Beauty and the Boss (Modern Fairytales) (10 page)

BOOK: Beauty and the Boss (Modern Fairytales)
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“Don’t change a thing.” He tipped her chin up. “I like you just the way you are.”

A small smile slid into place. “You do?”

“I do.”

He lowered his mouth to hers, brushing his mouth across hers in a short, sweet kiss. They were putting on a show for other people now, so he finally had an excuse to touch her. He damn well planned to enjoy it while it lasted. The taste of her remained after he pulled away, and it teased him, made him crave more instantly.

He had a feeling if he let himself, he could easily get addicted to her intoxicating taste. And not just
, but the way she made him laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed at one of these boring affairs, yet he’d already done so twice tonight…

And they weren’t even in the door yet.

“People were watching, so I figured it was a good time for a kiss,” he whispered in her ear. Her fingers flexed on him, and she shivered. “For show only, of course.”

“Y-Yes. Good thinking. We’ll have to do that a lot tonight.” She backed up a step. “I, uh, I see the bar, so I’m gonna get us some drinks while you check our coats. You want an old-fashioned?”

He cocked a brow. “Dare I ask how you found out I like those, darling?”

“Research,” she said, twisting her purse. “Always research.”

Spinning on her heel, she headed for the bar, looking every inch a regal princess amongst her peers. He watched her go, clasping the coats so tight his hands ached.

“Why, if it isn’t Benjamin Gale the third,” someone exclaimed from behind him. “It’s been

He stiffened. He’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was his latest ex—the one his mother had wanted him to marry. He’d refused because she reminded him of his mother. And he sure as hell didn’t want to marry his mother. He’d rather marry Ivan the Terrible.

Forcing a pleasant expression even though the sound of her talking made him nauseated, he turned around. “Elizabeth. How wonderful to see you.”

.” She beamed and rested a hand on his arm. Even her smile was icy. “Are you here alone, too? Oh, thank God. I have no one to dance with tonight, so this is perfect.”

“Actually, I—”

“When your mother told me to come, and that you’d mentioned wanting to see me again, I didn’t believe her. But now I’m here, and you’re here, and this couldn’t be more perfect.” She rose up on tiptoe and pressed her cold lips to his cheek. “I’ve missed you, too. But you dreadfully need to shave.”

He shook off her words. “My mother told you I missed you?”

“I did,” his mother said from behind him. “I’m sorry if I betrayed your confidence, but I couldn’t let it go. Not when you two are
well suited for one another.”

“You couldn’t be more right, Helen.” Elizabeth curled her hand around his arm, clinging tightly and smiling at his mother. “We make a great couple. I’ve always thought so.”

She pressed her slim frame against him as if to remind him what it felt like to be up close and intimate with her. He knew perfectly well how she felt—

She wasn’t Maggie.

Chapter Ten

aggie navigated the crowded hall slowly, watching the drinks in her hand cautiously. She’d opted for red wine, while getting Benji his old-fashioned. She smiled when she remembered his reaction when she’d asked him if he’d like one. The last time she’d gone to his penthouse, she’d talked to William for a few minutes. He was all too willing to impart information about his boss.

And she was
too willing to listen.

When it came to her fiancé, she was insatiable in her quest for knowledge. Despite all the romantic travesties in her past, and the fact that this whole affair would more than likely end in a disaster, she was going to give this a try.

She was going to give herself to Benji…

And stupidly hope for the best.

Someone bumped into her, but she managed to miraculously keep both drinks firmly in hand. She let out a sigh of relief and glanced up. It was the man she’d been watching earlier—and he was staring at her boobs. Not a Kennedy, then. Everyone knew they were ass men. “Sorry, Miss…?”

She did a little curtsy thing, since it was the best she could manage with full hands, and scanned the room, looking for Benjamin. She couldn’t find him through the crowd. “Donovan. Maggie Donovan.”

He bowed at the waist impatiently. “Lovely to meet you. Is that for me, sweetheart?”

“Is what for you?”

“The drink.” He pointed at the old-fashioned in her left hand. “Whoever hired you, I’ll pay double if you keep those coming.”

“Uh…” He thought she was an assistant of some sort, or whatever. This was literally her worst nightmare about tonight, come to life. One glance, and the man somehow realized she wasn’t one of them. Was it stamped across her forehead like a scarlett letter? “I’m not here as an assistant. This is for my fiancé. Maybe you know him?”

“Oh, so you’re a…oh. Sorry. Uh… Fiancé?” He perked up and scratched his head. “Who might that be?”

“Benjamin Gale the third.” Maggie smiled. “Of Gale Incorporated.”

