Read Bearilicious - Collection Online

Authors: Ashley Hunter

Bearilicious - Collection (24 page)

BOOK: Bearilicious - Collection
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She took a generous sip and her taste buds sparked happily when she caught the pleasant flavor of strawberry in the champagne.

Emily drank until the glass was nearly empty, and when she pulled away she saw Spencer’s grinning face.

“How’s that?”

Emily could feel the bubbly make her feel giddy. “It’s… great!”

He nodded again and suddenly Emily didn’t feel worried at all.

“Told you! Come on, ready to see this place?”

Emily nodded, feeling better after having taken her drink. “Yeah.”


And suddenly, she began to feel strange… sleepy… horny? What the…?

She didn’t know the world was spinning until she was suddenly collapsing forward and Spencer’s arms wrapped around her. “Whoa there, Em,” he said. “How you feeling?”

“I…” Emily sputtered, clutching weakly to Spencer’s suit. “I…”

“My god, you’re lightweight,” he snickered.

“I figured it would take longer for it to work into your system, considering how big you are… did you even have dinner? Aw, who cares?”

What was happening?

Suddenly, she felt a grip on her chin and something soft and wet on her mouth. Emily couldn’t register what was happening, only knowing that her body was reacting strangely. It took a crazy amount of time before Emily realized she was being kissed, tasting different flavors on her tongue when she felt a tongue brush against hers.

Whatever was holding her up was now fondling her, running fingers over the fabric of her dress before pulling her into a strange direction.

Emily tried to speak, but her tongue felt heavy and she could hardly fight back when she kept feeling that other mouth on hers. Suddenly, Emily felt the world spin again and she realized vaguely that she was lying down on her back.

The mouth on hers bit against her lip before nibbling with hard little bites on her skin, dragging down her jaw before attacking the tops of her breasts. Emily gasped, feeling weak against every touch.

She didn’t start to feel afraid until she felt hands tug at her skirt, pulling it up until she felt fingers grabbing around her thighs and pushing her legs far apart.

“N-no…” She mumbled, flapping her hands uselessly.

She heard someone speak to her but it was hard to understand what was being said. Blinking open her eyes, Emily felt her insides freeze when she saw a face—Spencer’s face—hovering over hers, a dark smirk playing at his lips.

His eyes, once playful, now stared down at her with black amusement, and sadistic pleasure. He looked so… angry?

One of his hands gripped hard to one of her breasts, and the pain made Emily let out a sharp whimper.

“Don’t worry…” She heard.

“I’ll make sure you get what you deserve.”

Something loud exploded near Emily’s ears and suddenly she was alone.

It felt like an eternity of being caught in a spinning world before she felt someone grab to her hands and pulling her up.

Emily let out a soft cry, but she felt a hand grip to her chin and steady her spinning eyes.

She recognized this guy…

“Forrest…” She mumbled, feeling relieved.

“…Get you out of here…”

I’ve been drugged. I’m drugged. Help.

“It’s okay…”

It’s okay.

Emily felt her vision slow to a black sketch of awkward after-images. She didn’t realize she had passed out until she found herself within a black interior that reminded her of the inside of a car.

Light flickered past and Emily finally allowed herself to succumb to darkness.




Chapter 3


Her head was pounding when she woke up. Strong sunlight burned into her eyes as Emily tried to remember what had happened. Nothing.

“Hey, hey…” she heard and when she blinked open, she saw a familiar face.

Jeremy sat a few feet away and she realized she was lying down on a mattress in a strange… cabin?

“Take it easy. You’ve been drugged recently.”

Emily groaned, feeling her tongue scratch against the roof of her mouth like sandpaper.

“Ugh… what…?”

“I got you some water.”

Emily blinked down, seeing a canteen in Jeremy’s hand. When she glanced up back into his eyes, he was giving her a soft smile of encouragement, “It’s safe. I promise.”

Emily didn’t budge. Jeremy took that as a cue to take a swig, the sound of the sloshing liquid made her throat feel drier.


Lifting her hands, she felt him pass the canteen into her hands. Her fingers felt so odd.

With a slow breath, Emily brought the canteen to her mouth and took in a generous swig. The water was cold and refreshing. She let out a long sigh of relief after she pulled the canteen from her mouth.

“Where is he?” Emily grunted, feeling her anger skyrocket now that she knew she was with someone familiar.

“Spencer? Far away.”

This was relieving, but it only raised more questions.

“And us? Where are we?”

Jeremy let out a slow sigh, “I had to get you out of there. Somewhere safe.”

Emily pursed her lips before she pushed herself to sit up on the mattress. Her dress was all wrinkled and ruined, feeling uncomfortably tight over her chest and torso.


“It’s a safe place, I promise.”

