. When I finally recovered enough to open my eyes, Ric was licking my neck and purring madly. His eyes were closed and his expression was blissful.

I could imagine what he’d look like if he’d bitten me during actual intercourse.

I yawned. I felt fresh, new, sleepy. My mind wandered. For not having gotten any, he certainly looked satisfied. Maybe with vampire physiology, he’d orgasmed from biting.

I yawned again and roused myself enough to tap his forehead. “Hey. You. Did you want something other than my blood?”

“I want…” He placed a final broad swipe on my neck and sat up. His chest was flushed and his nipples were so tight they were pinpricks. The top of a sizeable erection jutted from his gaping fly. “I want everything.”

Or actually, it came out “I wan’ e’ery’ing,” because his fangs dented his lower lip. His eyes glowed bright red.

Again, maybe I should have been scared but I was only intrigued. Because this was Ric. I wanted this from him. Needed it. My own Happily-For-Now.

“Everything, hmm?” I waved a hand at my thighs, parted in utter relaxation, glistening with my climax. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m sort of ready for everything.” My wave dislodged air scented with my satisfaction.

He choked—and fell to his knees with his head between my legs.

His first long lick popped my eyes open, revved me higher than ever. His tongue dug deep between my swollen labia, caught on my rising red clit. I gasped, automatically trying to close my legs. His palms stopped me, firmly asking me to keep my thighs where they were. When I did, he really got to work.

He lapped hard, branding me with hot breath and fiery tongue. It got rougher as he licked, until he was toweling me with his lapping. When my mouth opened on a moan, he thrust a finger into me, then two. I groaned. His purr started again, rumbling low, pausing as he swallowed. He beat against me rhythmically, thrusting and driving with fingers and tongue. My breasts bobbled with the force of his laps. My body started jerking from the power of his.

He opened his mouth on my sex, fangs pressing the length of my labia.

I whimpered at the volcanic heat. “Don’t…don’t bite there.”

His eyes flashed up at me, red and hungry, but somehow I knew he was trying to reassure me. He pressed his tongue against my rigid clit, then sealed his lips on my pussy and sucked.

I came so fast I jerked against his hard hold. He thrust his fingers and slapped clit and sucked right through it, spiraling me into another buildup before I could even shout. He thrust and sucked until I writhed on the bed, until I thought my skin would turn inside out.

When he’d driven me to the peak of insanity yet again—he stopped.

I throttled a scream of frustration. He rose between my legs, all that beautiful sleek musculature, rose to his knees, set a foot on the floor and spun off the bed. I cried out in disappointment—

Just as he shucked his pants.

My cry cut off. I gaped. His erection thrust huge and smooth from his hips. The claws predictor was right on. If six inches was average, Ric was two men.

I came to my knees on the mattress. My hand reached out automatically, stopping just before I took him. My eyes sought his, asking permission. His burned dark red. With careful fingers he led my hand to his cock. I took him in my hand.

He throbbed, smooth and warm. His purr was practically deafening now. So I had to. Really I did.

I opened my mouth and sucked him deep.

And choked. I didn’t have much gag reflex but I’d never experienced that much man. Ric’s cock filled my mouth and throat and then some.

“Synnove.” Ric groaned, but his hands caressed my hair, reassuring, warm. “You don’t have to.”

I looked up at him with one eye. “Is that a challenge?”

“No, it’s—gah!”

I opened my throat and thrust my mouth over him as far as I could. Concentrating, I managed to stuff him down until my nose bumped the incredible muscles of his abdomen.

He throttled a long groan. His hands clenched in my hair, and his cock went rigid in my mouth and I knew I’d rung his bell like he’d rung mine.

And then, as a pièce de résistance, I drew slowly off him, letting him feel each ripple of cartilage, each rasp of tongue, all polished off with a knife-fine scrape of my teeth.

He threw back his head, gritting his own teeth against a roar of pleasure, perspiration glistening along his fine torso.

Still in control. So not happening.

I grabbed his hips for purchase, clamped my lips tight around his cock and bobbed along his length. He gasped. I lapped and swirled as I rode him with my mouth. He howled. I drove and tongued until he was trembling.

Then I took him down my throat, to the hilt—and swallowed.

He came, great hard contractions of his balls I could feel on my chin. The roar that he’d been throttling erupted full-voiced.

It went on and on. I lost control and ended up wearing some. But it was entirely worth it to see the extreme pleasure on his face, and then see him relax into bliss.

He collapsed to his hands on the mattress, head down, panting. I started to roll off the bed to get a towel. He snared his shirt, more agile than I would have expected given his state. Gently, he used his own shirt to wipe me.

Then he laid me on the bed and slicked his tongue along my swollen sex. The orgasm delayed by his shucking his pants rolled through me, a thundershower power-washing away every tension, every obstacle.

After, we lay together on the narrow bed. It felt less tight than close. Comfortable. Right.

It felt right

Me and Ric Holiday, vampire and ad man, felt right. That should have scared me almost as much as what had happened in the woods.

BOOK: Beauty Bites
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