Beautiful Abyss (California Dreamers #3) (13 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Abyss (California Dreamers #3)
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“Dude, you need to calm down.”

Roscoe has paced back and forth in the tiny room so many times I’m surprised he hasn’t worn a hole in the floor.

“That’s easy for you to say. You’re already married.”

“Take in a deep breath or something,” I suggest.

The poor guy is so stressed out his face is bright red.

Emerson Drake steps up to Roscoe and places his hands on Roscoe’s shoulders. He looks him right in the eye and says, “It’s going to be alright. I promise.”

“I have no idea how the two of you went through with it. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

Emerson is Roscoe’s second best man. Of course I’m his first best. If we can ever get him out of the dressing room to actually get married that is.

Emerson is married to Nellie’s best friend and former roommate, Maddie. Emerson and Maddie live in a condo very close to Nellie and Roscoe’s.

As much as I would have liked for me, Abby and Sadie to live that close to our friends, those places are still a bit out of our price range, even with the money I’m making working steadily on
All About Ava

We were lucky to get a cottage a few houses down from Abby’s aunt and uncle’s place. The people who own it were nice enough to rent it to us for a really good price because they’re big fans of Mae Russell and I promised them her autograph.

“I’m going to throw up,” Roscoe threatens.

Emerson shakes his head. “No you’re not. You’re just nervous. It’s normal.”

Roscoe frowns. “You didn’t look nervous when you and Maddie got hitched.”

He laughs. “That’s because I’m black. It was harder to tell how green around the gills I actually was.”

Roscoe takes in a deep breath then slowly lets it out. “I can do this.”

“Yes you can.” I give him a thumbs-up.

“I don’t want to keep Nellie waiting too long.”

“You definitely don’t want to do that.” I’ve lived with her. I know how cranky she can get when she doesn’t get her way.

Roscoe lets out a deep breath. “Then let’s do this.”

All three of us give a final glance at ourselves in the mirror. The three of us clean up pretty good. It wasn’t that long ago that Roscoe and I were two young California dreamers. Now we look all grown up in our tuxedos and expensive haircuts.

Emerson’s dad, who is a rich writer, let Roscoe and Nellie have their dream wedding at his place right on the beach.

As we exit the guest house I stand as close to Roscoe as I can just in case he starts to pass out.

Neither Nellie nor Roscoe have big families so there’s isn’t too large of a crowd gathered for the ceremony.

It’s nearly sunset, just like Nellie always said she wanted for her wedding. I have to admit the scenery does look fantastic. It’s like God took a brush and painted the sky gold and orange.

When the music starts all eyes are on Abby as she makes her way down the aisle. She’s glowing and she looks so beautiful. She was afraid she wouldn’t fit into her rather tight bridesmaid’s dress because she’s already starting to show.

That’s right. Baby number two is on the way. Sadie will have a brother or sister to play with in about six months.

She’s not the only one who’s knocked up. Bridesmaid number two, Maddie, is waddling down the aisle. The woman looks like she’s ready to pop at any moment, but she and Emerson insist she isn’t due for another month.

Sadie is supposed to be a flower girl. She looks adorable in her pink frilly dress. But she doesn’t quite have the job down. Instead of marching like everyone else she races down the aisle and jumps into my arms.

When it’s finally Nellie’s turn to walk down the aisle she seems to be stuck. The music keeps playing, but she’s not moving. Her eyes are wide and she looks as petrified as Roscoe does.

I think it was a mistake for her not to have her dad walk her down the aisle, but she said she didn’t want to be a victim of
outdated patriotic traditions
. At least that’s what I think she said. I didn’t really understand why loving your country was that bad, but she seemed to think it was terrible.

Her anxiety seems to have gotten the best of her. She’s frozen at the end of the aisle and isn’t moving.

As nervous as Roscoe is he still leaps to Nellie’s rescue. He hurries down the aisle, takes her by the elbow and pulls her right back down the aisle with him.

The two were clearly made for each other.

When Sadie puts a kiss on my cheek and giggles I know that she and Abby were made for me too.














The California Dreamers Collection


About the Author

USA TODAY Bestselling author Dakota Madison is known for writing new adult, love in midlife, and contemporary romance with a little spice and lots of heart. Dakota is a winner of the prestigious RONE Award for Excellence in the Indie and Small Publishing Industry. When she's not at her computer creating spicy stories Dakota likes to spend time with her husband and their bloodhounds. Dakota also writes under the pen names SAVANNAH YOUNG, SIERRA AVALON and REN MONTERREY.


Where to find DAKOTA...


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