Beast: An MMA Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Beast: An MMA Stepbrother Romance
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And I want him to.  I want him to peel off those little black shorts, strip me down to nothing, and ravage my naked body.  What the hell has gotten into me?

Any second thoughts I might have about any of this go out right out the window as soon as Beast’s hands grasp the bottom of my dress and start pulling it up above my hips.  Before I know it, my dress is on top of the lockers along the left wall, and I’m pressing up against Beast in nothing but my bra and panties.

My whole face starts to flush as Beast squeezes me tight against him.  Then, his hands invade the back of my panties, claiming my ass like it’s his new favorite toy as he presses his king-sized bulge into my bellybutton and kisses my hard, swollen nipple through my bra.

Nobody’s ever made me feel this way before, especially not my first and only ex-boyfriend.  He could barely handle a clarinet, much less a female body.  The impossibly sexy MMA-fighting brute currently peeling my panties off is everything he isn’t, and it shocks me how my body responds to his touch.  I bet if he wanted to take me back to his place and have his way with me all night…I’d let him.

Beast gets down onto his knees to pull my panties the rest of the way off, and I have to fight the urge not to lean forward and press my sex against his face while he does it.  Once I’m totally bottomless, he grabs my thighs, spreads them apart a little, and admires me.  God, if he starts licking me down there, I literally might die.

But Beast has other plans, for now at least.  Pulling my legs apart, he guides them down into a sitting position so that I’m spread wide open on the bench.  As he gets up, I can’t help myself:  I reach out and touch the bulge in the front of his shorts. 

Oh God, it’s huge!  He’s so thick beneath my hand that it doesn’t even feel real.

I gasp as Beast grabs my wrist and presses my hand harder against his cock.  “Bigger than you’re used to?”

I think we both know the answer to that.  Beast runs my hand up his length with a ridiculously cocky expression on his face, and I subconsciously spread my legs wider.

“Just wait until you feel it inside you.”

With that, Beast lets my hand go, leaving me burning on the bench while he goes over to his locker, pulls out a foil packet, and rips it open in one smooth motion.  Then, holding the packet in his hand, he walks slowly over to me, until I’m at eye level with his crotch.

“Ready when you are.”  He smirks, and looks down at his shorts, thrusting his hips forward in my direction.  Heart beating and hands shaking, I reach out towards this shorts, curling my fingers into his waistband and taking a deep breath.  Here goes nothing.


The announcer with the blood red mohawk is standing in the locker room doorway, and I practically die of embarrassment.  “Oh shit.  Sorry, man.”

“Didn’t you see me take her in here?”  Beast snarls.

The announcer puts his hands up and shakes his head.  “I was helping Chainsaw’s guys get him to the hospital.  You broke his fucking arm, you know.”

I don’t know what’s worse:  the announcer seeing me almost naked, or the announcer seeing me this turned on.  My breath is still heaving like Beast’s, and my nipples are clearly visible through my bra.  As the two guys talk, I pull on my panties and sprint over to my dress, pulling it down from the lockers.  Beast looks over at me and growls as I pull it over my head, but I do it anyway.  The normal, responsible me is starting to wake up again, and she’s wondering how the hell I ever let it get to this point. 

“Anyway,” the announcer shifts from foot to foot, “I just wanted to let you know that I heard a couple of the organizers talking, and they were saying that if you win your next match, you’ve got a pretty good shot of making it into the tournament.”

Beast doesn’t look happy.  “You could have waited to tell me that until after I was done.”

“Sorry, man.”

I have a choice, and I need to make it now.  I could either take this chance to get out, back to normalcy, or I could stay until the announcer leaves, take my dress back off…and let Beast fuck me all night. 

As bad as I want Beast’s cock inside me, Responsible Emma is officially back at the wheel.  And Responsible Emma prefers to spend as little time around illegal MMA fighting rings as possible.

“Um…”  Beast and the announcer both turn to look at me.  “I should probably get going.  Congratulations…on the win…”

The words awkwardly tumble out of me, and then I practically sprint for the locker room entrance.

“Wait!”  Beast lunges after me, but it’s too late.  By the time he reaches the entrance, I’m almost back out at the arena.

