Read Beautiful boy Online

Authors: Grace R. Duncan

Tags: #gay romance

Beautiful boy (16 page)

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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“Do you need a gag?”

He shook his head. “No, Master,” he said haltingly. “I… don’t have… neighbors on this floor.” He cleared his throat. “Downstairs can’t hear me.”

“All right, then. What number was that?”

“Seventeen, Master.”

I lifted the paddle and brought it down harder. He shouted, more tears falling. He managed to give the count, though. He danced on nineteen, like he wanted to get away. Twenty, I lightened slightly, giving him a chance to catch his breath. But twenty-one through twenty-five, I didn’t hold back. The counts were garbled but understandable enough, as he sobbed through them.

I set the paddle down immediately and gathered him into my arms. I kissed his tears, leaving his ass alone for a moment. I’d soothe it, but he needed to feel it for a bit yet. “Proud of you, boy. You did so well,” I crooned, brushing my lips over his cheeks again and again.

He buried his face in my neck. “I’m sorry, Master,” he sobbed into my skin. “So sorry.”

“Forgiven now, boy.” I held him tight, noting his dick had even gone soft. The punishment had made its impression. I ran my hand over his asscheeks, and he cried out, rocking into me and away from my hand. “Shhh, now, boy. I’m proud of you,” I said again. “You’ve done wonderfully. My beautiful boy.”

He trembled for another moment as I rubbed and soothed his ass. Finally, I felt him relax against me.

“Which one was I most upset about?” I asked him.

“Not telling you my opinion,” he said right away. “Those were the last five, weren’t they, Master?”

“Yes.” I pulled back and tilted his chin up to look at me. “If we don’t talk, nothing works between us. That goes for the vanilla side of our relationship as well as our D/s side.”

He nodded, dropping his gaze to my chest. “I’m sorry, Master.”

“I know, boy. I really am very proud of you. You took those so beautifully.” I held him for another few moments.

He pulled back and peered at me through his eyelashes. “May I thank you, Sir?” he asked shyly, rocking into me just enough to make sure I knew he was referencing my hard dick.

“I’d like that, boy,” I rumbled, and he immediately dropped to his knees. A few seconds later, I was thrusting into his mouth. He looked up, and
, that image alone was almost enough to make me come. Those big green eyes, watering from the thrusting, from holding back his gag reflex, his full lips stretched around my dick.

I threaded my fingers into his hair and held him still. He relaxed his throat, and I pushed my cock into it, groaning at how fucking good and tight it felt. I watched him carefully, watching him struggle for breath, then pulled out, letting him gasp in air before I did it again.

By the time I came down his throat, his own cock was back to being rock hard. I held him still, letting him struggle for breath for another long moment while my dick softened, and then I pulled out. He was beautiful like that, on his knees, drool on his chin and tears in his eyes, lips red and swollen, all from my cock, his eyes fixed on me. His length jumped, ignored, red, and wet, and mine wanted to revive almost immediately.

I helped him to his feet, glancing at the clock on the microwave. “We better get moving. But before we go.” I dug into my coat one last time and pulled out an adjustable leather cock ring, a single packet of lube, and a heavy metal butt plug. “Bend over the bar again,” I instructed him. I applied the lube to his ass, stretching him just enough, then pushed the plug home. “How does that feel?”

His breathing stuttered. “Heavy. Frustrating.”

“Good. A good boy….”

“Should be horny all the time,” he said, smiling, and I loved the color on his cheeks. I turned him around, wrapped the leather ring around him, and adjusted it so it didn’t apply any pressure yet. “I’ll give you orders through the evening to tighten this as we go. Okay?”

“Yes, Master.” He smiled at me as I pulled his jeans up, then hissed when they slid along his ass.

“Nice and sore?” He nodded, whimpering a little. I tucked his hard cock in and managed to close his jeans. “Look at me, boy.” He looked up, and I took his chin between my thumb and forefinger. “If it gets to be too much, any of it, you’ll use your safewords.”

“Yes, Master. It’s… it’s not. Not yet.”

I smiled, kissed him until he moaned, then pulled back. “Now, I believe we have a date?”

