Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2)
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Julia shook her head at Jasmine, “do you see what you have done now? Fussing over me like you were, you have convinced Jo that I am ill.”

“But Mom you…..”

“That’s enough Jasmine,” Julia snapped but smiled immediately to soften the blow. “Now, I am going to lie down so I can be back at the party, feeling more human before the fireworks at midnight. If you two would please go back to the party and enjoy yourselves, we can forget that this conversation ever happened.”

“Okay,” I smiled back not entirely convinced that she was telling me the truth but I didn’t want to press for detail.

“Okay,” Julia smiled in return.

“But you’re sure that you’re okay?” I asked again.

“I promise you that I am fine. Now go and get back to that husband of yours before he thinks that you are missing again.” She smiled.

“You don’t have to go and stay at my mums tonight, if you feel unwell then please stay here,” I told her.

She let out a hard laugh, “this is your wedding night dear, there is no way that anyone is going to spoil this night for you or Blake, now go, you too Jasmine for that matter, I’ll be back down in a while.”

I turned and headed to my bedroom replaying the conversation that I had heard in my head, something wasn’t right but Julia was adamant that she was okay. Julia said that there may not even be anything to tell; I couldn’t help wonder what she meant by that. I turned to Jasmine just as she began her decent down the stairs. “You wouldn’t keep anything from Blake and I would you?”

Jasmine stopped and took a deep breath before turning to me with a smile, “I’m just worried about her, she hasn’t felt well for a while and I just want her to get checked out,” she replied.

We stood and watched each other for a short while as an awkward silence formed between us.

“I’ll see you back at the party then Jo.” She said before turning and carrying on down the stairs, I carried on towards my bedroom not convinced at all that something wasn’t going on but if Julia didn’t want people knowing then there was nothing that for at least tonight I could do about it.


I managed to bypass the marquee un-noticed as the band continued to play whilst laughter and cheers spilled out happily into the open air.

The treehouse was tucked away in the corner of the large garden so there was no chance that this time Blake and I were going to get disturbed. As I approached the treehouse I could hear gentle music playing from inside, small candles that had been placed onto logs lit the way, guiding me to where thousands of white twinkle lights hung from the tree and draped around the house. Everything that Blake ever did for me was amazing and this was no exception. I stepped gently up the small ladder that took me to the decked area outside the treehouse door, I wondered briefly if Blake was already in there as I took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside.

“Oh my God! What the hell are you doing?” My body froze to the spot in complete shock by the sight of Casey and Alex pressed against the back wall to the treehouse fucking like two wild animals.

“Jo,” Casey panted in shock as her eyes widened in shock. “I am so sorry, oh my God I am so sorry!” Alex’s arms suddenly released Casey’s legs as she stumbled to the floor and grabbed her dress placing it over her in a desperate attempt to hide her naked body. Alex turned to face me as he too reached down and grabbed his shirt.

“Just please get dressed now!” I screeched as I covered my eyes and turned quickly to face the door. “My eyes, oh my God my eyes are hurting, what the hell were you doing? No, I know what you were doing, don’t answer that but oh my God, please just get dressed, Alex put your underwear on immediately!”

“I told you that we should have used the house,” Alex whispered harshly to Casey as I heard him reach down to the floor for his trousers just as the door opened and Blake stepped inside; his smile was immediately replaced with disgust before his arms swung around me suddenly as if protecting me from something as he pulled my head close to his chest.

“Jo, don’t look, whatever you do, please do not turn around.”

“Too late Blake, I walked right in and saw that….. Thing…”

“Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on here? Alex? What the hell were you thinking?”

“I am so sorry dude,” Alex said apologetically. “We just, I dunno, we were just taking a walk and we saw this place and, as you both know we have been going through some rough times and today, I suppose it just made us realize how much we love each other so we just…”

“We just didn’t think,” I heard Casey step in.

“I don’t believe this, I mean don’t get me wrong, I am more than happy that you two finally saw sense, but come on,” Blake sighed. “Am I ever going to get to have sex with my wife, in private sometime before the year ends?” he added as his voice raised.

“I feel so ashamed,” I heard Casey say.