He straightened even more. “He’s
? To you?” He gave her a once over, his mouth pressed into a thin line. “That can’t be. You’re not…”

He didn’t finish that thought.

Probably because he didn’t need to.

Tensing, she forced herself to keep smiling, to deny this jerk the satisfaction of seeing he’d shaken her. This was exactly the type of reception she’d expected, so she wasn’t surprised. She’d said they would see through her deception with their X-ray vision and somehow figure out she wasn’t blue-blooded like them.

And someone had. Already.

But deep down she’d hoped she could at least
to be one of them long enough that they’d actually believe she belonged here. “Yes, well, nonetheless, it’s true. We’re engaged.” She tipped her head toward the door. “He’s over there, checking our coats and waiting for me. So, if you’ll excuse me?”

He laughed. “That’s amusing.”

“Oh?” she asked through clenched teeth. “How so?”

“Well, you see, he’s over there with
daughter and his mother, Helen.” He paused. “My daughter is his ex, who he is very much interested in making his ‘future.’ He informed her of as much just the other day. Ever since she left him, he hasn’t been the same, you see.”

Again. Neither the freaking meteorite nor the sinkhole showed up to save her.

What did a girl have to
to get a natural disaster around here?

Her heart skipped a beat or two, and she glanced to where she’d left Benjamin. Sure enough, he had a snobby-looking blonde on his arm, and he spoke with her and his mother…whose name was apparently

The blonde clung to him, and she rubbed her hand up and down his bicep as if she owned him already. While he didn’t look a hundred percent at ease…

He didn’t exactly look
, either.

The sexy jerk.

Lifting her chin, she refused to react to the other man’s words. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to return to my fiancé and Helen. They’ll be expecting me.”

He stepped into her path. “Don’t interfere with them. You have no idea what’s at stake here.”

“Oh, I have every idea what’s at stake.” She pushed past him. “It was lovely meeting you.”
So freaking lovely

This time, he let her pass without stopping her.

As she crossed the room, the blonde pressed her bony body against Benjamin’s and whispered something in his ear. Unexpected jealousy knifed through Maggie, hard and swift. She wasn’t supposed to be jealous…
was she

Sure, they’d kissed a few times, and he’d given her the best orgasm of her life without even trying, but the rest of their “relationship” was fake. They liked each other, and they were friends now, but that didn’t mean he owed her anything—

Certainly not loyalty or fidelity.

And, hey, if he managed to find someone more suited to him to marry for real, someone who would keep his mother off his back for good, then more power to him. He deserved that, and more. But, even so, that didn’t stop the jealousy from striking like lightning.

He glanced over the blonde’s head, his attention locking on Maggie. Even from across the room, she could feel the question in his stare, as if he asked how she felt about this whole thing, or something. She forced a smile, lifted her wineglass to him, and downed it all in one gulp. Frowning, he said a few words to the two women and then came toward her without them.

His mother glowered at her, looking regal in her hatred.

Maggie smiled back and set her empty glass down, wiggling her fingers in a princess-like wave.
Game on, bitch

Her fiancé stepped into her path, blocking Helen’s reaction. “What are you doing?” he hissed, grabbing her elbow. “Why didn’t you come over?”

“You were busy.” She lifted a shoulder. “And I didn’t want to interfere.”

He flexed his jaw. “The whole purpose of you being here is, in fact, to interfere in situations like this. It’s why you’re my fiancée, after all.”

“Yeah, but then I figured out you were flirting with a former girlfriend, who you are still very much in love with, and from here…you looked quite content to be doing so.” She crossed her arms. “I didn’t want to mess things up if you were looking for a real solution to your problem, instead of a temporary one.”

His dark blue eyes flashed angrily. “Is that so?”

“Yeah. That’s so.” She glanced over his shoulder. The blonde watched them closely, her lip caught between her teeth. “She’s pretty. I bet she’d be a good wife. I didn’t want to ruin your chances by coming up and acting like I was the one you really wanted on you arm, when we both know—”

“You obviously know nothing.” He dragged his hand through his hair. “If I wanted to marry her, I wouldn’t have broken up with her in the first place. And you
the one I really want by my side. I made that perfectly clear the other night, when I said we’d take it slow and see where things went, but that I hoped they’d go somewhere with us naked in bed together. I was pretty fucking clear what I wanted.”

“Look, it’s fine if—” She stopped midsentence. “Wait,
broke up with

“You’re damn right I did.” He dropped his hand to his side. “So next time, instead of writing a whole damn story in your head, just come the hell over. If I don’t want to be interrupted, I’ll wave you off. But you can pretty safely assume I want you to come up and show whoever I’m talking to that I’m taken.”

