Read Beautifully Irresistible Online
Authors: M. L. Smith
Scarlett and Marcia were really good company. Jasper kept trying out all the teenage boy moves on me but I could tell underneath the bravado that he was a really sweet kid. I looked forward to when Zack got home each day but I hadn’t managed to gain entry to the locked study and that was my priority at the moment.
My huge crush on him seemed to intensify with every day. We shared conversations heavily laden with sexual innuendo.
“It smells lovely again, Jennifer. I could get used to this,” Zack told me as he walked into the kitchen at 6pm.
He smiled at me, seeming happy and relaxed. There was no denying the electrifying chemistry between the two of us.
“There is time for you to get a shower if you want.”
“Are you offering a back scrub, Jennifer?” he asked, winking and licking his lovely full lips.
His piercing blue eyes took in my breasts and he didn’t care that I saw. My body tingled all over as I started to blush.
“Ha!” I managed to reply before I quickly turned back to chopping vegetables so that he couldn’t see my red face.
What was it with the teasing?
I felt like my legs were going to give way any time soon. I sneaked a look at him.
He lounged against the kitchen door, filling the area with his large frame. Folding his arms over his chest, he continued staring at me. A small smile played on his mouth.
“Sorry, did I embarrass you there, Jennifer? It's only a bit of banter, although you and I both know it could be a lot more,” he said lowering his voice and arching an eyebrow.
“Potatoes!” I shouted, dashing over to the cooker.
“I beg your pardon?”
“The potatoes are boiling over!” I told him, not failing to see the irony in something boiling over when in close proximity to him.
“Well, I will get showered. See you in a bit,” he chuckled, giving me one last look over his broad shoulders.
I clasped the worktop for support and exhaled loudly.
He returned about twenty minutes later in his casual clothes. His thick hair was still wet and I had to stop myself from running my hands through it.
“Are you joining us tonight, Jennifer?”
“I have eaten thanks. I don’t want to get in the way. I might go and workout in the gym if that’s okay.”
“Yes, that’s fine. Help yourself to the gym and the pool. I might join you later,” he said brushing his fingers down my arm.
I served the dinner out and retreated upstairs to put on some workout gear.
What was with all the flirting? Was he teasing me or did he want me?
Heading into the gym I cranked up my iPod and decided to start on the running machine. I quickly got into a rhythm and started to enjoy my workout. After the running machine, I progressed to the sit up bench and started to do a set of abdominal crunches. I closed my eyes quickly slipping into a fantasy involving Zack. Suddenly I felt like I wasn’t alone. I opened my eyes and he was standing over me with his legs spread and his hands on his hips. He was wearing a black vest top with grey shorts. I looked at his strong muscular tanned legs. He looked magnificent. My mouth gaped open.
“I said, do you want some tips on improving your technique?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Err yes, thanks,” I replied, all flustered.
“Jump up then,” he said, grabbing my hand.
A jolt passed through my body as he touched me.
He grinned at me as electricity sparked to life between us once more.
Lying on the bench he showed me a more efficient way of doing the sit-ups. His eyes burned into me.
“You try it now, Jennifer.”
He pressed a large warm hand onto my stomach. My body literally screamed out for him and I felt myself getting wet between my hot legs. I did a set of ten crunches and he praised me.
“That’s better. You have got it, beautiful. Since it’s a lovely night, I am off for a swim. Would you care to join me?”
Zack’s voice sounded so sexy. His eyes flirted with me and did I mention his really long light brown eyelashes that just added to the beauty of his perfect face?
“I haven’t got a bathing costume, I’m afraid.”
He stared at me and there was no denying the look in his eyes. It was a look I had seen in men before. Wanting and desire.
“I will get one out of Phoebe’s room. You look roughly the same size, maybe a bit bigger in certain areas!”
He expertly eyed up my breasts whilst I squirmed under his hot gaze. Zack headed off and returned a few minutes later with an expensive-looking black costume.
“You can change in there, Jennifer,” he told me, directing me to a small room off the cabana.
I slipped into the room. My heart was pounding with a desire for him which I knew was wrong but I kept wishing that something would happen between us.
I really needed to concentrate on the job in hand, not getting the gorgeous Zachary Cole into my hands. My career that I had worked so hard for hung in the balance. I just couldn’t screw this up. It was my last chance to prove myself.
Quickly putting the costume on, I realised that I hadn’t shut the door properly. Zack had been peeking at me through the open door. He would have seen my reflection in the mirror.
How naughty, but really hot!
Our eyes met as I came out of the changing room.
“Seen enough, Mr Cole?” I asked him cheekily.
“What? Sorry, I know I shouldn't have looked but you have a gorgeous body, Jennifer,” he told me softly.
His face had a dark expression with just a hint of danger. He tried to discreetly adjust his crotch.
“Thanks,” I replied shyly.
“Come on, let’s get in. The water is heated. It’s lovely.”
He dived in gracefully reappearing further down the pool. I climbed down the steps on shaky legs and got into the pool. He watched me intently, staring at my curvy body.
Zack was right, the water was perfect.
I swam a quick length and then he swam over to me.
“Are you enjoying it so far, Jennifer?”
“I am and Scarlett is a lovely girl. She said I could go riding with her sometime. Jasper is fun and he has been trying out all his chat up lines on me!”
“You are privileged. She doesn’t let just any one ride with her. It doesn’t surprise me about Jasper. My son has a lot to learn, Jennifer!”
