Beauty and the Beast (Demon Tales 1) (19 page)

Read Beauty and the Beast (Demon Tales 1) Online

Authors: Kerrianne Coombes

Tags: #romance, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #demons, #erotic romance, #fantasy romance, #romance novel, #erotic contemporary romance, #erotic paranormal romance, #contemporary paranormal romance

BOOK: Beauty and the Beast (Demon Tales 1)
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“Show me what to do,” she pleaded. He stayed
still for a long moment, and Cally watched him clench his jaw
tightly. She remembered the tight coiling sensation and the
insistent need, and she saw the same suffering in his eyes.
“Please. I want to ease you.”

Brigg sat up on his knees and Cally rose up
in front of him. She didn’t feel shy at all for being naked in
front of him. His heated, hungry gaze gave her a confidence she
didn’t know she had. He made her feel like the Beauty he named her.
She wanted to be that for him.

With trembling hands she reached up and
lifted his cotton shirt over his head. When he raised his arms,
Cally watched his sun-darkened skin come into her view. There was a
smattering of dark hair on his chest, but nothing like the fur that
had covered his entire body before. He was like a statue cut from
stone, heavily muscled and corded. She suddenly felt dwarfed by
him, a petite woman beside a giant, and that made her feel
incredibly sexy.

She ran her fingers over the ridges of
muscle, then smiled when his flesh jumped under her touch. She
remembered when he had pressed heated kisses to her skin, and how
she had loved the pleasure it brought to her body. She dipped her
head and tentatively pressed her lips to his chest. Her demon
groaned, and his fingers speared into her hair. When she tipped her
head back her gaze met his dark stare, so intense, so demanding…and
so filled with love.

Spurred on, she began pressing more kisses
to his body, eager to taste as much of him as possible. She moaned
with disappointment when he tugged her hair and lifted her head. He
covered her mouth with his, and Cally understood that he hungered
for more than her kisses.

“Ah, Cally. You have the sweetest mouth,” he
growled into their kiss. A ripple of heat raced down her spine, and
Cally could do nothing but moan in reply.

His hands swept all over her flesh, the
rough surface of his fingers scratching erotically at her skin.
Cally pressed into him and the hard flesh of his arousal pushed
impatiently at his trousers. She pulled back and dropped her hands
to his waist, tugging at the top of his pants. Brigg seemed to hold
his breath, and Cally got the distinct impression that he was
trying fiercely to hold onto his control.

She didn’t like the idea that he was holding
back from her. She had given him everything when he had pleasured
her, and she wanted the same from him. She looked down and watched
with complete and unabashed interest as more of his taut skin came
into her view. The thin line of dark hair flowing down his stomach
became a thicker, darker patch, and then his erection sprang free.
It bobbed and bounced and Cally lifted her hand to touch it—drawn
to this part of Brigg almost automatically.

“Agh, fuck. Cally!” Brigg gasped. Cally
looked up, shocked to hear her confident, demon sounding so
strained. She saw how he held his jaw clenched, and his hands
fisted at his side. He was as taut as a bowstring, and Cally found
herself marvelling at the power she held in this one moment. She
tightened her grip on his cock and watched, entranced, when Brigg’s
eyes slid shut. Here was her wild, powerful demon, tamed by her
hand. If he were a cat he would be purring right now.

“What do I do now, Demon?” she asked, amazed
at how husky her voice had become. Brigg opened his eyes and
wrapped his hand around her hand as she gripped his shaft. Their
eyes held in a gaze that sent lightning bolts through her body. He
began moving their hands together, up and down his straining cock.
It felt entirely wicked, yet totally right. Brigg raised his hand
and cupped her cheek. His dark eyes smouldered, and when he lowered
his mouth to hers, she lunged forward and fused their mouths
together. It was all she could do to stop herself from leaping into
his arms. His body pressed hotly against hers, and Cally understood
that she needed more.

“Please, Brigg,” she whispered urgently into
the quiet air. Brigg moved his mouth hotly across her face and
sucked her earlobe into his mouth. “Oh.”

“What do you need, Cally?” he asked, his hot
breath skating across her neck, leaving shivers in its wake. She
panted and shivered when his hands caressed all over her back. He
stroked one hand around her side and cupped one of her breasts.

Oh, yes, that. But more.

“More,” she gasped.

Brigg groaned close to her ear, and sank his
teeth gently into her shoulder. Cally cried out as her body pulsed
all over. This was torture of the sweetest kind. Brigg spread her
out on the bed with the utmost care, as if he were holding a prized
jewel. His eyes glittered with emotion and Cally had to swallow to
ease the lump in her chest.

Her demon might be big and strong, but her
demon was her protector.

He climbed on top of her and kept his hands
flat to the mattress. Cally ran her hands down his chest, stroking
her fingers through the coarse hair. She marvelled at him. He was
amazing. He had saved her.

“Mine,” she whispered, finding it impossible
not to claim him. Brigg smiled, lowered his head and kissed her.
Her head spun, and when she felt his hard need pressing at her
opening, she groaned.

“I won’t hurt you,” Brigg crooned against
her lips. Cally shook her head, she didn’t think he would hurt

“I know,” she whispered. He pushed into her,
his cock stretching and fitting tightly between her folds. Cally
bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. She knew the first time
would hurt, and she didn’t want to show Brigg her pain.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered. Cally
obeyed, looked up and saw his tortured gaze. “I want to see if I
hurt you. Don’t hide from me, Cally.”