He grinned. “Yes, yes we do.”



the evening with a perpetual grin on my face and hard cock in my pants. It started when he winced as he got into the car. He spent the trip to the restaurant squirming.

“Having trouble finding a way to sit?”

He cleared his throat. “Uh….”


He sighed. “Yes, Master.”

“Thank you. Good. You
be having trouble sitting. I’d hope that would be enough of a reminder to not avoid my questions.”

“You’re right, Master.” He paused. “My ass hurts like hell.”

I burst out laughing. “It’s supposed to.” I focused on driving for a few minutes, following the GPS. Kyle had put in the address, not telling me exactly where we were going yet. I didn’t mind. I had a feeling I’d like whatever he chose.

“Well, it certainly made a point,” he agreed. “I’m sorry, Master. I’m just… I’m still….” I glanced over to see him licking his lips again. I buried the smirk. He was trying
hard. “I’m still worried. I’m worried I won’t be able to take enough. Or that I’ll fuck up in just the wrong way.”

I consigned his former Doms and boyfriends to the deepest pits of hell. I also made a mental note again to ask Nash about his former Doms. I thought through my reply carefully. “I could fuck up too,” I said quietly. “That’s part of any relationship. There’s always the fear we’ll fuck up and push the other person away.”

“I’ve never been in a real one before. I don’t… I don’t really know what to do. My parents are
example. I don’t think they’ve spoken more than five words at a time to each other in… well, since before I was in high school, at least.”

“Shit,” I said, shaking my head. “My folks are… well, they’re not perfect, of course. But they’ve been together a long time, and as far as I know, they’re happy. They still make time to go on dates.”

“Really?” He looked over at me.

When I stopped at a red light, I met his gaze. “Yup. They may have had trouble with my orientation at first, but they love me. And they’ve done nothing but tell me how I should treat ‘whoever I end up with,’ is how they put it.” I chuckled as I took the next turn. “But even Dad still messes up. It happens. It’s going to. It’s not about not messing up, baby. We both will.” I shrugged a shoulder. “One thing I do know is that how much pain I can inflict on you—or not—isn’t going to be a deciding factor in our relationship.” I grinned, letting my sadist out, and Kyle shivered at the look I gave him. “There are plenty of ways to make you miserable, boy.”

He made a noise in the back of his throat that could have been arousal or fear. I suspected it was a cross between the two. He nodded, though. “I can see that. Thank you, Master.”

“Of course. Now, I believe we’re here.”

As I parked, he said, “I hope you like it. It’s the closest thing I could get to anything even remotely applicable to
Lord of the Rings.
” He pointed to the Baker Street Pub sign.

I laughed. “I love it.” I climbed out and went around, opening his door.

A few moments later, we were being seated, and I suppressed a chuckle when he winced as he sat. “After we get our drinks, I want you to go to the bathroom and tighten your ring one snap.”

“Yes, Master,” he murmured, looking over the menu.

I peeked over mine to see his cheeks flushed. I grinned and focused on the food.



him tighten it once more before we left the pub. It still wasn’t
, wouldn’t cut off blood flow or cause any problems. But he was more aware of it now.

I decided not to do much during the movie. I knew we were both way too interested in what would happen and wanted to be able to pay attention. We got lost in the story, cheering with the rest of the theater at the action and laughing at other parts. A few times, he slapped a hand over his mouth, and I was pretty sure I saw tears in his eyes over at least a few of the scenes. I was man enough to admit I teared up myself. I couldn’t have picked a better partner for a movie like this.

We sat through the song in the closing credits, letting the movie digest for a few.

“Wow,” he murmured.

“Yeah, you can say that again.”


I looked over at him and we both started laughing. “I’m thinking we should see this again before it’s out.”

“At least a couple of times,” he agreed, grinning.

“Yes. Hmmm….” I tilted my head. “Got plans this weekend?”

His grin widened and he shook his head. “Nope. Saturday?”

“Sounds good to me.” I glanced around, but the theater was emptying and no one seemed to be paying any attention to us. I leaned in and kissed his temple. “Now, how’s that cock of yours doing? And your ass?”

