Bearing it for the Outlaw (4 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Motorcycle club, #MC, #shifters, #series, #domination, #shapeshifters, #paranormal, #Romance, #bears, #Erotic, #bad boys

BOOK: Bearing it for the Outlaw
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Chapter Five


Drevin watched as she moved closer to his bike. The hesitation was clear on her face. He grabbed her hand, showing her that he was here, and helped her up. When she straddled the Harley he pulled her forward an inch so her chest was pressed to his back. The feeling of her big breasts was evident through his cut and shirt, and his cock stiffened painfully. Fuck, he’d jerked off many times since seeing her that first moment, picturing her all naked and dripping cream for him.

Even before he’d come here today to pick her up he’d rubbed one off. It wasn’t something he was ashamed of, and in fact needed that release or his bear would become frantic and far too wild for him to control. As it was the beast was a bastard, needy and horny for this woman that had her arms wrapped around his waist. Her hands were right on his lower abdomen, so fucking close to his dick that if he lifted his hips up, or she moved her fingers down an inch, she’d definitely feel his erection.

He started the engine, and when he was sure she was on the bike securely, he pulled out of the parking lot and started heading toward the Rocky Mountains. He could have taken a shortcut and gotten to his destination faster, but the truth was he didn’t want to give up this time with her.

He liked having her on his bike, riding in the back and holding onto him tightly. He felt her increased breathing when he picked up speed. Drevin felt her arms go even tighter around his waist when he took a sharp turn, and his bear and human became one at that moment. He loved that she gave him this trust, that she didn’t hold back and just enjoyed the freedom that was surrounding them right now. She didn’t have to get on his bike and go anywhere with him. She didn’t know him that well, but here she was, holding onto him like a life support, giving him her trust even though she was frightened. It made him proud, and made Drevin want her even more.

The wind was chilly as the sun was lowering behind the horizon. He weaved the bike through the narrow, secluded roads of Steel Corner, climbing higher as the roads ascended. The deeper they went into the woods, the more the temperature dropped and the trees became thicker all around them. He felt Allie rest her cheek against his back, and even though he wore cotton and leather, he could feel the heated puffs of her breath along his body. He wanted her with a ferocity that startled him, and he wasn’t going to just walk away from this, no matter what.

There was nothing better than this feeling of freedom. This woman made the emotions inside of him real, strong, consuming. He’d never felt anything like this in his life, and he didn’t want it to ever end. He never thought he’d be able to feel this way, to be able to think about a future that wasn’t him isolated when he wasn’t with his club.

Today he’d tell her about him, let her make up her own mind on what she wanted. Would it be easy if she walked away? No. Would he allow her to walk away? He thought on that, and although it probably was the right thing to do, what he felt right now screamed at him that he’d never let her go. He’d show her he was a good male, that he’d treat her right no matter what she’d probably heard about him and his club.

He was taking her high in the Rocky Mountains that overlooked Steel Corner. It was a gorgeous sight for a gorgeous woman to see. He’d come up here several times over the years to think about where he wanted his life to go. Another twenty minutes riding up the mountain and he finally pulled to a stop in front of a clearing. The outcropping of rocks hid the view below, but the closer they got to the edge the more she’d be able to see the sights around them.

He cut the engine and climbed off. Drevin helped her with the helmet, then assisted her in getting off the bike.

“That was one intense ride,” she said on a smile.

He could have watched her for hours, just memorizing the shape of her face … memorizing everything about her. As it was his skin felt tight, itchy even, and his bear was pacing. He could have easily shifted right now, but he was barely holding on. The scent of her invaded his senses, and all he could think about was stripping her naked and fucking her right here. It wasn’t about screwing her to get off, but about claiming her. His bear wanted out, wanted to sample her, taste her, and mark her so that when he looked at her naked body he’d be able to see that she was his irrevocably.

After she was off the bike he kept his hands on her waist and stared down at her. Did she knew what he wanted to do, what he could do so easily because he didn’t want to stop himself? He watched her pupils dilate, saw the green color of her irises get eaten by the onyx shade. She breathed heavier, her chest rising and falling fast. He lowered his gaze to her chest and saw the way her big breasts pressed against the material of her shirt.