“Fuck!”  I hear him yell, “You see what you did?”

I’m not sure if I should thank the announcer or curse him.  I do know I’m absolutely
for Beast’s cock, but I’m no longer ignoring the rational part of my brain to get it.  I shuffle through the arena, trying not to make too much of a scene.  Unfortunately, I can’t help but turn a few heads on my way out, but with no sign of the skinny guy with the iron grip, I make it to the door unharmed and find myself back in the maze of hallways behind Sinners.

After a few left turns, I round a corner and almost slam right into Gina.  “Oh, thank God.  Where the hell were you?  Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

I look over my shoulder, half expecting to see Beast there, come to drag me back into that locker room and finish what he started.  When he’s not there, part of me’s relieved, and part of me’s disappointed.  “Let’s just get out of here.  I’ll explain on the way home.”




“An underground MMA arena?  In the back of Sinners?”

“It’s true, I swear!”

“And this Beast guy…he’s perfect and insanely hot but you left before he could fuck you and you didn’t even give him your number.  Are you sure you’re not just making this up?”

“I’d show you if I ever wanted to go back there, which I don’t.”

“We could turn the cab around.  That’s what I’d do if I had an MMA sex god who wanted to fuck my brains out.”

The cab driver turns to look at us.  “She’s right.  I
turn the cab around.”

I shake my head.  “No way.  It happened, it’s over, and I’m going to move on with my life.  Just because it was hot doesn’t mean it was the right thing to do.  There’ll be plenty of cute boys at Berkley who don’t take part in illegal fighting rings.”

Gina shakes her head.  “Alright, but I’m hot for Beast just from how you described him.  I can’t imagine how it would feel to actually walk away from him.”

Tell me about it.  I’m still throbbing, like something inside me is knocking on my walls, trying to get me to go back.  The thing is, even if I did ignore the hundreds of good reasons why going back is a horrible idea, who’s to say that Beast is even still there?  He’s probably long gone by now, back to whatever jungle he came from, and all I can do is forget about him and move on with my life.

After all, I have a whole summer ahead of me.


Chapter 3:  Emma


It’s finally here.  June 22.  The first day of the last summer before I go off to college, or, as I like to call it, The Summer of Adventure.  I’ve been planning it ever since I got my admission letter to Berkley.  Road trips.  Pool parties.  Internships.  A bucket list.  Not a single day wasted.  Not a single ounce of fun left on the table.  I’ve got it all laid out in front of me on my bedroom floor, in the form of a huge poster-sized calendar that I’ve been working on all week.

The Summer of Adventure kicks off with my awesome internship with a local publishing house.  For the next month, I’m going to be travelling around to local book stores and libraries, helping authors set up their book signings.  Not only am I going to get to meet some of my favorite authors, I’m going to get complementary signed copies of every book I set up the signing for!

Then, when that’s over, Gina and I are going on a road trip to Portland!  Gina’s starting her freshman year up there in the fall, and she wants to get a feel for the city before her orientation starts.  And that’s just the big stuff: every single square on my makeshift calendar is chock full of fun plans, daily challenges, and drawings of me having fun, all the way up until August 19
, the day that I leave home for Berkley.

So, really, last night’s insanity couldn’t have been better timed.  As I look down at the summer ahead of me, it already feels like a distant memory. 

What’s on deck for today?  I’ve drawn…a sausage and a hamburger?  Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, the barbecue!

A week from now, my adorable mother is getting married, and her fiancée wanted to come over and have a summer barbecue with us before the wedding.  This is a big deal because Mom’s fiancée just so happens to be Larry Matthews, the CEO of Poodle, one of the largest tech companies in the world.  Since he’s only been engaged to Mom for a couple months, I’ve barely had the chance to see him at all. 

And since I’m hoping Larry will hook me up with a high-paying job at Poodle after I graduate from Berkley…I need to kill it at this barbecue.

I head downstairs and find Mom whipping up a fruit salad in the kitchen.  “Hey Mom!  Are you excited for tonight?”

Mom smiles.  “Very excited.  Larry
my fruit salad.”

“I bet he does.  Do you need any help setting up?”

Mom looks up thoughtfully, running through a mental list of pre-barbecue tasks.  Then, her eyes open wide.

