Beauty and the Feast (17 page)

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Authors: Julia Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beauty and the Feast
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“You’re blushing, Eva,” he commented. “Thinking about what we did on this table?”

Eva could only nod.

“Me too,” he said. “Stay with me tonight. Please. Stay.”

“I can’t,” Eva replied, turning in his arms to face him. She leaned her head on his chest. “I have too many things to bring tomorrow, and I have to pick up the tortillas by seven.”

Gabe lifted her chin and kissed her softly, rubbing his lips against hers, opening her mouth, running the tip of his tongue lightly along the edge of her teeth. “Stay anyway,” he urged her.

“Um-um,” she answered, “You come home with me.” Eva was a little startled to hear the words come out of her mouth.

Gabe was the only man who had been in Eva’s bed, and now he was the only man she’d ever invited to spend the night with her. He looked at her, as if checking to see that she meant it. Satisfied that she did, his face lit up with a grin and he lifted her off her feet and kissed her soundly.

“Hold on one second,” he said, setting her down on wobbly legs. He ran up the stairs to his loft and returned shortly, pulling a sweatshirt over his bare chest and carrying a pair of leather sandals and a toothbrush in one hand. “Let’s go,” he said. “Your car or my bike?”

Eva laughed at the eagerness in his voice. He sounded like a little kid in a candy store. “My car. I’ll need it in the morning.” She searched for her purse and dug out her keys. She shook them at Gabe. “C’mon, big boy, let’s get you to bed.”

Gabe drew closer and grabbed her hand. He rubbed her palm up and down the front of his jeans. He lowered his mouth to her ear, “Big enough
for you?”

“Uhnnn…” was as much as Eva could manage. “Walk…out…the…door,” she croaked, “before we end up on the floor right here in the hallway.” She felt like she was underwater and gasping for breath.

Gabe winked and he reached around her to open the front door. “Ladies first,” he said and he pinched her bottom as she maneuvered past him.

“Gabe!” Eva squealed, and she bolted to the car. She looked back in time to see him hopping up and down, trying to get his sandals on. “Just come out barefoot,” she said.

“I have tender feet,” she heard Gabe say.

Eva laughed out loud. “An imperfection. Thank God, you have an imperfection.”

“Hey,” said Gabe, joining her beside the car, “Don’t rub it in. I’ve always been tender-footed.”

“That makes me happy,” said Eva, “Now I don’t have to feel so inadequate.”

“Inadequate? You?” Gabe rolled his eyes, “Lover, you are so much more than adequate I could live off you for the rest of my life. You truly are my moveable feast. Now get your sweet ass in the car and let’s get home.”

, Eva thought.
Home with Gabriel Abbott

Chapter Fourteen


“Mr. Jamison, I’m glad you could join me.”

“When one of my most important clients calls and asks me to meet her for a drink, how can I say no? How are you, Miss Lindstrom?”

“I’m fine, Eddie. How are you?”

“Busy, fortunately very busy,” the man replied.

“Ah, then you haven’t been hurt by recent cutbacks?”

Edward Jamison chuckled. “Whether times are good or bad, there are always cheating spouses. So yes, business is good, thank you.”

“What are you drinking, Eddie?”

“Just a sparkling water for me, thanks.”

“Ah, I forgot. You never drink when you’re working. I take it you have a job tonight?”

“Yes.” That’s as much information as Edward Jamison would share about one client with another. “What can I do for you, Miss Lindstrom?”

Eddie had been sitting at the other end of the bar, watching her, for ten minutes. He’d already ascertained that there was a man involved. He also knew whatever her business was, it was personal. Over the years he’d become quite familiar with the signs of a woman scorned and Miss Lindstrom was wearing them like an overcoat. Stephanie Lindstrom had hired him on a number of occasions, generally to investigate the spending habits of new employees and potential partners, sometimes clients. Her father had introduced them. He and Jamison had maintained an association for many years. Usually Stephanie would meet with him discreetly in her father’s office during business hours, occasionally over lunch at an out of the way place, if it was more convenient for her. He’d never before met her in a bar at
at night. It had never occurred to him he would do so. He assumed her father wouldn’t know anything about this particular business arrangement.

“Do you know Gabriel Abbott?” she asked without preamble.

Eddie took a sip of his sparkling water. “I’ve never met the man, but I know of him. He’s the head of Abbott Industries, primarily a charitable foundation and the owner of Gabriel Vineyards. If I remember correctly, his wines have won several notable awards. He seems to be quite adept at making money.” Eddie paused for a moment. “He also has a bit of a reputation as a ladies’ man.”

“I’m interested in his background,” Stephanie said, and Eddie noticed that her voice was carefully neutral, “Where he comes from, his family, who he’s seeing, if anyone. Skeletons in his closet… that sort of thing.”

“May I ask why, Miss Lindstrom? In case there’s something specific I should be looking for?”

“It’s simply a business matter,” she replied. “I just like to know who I’m dealing with.”

Yeah, and I’m the Easter Bunny
, thought Eddie Jamison.
A business matter can be handled over lunch.

“Where and when would you like me to start?” he asked.

“Would tomorrow be too soon? Perhaps start with his current associates? I understand he’s hosting a party tomorrow at his home in the
. I’ll pay you double your usual fees if you can have the information for me by the end of the week.”

Dumped for another woman and Stephanie Lindstrom wants a name
. “Unless he’s keeping some deep, dark secrets, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Stephanie gave him her hand. “Thanks, Eddie. I knew I could count on you. And I know I can count on your discretion.”

In other words
, thought Eddie,
don’t tell my father
. “Of course. Always. I’ll get back to you soon. It’s very nice to see you again, Miss Lindstrom. Thank you for the drink.”

“Bye, Eddie.”