Drevin wanted to kiss her, but instead of fucking this up and scaring her off, he moved away and grabbed a few blankets from one of his saddlebags. He spread the blankets out in the clearing, and when he turned to look at her he saw she’d moved closer. Her long red hair was a wild mess of waves around her shoulders, and he loved that her nose and cheeks were a light shade of pink from the wind. She was beautiful, so fucking gorgeous that it hurt to look at her. Yeah, it was a clichéd and fucked up thing to say, but he didn’t care how much of a pussy it made him sound. He’d found something he truly wanted, and he’d fight to make sure it stayed his.

He turned away from her, scrubbed a hand over his hair, and knew he wanted this woman to know about him, about who he was, and why he wanted her. But the latter might be easier said than done, because he didn’t even know if he fully understood why he craved her so much. Drevin went to open his mouth, start the conversation rolling, but Allie was already speaking.

“I like you, Drevin. I like you a lot, more than I probably deserve.”

That had him turning around, not stunned so much as pleased that she’d said it out loud. His senses had picked up on the fact she desired him, so he knew she was right there with him, but that didn’t mean she would want

She glanced down at the blanket, but he could see her mind working by the expressions on her face. She was here with him, had a lot to say, but it was clear Allie didn’t know where to begin.

“I want you, too.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and watched her. She lifted her head, her red hair moving slightly over her cheek when a breeze brushed by, and her big green eyes seeming expectant as she watched him. “I can honestly say I’ve never felt this intense attraction to a female before, even though I’ve surrounded myself with many.” Drevin wasn’t going to sugarcoat his life, wasn’t going to lie about any aspect of how he’d lived. Whatever he told her about his past, or how he’d lived within the club wasn’t to throw it back in her face, but to show her that she could trust him irrevocably.

“I want to be honest with you, Drevin. I want to tell you the truth of who I am and where I came from before coming to Steel Corner.”

“That’s good, sweetheart, that’s really fucking good. I wouldn’t want our conversations to be any other way.” Drevin waited, gave her time to gather herself, because he could tell whatever she was about to say would be hard for her. She took a deep breath, rubbed her palms on her thighs, and when she looked at him again he saw the bone, bared, honest truth written across her face.

“I was a drug addict, hooked on it by a man that I thought I loved. He showed me how good it felt to stick a needle in my arm, how I could escape by snorting white lines of coke. Everything I put in my body was toxic, but it was the life I led, that I surrounded myself with.”

The shame came from her like a blast to his body, nearly knocking him down. She was humiliated, bared in this moment, and he swore to fucking hell he might have fallen in love with her right then and there.

“I hated myself, hated my life, so when Tray came by and showed me love, affection, and finally how to feel good about everything around me, I latched onto it.” She pushed up her sleeves and showed the crook of her arms. The track marks were scars, but still evident. “I was a junkie for far too long, but I’ve been clean for over a year, made sure I could stand on my own two feet after I broke away from that life and everything around me.”

He was frozen, not able to move, think, or even say anything in response. But Drevin didn’t want to speak, didn’t want to break the confession she was giving him. This was a big part of her—he could see it and feel it, scent it coming from her. She was afraid to tell him more, but he wanted her to be able to trust him like this.

“I know you’re probably thinking that my home life had to have been horrible for me to go down the path I thought was right,” she looked at him with wide green eyes, “but the truth is I had a wonderful childhood. My family loved me, showed me affection, but there was always something missing from my life, and I didn’t know what it was.”

“Did you find it with him?” Drevin asked, but didn’t say it condescendingly. He honestly wanted to know if she’d been able to find some kind of peace, even if it hadn’t been down the right path. Hell, he’d had his fair share of living on the wild side, and even if he partied still, smoked weed on occasion, he hadn’t touched the hard stuff in a long time. But he sure as hell knew the temptation and downfall that could come from using that shit.

“I thought I did. I felt like I did when he wasn’t trying to share me with his junkie friends, or tying off the belt on my arm to inject me with the drugs.” She looked to the side, turned her entire body away from him, and he wanted to go to her.