The jealousy that had been turning Maggie a wicked shade of green faded away, and she smiled while setting down his untouched drink. She could feel his mother’s glare burning into them both, as well as the blonde’s
her father’s.

Time to give them a show.

Resting her hands on his chest, she smoothed his tuxedo. “You mean, I should do something…” Stepping closer, she lifted her chin and studied his mouth. The wine she’d chugged earlier hit, and the room spun a little bit as she pressed her body up against his. Maybe this wasn’t the best of ideas, but she was past caring. “…more like this, next time?”

He cocked a brow and grasped her hips. “Yeah.”

“More than a touch? A kiss, maybe?”

She didn’t give him a chance to say anything that might dissuade her from showing that blonde exactly who Benjamin was with—real or not. Rising up on tiptoe, which was a lot easier with heels on, she kissed him in front of everyone. For a second, he hesitated, almost as if he was going to pull away, but instead he moaned and crushed her to his chest. His mouth moved over hers, and he kissed her back with abandon.

Swept up in a feeling that was anything but just for show, she closed her fists on his tuxedo jacket, hanging on for dear life. He broke the kiss off and let out a shaky breath. “

She bit down on her lower lip. She still tasted him on her. “Yes, Benji?”

Pressing his mouth against her ear, he tugged her closer. His huge erection pressed against her belly, and he whispered, “When we leave here later and get to your apartment, you’ll have a choice. If you invite me in, I swear you’ll never doubt your welcome in my arms again, and you’ll see exactly how much I want you.”

A shiver swept over her, and she didn’t let go. She wouldn’t have been able to even if she tried. “Benjamin…”

“Yeah. I know. It’s a bad idea.” His nostrils flared. “Let’s go mingle. The sooner we get this night over with, the better.”

“How long do we have to stay?”

A muscle ticked in his jaw, and he grabbed the drink off the table. He swallowed it in one big gulp then set it down. “Until they all see us, and realize we’re engaged.”

He offered his arm, and she held him close to her body, stealing a quick glance up at him. His offer burned in her mind. Even if they only had a short romance, what was so wrong with seizing the moment…

And having a little fun with a man she was desperately attracted to?

She caught her breath, because if she did this, went through with fulfilling her desire, it would change everything. Tonight would decide how the rest of their relationship went, real or fake. Would she play it safe, like always, and tell him she wanted to remain friends? Or would she let him in, even though she shouldn’t?

Guess she was about to find out because, despite her inner voice jumping up and down and screaming

She wanted to invite him in.

Chapter Eleven

he night had been one tedious conversation after another, followed by endless snide remarks about his engagement to someone no one had ever heard of. Not even the open bar had helped dull the monotonous company. If one good thing had come of tonight, it had been Maggie.

She’d handled the night with grace and even managed to win over a few of the older members of society while she’d been at it. The younger ones had been too busy judging them from afar to actually talk to her, but if they were too blind to see how special she was, that was their loss.

After that odd encounter with his ex, and Maggie’s even odder reaction to it, the night had been fairly hiccup free. She had remained by his side the whole evening, and the few times she’d wandered off, she hadn’t hesitated to come right back and claim him as her own. Repeatedly. He was proud to call her his.

Even if she thought it was only for pretend.

In the car on the ride home, she shifted in her seat and fidgeted with her purse. She’d been a nervous mess ever since they pulled away from The Frick, probably because of what he’d said after that kiss he couldn’t stop thinking about. That had been on him. She wasn’t ready, but when she’d kissed him like that, he’d forgotten all about rules and patience. He
her. She wanted him, too.

Sometimes, when her soft lips were pressed to his and her hands were on him, it was hard to remember that she didn’t
to want him. That for her, it was all for show.

It killed him that he had to play it safe with her, when all he wanted to do was grab her, kiss her, and show her exactly how well the two of them would fit together. He’d never fought this hard to get a woman before, but the thing was, he didn’t even mind. She was worth every second he spent trying to prove she should trust him.

She might want him, but she wouldn’t act on those impulses, because she “knew” how it would end. He disagreed. She was all rational thought and consequences, and he had to respect that. No matter how badly he ached to make her cry out his name again…

With more than just his fucking

He sat forward and rested his elbows on his thighs. “You did great tonight, darling.”

She startled before turning to him. The force of those gray eyes of hers stole the rest of his words out of his mouth. Her hair looked even softer than it had earlier, and he ached to touch it. “Thanks. I think it went fairly well.”

“It did.” He smiled. “Thank you, again, for doing this. There are more exciting ways to spend your nights than with snobs who have nothing better to do with their lives than gossip about everyone else’s.”

