Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Prey 2: The Storm Series (BWWM Romance)
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The Time’ began to play. He dragged a chair to the middle of
the floor and sat.

He looked expectedly at Natasha, so she slowly walked over
and stood in front of him.

Natasha turned and tried to mimic the
moves that she’d seen downstairs. She swayed to the slow rhythm of the music.
Natasha sat in his lap and rolled her hips. She just needed to get through one
song. The man was fine, but she didn’t want to be trapped in a room alone with

“Is this the master bedroom?” She
asked, alerting her team that she was in a bedroom.

“How the hell should I know? This
ain’t my house,” he snapped. “Dance!”

Trying not to respond to his sudden
anger, Natasha continued to seductively roll her hips. She threw her head back
and ground into his lap. He moaned and reached up and gripped Natasha’s ass.




Natasha stood and turned around. She
laid her head back on his broad shoulder and rolled her ass all over his
midsection. She could feel his dick harden under her, so she assumed that she
was doing it right. She started popping her ass up and down in his lap,
mimicking sex.

When the song went off, indicating
that the dance was over, Natasha stood and turned to face the dark man.

“Thank you,” she said as she moved
toward the door.

He grabbed Natasha by the arm and
held up a one hundred dollar bill.

“I want more,” he said seductively.

“Another dance?”

“No. This bill is for some head and

Natasha shook her head. “I just
dance. One of the other girls can hook you up.”

It was his turn to shake his head. “I
want you. I wanna watch that fat ass bounce while I’m hitting it from behind.”

Natasha tried her best to hide her disgust with his vulgarity.

“But I don’t do that. I just dance,”
Natasha reinforced.

Again, she started toward the door,
but she was snatched back. The dark man turned her to face him, painfully
gripping her shoulders. He had a feral look in his eyes as he all but growled
at her.

“Bitch! You wanna act all stuck up.
Like you ain’t like the rest of these hoes in

Here,” he snarled.

Natasha struggled to free herself
from his grasped. “I’m a dancer, not a prostitute!”

“Bitch, you cudda got paid, but now I
ain’t giving yo ass shit! I’m just gonna take this pussy.”

Natasha looked up at him with a
serious expression and spoke in a quiet voice that was meant to warn. “Dark
man... You got it all wrong. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t take
shit from me.”

He laughed and flung her on the bed,
jumping on top of her. They struggled a bit before he pinned her to the

“Damn it!! You almost threw me into
the smoke detector!”  Natasha prayed that her team had heard her distress

He briefly looked around for a smoke
detector before returning his attention to Natasha. He released one of her
hands so that he could pull at the band between her legs. With her free hand,
Natasha punched him in the throat. He sat up and clutched his throat,
desperately gulping for air. Natasha used the opportunity to kick him off of
her. He flew off the bed, still holding his throat.

She quickly leaped from the bed and
began to stump the dark man’s face. Six inch stilettos were a very efficient
weapon. Natasha heard glass breaking downstairs, but that didn’t stop her from
stomping the shit out of her would be rapist, who was now screaming like a
little bitch. She reached into his pocket and snatched the hundred dollar bill.

“See you cudda got one of the other
girls to suck yo’ dick, but
you wanna rape a mothafucka,” she said
through gritted teeth.

Natasha noticed that the music
downstairs had completely stopped. Her team must have breached the house.
Before Natasha could land another blow, she was yanked away and tossed on the
bed. Her arms were being forced behind her back. She was being handcuffed. She
eased her face to the side to discover that it was Steve that was cuffing her.

So once she was cuffed, she pretended
to struggle. “What the fuck you cuffing me for?! I ain’t do shit! That
motherfucka tried to rape me!”

Steve yanked Natasha toward the door.
“Yeah, yeah I know... You’re not a prostitute. You’re an innocent victim.” The
comment was laced with feigned sarcasm. “You’re under arrest for prostitution.”
Steve said while dragging her from the room.

He dragged her down the stairs and
through the house. Natasha noticed that there were uniformed officers present
to secure the scene. She saw a guy that she recognized from the academy. When
he spotted Natasha, his eyes widened with desire. Then he quickly looked away.

Men were cuffed and on their knees
while half–naked women were cuffed and placed against a wall. Steve led Natasha
across the room and placed her against the wall with the others. He walked away
and helped the other officers secure the scene. They searched everyone before
leading them out of the house.

Natasha’s would-be rapist was led
through the house by Deon. He was cuffed behind his back and his entire face
was covered in blood. He could barely walk on his own. Deon tossed him, face
first, on the floor and he landed in a loud thud. Deon turned to walk away, but
when he spotted a half–naked Natasha, his eyes widened in lust and his steps
faltered. He tripped over the dark–skinned man and landed on all fours. Natasha
suppressed a laugh, but the others didn’t.