The thought that some motherfucker used her like that, wanted to share her with his buddies, enraged him and his bear to the point that he wanted to hunt him down and tear him apart. She was acting so strong in the face of her issues. Drevin wanted to comfort her, wanted to tell her that what happened in the past was just that … the past. It didn’t matter now, not when it was clear she was clean, loved her life, and looked healthy. He moved closer to her, but stopped when she faced him again.

“When my family saw what I was doing, watched my tumble into the disgusting life of a junkie, strung along by my drug dealer boyfriend, they turned their backs on me.” She wiped a stray tear away. “I can’t blame them either. My life, back then, was shit. But I’ve come a long way, cut all ties with Tray and everything that he was, and I am finally living.” She started crying harder, as if she was breaking in half right in front of him. It pained him, cut into his heart and soul, and he knew if that asshole was here Drevin would have killed him with his bare hands and bathed in his blood.

Chapter Six


“Shit. Don’t cry, Allie.” He pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on top of her head.

Closing her eyes, she hated the fact she couldn’t control herself around him, that her emotions were all up in the air. Yes, that part of her life with Tray had been hell. Even then she’d known it. But saying it out loud, having Drevin hear her shame, was a little too much. She was weak in some aspects, fragile when it came to showing this side of her. She admitted that, but Allie also knew that trait wasn’t her being a doormat, going along with what everyone said or did around her. At least not anymore. This was a life where she’d learned from her mistakes, and she was proud of where she was now. She’d overcome things some people may not have been able to.

Allie pulled away, hating that she couldn’t even control herself right now, but she felt good with Drevin, having him hold her like this. She tilted her head back, feeling strength move through her. He stared at her, this man that had an animal inside of him, killed with his bare hands, and didn’t back down to anyone.

Acting totally out of character, and because she wanted him desperately, she rose up on her toes and kissed him with all the emotion he conjured inside of her. It was fierce and strong and had her heart wanting things she didn’t think were possible, things she didn’t think she deserved. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him, wanting him to get lost in this as well. The feel of her pressed on his hard chest sent a fresh wave of wetness to her pussy. He was tense, still had her in his arms, but wasn’t yet kissing her back. Maybe she’d stepped over the line? All she could think about right now was erasing these emotions in her, erasing the memory of Tray and that part of her life. But when she was about to pull away, feeling foolish for allowing herself to be someone else for a moment and go after what she wanted, Drevin tangled his hand in her hair and used his big body to lower her to the ground. She wanted this, wanted to feel him over her, touching her, making her feel something so good and powerful nothing else mattered.

He used his upper body to press her to the blanket, and she welcomed it, loved it even. He was so much bigger than she was, so strong and muscular, and that hardness of his erection pressed to her belly had a wave of arousal slamming into her. The ground was hard beneath her, and so was Drevin, everywhere. Allie wanted it all. He positioned his hips between her open thighs, and he pressed his jean-clad erection against her pussy.

God, she’d never been this wet before, never felt this kind of heat. A moan spilled from her at the intimate contact. What would it feel like to have his bare flesh against hers? The thought had her spearing her hands in his hair and tugging, pulling him closer to her mouth, trying to crawl inside of him because she knew this was a safe haven. Drevin was a protective wall of muscle and power. He was
protective wall of muscle and strength. His warm tongue slid along hers, stroking, mimicking the exact sexual act she wished they were doing.

He pulled away, only an inch though, and stared at her face. “Is this okay? It’s not too fast, baby?” The way he said that endearment, and lowered his gaze to her mouth, had her insides clenching in need.

“Yes.” God, it was so okay. A slow steady thrust of his hips had her panting against his mouth and lifting closer, trying to kiss him harder. “I need this, Drevin.”

“It’s fast,” he said and started trailing his lips down her jaw, over her neck, and started sucking at her pulse point.

“Yeah, and I don’t care. Do you?” It was a rhetorical question, because clearly he didn’t by the erection he had, and the fact he made these growly noises against her moist flesh.

“You know I don’t.” He emphasized his point by grinding his cock harder against her.

“I want to feel you all over me.” Allie didn’t know where these wanton emotions and actions came from, but she was going with it, because it felt good.