“I saw your wife’s horse. He looks so sad, the poor thing.”
“I know. We don’t know what to do with him. It breaks my heart to look at him. It’s as if he blames himself for her disappearing.”
“Were you here that day?”
“No, I was in the office for some of the day then I went to Tunbridge Wells for a meeting with my solicitor.”
“When did you find out Phoebe was missing?”
“I got a phone call from Scarlett. She was practically hysterical. She said that Puzzle had returned to the stables without her. I rushed home and we gathered all the staff and some friends came over to search the woods thoroughly. We turned nothing up. It’s like she vanished into thin air.”
“I’m so sorry, Zack,” I told him looking into his lonely eyes.
I wanted to hold him to me and comfort him.
“Thank you, Jennifer,” he told me and for a split second I thought that he was going to kiss me as we were really close together.
My heart was pounding and my legs were like jelly. Our eyes locked together. I would love to have known what he was thinking. I really wanted him to kiss me. The familiar feeling of fiercely wanting him hit my body in waves again. He reached over and brushed a stray hair from my face.
“You are stunningly beautiful, Jennifer.”
“Thank you. You are the beautiful one, Zack. You take my breath away.”
He stared at me intently and moved in closer. His pupils enlarged as his eyes glittered in the soft moonlight. Suddenly he looked away. The intense moment was broken.
“What does your tattoo mean, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Don't regret the past, just learn from it.”
“Pretty cool, Zack,” I smiled at him wanting to trace my finger around it.
“It’s time to get out, Jennifer. I will get you a towel.”
Just then Gatsby the crazy Labrador launched himself into the pool and gracefully swam over to us.
We exploded into laughter.
“Gatsby, you are such a bad dog!” Zack laughed and stroked his head.
Zack got out of the pool with graceful ease. I greedily drank in his gorgeous perfect body as he walked along to get the towels. Gatsby struggled out of the water and stood at the side of the pool, shaking to get himself dry.
Zack casually slung a towel around his hips and helped me out. Our eyes locked once more as he carefully wrapped a towel around my shoulders. He gazed at my breasts and I didn’t mind at all. I had always thought of my breasts as my best feature.
“Thanks for a lovely swim, Jennifer,” he said as he gave my cheek a quick peck.
As our bodies made contact, a jolt passed through me. Impulsively I reached forward, stood on my tiptoes and grabbed his neck, pulling him into me. I kissed his soft lips. My tongue pushed into his warm mouth. It felt so good. At first he responded, kissing me back with passion but then he stiffened and pulled away stepping back from me.
“No, Jennifer, we can’t. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m so sorry.”
“What? I thought you wanted something to happen between us, Zack!”
“I do. It’s just…” he whispered, looking away.
“Well? Just what, Zack? You are really confusing me!” I shouted.
God, the man was so frustrating!
“Sorry! I’m just a bit overwhelmed with my feelings for you.”
“Well, you keep flirting with me and looking at me and you know there is something between us. If you are just playing a game, I am not interested, Zack!” I told him as heat rose up my neck onto my face.
“I’m so sorry, Jennifer,” he said and abruptly turned heel to get changed.
I watched him walking back to the cabana and heard the soft click of the door as he shut it behind him. I reluctantly turned back and followed him to change back into my clothes, sexually frustrated and completely embarrassed beyond belief.
As I got changed, I heard Zack making a low moaning noise in the changing room next door. I crept closer to the door to listen and I heard him whisper my name.
After a few minutes he swore loudly and then it all went quiet.
Oh my god, was he jerking off?
Chapter Four
The following morning after a restless dream-filled night, I headed downstairs to prepare breakfast. I was surprised to find Zack sitting at the large kitchen table reading a tabloid newspaper of all things.
He had glasses on and he looked so sexy.
I couldn’t help but wonder why he was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie. I thought that it could have been a casual day at Cole Enterprises. I breathed a sad sigh as I took in the sight of him. I really wished that he was mine. I couldn’t believe that I kissed him last night. He rejected me and it felt like a slap across my face. I had been dreading seeing him this morning.
“Morning, Jennifer. Did you sleep well?” he asked, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.
“No, not really, Zack. Look, I am so sorry about last night. I don’t know what came over me. It was completely unprofessional of me. I must have read the signals wrong.”
“Forget about it. I over-reacted. I just don’t want to confuse the twins. They have been through enough. It’s not like I don’t know that there is something very special between us, Jennifer. We just need to take our time with it, that’s all. I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
“It’s okay. I am glad we cleared the air, Zack.”
He stood up and pulled me into an embrace, kissing my cheek. I held him to me, enjoying the connection. I breathed in his lovely scent. He released me and smiled.
My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him through my eyelashes.
Why did he have to be so damn perfect?
“I am working from home today playing hooky. I won’t get in your way.”
His eyes danced wickedly and I caught my breath as I got lost in them for a moment.
“I am sure you won’t, Zack.”
Scarlett came bouncing into the kitchen and I set down her usual toast and fresh orange.
“Morning, Dad, morning, Jennifer.”
“Morning, sweetheart, you are a little ray of sunshine today! What gives?” Zack laughed as she playfully swatted his rock hard bicep.
She dropped a kiss on his cheek. Looking at them reminded me of my relationship with my Dad. He always teased me and I worshipped the ground that he walked on.
Jasper skulked in and grabbed a piece of toast on the way out.
“I see you are not a ray of sunshine Jasper!” Zack teased him.
“What?” he grunted with his eyebrows knotted together.