Love filled her heart, and surged through
her body. Cally nodded, and stroked her palm across his jaw. She
opened her legs wider in offering. When Brigg surged forward Cally
sucked in a tight breath. Brigg didn’t give her time to think, he
dipped his head and kissed her with so much love that the pain was
forgotten instantly. He nipped at her bottom lip and licked at the
sting. He tasted her and groaned when Cally nipped back.

His hips began a slow slide and the pain
that Cally had felt soon transformed into pleasure, dark,

“Oh, god, Cally. You feel amazing,” Brigg
whispered into her hair as he moved above her. Cally quivered and
sighed as every nerve in her body begun to sing. She gripped and
scratched with her nails down Brigg’s back as her body surged
higher. She felt stretched and full and utterly wanton as she
writhed and moaned under Brigg. His whole body was working above
her. His deep moans of rapture flew into her ears and stoked her
already blazing fire.

“Oh, oh!” She cried out as the deep ache
inside her suddenly exploded. Her muscles clenched around his cock
and her whole body surged with massive pleasure. Her back bowed and
her legs gripped him tighter. Brigg swore soundly before he too
found his own release and Cally marvelled in the knowledge that she
had tamed Brigg—the human-hater.




The wind whistled through the trees creating
an eerie symphony to moan through the valley. Brigg stared around
at the mountains surrounding his castle and found himself smiling
like a happy man. He was a happy man.

He was home.

Brigg dropped his stare and watched the
hustle and bustle of the market, and thanked his lucky stars that
not all of his kind had moved on to find another town. His town’s
people had lived for fifteen years without a king or queen to rule
them. They had survived many attacks and attempts from other breeds
to take their land. Brigg was proud to be a part of their race. The
Rain Demons, though down, were certainly not out.

And with him restored to the throne, he was
determined to turn them back into the proud, successful race they
once were.

“I thought I’d find you up here.”

Brigg turned towards the soft, sensuous
sound of his wife’s voice, and watched as Cally climbed the wooden
ladder up to the ramparts. She wore a pair of trousers, a shirt,
her hair flying loose, and Brigg knew he had never seen anything
more perfect in his life.

Brigg held out his arm and waited for her to
come to him. She ducked under his arm and wrapped herself around
him. He dropped a kiss to her head, breathed deep and took in her
scent. He gently swiped his lips over one of her newly-grown horns
and grinned when she shivered and sucked in a breath.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked. The
wind was biting cold, snow sat in the clouds, and Brigg worried
that Cally would fall ill. She had come from a castle so proud and
rich that she had never wondered where food was coming from, and
moved to a town struggling to feed itself properly, let alone be
rich. He and Torc had discussed the matter well into the night
before. and now they had at least a plan to bring their struggling
kingdom back to its former glory. Brigg just had to rely on his
brother to play his part.

“I was worried about you,” she said. The
expression on her upturned face echoed the concern in her

“What were you worried about, Cally?” He
stroked her hair and studied her perfect features, he would never
grow bored with looking at her. She was a miracle to him,
especially since her horns had grown in. They were small and black,
just like his. She was a Rain Demon.

“You didn’t come to bed last night.” She
pouted her bottom lip and Brigg leaned down to nip it. She laughed,
a sultry sound that shot straight to his balls.

“I didn’t. I’m sorry. Torc and I had a lot
of business to discuss, But we’ve finished our discussion, so I am
completely yours.” He kissed her again, this time lingering a
little longer—like a man starved. “You must be cold, Cally,” he
noted, suddenly becoming aware of the lashing wind.

Cally snuggled into his side and kissed his
neck. “I can’t get cold when I have you holding me.” Brigg smiled
down and kissed her upturned face. Her teeth chattered making Brigg

“Really? Well then, why are your teeth
chattering, princess?” He wrapped her more fully into his embrace
and rubbed his hands up and down her back. She burrowed her little
hands under his shirt and Brigg groaned against the cold invasion.
“You’re freezing, Cally!”

She moaned and kissed his neck again,
purring. “I know a way you could warm me up.” She licked his
earlobe, nearly sending his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
With a growl, Brigg scooped her into his arms. Cally giggled and he
didn’t miss the triumphant glint in her eyes.

“I am a king, now. I can’t go around bedding
my wife whenever I feel like it.” He inserted a false steel into
his tone. She frowned.

“Is it not your duty to see that I am happy,
my king?” Brigg watched his little wife as she pouted and gave her
best puppy-dog eyes. And he knew as soon as she did that his ruse
was doomed to fail.

“Yes,” he replied, sensing the trap.

“Well, then. Your wife is not happy. She
needs some bedroom time.”

“Does she, now?”


They were falling through their bedroom door
not minutes later. Brigg rested against the closed door and watched
as his wife teased him by taking off her clothing slowly, piece by
piece. She held him in her bright, heat-filled eyes, and Brigg
realized—for the first time since her mother had died, three months
before, that pain no longer radiated from within her stare—only

When she peeled off the last stitch of
cloth, she stood at the foot of their bed—completely naked.

“Come and love your wife, Brigg.”

“It would be my pleasure, princess.”


*The End*
About the Author

Kerrianne Coombes lives in Lyon, France with
her husband and two children. When she is not writing, she will be
with her family, friends and her many animals.

Kerrianne is a hopeless romantic and she
loves nothing more than escaping into a good love story.


Other books by Kerrianne
Running Home
The One That Got Away


Secret Cravings Publishing






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