Beautiful Entourage (5 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

BOOK: Beautiful Entourage
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I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

After long consideration, I realized this was the best decision for me. It would help me get the company, no one would get hurt except my bank account, and it was convenient.

Beautiful Entourage was difficult to find. I found the location using the GPS on my phone but I wound up in front of a Chinese restaurant. I checked the address several times, wondering if I got the wrong information.

When I couldn’t figure it out, I decided to call the number.

A woman answered. “Beautiful Entourage, where we’ll find your next date for your special event. I’m Danielle. How may I help you?”

“Uh, hi.” I didn’t expect the person who answered to be so formal. “I’m having a tough time locating your office.”

She chuckled. “In front of the Chinese restaurant?”

At least I wasn’t the first one to get lost. “Yes.”

“If you turn to the right, you’ll see a staircase. We’re on the second floor. We really need to put a sign out there or something.”

“It wouldn’t hurt,” I said with a laugh.

“Come on up. I’ve got a cup of coffee with your name on it. It must have been a tiring journey.”

“I’ll see you soon.” I hung up then headed to the staircase. I climbed it to the top then stepped inside. It was contrastingly different from the Chinese restaurant down below. It had elegant hardwood floors and floor-to-ceiling windows. Light jazz music played in the background, and there was a water cooler along with a table covered in coffee supplies. Leather couches were positioned in the lobby.

“I’m Danielle.” A woman in a pencil skirt approached me with her hand outstretched. “Sorry about the Oregon Trail we put you on.”

I laughed as I shook her hand. “It’s okay. It burned extra calories.”

She looked me up and down. “Like you need to burn extra calories.”

I didn’t know what to say to that so I looked around. “This place is nice.”

“A lot of people are surprised. I think they expect to walk into a brothel or something.” She chuckled then approached her desk. “Take a seat. How do you prefer your coffee?”

“Black, please.”

“Coming right up.”

I sat down and looked at her elegant desk. There was a pot of flowers, and the surface of the wood was so shiny I could see my reflection. There were no picture frames and her area looked bare. But it was also classy at the same time.

She set the coffee down then rested her folded hands on the desk. “I didn’t catch your name.”


“Pretty,” she said. “How can I help you, Aspen?”

I felt embarrassed that I was there. Did she think I was a loser who couldn’t get my own dates?

Danielle spotted my unease. “I can tell this is your first time.”

“A friend told me about it and encouraged me to give it a shot.”

“Well, tell me what you need first. We’ll go from there.”

I told her about my issue with my father but left out John since that was mortifying. “He just wants me to be more

She nodded. “We’ve had similar situations to that. You aren’t the first.” She gave me a smile then pulled out a few papers. “We can help you.”

“That’s good.”

“There are a few things I need to make clear, however.” She turned serious. “I’m very protective of my men. This is not a hookup location or a dating service. These men are to act as escorts, nothing more. If you’re looking for something romantic, I suggest you check eHarmony.”

“I understand.”

“They have strict rules. If you break them at any time, the contract is void. You will not get a refund and you will be prohibited from using our services again.”

Wow, they were really professional. I wasn’t expecting that. “What are the rules?”

She handed me a list. “You need to check each one before you sign at the bottom.” She started to name off the rules. “You are not paying your escort for sex. If you expect sex, demand it, or attempt to seduce them with substances or drugs, we will take legal action.”

My eyes widened. “Like rape?”

“Men can be raped too, Aspen.” She had a no-bullshit look in her eyes.

That was disturbing. “I understand.” I checked the box.

“There will be no kissing. Breach of contract will terminate the service in the same way.”

I checked the box.

“The only affection permitted is handholding, his arm around your waist, and a kiss on the cheek. Nothing more.”

“Okay.” I checked the box.

She continued through the list. There were various rules, like no smoking during the duration of the date and no dishonesty. Then she concluded the final rule. “In the event that you feel something more for your escort and you express that, the service will be terminated.”

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s a conflict of interest,” she said. “Some of my escorts have relationships with clients that last for years. Feelings can develop, and naturally, that makes things complicated. The escorts don’t want to be put in that situation, especially since they are hurting their client. This is a business, Aspen, and we run it as such.”

I checked the box and indicated my understanding.

“Finally, these men have the right to keep their personal lives private. You will not have their real phone number and you will not know their address. In the event you attempt to stalk them, there will be legal consequences.”

How amazing were these guys? They made women turn crazy? Try to rape and stalk them? I actually felt bad for them even though I had no idea who they were. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me. I respect everyone, no matter how beautiful they may be.”

She nodded. “You don’t strike me as the crazy type.” She flashed me a grin. “I’m not worried.”

I signed the bottom and handed it back to her.

“So, what do you prefer?”

I cocked an eyebrow. “How do you mean?”

“Blond? Brunette? Tall? Really tall?”

“Uh…I have no preference. I’m sure any of them are fine.”