“Okay, but that doesn’t tell me anything?” Emily insisted, lifting a brow at Jeremy. He rubbed a broad hand over his jaw.

“Do you want to know the whole story?” he asked, peering up at her with a pinched expression.

Emily nodded.

“Can you start with why I’m in a cabin?”

“For protection.”

“Against Spencer?”

“Against his family.”

This earned Jeremy a wide eyed look. Licking his lips, Jeremy waved her to hand him back the canteen.

After Emily passed it to him, he took a swig. “Would you believe me if I told you I was undercover?”

Emily scoffed, “You’re a cop?”

“Detective, and yeah,” Jeremy clarified.

“Also, my name isn’t Forrest Gump. That… was the result of a lost bet.”

“Can you get to the part where everything begins to make sense?”

“Right… sorry. Look, Emily, I’ll just say it. Your family—the Pettigrew-Shawcross family has been found to be heavily tied to a part of the mob. We’ve suspected Reginald of a lot of crimes, many of them we believed were just money laundering.”

“Turns out, it’s a lot darker than that. I can’t tell you more than that, but I’ve been investigating the family closely. Are you… aware about your mother’s real part in all this?”

Emily felt frozen until Jeremy mentioned her mother. She gave a jolt at the reminder before she began to fear the worst. There’s no way her mom has been involved has she?

“She’s not—” Emily began, gasping.

Jeremy lifted his hands in a soothing gesture, “Relax. She’s one of us.”

The relief was short-lived before it was quickly overwhelmed with shock.


Jeremy nodded sagely, “Lisa Abernathy. She’s one of our agents and one of our deepest covers on your step-father’s case. We felt we needed to get someone more involved several months ago, but it seems it got a bit out of hand.”

“Out of hand how?” Emily asked nervously.

The door at the far end of the room suddenly slid open attracting the attention of the couple in the room.

To Emily’s sheer surprise, she saw her mother standing over the threshold of the door, long blonde hair pulled away from her face into a fierce ponytail. Her body was covered in a black get-up that looked like a Kevlar suit.


Lisa Abernathy smiled at her daughter thinly, glancing over to Jeremy with a nod.

“I’ll take over, Detective. Thank you.”

Emily gawked, lips flapping unceremoniously as Jeremy stood and walked out, giving her mother a very respectful nod and muted, “Ma’am.” When the door closed behind him, Emily sputtered.

what the fuck

“Language, Emily.” Her mother said firmly.

Emily pushed herself up to her feet, nearly collapsing when her legs nearly failed to her own weight.

“Easy, love. You got pretty messed up last night.”

Emily cut to the chase, “Right about that. You want to explain to me how you’re involved?”

Her mother’s face tightened into a look of sheepish exhaustion.

“It’s like Detective Mortimer explained… I’m an agent for the FBI.”


Lisa smiled, “Oh, about… what, almost thirty years?”

Emily could hardly believe it at all, and half-listened when her mother explained she had been a promising trainee when she was Emily’s age and had been a great choice for the FBI’s agency. Anything about her position or what part of the FBI she was in was ‘classified’ and she couldn’t discuss.

Lisa had taken leave from the FBI to give birth to Emily a few years later, and after her boyfriend—Emily’s father—had died because of a dangerous case, Lisa had decided to stay away from the FBI for much longer.

“I thought you said dad had been a banker.” Emily muttered quietly.

“Sorry, my love,” Lisa said sincerely.

“I’ve had to keep so much from you.”

Lisa Abernathy hadn’t returned to the FBI until long after Emily graduated middle school, and when Emily moved out to go to college, the older woman had decided to continue her career.

“Like Detective Mortimer said, we’ve been investigating the case of the Pettigrew-Shawcross family after we received very promising leads for one of the country’s most vicious underground cartels. I had originally been assigned to become a maid for the household, but Reginald took a liking to me when I met him and we decided I would need to follow where that led.”

“So… the reason why you insisted I move in with you…?”

Lisa’s face became sullen, “I had exchanged information of my personal life in exchange for information on Reginald’s involvement. He insisted you move in with us after we became married.”

“So…you don’t actually love him?”

To her surprise, Lisa’s lips curled downward.

“Until we know for sure what to do now with you, I need you to stay in this cabin with the Detective.”


Lisa glared, “That’s an order, Emily. If there’s anything I learned about Spencer Bradley, is that he’s a sadistic bastard who has had ties with human trafficking. I don’t want you anywhere near that asshole.”

“Whoa, then why did you insist I go to the party?”

At this, Lisa looked abashed.

“Because…there’s reason to believe Spencer may know about my true position.”

Emily’s eyes widened.

