Beautiful Disaster (A Pirate Romance book, Historical Romance) (20 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Disaster (A Pirate Romance book, Historical Romance)
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Izzy could hear the music and the chattering down below and softly smiled to herself in the mirror.  She was currently sitting at a desk, trying to figure out how to do her hair for tonight’s ball celebrating the pirates’ win in the battle against the Navy, but she didn’t feel that passionate about it.  To be completely honest, she was tired, ready for bed.  It had been three days since the fateful night when she had chosen to remain with Johnny rather than return home, but they hadn’t really spoken about love, and Izzy hadn’t told him she wouldn’t slip away from him.  She pursed her lips, cocking her head slightly to the side, and wondered if maybe she imagined Johnny having feelings for her.  Wouldn’t he have said something when she had woken up?


But he didn’t.  And when he realized she hadn’t been wounded from the bullet, he realized it was Willow’s doing.  That meant that the two had spoken, which meant she
leave at any moment.  There was no point then, was there, telling her he loved her, if she was just going to return to the New World.  So Johnny had kept his lips together, and settled back, as though he was waiting for her to leave him.


Izzy realized he was pushing her away, and the thought hurt.  After everything they had been through together, after everything he had accomplished with her supporting him from the sidelines, how could he simply-?


“Why the frown?” a familiar French drawl asked from the door frame.  Izzy was so consumed in her thoughts, she hadn’t even heard Marion open her bedroom door.  She glanced over at the older madam, and forced the corners of her lips up.  Marion immediately tut-tutted her, closing the door behind her, and headed into the room.  “Even I can tell that is a fake one.  Why so sad?”


“This whole thing with Johnny,” Izzy said, deciding to confide in the older woman.  She turned in her chair so she was facing the brunette, and sighed.  “Right before he left for battle, I could have sworn he was going to tell me that he loved me, but I stopped him because I felt the only reason he was going to say it was because he thought he might die.  But if he didn’t, then, at least to me, it meant that he knew he was coming back, and he could say it when he did.  But it’s been a few days, and he hasn’t said a word.”


“You must give Johnny Clover some time,” Marion said, her voice ever-knowing, especially when it came to that particular pirate.  “He has never really confessed such a thing to anyone, you know.  Maybe he’s waiting for the… oh, how you say, the opportune moment.” 


Izzy smiled at that, recalling the famous line from her favorite movie. 


“Ah!” Marion exclaimed, pointing teasingly at the blonde in front of her.  “There’s a real smile.  You realize just how late you are for this celebration?  I mean, look at you! 
Mon dieu
.  Come, come; you’re only in your under dress.  Now where is the gown I gave to you?  Tonight would be an excellent night to wear it.  It will not only be Johnny’s eyes on you tonight, and maybe competition is the push that pirate needs to see just who he has in front of him.”


Izzy smiled.  Marion sort of reminded her of Bex, or at least, she cheered her up just like her redheaded friend had.  Izzy couldn’t help the excitement that rushed through her veins when Marion offered to help her get ready.  In fact, it gave her renewed confidence, and she felt that she was actually looking forward to going to the ball. 


It took a good hour, which surprised Marion herself, but Marion was fast and skillful.  She knew exactly how she wanted Izzy to look, even when it came to Izzy’s hair and her face.  Half of her hair was twisted and pinned to the top of her head in an intricate design that resembled a labyrinth, while the rest of her hair fell down her back into soft waves.  Marion kept Izzy’s face natural looking for the most part, not only because Izzy seemed to prefer it that way, but because the madam knew Johnny did too.  Even when he was one of her customers, he preferred natural beauties, rather than fake ones.


It was the dress, however, that caused Izzy to give pause.  She didn’t think that it was possible she could look this beautiful, but Marion seemed to think so.  Somehow, she had found the exact color that emphasized Izzy’s eyes, so they stood out even more than they did already.  The bodice was smooth cut across her chest in a round shape.  The sleeves fell off of her shoulders loosely, and the skirt fit her shape rather than poofing out.  On her feet were small heels, and there was a small white necklace that drew attention to her bare skin.  It reminded her of the dress Taylor Swift had worn in “Love Story.”


“Are you ready?” Marion asked as she backed up to give the young woman in front of her a good look.  “Because you look ready.”


Izzy smiled shyly, but nodded a couple of times, and followed the madam out the door.




Johnny frowned as his eyes swept across the ballroom once again, trying in vain to lay eyes on the woman he had been waiting for.  Many women had approached them and asked him for a dance, and he obliged them, but his eyes were always searching.  And nobody had yet to sway him into not looking for her.