Someone yelled from across the room.
“Clumsy ass cop!”

The entire room, including the other
officers, erupted in laughter.

Deon’s face reflected his
embarrassment, but he laughed at himself as he hopped up, dusting off his


Chapter 10


Gianni walked through the lobby of his building. He had just
dropped Selange at her place. He was still unable to convince the woman that
just because he thought of Natasha constantly, it didn’t mean that he was
falling for her. Selange told him that it sounded more as if he was trying to
convince himself than her. He had finally given up by the time they made it to
her house, so he drove home in silence. 

He entered the elevator and punched
in his security code. As the elevator ascended to the penthouse, it occurred to
him that he had a date with Natasha the next day and he didn’t have her address
or phone number.

When the elevator arrived at his
penthouse, Gianni stepped off and dug into his pocket for his phone. He walked
over to the bar, looking at his watch. It wasn’t too late, just a little after
nine, so he dialed Jack’s number and poured himself a drink.


“Hello, Cousin. How’s it going?”

“All is well, Gianni. Are you still
in Chicago?”

“Jack, do you think I’d leave town
without saying goodbye?”

“Yes,” Jack promptly responded with

Gianni chucked. “Well, I’m still
here. Is Victoria home?”

“Yes. Why?”

Gianni ignored the question and
asked, “May I speak with her?’

Yet, Jack insisted, “Why?”

Gianni huffed and cursed under his
breath in French, suddenly irritated. “
Quel trou du

“I speak French too asshole. Hold
on,” Jack chuckled.

When she answered, Victoria’s voice
was laced in curiosity, “Hi, Gianni.”

Gianni explained to her that he had a
date with Natasha the next day, and he forgot to get her phone number. Victoria
was hesitant to share Natasha’s personal information, but after more
convincing, she finally gave him what he needed. She was almost as protective
of her friend as Jack was of her. He also asked Victoria what were some of
Natasha’s favorite things such as food, color, and music.

Gianni ended the call with a promise
to come by for lunch, shocking himself of the efforts that he is putting
towards pleasing a woman outside of the bedroom.



After a relaxing shower, Gianni walked naked from the
bathroom and into his bedroom, using a towel to dry his hair. He noticed
movement in his peripheral. He stopped suddenly and turned to find Coco laying
naked in his bed.

"What the fuck?! How did you get
in here?" he asked angrily.

Coco seemingly unaffected by his
anger, smiled at Gianni. "You gave me the elevator code the last time I
was here," she explained in French.

Gianni wrapped the towel around his
waist and tucked the corner as he demanded, "Get out."

Gianni was pissed that she had taken
it upon herself to break into his home.

"Giaaanniii,” she sang in an
annoying croon as she opened her legs. “You know you want this."

Coco threw her head back and began to
rub her hairless pussy.  She moaned seductively, and Gianni almost forgot
how angry he was.


Gianni spotted Coco's clothing on a
chair in the corner of his bedroom. He walked over to the chair, snatched her
belongings, and tossed them at her. "Get out! And if you ever show up
uninvited again, you'll find yourself in jail and out of a job."

Gianni watched sternly as she
dressed, and when she was done, he escorted her to the elevator. Immediately
after the doors closed, he walked over to the bar and grabbed his phone. Gianni
called down to security and instructed them to make sure that Coco exited the
building. He also informed them that he'd be changing his security code-

Gianni poured himself another drink
and vowed to never give another woman his security code.




“This is where you’ll get all the intel. Ask questions.” Sgt.
Banner whispered into Natasha’s ear as he loaded her into the paddy–wagon with
the rest of the girls. He slammed her down on the ice cold bench and lowered a
steel bar over their laps. Once the bar locked in place, Sgt. Banner stepped
backward out of the wagon and slammed the door. Natasha rolled her eyes. She
could swear that her sergeant derived great pleasure from treating her like a
criminal. And she was willing to bet that he was drunk. She heard the latch
click on the other side of the door, and she no longer felt like a cop. She
rode in silence and listened to the conversations of the other women in the

Natasha looked over at Tammy, who was
watching her intently. Tammy offered

Natasha a sad smile and mouthed, “It’ll be ok.”

A few minutes later, the wagon came
to a stop, and Natasha heard the latch being turned. The doors flew open, and
Steve appeared. The ladies filed out one by one. Natasha looked up to discover
that they were at the prisoner entrance of Central Detention.

The ladies were paraded through the
lock–up and into the processing room, where they were handcuffed to a bench.
Although no one burned her cover, she saw the curious glares that she received
from the officers in the building. The male officers, even some female
officers, openly stared at her body. Natasha had been on the opposite side of
the arrest process hundreds of times, but now she was experiencing it from the
other side of the cage.

Tammy yelled at Deon. “Officer!”