“It’s fine. I didn’t mind doing it…for you.”

That’s what made her so unique. His fingers itched to touch her, to show her just how special she made him feel, but he didn’t move a damn muscle. He’d already crossed the line once tonight, when he misinterpreted her kiss to mean she wanted something more. Mistaking her intentions twice would be unacceptable.

When the car stopped outside her apartment, he got out and walked around to her side, waving his driver off. He could damn well open the door for the woman who had done so much for him, in such a short time, and asked for nothing in return.

Once she stood on the sidewalk, hugging herself, he closed the door. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at five for Rockefeller Center, and then two on Sunday for the theatre.”

“Okay.” She hesitated, not moving toward her stairs. “Look, about earlier, when I kissed you, and you said—”

He held a hand up. “I got caught up in the moment. You made it quite clear you want to keep this thing between us platonic, and I shouldn’t have pushed for more.”


He locked eyes with her. “I’m sorry, and I take it back. All of it.”

“Okay.” She nibbled on her lower lip. “Well, then…good night, I guess.”

He inclined his head. “Good night.”

She still didn’t move.

Neither did he.

The tension built between them, fast and thick. If this were any other woman, he’d think she wanted him to kiss her, but she’d made it pretty damn clear she didn’t want that at all. But, holy shit, he did.

“Do you want to come in?” she finally asked. “Have a drink?”

yes. “I do. But if I come in there, I’m following through on every promise I’ve made, and you’ll be screaming my name within the hour.”

She cocked her head. “Is that a promise?”

“Damn right it is, which is why I should leave.” He reached out and grasped her chin, unable to resist. “You’re not ready, darling. I shouldn’t have pushed you earlier.”

She shrugged, still clinging to her purse as if it could save her. They stared at one another, the tension mounting even higher than his heart rate. It was as if she silently asked him to do something—
. What? He had no idea. He didn’t speak “woman.”

“Like I said…” She tugged on her hair. “Wanna come in?”

He’d resisted the first time. He wouldn’t be able to do so twice. “Hell yeah.”

He waved his driver off and followed her up the stairs. Her hips swung with each step, as if she sought to torture him with the very thing he couldn’t have, since she’d more than likely change her mind before he could kiss her. And yet he followed her inside anyway because he was a masochistic asshole like that.

She flicked the lights on and glanced over her shoulder. “Beer?”

“Sure,” he said, shrugging out of his coat. He laid it across the chair where she’d dropped hers. “Thanks.”

She went into the kitchen, and he wandered around the living room. The picture on the shelf above the sofa was askew, so he nudged it straight before settling on the couch. She had a bunch of photos of herself with what he could only assume were her parents, a few of her with her roommate, but none of them had men in them.

He wasn’t sure
that made him happy, but it did.

When she came back into the living room carrying two open beers, he smiled at her. She kicked off her heels but still wore her dress, and was as gorgeous as always. He took the beer she offered him, and copied her, taking his shoes off and sliding them side by side under the table with his foot.

She sat down beside him, turning toward him and tucking her foot under her. Her knee touched his thigh, and he stiffened. Resting her head on a hand, she leaned against the back of the couch and smiled at him. “So…”

He raised a brow. “So?”

“How do you think tomorrow—?” She broke off, pressed her lips together, and shook her head. “You know what? Screw this.”

After setting down her beer, she yanked his out of his hand mid sip. He blinked. “Hey. I was drinking that.

“I’m done.” She straddled his lap and cupped his face. His heart lurched, and his cock thickened with need. “I invited you in. Now it’s time for you to fulfill your part of the bargain, Benji.”

He held her still, digging his fingers into her thighs, but didn’t move. “Say it. I need to hear you say it.”

“Kiss me. Take me.” She buried her hands securely in his hair. “Make me yours.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” he said, sliding his hands down her legs, and back up—only this time under her skirt. “

He kissed her fully. All the other times they’d kissed, minus the time he’d made her come, he’d held himself back. Hadn’t let himself get caught up in the moment. Well, not this time.

This time, he was all fucking in.

She gasped and clung to him, rolling her hips against him hungrily. He entwined his tongue with hers, loving the way she tasted. Hell, she tasted like she was his—and he liked that. He slid his hands up her curves. If he was a poetic man, he could write a verse or two about the way her waist flared out slightly at her hips, intoxicating him. He arched up, rubbing against her warm core, and she moaned, pressing down firmly.