“Goodnight, Miss Lindstrom.”

Eddie left the bar and walked to his car. The job would be a piece of cake. From what he knew about Gabriel Abbot, he was on the up and up. He had nothing to hide. Stephanie didn’t give a shit about the man’s background, she wanted the name of whomever he was banging. Eddie shook his head. Women. Couldn’t just take
for an answer. Especially an ambitious woman like Stephanie Lindstrom. Eddie wondered exactly how tight she’d gotten with Abbott before he’d dumped her. He’d bet good money it wasn’t very tight. Abbott wasn’t really on Eddie’s radar because he didn’t poach on married women, but from what he’d heard about the man, he stuck with a woman for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, and that was it. Stephanie Lindstrom obviously assumed she would be the exception. Eddie guessed she was mistaken. Well, he’d do his job, he’d collect his money, and that would be the end of it.

Chapter Fifteen


Eva was glad she had napped because sleep seemed to be the furthest thing from Gabe’s mind. She wondered just how many times a day the average man could make love because as far as she could tell from everything she’d read, Gabe was way ahead of the curve. And to her embarrassment, that fact didn’t bother her in the slightest. On the contrary, it thrilled her.

Gabe’s hands never stopped moving over her body. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Eva had never before been the object of such focused attention.

“Do you mind?” Gabe asked. “I can’t seem to control myself when I’m this close to you.”

“Um-um,” Eva murmured. “How could I possibly mind?

When they’d arrived at her door, Gabe had already begun stripping her of her clothes before she even had it unlocked. He sat her, naked, on the couch, spread her legs, and buried his face between them, licking her greedily until she’d come against his mouth, trembling, whimpering, nearly purring like a cat. He’d just as quickly laid her down and buried his rock hard cock inside her. God, if she remembered correctly, she may have cried with pleasure. When Gabe climaxed, deep inside her, she’d felt the muscles of his buttocks contract beneath her hands as a raw sound, almost a roar, tore from his throat. He’d cried out, “Yes, Eva… fuck yes.” She’d felt the head of his cock press against her womb, hot, hard, thick, and oh-so heavy inside her.

After his breathing slowed, Gabe had tried to hold himself above her, but his arms trembled. Eva pulled him to her. He’d kissed her, his lips warm, his tongue searching, before he’d curled his head against the side of her neck and promptly fallen asleep. Reluctant to wake him, Eva had wiggled beneath him, trying to find a position that was comfortable and allowed her to breathe beneath his weight. She’d carefully scooted his chest off to the side on the narrow couch, most of him still on top of her, his cock still inside of her. It had been a long day. Eva closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

Now she was wide-awake and in her own bed. Gabe must have carried her into her bedroom and she’d been so out of it she hadn’t even awakened. It was still dark in the room so she knew they had time to do whatever. Gabe’s fingers traced the contours of her breast, slid up over her collarbone, and finally slipped along the line of her jaw and stopped at her lips. She kissed his fingers tenderly.

“Do you mind if we just talk for a while?”

Eva laughed. “As opposed to…?”

“Fucking for the tenth time.”

“What do you think I am?” asked Eva, still laughing, “Insatiable?”

“No,” Gabe grinned at her, “but I’m beginning to think I am when it comes to you.” He laid his face against her chest and inhaled deeply. “You smell so damn fuckable, woman. But I don’t want to make you sore and quite frankly, I’m not one hundred percent certain I can get it up again. At least not for another few hours. Maybe not until tonight.”

“I’m all for talking…with you,” Eva answered him. “What’s going on? Is it something serious? Are you worried about Father Green?”

“No…well, yes,” Gabe replied, “but he seems to be holding his own. It’s about what he told me when I went to
. It came as a bit of a shock, and I haven’t wanted to discuss it with anyone outside of my family, but I’d like you to know.”

Eva turned over and propped herself up on an elbow. “What is it?” she asked, both curious and a little concerned.

“He told me I have a half-brother… my sister and I have a half-brother.”

“Really…” Eva responded.

“You know that my father left us when I was twelve.”


“His name was Patrick McIntyre. I took my mother’s maiden name, Abbott, when I graduated from high school. So did my sister. Patrick McIntyre remarried and had a son, Quincy. He abandoned
’s mother when she got breast cancer. She died five years ago and
was left homeless. He spent time in and out of foster homes and juvenile hall until a social worker finally hooked him up with Father Joe. He’s been in his school for two years and he’s turned himself around, doing very well.”

“Why didn’t Father Green tell you before now?”

wouldn’t let him. He didn’t want anybody’s pity. Believe me, I know the feeling.”

Eva stroked Gabe’s arm. “So how come he changed his mind? Or did Father Green change it for him?”

“No, Father Joe was willing to keep his confidence. I think it was that
realized he was in danger of losing the one man he considers family. He didn’t want to be all alone in the world, so he agreed that Father Joe should tell me.”

“Did you meet him?”

“Yes. My sister and I went to the school as soon as we found out. It wasn’t all warm and fuzzy, believe me.
’s pretty standoffish. He’s a lot like me at that age. Proud, independent, stubborn, tends to wear a big fat chip on his shoulder.”

“I can only imagine with all he’s been through. What are you going to do? Bring him out here?”

“He doesn’t want to move to
, at least not now. He’s a senior and he wants to finish up school in
. I’m encouraging him to come out for the summer though. I wanted you to know what’s going on, because I intend to be with you, Eva. I want you to be a part of this.”

Eva was silent for a moment, considering the implication of his words.

“You mean… Gabe…do you mean you want me to be a part of your life? To get to know your family? Is that what you’re saying to me?”

Gabe reached over and his fingers brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen across Eva’s face. He searched her eyes, his own hopeful.”

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