Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) (15 page)

Read Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)
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Mornings just came too quick. I decided on a quick remedy—caffeine.
Caffeine…what would happen if the world got rid of it? I. Would. Die.
As I drank my coffee, I looked around my living space.
And how did the cottage get so messy with only one person living here?
I quickly picked up, started the wash, and took out the garbage.

I then powered up my laptop and began working on some plot outlines for the week. I always had a good idea of where my book was going before I wrote it, but as the story progressed, my mind would sometimes wander a bit, and I’d end up making changes. This week, a few things were going to change, so I quickly jotted down my notes in my made-up shorthand.

My fingers pounded the keys as the thoughts poured through my mind. So many emotions went into my words. I almost felt relieved as I hit each 1,000-word count. It was like the pressure had been lifted from my brain. The thoughts were out, so I could breathe lighter.

In the afternoon, my doorbell pulled me from my work. I was more than ready for a break, so the timing was perfect.

I smiled radiantly at the deliveryman as it dawned on me why he was here again.

“For you, ma’am.” He smiled and handed me a vase.

I signed quickly, eager to read Kyle’s message. “Thank you!” After closing the door, I headed for the kitchen and tore open the little note.

My heartbeat kicked up a notch at his sweet words. My sexy alpha with his badass, overbearing, hot side also had a way of showing me a sweet, romantic side. He was surely never dull.

I texted him.

Thank you again for the lovely wildflowers today. I missed snuggling with you, too.

His reply came quickly.

You’re welcome. How is your day going? I hope you’re daydreaming of me.

Oh, how I would rather daydream of him.

Just the average workday—minus flowers distracting my thoughts to a certain someone.

The flowers were a vibrant purple and smelled wonderful. I walked into my room and put them on my dresser as my phone chimed again.

What do you think of having dinner with that someone tomorrow? For real date number three?

I smiled at the thought of him returning tomorrow.

What do you have in mind?

Just then, my phone rang. “Hello?”

“Hi, Lily! How are you?” Brooke said, her voice a bit muffled and louder than usual. It sounded like she was in her car.

“I’m doing great, Brooke! How are you?” I said, making my way to the kitchen for a quick snack before I got back to work.

“I’m good. I’m actually in your area, and my client canceled. I thought maybe we could get together for some girl time,” she suggested happily.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Dang! Lily, hold on a sec.”

I heard Brooke shuffling around. Just then, my phone beeped with a text. I anxiously glanced at my screen.

It’s a surprise. See you tomorrow. About six?

I quickly texted Kyle back.

It’s a date. See you then.

I was unable to hold back the smile beaming from my face. I really liked surprises from Kyle. Tomorrow could not come fast enough.

I returned the phone to my ear in time to hear Brooke let out an exasperated sigh.

“I’m back! So, we need to go on that shopping spree we talked about. New-mom syndrome has left me with no clothes that fit. Are you up for it?” she asked with anticipation and excitement.

“Shopping? Of course! My laptop is forgotten. Just say when.” I headed back into my room to change before I left.

“Thank God. I’m in serious need of a good latte and clothes that fit. I’ll be there in twenty.”

We hung up, and I settled on a white cotton summer dress with my favorite flip-flops. I touched up my foundation and mascara just as the doorbell rang.

Opening the door, I said, “That was a quick twenty minutes.” I laughed.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. I
to shop.”

Brooke grabbed my arm as I hastily reached for my purse and keys. I barely had time to lock my front door before she practically dragged me to her car.

I was astounded to see this new side of her. Shopping deprivation did not suit her well.
Her withdrawals must be serious.

“Okay, okay! We will hurry.” I quickly put on my seat belt. “Where are you taking me first?”

“The mall. We’re going to find a highly caffeinated latte as quickly as possible. We’ll shop for clothes until the car is full, and then we’re getting manis and pedis.” She pulled on to the main road in a hurry.

“Are you sure you need caffeine?” I gave her my best raised eyebrow.

“Oh, yes. I love my baby girl more than the world, but right now, I need to feel like a woman again—at least, the best as I can. Some parts are damaged permanently.”

The look on my face must have shown how horrified I was because she quickly carried on.

“Oh, it’s still well-worth it for my snugglebug. I love her to pieces. I just need a few girl hours, and I’ll be as good as new.”

After we made it to the mall, we hit the clearance racks and picked out all the good deals we could find. I had to give the woman credit. She looked great in everything, and every item was on sale. I found a cute new dress, a pair of white linen shorts, a light pink tank top, and flip-flops I could not resist. Brooke continued her assault in another clothing store. I had never been there before and for a good reason, too. This one trip set me back five hundred bucks.

Then, she wanted to go into Victoria’s Secret.
Oh damn…my biggest weakness.
I found a few cute PJs, bra and pantie sets, and a really cute garter set that was on sale.