His hand slid down her side and stopped on her outer thigh. He was so hard, like a steel rod behind the fly of his jeans. Drevin moved his hand over the top of her leg, and kept trailing his fingers higher. When he got to her button and zipper, he twisted his finger until the button came free and the zipper was pulled down.

She lifted her ass, helped wrestle her pants down enough that they were past her hips. Her panties were the only thing blocking her pussy now. He didn’t wait to brush his finger along the crease where her leg met her pussy. Heat surrounded them, causing rivulets of sweat to bead between her breasts and at her temples. Drevin placed his lips back on hers, and they tilted their heads at the same time, their tongues delving deeper into the others mouth.

“You taste so good, Allie. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough.” He trailed his lips over her jaw and down her neck again, licking at the pulse point at the base of her throat. Seemed Drevin was a neck man. He continued a slow, steady press of his hardness against her. His fingers still rested at the edge of her panties, not moving, just rubbing back and forth.

“Touch me fully, Drevin.”

He groaned against her neck, his body tense, and his breathing ragged.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that. Since the moment I saw you at the bar I’ve wanted you, thought about you … obsessed over you, baby.”

It was so empowering to hear him say he wanted her. “
.” She lifted her hips, hoping he would appease her. Her breasts felt so full, aching, and her nipples hard and sensitive. It didn’t matter that they were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the openness, and that if someone stumbled around them they’d see exactly what Drevin did to her. She didn’t want him to stop. Allie didn’t want him to ever stop.

“Tell me to stop, Allie,” he whispered, but he moved his fingers below the waistband of her panties. “Tell me this is too fast, too much.”

“No. I won’t tell you that because I want you too much. Touch me,” she breathed out, screaming inside that he give her more.

He pulled her panties aside, and moved his fingers closer to the spot that tingled and throbbed for him. When he finally let his fingers slip along her wet cleft she bit her lip and moaned, loving that her entire body tightened for this man. The force of his shaking form atop hers could have rivaled an earthquake, could have taken down skyscrapers. It was like he was forcing himself to calm down, to not just lose control. But the bad thing was Allie
him to lose control. Sliding the digits up her cleft to her clit, he rubbed the engorged bud back and forth, causing her to cry out in ecstasy.

“I haven’t been with a man in so long, and never with a bear, Drevin.” God, he made her hot, made her forget about everything else.

He groaned against her neck, and pressed his erection against her clit a little harder. She should have felt mortified by the way she twisted her hips and ground herself on his hand, but the pleasure was too much, too fast. Never had she felt anything like this, and he hadn’t even penetrated her.

What would it feel like when he pressed all those hard inches into her? He was big. She could tell by the way the heavy weight of his cock bulged against her thigh now. It would hurt she was sure, but she didn’t doubt the sensation would make her breathless, take everything else to the nth degree, and have her cry out for more.

“You’re so wet for me.” He moved his fingers down her slit and teased the pad of his thumb along the opening of her body.

Her legs shook as she braced her feet on the ground, wanting more,
more. He licked at her throat, and the sting from his teeth caused a wave of pleasure to slam into her. When he dipped just the tip of his thumb into her body she cried out against the side of his face, not able to stop herself, and sounding like a wounded animal. He pushed the first knuckle inside of her, and the sweet sensation that coursed through her had lights flashing behind her closed eyelids.

“I know. I’ve never been this wet before,” she said on a breath.

“Damn, you can’t say shit like that to me and expect me to keep control.” He pulled back slightly, his mouth slightly open, and the sight of his canines elongated having everything inside of her coming alive. He was so close to shifting; she could see it on his face, feel it in the tension coming through his body. “You’re so fucking tight, baby.” He didn’t push into her anymore, just held poised in her pussy. She watched as his pupils constricted and dilated, eating up the amber color of his irises with the blackness. Her inner muscles clenched down, and he groaned.

He turned his face and captured her lips in a searing kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth at the same time he pushed his thumb to the next knuckle inside of her. In and out he moved his thumb and tongue, fucking both her mouth and pussy. With a twist of his wrist he removed his thumb but replaced it with his finger and started working her clit back and forth at the same time. It was so intense that she knew if he kept it up she could explode, just come right under this man … for this bear shifter.