Deon walked over to the bench, where
they’d been placed, and Natasha noticed a few ladies staring at him with


“Officer, can you please write my
number down and give it to her.” Tammy said, pointing at Natasha.

Deon took out his pen and grabbed a
piece of paper from a nearby desk. Tammy rattled off her number while Deon
wrote. He handed the paper to Natasha and told her to hold on to it and that it
would be placed with her property after she was processed.

“Thank you, officer,” Tammy said

Deon smiled and walked away.

Tammy turned back to Natasha. “Don’t
worry, this shit is a misdemeanor. If you don’t have any warrants, you’ll get an
I–Bond. You don’t have to pay for them. Call me when you

get out.”

Natasha nodded thinking how Tammy
seemed really sweet.

Too bad she was just a means to an



Chapter 11

It was early Saturday afternoon, and Victoria was relieved when
Natasha finally called. Deon had called earlier, and after going on and on
about how incredibly hot Natasha looked last night, he finally told her that
Natasha, in order to preserve her undercover status, had spent most of the
night in lockup.  Even though Victoria had been there, she knew that it
wasn’t easy.

Victoria laughed inwardly as she
remembered her conversation with Natasha earlier that morning. Victoria thought
that Natasha seemed more afraid of dinner with Gianni than being locked up with
criminals all night. Although he was a gorgeous, wealthy, and obviously
interested relative of her husband, Victoria was still very protective of her
shy friend. She had already crossed the line by giving Gianni Tasha’s personal
information, but Victoria decided that her friend needed a little fun in her

Natasha decided to get ready for her
date with Gianni at Victoria’s house. She said that it was her way of killing
two birds with one stone. Natasha could get ready for her date and see Jasmine
at the same time. But deep down Victoria knew that Natasha wasn’t comfortable
enough to let Gianni know where she lived. But if Natasha knew what Victoria
knew, she would’ve already assumed that Gianni already knew everything that he
needed to know about her. Victoria decided not to educate Natasha on being the
fixation of a rich man.

Truth be told, in Victoria’s opinion,
Gianni was just the “bad boy” that Natasha needed in her life. She was so
guarded and closed off to everyone. Victoria looked passed the shy quiet woman
that was forced out of her unit for defending herself; The shy quiet woman that
covered herself in oversized clothing so that she could go unnoticed; The shy
quiet woman that put several bullets in Victoria’s capture, saving her life.

She saw a lioness.

Victoria and Natasha had bonded in a
way that only two people whose lives were in each other’s hands could. Victoria
owed every happy moment that she had with Jack and Jasmine to Natasha, and she
intended on paying her debt. Their friendship, in Victoria’s eyes, would never
be compromised. Natasha arrived around three o’clock, and Jack and Victoria
greeted her from the porch. She was carrying a garment bag in one hand, a
backpack slung over her shoulder, and a huge Dora the Explorer stuffed doll. Jack
rushed down the steps to help. He kissed Natasha’s cheek and grabbed her bags,
leaving her with the gigantic Dora.

Victoria placed her hands on her hips
and shook her head. “Tash, what the hell is Jasmine gonna do with that? It’s
bigger than she is.”

“What? Isn’t her room decorated in a
Dora theme?” Natasha asked.

“Um, no. Her room, which she’s never
in any way, is decorated with an Odette theme.”

Natasha squinted, trying to remember

“Oooh! The black princess from
Princess and the Frog, right?”

Victoria shook her head as if Natasha
should know better. “Yep.”

Natasha shrugged and walked up the
steps. She shifted the stuffed doll to her hip and hugged Victoria.

“Oh well. A little diversity won’t
hurt. I’m just giving Lil’ Mama a little bit of her Hispanic heritage,” Natasha
replied with a giggle.

Victoria narrowed her eyes at Natasha
and feigned irritation. “Seriously, girl? Dora is Mexican. I’m part Dominican.”

“Same thing,” Natasha mumbled under
her breath before shoving Dora into Victoria’s arms and leaving her on the
porch. Victoria laughed out loud and followed her into the house.

Jack stood in the foyer with Jasmine
in his arms. His brow furrowed at the high pitched screaming coming from his baby.
Victoria couldn’t help but notice how tiny Jasmine was next to Jack’s big body.

Victoria’s breasts were painfully
engorged, so she assumed that it must have been time to feed Jasmine. Victoria
walked over and looked down at her baby girl. Her face had turned beet red, and
her mouth was as wide as it could get as she continued to wail. Jack looked
from Jasmine to Victoria and laughed.

Victoria looked up him with
confusion. “What?”

“She looks so much like you when
she’s screaming like this,” he said with a laugh.

 Victoria could hear Natasha
failing to hold back a laugh herself.

“Shut up! Gimme my baby!”


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