“I love this bra. I hope it comes in pink.” Brooke began digging through the drawers for her size and color.

I felt the bra, and it was silky soft but padded more than my liking.

“How are you comfortable with all this padding?” I asked, looking puzzled.

“It’s baby nursing 101. Beloved children suck you dry and leave you with saggy pancakes. That bra works miracles and lifts up my leftovers.”

My eyes widened at her revelation. It sounded scary, but the image of a little cuddly baby in my arms took over my thoughts.

Whoa…back up. Working on me right now, not babies…but maybe someday.

“Don’t worry. You are young. You have plenty of time to decide if you want a family later. So, tell me more about Kyle. How are the dates going?”

“Our first date, we went snorkeling, and the water and company were both perfect. Then, on our second date, he took me four-wheeling. I haven’t been in years, and I had a great time with him. It was fun and relaxing. I haven’t known him long, but he’s a really sweet man.”

“And what about Luke?” She stood up after finding the bra in her size, and she moved on to find matching panties.

“What about him? He’s my friend,” I said as I started to smell different perfumes in the store.

She stopped and looked up at me with an incredulous expression. “Lily, you know he’s in love with you, right? Every time we’re all together, he can’t take his eyes off you. I can see it plain as day on his face.”

“He just told me yesterday.” I sighed deeply. “I had no idea. He’s my best friend, and I have very few friends at that. I don’t want to lose him, but I’m not in love with him.” I glared at her as a thought settled in. “How could you not tell me if you knew? I could have used the heads-up.”

“I thought deep down you knew.” Brooke shook her head in complete shock. “Wow…he waited all this time to tell you? Why?”

“He was giving me space. He wanted to wait until I was ready. I’m just scared I’ll lose his friendship over this. I care for Luke, and I don’t want to hurt him.” The fact that I was hurting Luke pained me.

“I know, sweetie. No matter what, he’s going to get hurt if he’s in love with you, and you don’t return those feelings. It’s inevitable,” Brooke said softly.

“Do you think he’ll forgive me? Do you think we can still be friends? I’m scared all of that is going to change.”

“There is nothing to forgive per say, but I think it will take him time to heal. He will have to learn to separate those feelings from your friendship if he can. If he can’t, then he might have to walk away. Friendships with men change after relationships and marriage anyway. You can’t have a male best friend casually showing up at your door forever.”

I hadn’t really thought that far ahead yet, but it did make sense. “I just…” I sighed again. “I just want to skip this part and not hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“We all wish that, sweetie. Now, back to the fun stuff. Let’s find a lace outfit for Kyle to tear off.”

I blushed, and Brooke grinned.

“Uh-huh. That look answered my unspoken question.” Then, she turned serious. “I’m so happy for you, Lily.”

I was happy, too, but sometimes, it felt as though it was too soon or too good to be true. These feelings were new to me, and I was not sure how to process them. Right now, I just wanted to take it one day at a time.

We checked out at Victoria’s Secret and decided it was time for our manis and pedis. It had turned out to be just the day that I needed. Brooke and I had such a natural, fun friendship. I felt blessed to have her and Luke in my life. If not, I would have been all alone.

Tuesday started out great. I typed 4,000 words by lunch, which was awesome. I had just finished my bagel and decided I should check the mail for an expected document. On the way, I bumped into a tall young man with dark hair.

“Excuse me, miss,” he said, gripping my arms to catch my fall. His hands were rough as he offered me a polite smile.

“Oh, sorry. I was looking the other way, and I didn’t see you.” I stepped back, breaking his hold.

“No, miss, it was my fault. I’m sorry. I was looking at my notepad. Are you hurt?” he asked as he glanced up and down my body for injuries.

“No, I’m okay. Well, thanks for saving me from a fall.” I turned, grabbed my mail, and went back inside.

“You’re welcome,” he said and continued along the sidewalk.

I flipped through the mail, quickly looking for my research document about a particular disease that I wanted to add in my book. I had to make sure I had reliable resources first, but it still had not come. At the bottom of the stack, another bright envelope caught my attention. It was personally addressed to me with my name written in all capital letters.

Curious, I opened it.

My eyes widened at the letter. Fear jumped into my throat, constricting it. It was a quote from my book. I quickly tossed the threat into the garbage, not wanting to touch it anymore. My stomach felt nauseous, and I started to heave.

Trying to distract myself, I called Brooke.

She picked up on the second ring. “Hey, Lily! What’s up?”

“Brooke, I just got a disturbing letter. It was a quote from my first book,” I said, trying to stay calm. Calm wasn’t going so well.

“Oh!” She paused. “What did it say?”

I read the note to her in a shaky voice.

Although it was probably only seconds, it felt like an eternity had passed before Brooke answered.

“Crap!” Brooke said, astonished. “That is…intense. Do you think it was from someone you know personally or from an obsessed fan?”

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