“Oh!  We don’t have any hot dogs!  Could you go to the store and get some?”

“Of course!”

“How could I forget the hot dogs at a barbecue?”  Mom shakes her head, and we both laugh.  Sometimes, it feels like Mom and I are basically the same age.  She’s a kindergarten teacher, which has definitely helped keep her young at heart, but it means that the house is always full of stuff for her students.  It was great when I was younger, but now that I’m eighteen, I’m definitely feeling the need for a more mature environment.  I know Larry has a megamansion up in Palo Alto…I wonder if we’ll end up moving up there?

I grab the car keys off the hook on the wall.  “Be right back with the hot dogs!”

“Don’t forget to get enough for four,” Mom says as I’m halfway out the door.  I freeze in my tracks.  “Four?”

Mom gets an embarrassed look on her face.  “I forgot to mention that, didn’t I?  Larry has a son, a couple years older than you.  His name is Caleb.”

“What?  Mom, that’s pretty important information!”

“I know, honey, but I just found out about him myself a couple weeks ago.  Larry doesn’t talk about him much.  Anyway, Larry did say that he has a huge appetite, so make sure he has enough hot dogs to eat!”

“Okay!”  I nod and walk out the front door.

Larry has a son?  And I’m going to have a stepbrother?  This was
part of the plan.  My father passed away when I was very young, which means that my house has always felt like a girls’ place to me.  I can’t even imagine having a boy walking around.  Maybe he’ll spend most of his time up in the megamansion, and I won’t see him very often.  That would be ideal.  There are no stepbrothers in my summer plans.

As I pull up to the grocery store, my thoughts move away from the mystery stepbrother and back towards impressing Larry.  I know Mom said to get hot dogs, but it just doesn’t feel right serving regular old hot dogs to the CEO of Poodle, so I get German brats instead.  Then, I make a couple circles around the grocery store, picking up ingredients for my signature pasta salad and piling them into the cart.  What better way to show Larry what an awesome hard worker I am than by making my own dish for his pre-wedding barbecue?

The rest of the afternoon is a blur as I hop back and forth between preparing pasta salad, picking out an outfit that says “prospective employee,” and furiously searching for recent Poodle news to talk to Larry about when he arrives.  The evening is here before I know it, and I still barely feel ready.  Mom’s nervous, too.  I know she feels like it’s all a dream, like this whole “falling in love with a billionaire CEO” thing isn’t going to last.  I’ve tried to tell her to treat him like any normal guy, but it’s pretty rich coming from me, who’s treating a family barbecue like a job interview.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity of waiting, the knock comes.  Mom’s so nervous that she almost drops her fruit salad, so I volunteer to open the door and show them inside.  I take a deep breath as I enter the front hallway, focusing on trying to make a good impression on Larry as I open the door.

Only, Larry’s not there.  My wide, professional smile lands on somebody who’s the exact opposite of Larry.  Somebody who I never thought I’d see again.  He’s wearing more clothes than last time, and he doesn’t have that intense, burning look in his eyes, but the tattoos are a dead giveaway.  It’s him.


Chapter 4:  Emma


Before I can say anything, before I can even think, Beast, whose real name is apparently Caleb, pounces.  He gives me a hug, wrapping me up and pushing me against the wall of the entrance hallway.

Our faces are inches apart.  “Well look who it is.  My biggest fan.”

“Let me go!”  I knee him in the stomach, but it feels like banging my leg on a rock.  Caleb laughs, his whole body shaking against me.  “And here I thought I wasn’t getting laid tonight because I had to go to this stupid barbecue.”

“What?  You’re
getting laid tonight!”  I say, in the most intimidating whisper possible.

“Are you sure about that, little Sis?  You’ve been around me for five seconds and your heart’s already beating like a fucking drumroll.”

Unfortunately, he’s right.  My body recognizes this as the guy who almost gave me the pounding of my life less than 24 hours ago, and it’s totally ready to finish what we started.

Something’s a little different about Caleb, though.  Those crazy flecks of fire aren’t burning in his pretty green eyes.  Last night, he looked at me with desperation, need, hunger.  Now, he’s dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, smirking like this is all some kind of big joke.

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