“You instigated the whole thing sweetheart, you saw the lights and they drew you in, I told you it was a bad idea. I’m sorry dude, really I am, we should never have come in here.”

“Well you weren’t saying that when you were practically undressing me before we got through the door,” Casey snapped back.

“Well I couldn’t help it, you look so beautiful tonight.” I turned my head when I heard Casey giggle, happy to see them both now dressed more appropriate, but practically eating each other’s faces in front of us.

“Seriously?” Blake asked in frustration.

“I think we need to go,” Alex said as his lips touched Casey’s nose, his fingers stroking her cheeks. Casey bit down on her bottom lip as she nodded in response to him. One thing was for sure, they seemed like the old Casey and Alex once more.

“What say we leave the party now and head over to our hotel room where we can finish off what we started?” Alex suggested sounding like a love struck teenager.

“We are still in here you two, now please; can you leave me and my wife alone and take your sexcapades elsewhere?”

Casey and Alex turned to face us with a sudden look of embarrassment on their faces.

“I really am so sorry you guys,” Casey said shyly.

“Yeah, me too, as I said we were just….. You know what? Were gonna just go.…” Alex pointed past me to the door prompting Blake and I to step aside giving them enough room to leave.

“By the way, we didn’t touch anything, just the wall, don’t let it spoil what you two are going to do,” Casey gave me a lopsided smile.

“Casey,” Alex said firmly.

“See you tomorrow,” Casey said quietly as Alex took her hand and led her outside.

“Oh and Alex,” Blake called out, Alex turned back to face us. “Remember what I said about karma?” He winked, “it has a terrible habit of coming back and biting you on the ass doesn’t it?” Blake and Alex were obviously sharing some kind of private joke when Alex replied with a smirk, “see you tomorrow you two.” We heard them both laugh as they reached the bottom of the steps and headed away from the treehouse.

“Well,” I said firmly, “at least it seems as though they have put all of their problems behind them, because that what I just witnessed was not the sort of sex I imagine you would have just to make a baby.” My eyes widened in mock horror, I wasn’t sure I would ever actually get that image out of my head but for now I was desperate to try.

Blake let out a small laugh as he shook his head in disbelief, “Someone really is out to try and stop me from making love to you do you know that?” I pulled Blake’s arms and placed them around my waist before reaching up and taking his face in my hands.

“We’re all alone now,” I kissed Blake once on the lips, “and this all looks amazing, thank you.”

“It’s actually Stephen that you need to thank, I just planted the seed.”

“Please,” I scrunched my eyes shut. “Don’t talk about seeds being planted after what we just witnessed….” We both began to laugh before Blake lifted his hand and began to stroke my face gently, his smile faltered slightly as he took a deep cleansing breath.

“Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.” I gently pushed Blake’s chest as I smiled shyly.

“Will you quit with all that nonsense?”

“I am serious Jo, how can any man on this planet be as happy as I am right now?”

“Ditto,” I replied simply. “Now are we just going to stand here and talk or was there another reason that you called me here?” I lifted onto my toes and placed my lips to Blake’s gently sucking at his lips, he tasted like champagne and chocolate, his lips were warm and inviting and needy with every stroke of his tongue against mine. His hands moved up my body until he reached the zip at the back of my dress. With shaky fingers he slowly began to lower the zip, his lips leaving my mouth as he began trailing slow and gentle kisses across my chin, down my neck and across to my shoulder where he was slowly removing the dress.

“There was definitely another reason for me calling you here,” his breath felt hot against my skin as he continued to undress me slowly.

“Please Blake,” I begged as his lips continued to lick and suck at my bare skin. I lifted my fingers to his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt frantically before moving my hands down to his trousers, working quickly on his zip before pushing his trousers and boxers to the floor allowing his hard length to spring free. With every stroke of Blake’s tongue against my bare skin and the feel of his dick in my hand as I stroked him continuously, the craving for him in my body grew deeper and deeper; only Blake could douse the fire building up deep inside me. I needed him desperately, my breath became ragged as I struggled to stand, my legs quivering as I waited for Blake to soothe the growing ache that throbbed more and more with every touch of his skin to mine. With my dress pooled at my feet Blake took a step back and allowed his eyes to travel the length of my body, the hunger in his eyes was evident, his chest moved quickly as his breathing became harder and harder.

