Bearly a Chance: A Second Chances Romance

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Authors: Alana Hart,Sophia Barron

BOOK: Bearly a Chance: A Second Chances Romance
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Bearly a Chance

A Second Chances Romance




Alana Hart & Sophia Barron




Copyright © 2015 Alana Hart & Sophia Barron

All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.


Published by Hartfelt Books



Cover Design by Sophia Barron


Sneak Peek!


Aria turned back toward the dining area, only to catch Ben’s bright gaze locked on every move she made. Gran and Delilah were nowhere in sight, but from the whispers coming from the kitchen she guessed they were debating that age old question: Tea or Coffee. She wondered for a moment how Ben had managed to carry Gran to the kitchen so soundlessly. Then the heat she saw flooding Ben’s gaze as he watched her erased all thoughts of Gran and tea and coffee from her mind.

He stood so broad in the walkway between the living room and dining room that there was no way to squeeze past him without coming into contact with some part of him. Instead of trying to slip by, Aria stopped half a foot from him, nose to chest. She looked up, crossed her arms and waited. The wry grin that twisted his lips didn’t earn him any points in her book. She shot a pointed glance diagonally toward the kitchen, loath to speak and wake Faith. His eyebrows drooped low, as if he was thinking. Aria tapped the toes of one foot lightning quick, tossed a glance back toward her baby girl. Still asleep, but not for long if Ben started talking in his growly voice mere feet away from her bed.

He must have caught the meaning in her glance, because his expression lightened, and for the first time since he’d burst into the shop to save them, a real smile played on his lips, killer dimples and all.
Damn him, and damn those dimples too. Faith totally has his smile.
With a solemn nod and a faint grin, Ben turned and headed to the kitchen.

Aria had no idea how to deal with this Ben. This grown up, responsible, sexy Ben. He looked like her geeky, engineer Ben, but bigger, brawnier and a hell of a lot sexier.

And more protective.
This version of Ben didn’t seem like he’d abandon anyone, for any reason. Aria looked forward to finding out exactly what happened that fateful night. Her gaze was inevitably drawn to the curves of his butt, encased in tight, well-worn jeans. She wondered if the rest of him had filled out as well as the vision before her suggested.

A soft tsk drew her gaze away from his behind, and she felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment when her eyes met his. The dimpled grin and twinkling blue eyes peering back over his shoulder suggested he didn’t mind her ogling him in the least.

Damn, this day was shaping up to be more than its share of interesting for sure.






To Gabriel and Jennie, this book wouldn’t be what it is without you.

To Bill, for believing in me without question.







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Benjamin Torben struggled to hide his excitement as he scooted closer to Aria. She’d suggested a date at Wild North Cuisine to celebrate his twenty first birthday. He’d agreed, but he had better plans for a present than anything she could get him. There was only one thing he wanted for his birthday. Her.

They’d dated throughout their senior year of high school and for the few years of college. Now they were on the verge of graduating, on the verge of a new life. Ben intended for them to step into that new life together. He couldn’t look away from Arias’ stunning blue eyes or her dimples when she smiled.

She murmured something about the restroom and then stood gracefully. Ben’s gaze locked on the sway of her hips, tracked her movement until the restroom door closed behind her. He couldn’t wait until she was his. Ben reached into his pocket, making sure that his gift for her was still there. His fingers stroked the soft velvet and he grinned when he imagined her reaction. One single word from her would make this the best damn day of his life.

He took another bite of his steak, trying to calm his nerves until she returned. He chewed, slow and steady, then with a trembling hand he raised his wine glass and sipped. The sweet drink didn’t ease his nerves. Instead, his stomach continued to twist until he almost cried out in pain.

Benjamin doubled over with a gasp and wrapped his arms around his stomach. It felt like something was trying to tear its way out of him.
Fuck, not now.
He struggled to breathe evenly.




Waited for the pain to fade. No luck. Not tonight, of all nights, he begged silently. Can’t be sick now. I’m twenty-fucking-one years old, out on a date with my dream girl. The woman I want to marry, and now this, his grumpy thoughts coursed circles in his mind.