Though he had told himself it didn’t matter whether or not he loved her – Izzy would be leaving soon – he desperately wanted to see her, to hold her closely to him…


He was dancing with another nameless woman when he found her.  She was following Marion down the steps of her brothel, and looked so stunning, he couldn’t help but pause in the middle of the dance.  He didn’t notice the woman scowling at him, didn’t care that he was the only unmoving person on the floor.  In fact, he didn’t even care that his heart appeared to have stopped just taking her in.  Without fully comprehending it, his feet began to lead him in her direction.  He had to be in her proximity.  He had to be near her, or he would absolutely go mad.


Johnny managed to reach the staircase just as Izzy had finished descending.  She paused upon seeing him; he looked just as he had at the ball, the same hair style, the same suit – everything.  Her heart skipped just seeing him looking at her with an enigmatic expression in those dark eyes of his.


“Dance with me?” he asked, though it sounded more like a statement rather than a question.


She took his offered hand, knowing that even if she had wanted to, she couldn’t refuse.  Not those eyes.


“You look…” Johnny began, but then stopped, realizing just how impossible it was for him to actually describe her.


Izzy blushed slightly, biting her bottom lip before saying, “You do too.”


He led her gracefully onto the dance floor.  Like Marion had said, many of the men that were there couldn’t seem to take their eyes off of Izzy.  While Johnny pointedly acknowledged the attention, Izzy didn’t even seem to notice.  It would seem she only had eyes for the man in front of her.


As they started to dance to the slow song the orchestra was playing, the couple remained silent.  It felt good just being in his arms, while Johnny reveled in the feeling of her.


“I was worried about you, you know,” he told her suddenly, his voice soft and low, causing goose bumps to spring everywhere across her body.  “I thought you promised you wouldn’t leave my quarters.”  He arched a brow, slightly upset she hadn’t listened to him, but couldn’t exactly be angry with her when she was unharmed and alive.


“If I hadn’t, you wouldn’t have kept your promise,” she murmured, looking up at him.


“Why did you do that?” he asked suddenly, furrowing her brow.  “Why did you save me?”


“Because I love you,” she told him.  The words were easier to say than she had originally anticipated, and she smiled when she realized a heavy burden had been taken off of her shoulders.  “I couldn’t imagine my life without you, so I… I chose to stay here.  With you.”  She winced slightly, hoping she hadn’t been too presumptuous.  “I hope you aren’t upset.”


Before Izzy could react, Johnny gently cupped her cheek in his rough hand and gently tilted her head back in order to softly brush his lips across hers.  The action took Izzy by such surprise that she didn’t even have time to react.


“Of course I’m not upset,” he told her, pulling the young woman even closer.  “I could never be mad at you.”  He cocked his head to the side, his eyes still not quiet believing.  “So you are to stay with me?  You will not disappear.”


“I won’t disappear,” Izzy told him with a smile.


Johnny smiled brilliantly.  “That’s excellent news, darling,” Johnny said.  “In fact, to celebrate, I think we should get married.”


Izzy laughed at the idea.  “Johnny, you haven’t even told me you loved me, and now you want to get married?” she asked in disbelief.  “Don’t you think we should take things slowly?”


“Of course, of course,” the pirate agreed.  “And I know just where to start.”  He leaned towards her suddenly, cocking his head to the side slightly, and for a moment, Izzy thought he was going to kiss her.  Instead, Johnny smiled down at her, a sparkle springing into his eyes.  “I love you too,” he breathed in a husky voice.  “And I think I always will.  So then.  Marriage?”








To my inspiration.


To my readers on Fictionpress who made it so much fun to write this story.


To my amazing cover designer, Desiree DeOrto.  Thank you for your skills, your time, and your friendship.  Check out her website here to see what she can do for YOU.


To my friends and family for your love and support.


To Frank and Kylee, for everything.

About the Author


Full disclosure: I am an acquired taste. I'm a typical blonde Orange County suburbanite who says 'like' more than necessary, laughs loud and probably obnoxiously, and loves to dance in the rain. I'm a college graduate with more than a few tricks up my sleeve, and I also happen to be a pretty big Ducks fan. I'm married to the love of my life, and we have a beautiful baby girl.  Oh, and I'm a writer. Like, for real. I also interview any and all writers for this blog as a unique way to promote their work and my work and interact with fellow writers at all stages of the process.


Join my mailing list by sending me a quick email at [email protected] for the latest news, updates, and first access to giveaways and contests.

Other Works by Heather C. Myers


Somerset Series

Marking Territory

Tempting the Flesh


Falling for the Devil


Killing by Captivation


Four Sides of a Triangle


Sassiness & Sarcasm: A Love Story


Blood on the Rocks




Heroes & Thieves


Corsets & Crossbones


Save the Date!


The Dark Paradise Trilogy

Awaken: Book 1

Catalyst: Book 2


Stranger Series

Stranger: Book 1


InstaMuse for the Romance Writer Series

Fairytale Edition

Jane Austen Edition


You can find more information about my work on my website:


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