“So perfect,” he whispered breathlessly. “The stockings and shoes can stay on by the way,” the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile as his eyes twinkled against the darkness of the night sky that filtered in through the small window.

“Make love to me now?” I asked quietly. Blake’s body was back as he took my head in his hands while our mouths battled with each other, he walked me backwards before laying me gently onto the make shift bed that was covered in thousands of deep red rose petals. As his mouth pulled away from mine, he positioned himself between my thighs, sitting back on his heels before pushing into me gently but firmly.

“Aaaaahhh Blake! Yes, yes right there, don’t stop, please don’t stop, aaahhhhhh.” Immediately my head was spinning from the pleasure that was building frantically inside of me, with every push I could feel my orgasm building and building.

“Fuck, yes,” Blake repeated over and over. “Ah Jo, so good, fuck yes, so fucking good. Come on baby, come on.” Tiny beads of sweat formed on Blake’s brow as he continued to pound into me over and over again. I lifted my hands to his chest, desperate to be touching every single part of him, his hard abs tensed beneath my fingers with every thrust of his body, I moved up and took his nipples between my fingers, gently tugging and squeezing.

“Ah God Jo, you make me crave you so much, you know that? I cannot get enough of you.” Blake panted as his hands moved underneath me, lifting my bum from the floor forcing him deeper and deeper inside me until I felt complete fullness where our bodies couldn’t get any closer than they were now.

“I can’t stop Jo, I’m gonna come, ah I’m gonna come Jo, get there with me, now, aahhh.”

The world around me went black as my body exploded against Blake, both of us continuing to push further and further as we came so hard against each other. As my orgasm continued, the feel of Blake’s dick sent me spiraling further as it pulsed inside me each time his release filled my body.

The sound of our heavy breathing filled the treehouse as Blake collapsed next to me wrapping his arm over my stomach. “Finally,” he said happily as he placed a quick kiss to my cheek before burying his head under my chin. I placed one arm around Blake’s shoulder while my other hand stroked his arm gently.

“I have to admit, when I first walked in here, I didn’t think we would be getting any more from each other than a cheeky little kiss,” I giggled as Blake shook his head in disbelief.

“Unbelievable, I never even saw them leave the party; still, I’m glad they seem to be okay again now.”

“Yes, me too; I do believe, Mr. Mackenzie, that between us, we fixed them.” I said feeling pleased with myself.

“I think we did too,” he agreed. “I just wish they had done their making up session elsewhere.” We both laughed.

“You really are a fixer-upper do you know that? If it’s broken then Blake can always fix it.”

Blake lifted up onto his elbow and looked down at me with a smile on his face, “Is there anything you need fixing right now?” he asked with a wink.

“Actually, now that you come to mention it, I do have an ache forming that needs some attention.”

“Oh really?” Blake nodded with a smile.

“Yes, and it really is becoming quite unbearable,” I smiled back.

“Do you want to show me where this ache of yours is? Or shall I have a feel around and see if I can find it myself?” Blake’s fingers moved quickly down my waist and across my thighs, before pushing open my legs, “am I getting close beautiful?”  Blake’s lips were on my neck as his fingers moved teasingly against my folds.

“Very close,” I whispered as I pushed against Blake and forced him down onto his back. I climbed over his body and guided his hard length into me. “It’s right there,” I whispered. “Do you think you can fix it for me? Please.” I asked shakily.

Blake’s hands gripped my thighs as he began to guide me up and down, allowing him further and further inside me with each hard thrust, “I will always fix you beautiful, I promise.”



Our family and friends were all due back at the house in a couple of hours ready to pack in time for us all to head back to New York tomorrow. The thought of what lay ahead of us when we stepped off that plane was weighing heavily on my mind. Sara’s trial was due to begin in less than two weeks and Jo and I hadn’t spoken about it since we were in New York.

BOOK: Beautiful Perfection (Beautifully Unbroken Book 2)
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