She broke the kiss off and drew in a ragged breath. “I need a minute…I need…”

He brushed her hair out of her face. “I’ve made many mistakes in my life, but this isn’t one of them.” He picked her up and laid her down on the couch, lowering his body over hers. “You never know what life will throw at you, or how things will go, but this isn’t a mistake. And you sense that, too, which is what scares you so much.”

He kissed her again, gently, and after a moment of hesitation, she kissed him back, wrapping her legs and arms around him. That was all the answer he needed.

Skimming his fingers up her soft thigh, he cupped her ass, hauling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. She gasped and dug her nails into his shoulders, her tongue circling his. Something that felt this good, this
, couldn’t be wrong.

And he refused to believe it could be.

Smoothly, he stood and picked her up without breaking her hold on him, or their kiss. He headed for the hallway to the left, where she’d come from earlier. When he pushed through the door, he strode to the bed in the middle of the room, tossed her on it and yanked his bowtie off.

There was a meow, a hiss, and claws scratching against wood as her cat bolted out of the room. “Oops.”

A laugh escaped her, and he joined her as he dropped his bowtie to the floor. And it felt fucking amazing to be undressing a woman and laughing over something as silly as a damn

“Don’t worry about him. He was just hiding under the bed, like usual.” She watched him closely, licking her lips and pressing her thighs together. It was, hands down, the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Just like that, his mood shifted from amused to unquenchable lust for Maggie. “Close the door,” she said.

Crossing the room, he did as told. “Protection?” he managed to grit out.

“Oh, right.” She rolled over and opened the drawer next to her bed. Taking out a foil packet, she tossed it at him. “There you go.”

He undid the buttons of his shirt, and she lifted herself up on elbows. When his shirt was off, he grabbed his waistband, uncertain whether he should take his pants off or not.
hadn’t removed a single article of clothing yet.

“Benjamin,” she said, her voice coming out a little bit strangled “I…I want to see you. All of you. Don’t stop.”

He bit back a moan. He planned on making her say that again, later, louder. And naked. Not wasting time, he flicked his wrist and let his pants hit the floor.

Her breath came in short bursts, her chest rising and falling in short bursts. “You’re…you’re not wearing any underwear.”

He cocked a brow. “Your turn. Take. It.

She rose up on her knees, turning her back to him. He studied her for any signs of hesitation. As much as he wanted her, he needed to make sure she wouldn’t regret this. Wouldn’t regret
. “Unzip me?”

He swallowed hard, stepping closer. Gently, he pushed her hair over her shoulder, exposing the nape of her neck. Leaning down, he kissed the spot directly above her spine. “You’re so pretty.” He unzipped a bit, and kissed the skin he bared. “So soft.” Some more, and another kiss halfway down her spine. “So sweet.” He hit the bottom of the zipper and pushed the dress off her shoulder. This time, instead of a kiss, he nipped the skin at the small of her back. “So

Shuddering, she faced him, holding her dress on at the shoulders. After taking a deep breath, she let go, and he staggered back. Actually
back. The swell of her hips was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t look away. Her large breasts were encased in a sheer black bra, and her panties were pretty much nonexistent.

That was somehow even sexier than no panties at all.

“Jesus,” he gritted out, grabbing a hold of her and flipping her onto her back. “You’re perfect. Unbelievably gorgeous. And unbelievably

She gasped and arched her back, digging her nails into the comforter beneath her. “Benjamin. I need… I need…”

“Me. You need me.” He nipped right above her knee, swirling his tongue over the love bite to sooth the sting. She hissed in a breath, writhing against him. “Say it, Maggie.”

“You,” she breathed. “I need you
.” She cupped her core, shooting him the naughtiest look he’d ever seen. “Here.”

When she bit her lip and rolled her hips, touching herself, he laid his hand over hers, stilling her fingers. He was all too happy to give her what she wanted. He kissed a slow path up her thigh, slowing even more when he neared her barely there lingerie, and she struggled to move her fingers underneath his.

Arching her hips up, she threaded her free hand in his hair. He inhaled deeply. She smelled like heaven. “Ben…
.” She lifted herself up. “I need you.”

He removed her hand, tore her thong off, and tossed it over his shoulder. Groaning, he ran his fingers over her small patch of soft brown curls, and over her clit. She cried out, spreading her legs more for him. And what a pretty picture she was. All swollen lips, pink skin, and desire.

Leaning in, he flicked his tongue over her, sliding his hands under her perfect ass to lift her up. She cried out and closed her thighs around his head. “Oh my—
. Benjamin.

He closed his mouth over her, swirling his tongue in wide, gentle circles. His cock begged to be buried inside her, but it would have to wait. First, she had to scream, cry, and
. She had to need him, damn it.


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