“You’re easy,” she said. “Women can be picky.”

I just wanted someone my dad would like. So, I was pretty low-maintenance in that regard.

She pushed a paper across the desk toward me. “Here is the price breakdown. The more dates you purchase, the cheaper each date becomes.”

My eyes widened when I looked at the number.
Damn, these guys were making a killing.

Danielle read my mind again. “I assure you, they are worth every penny. Your family will love them, your girlfriends will be jealous, and your ex will be totally envious. They are all wonderful, each and every one.”

I made decent money working for my father and I didn’t have a lot of expenses. I didn’t own a car and I didn’t have a fetish for expensive things, like shoes and purses. If this secured my position as the CEO of my father’s company, it was worth the price. “Can I put it on a credit card?”

“You may.”

I handed it over and she processed it. “You have secured five dates. When, and if, you need more, just let me know.”

“It’ll always be the same guy, right?”


“But if he has other clients, how does he work around that schedule?”

“I take care of all that,” she said. “Don’t worry about it. You’ll have him when you need him. But you need to give us three days notice.”

“I can do that,” I said.

“Just give me a few moments and I’ll make the selection.” She typed on her computer for a while and made notes on her notepad.

I sipped my coffee and looked through my phone.

Harper texted me.
Are you there?

Already made the payment.

I could hear her scream through the text message.

Danielle turned to me. “How do you feel about tattoos? Like them? Hate them?”

“I’m indifferent to them,” I said. “As long as they can’t be seen under his clothes.”

“Okay.” She returned to her computer. “Any other special requests?”

“Like what?”

“Accents? Dialects?”

I could pick his accent?
“American is fine.”

“Okay.” She made a few more notes. “Rhett will be your escort. He’ll meet you for coffee tomorrow at Starbucks at noon sharp.”

“But I don’t need him then…” That was quick. This woman was like a puppeteer.

“This meeting is free. You’re just going to get to know each other so when he attends an event with you, it’s not obvious you’ve never met.”

That made sense. “Okay, I’ll be there.”

She stood up then shook my hand. “It was a pleasure meeting you. Call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you.” I couldn’t believe I actually agreed to this.

“Have a wonderful day.”

I walked out, feeling a little dizzy.

I was actually doing this.


I was nervous even though I shouldn’t be. The meeting was no different than a work conference. It was just a conversation, an open dialogue about the arrangement I paid for.

There was no reason to be nervous.

I had a backbone when it came to my job. I could be fearless and cold. Unless it was my way, there wasn’t a way at all. But in my personal life, I was calmer. I was stressed about work as it was, and there was no reason to increase that level of stress outside the office.

I found a table in Starbucks and sat alone. A girl near me had headphones on and she looked like she was studying. Judging her age, she was in college. A table away, there was a couple talking quietly. Their meeting seemed awkward. Perhaps they were old lovers. The blender behind the counter would go off and catch my attention. I forgot about it once the noise was gone, but it caught my attention again as the loud noise pierced my ears.

I wore a green dress with strappy white sandals. My brown hair was over one shoulder and I felt the earrings hang from my lobes. I didn’t want to look like crap when I first met him. Sitting alone didn’t bother me, but I grew tired of the stares directed my way. Was it that odd I was sitting alone?

The door opened and someone stepped inside. It was a man dressed in black slacks and a gray collared shirt. His chest was expansive and his stomach was tight. I couldn’t see through his clothes, but it was clear his frame was covered in muscle.

He was tall, at least six feet or more. A Rolex was on his wrist and he wore shiny dress shoes. A black tie hung from his neck. As he came inside, he glanced around.

Penetrating blue eyes met mine, and realization seemed to flash in them. They were bright, reminding me of the clear blue sea found off the coast of Mexico. The warmth reflected in them was like a tropical beach, playful and inviting. His eyes caught my attention because they were not only beautiful, but deep.

He had a strong jaw, reminding me of Clint Eastwood or a star from a western film. His skin was fair but had a slight tint to it, like he was outside often. His mouth contained thin lips but they stretched into an alluring smile as he looked my way. Wide shoulders led to a formidable chest. I stared at each feature over and over again, hoping I didn’t miss anything.

Was that him?

Rhett came my way, passing the other tables as he went. He was clearly headed for me.

Ohmygod, it was him. Damn, he was gorgeous. I definitely underpaid.

Rhett reached my table with an aura of welcome. “You must be Aspen.” He stared into my face, and his eyes examined every inch of me as mine did to him. They flashed a lighter shade of blue as he watched me. Then they faded back to their natural color. He extended his hand to shake mine. “I’m Rhett. It’s nice to meet you.”

I snapped out of my moment of gawking then shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure.” My voice was surprisingly steady for how hard my heart was beating.

He sat in the seat across from me with perfect posture, and his shoulders were straight. They expanded past the chair, showing his obvious strength and power. I stared at them for a moment before I forced myself to stop. “How are you?” he asked.

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