He shivered. “Hard and sore,” he replied in a murmur.

“Good.” I grinned, letting it turn wicked. He shivered again. “So… shall we?”

When we got in the car, I decided it was time to step things up. Before I started the engine, I turned to him. “Open your jeans and push them down.”

He blinked up at me, then scrambled to obey, wiggling them past his hips and down to his ankles. I savored the pained expression when he landed on his ass again, but I had bigger plans. The smooth leather seat was too easy. When he was finished, he spread his knees as wide as possible in the car and rested his hands on his thighs. I loved that his cock started to fill just from the anticipation.

I reached behind the seat and grabbed the rough towel I’d put there earlier. “Lift your ass,” I ordered him, and when he’d obeyed, I slipped the scratchy fabric under him.

He winced hard when he sat, squirming as the rough terry irritated his sore skin.

“You’ll keep your ass on that towel.”

He whimpered but said, “Yes, Master.”

“Good. Buckle your seatbelt.” I waited while he complied. “Now. Hand on your cock.”

Chapter 10





hands off him from the parking lot into the building and the elevator was torture. I was so aroused, my cock so hard from all the edging he’d had me do on the way home, and all I wanted was to touch him. I had to keep my hands to myself, though, as there were at least two people in my building who knew my parents. I couldn’t risk them seeing us. As soon as the elevator door closed and we were alone, and Master looked at me with pure heat and need in his dark eyes, I launched myself at him. I didn’t care if he hadn’t ordered me to. I needed to feel him.

He yanked me against his hard body, his arms going around me and his hands landing on my sore ass. I cried into his mouth as both my ass stung and my ridiculously hard cock was crushed against him. He spun us around and pushed me against the wall of the elevator, wedging a leg between mine and grinding into my cock. I threw everything I had into kissing and touching him, not hesitating in the slightest in trying to show how much I wanted—needed—him.

Three days. Not even three days. It’d been less than three days since I’d felt him inside me. If I’d been told six months ago—a year ago,
—that going three days without sex would make me this crazy, I’d have laughed my ass off. But two of those three days had been spent with my cock more hard than soft and my mind filled with my Master and lover. I’d barely gotten any work done, and I’d adored every second of it. I couldn’t help but hope that, while I knew we wouldn’t maintain that
, he’d still have me doing things like that regularly.

When the elevator dinged, it took all I had to stand upright and walk out. I had to try twice to get the door open. Two steps in, we were tearing at each other’s clothes. One of my buttons flew and pinged somewhere in the kitchen. I didn’t care.

As soon as I was naked, he spun me around, pushed me over the bar, worked the plug out of my ass, and tossed it aside. The
as it landed on the hardwood floor was loud, but neither of us paid attention to it. Because a few seconds behind that, I felt his tongue pushing into my hole, and I moaned loudly. I braced myself the best I could, hoping he was too far gone to worry about preparing me too much. I wanted him inside me
, not three fingers from now.

I felt him shake and looked over my shoulder to see his face still buried in my ass. He was doing something else too, though. It wasn’t until he stood and I saw his slicked,
cock and fingers that I realized he’d been using lube. Where he got it, I had no idea.

Especially when he roughly pushed two fingers into me.

“Ohfuckyes!” I shouted, dropping my head to the bar. “Please, Master.
fuck me,” I begged, not giving a single damn that I was.

He was apparently as anxious as I was, because on the heels of my plea, the head of his cock nudged my entrance. I relaxed the muscles the best I could, bearing down, and though I still had the burn, his cock popped through the muscle.

“Oh my God,” he breathed, holding still.

I whimpered agreement and looked up at him. His dark eyes met mine, and despite the urgency between us, we paused to absorb the magnitude of the moment.

He was inside me, naked. There was absolutely nothing between us. Skin against skin.

My breath caught in my chest, and I swallowed around the lump that rose in my throat.

We both felt the trust we probably shouldn’t have had for each other so soon. But it was there, filling me, filling us. I could see it in his eyes.

I reached back, touching his cheek, and he leaned in, kissing mine. I turned my head farther and met his lips. It was awkward, but I needed it, needed to feel it.

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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