Anger wasn’t enough to chase the pain away. Not this time. His hand still clutched the velvet box that had been secreted inside the hidden pocket of his vest. He’d pulled the box out, intending to surprise Aria when she came back from the bathroom. Now he held it like a life-line to the future he’d planned.

She’ll be fucking surprised I can’t hold my damn alcohol, he thought as he felt his stomach rebel again. He clamped his empty hand over his mouth, pocketed the ring box and tossed a fifty on the table then scuttled outside, hoping he’d make it off the sidewalk before the contents of his meal reappeared. If he’d felt a little more human on the way through the door, he’d have taken a moment to complain about the shitty meal giving him food poisoning.

Ben dragged himself along the front of the restaurant, and around the corner to the alley before all hell broke loose. The last thing he remembered before a raging inferno of pain consumed him—before his bones and body started to shift and pop—was a pair of cold violet eyes twinkling merrily at his distress. He thought they might have been set in the face of a polar bear, but rejected that theory in favor of food borne hallucinations. Ben let out an inhuman roar and jumped into the darkness that crowded the edges of his mind. Forgetting would be so much easier than the alternative.




Aria Fox skipped out of the bathroom, eyes scanning the restaurant for the man she loved. She wanted nothing more than to run her hands through his dark curls and whisper secrets in his ear. She’d had high hopes tonight, and the results of the test hidden in her purse only drove those hopes higher.
A plus is always a good thing,
she thought.

Aria was certain Ben would be over the moon when she told him they were expecting. But her hopes dimmed, then crashed and burned when she reached the table they’d shared only to find him gone.

Not even a chance to share dessert on his birthday,
part of her mourned. The rest of her took her gran’s oft repeated advice to buck up and deal, girl. Spine straight, shoulders back she suppressed the tears and sobs she felt building like a storm inside. A cold glance at the table confirmed he’d paid their tab with tip to spare. Shuddering with emotion, Aria snagged her wrap off the back of her chair, flung it around her shoulders and stalked out into the night. She paced up and down the sidewalk for what felt like an eternity, hoping Ben would show, hoping it was all a mistake. She kept going back to his car, checking to see if it was unlocked. There was never a change. As the night wore on, dew settled on the car. Aria shivered in the chill air.

She tried calling nine-one-one to report Ben missing. But they wouldn’t take her seriously. He hadn’t been gone long enough to be considered ‘missing’ according to the dispatcher. A part of Aria was worried sick for him. But the rest of her was just plain pissed that he’d left her stranded here.

When the rays of the rising sun gilded the streets of Aurora, she finally admitted Ben had left on purpose, without a word. Had abandoned her, and her baby. If something nefarious had befallen him, the cops would have found him by now. Especially in a city of less than four thousand inhabitants.

She steeled her nerves and her spine to face the future as a single mother, then stalked to their apartment, cursing her traitorous heart for ever believing in love. A sharp rattle in the alley as she passed set her pulse racing.
A quick glance revealed two sets of eyes focused on her. The creatures’ eyes flared gold in the reflection of the rising sun, then winked out. Damn coons. For a moment she’d hoped it was Ben. But no, she’d have to figure out this parenting thing on her own, dammit.










Somebody subtracted two
, Aria thought as she drove past the sign. ‘Espen, Minnesota. Gateway to the North. Population 523.’ She’d never intended to return to this tiny north woods town she’d once called home. The rest of the populace liked their little haven too much to leave. Liked it so much she was surprised they’d even realized Ben vanished and she ran. If it weren’t for Faith, she wouldn’t be pulling into Gran’s drive, wouldn’t be running home for help. Aria was afraid of the memories that would haunt her here, but the fear of failing her girl overrode everything else

Her daughter’s future rested on the answers hidden here, here where it all began, where nothing and no one would let Aria forget. Aria trudged toward Gran’s front porch, shoulders bowed under the weight she carried. Baby Faith rested on one hip, arms wrapped tight around Aria’s neck for stability. Their only suitcase dangled from her other hand. Because of the overstuffed bulk and oversize nature of the bag, Aria had to literally drag it up Gran’s roughhewn log stairs one tread at a time. Faith giggled wildly with each resounding thump, echoing Aria’s tired count as they surmounted each step.

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