Holding off the inevitable because she didn’t want it to end, she focused her attention on the feel of his scruff along her cheeks, of the heavy weight of his body atop hers.

“Don’t hold back, Allie. I want you to come. I want you to get off because I’m fucking you with my fingers.” He moved his thumb faster and harder on her clit, lifted his head to stare down at her, and all common, rational sense left her. That was all it took for her to orgasm.

Gripping his massive biceps in her hands, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the pleasure course through her. Ecstasy started at the tips of her toes and moved to the top of her head. Never once did he stop teasing between her legs, and that had Allie’s pleasure soaring higher. When the pleasure started dissipating she opened her eyes and saw Drevin braced above her, his forearms straight, the muscles bunched.

He watched her, stared into her eyes, and she knew he’d been doing that as she came. Even now her body ached for more, tingling for another taste of what Drevin could give her. The truth was she wanted something more substantial from him, something longer and thicker inside of her body. She wanted his cock, his big, huge erection thrusting madly in her pussy and making her go blind with pleasure.

Allie pushed herself up slightly, and Drevin moved back an inch, giving her room. She felt a little humiliated that she’d lost her inhibitions like that, but not enough that she wanted to go away from him. In fact, the longer she stared at him, felt his body heat seep into her, and saw that he was still barely holding onto his control, turned her on. Yeah, she’d just gotten off, but she could have gone for more, so much more.

Drevin speared his hand in her hair behind her head, pulled her close again, and captured her lips. He gave her a slow, drugging kiss that had her toes curling and a fresh wave of desire moving through her veins.

She turned her head to break the kiss, but it was clear he wasn’t nearly done, not when he moved his lips down to nip at her collarbone. Using her upper body strength to brace herself up, Allie reached for the button of his jeans, wanting to feel his bare flesh. She had never done anything so bold before, and wasn’t an expert in seducing a man, but she wanted to pleasure Drevin like he’d pleasured her. She was able to get his button undone and the zipper moved down halfway before he reached between their bodies and placed his hand on top of hers, stopping her from going any further.

“I want to touch you, Drevin.” She was being bolder than she’d ever been in her life. The fact he stopped her had her feeling a twinge of disappointment, though, like maybe she was really pushing the boundaries here, even if he clearly wanted more.

Resting his forehead against hers, he breathed out hard and closed his eyes.

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No, baby, of course you didn’t do anything wrong.” He opened his eyes and looked into hers. “But I am afraid if I take you right here I won’t be able to control my bear. It wants out, Allie. It wants to be with you, sample you, and I can’t risk not being able to have total domination over my beast.”

“I know this is fast, but I trust you, Drevin.” And she did.

“It makes me so happy to hear you say that, because you can trust me. I’d kill anyone that betrayed your trust.” He breathed out heavily. “As much as I want to be buried so deeply inside of you that I can’t see straight, I can’t do this here. I want to do this right with you. You’re not club pussy, baby. Believe me when I say I want you, Allie. I want you so fucking bad.” To emphasize his point he took his hand that still covered hers and moved it lower so her palm rested over his erection. Even through his jeans his size was noticeable—huge, thick, and long.

“God, I want that, too, Drevin. I want you, too.”

He groaned. “I’m just not going to take you on the ground in the middle of nowhere. I want you naked on my bed, spread for me, and dripping wet for my cock.” He pressed his lips against hers, and she felt his erection jerk behind his jeans. Her heart pounded fast and hard, and although she wanted this right now he was right. She certainly didn’t want to be with him for the first time in the dirt, even if the wild, untamed thought of that made her wet.

He pushed back and adjusted her clothing before standing and helping her to do the same. He pulled her forward, wrapped his arms around her, and she rested her head on his chest. The steady
of his heart had her arousal taking a backseat as contentment surrounded them. Here she was, feeling like this, so calm, collected, and comfortable, with a man she didn’t know much about. His shirtsleeves were rolled up a bit, and she saw the tattoos lining his tanned flesh. He had a light sprinkling of dark hair on his forearms, but his ink was far more pronounced. Lifting her hand, she started to trace one of his tattoos.

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