“If I didn’t concede, his suspicions would’ve exposed me. Besides, Jeremy was going to be there, so I knew he’d be able to keep an eye on you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Emily snarled, “Did you already forget that I was

“We managed to get you out in time, Em.” Lisa said, taking several steps close to pull her daughter into a hug.

“You’re safe now, and that’s what matters. We managed to get critical information on Spencer while he had you. I knew it was dangerous, but I knew nothing bad would happen to you.”

Emily pulled away from her mother’s embrace, feeling disgusted.

“Please…just go, mom.”


“There’s just a lot I need to take in right now, okay?”

Lisa gave her an understanding nod, “Alright. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

Emily let out a gruff noise before she turned away.

A few moments later her mother walked out the room, her footsteps echoing harshly in Emily’s ears and filling her with the horrified reality that she couldn’t recognize her own mother’s footsteps.




Chapter 4


The following few days had been pretty depressing for Emily. Being mentally screwed over with shocking information was one thing, but being made aware that she had to stay in a cabin in the middle of nowhere for god-knows how long made her antsy.

Emily never liked being caged, which was why she had insisted to move out for college when the time came.

Detective Jeremy Mortimer, her newest roommate, had suddenly closed himself off from her, insisting he had to focus on the mission. Emily had felt sincerely disappointed at that, and so had nothing but a puzzle to entertain herself with a book the agents had passed around during the most boring parts of their stake-outs.

She sat around and waited for news on her mother, and each time she couldn’t help but feel both relieved and angry. She refused to speak to the woman even after being worried sick for days.

Little by little, the more Emily recounted her memories of her mother, the more her story made sense. Like how her mother insisted Emily learn self-defense, or how she would shake her head at Emily’s sharp tongue but never when she heard Emily had punched a boy who had harassed her for her body type.

Sometimes, their conversations had been of things that consisted of how to properly watch people, how to get out of events that could lead to dangerous situations—how to read people.

Even their ability to quietly converse without words had been something Emily never considered based on their relationship as mother and daughter. Sure enough, Emily grew a little angrier at herself for not figuring it out on her own that her mom had been a crime-fighter.

It had been a couple of weeks of quietly living together, however, that Emily found herself under the scrutiny of a new tension. Jeremy wouldn’t speak to her, but she could feel his eyes on her whenever she entered a room, or when they had to cross paths at any point.

Emily would exchange awkward glances with him, and feel warm whenever their skin brushed together, but it was hard to tell whether or not he felt anything like attraction toward her.

After three weeks, Emily had had enough. It had been fairly easy to become familiar with the detective’s schedule. It was like clockwork.

He woke at an ungodly hour to exercise, came back to shower, and finally to make breakfast by the time she was waking up. Emily had forced herself to wake up early enough to beat him to the shower.

“People can’t stand uncomfortable situations.”

Emily had snuck into the bathroom and shed all her clothes, wrapping herself up in a towel to preserve her modesty as she waited for Jeremy to turn up. She didn’t have to wait long.

He walked in the shower, already shedding his clothes as he walked in—oblivious to Emily’s presence until she shut the door after her.

Jeremy whirled around, prepared to fight before his jaw dropped.


She felt her body tremble, embarrassed.

Scowling, she faced him surely.

“I want to talk.”

“About what?”

“About all of this. About you… and me.”

Jeremy’s eyes softened and he looked away.

“Look I know you like me,” Emily said, shakily.

“Because I kind of like you too…”

He glanced up at her.

“You’re mistaken,” he said before trying to sidestep around her. Emily took another step to block him.

“Okay, then explain why you keep staring after me? I’m not stupid… and that night on the balcony? I know there was something there.”

Jeremy let out a sigh, averting his eyes to the side.

“That was just me doing my job.”

Emily felt her nerves tingle but she knew she had to try something; otherwise, she would grow stir-crazy. She reached out and grabbed his hand, when he glanced at her, she was pleading into his gaze.

“You’re the only one who’s told me the truth about all this… You saved me.”

“You don’t owe me anything, Emily,” Jeremy said softly, but he wasn’t pulling away.

Emily felt encouraged to take a step closer, feeling his heat radiating from his naked torso, coiling beneath his muscles.

“No,” she said, “But you’re the first person to ever really talk to me without staring at my breasts. I miss that. I miss being able to talk to you. Can we at least go back to that? To… talking?”

“I can’t…” Jeremy said, his voice straining. Emily felt wounded.


Then he looked into her eyes, and she realized his eyes were never black, but a very deep grey.

“Because I don’t think I can hold back from doing more with you.”

His words sent a thrill into her skin, and Emily did something really stupid. She pulled herself up to her tiptoes while her other hand reached up to grip around his jaw. The kiss was soft and warm, making Emily feel warmer than she has before.

Pulling away, she met his gaze through inches of space seeing how the touch of her lips on his made him suddenly look so raw beneath her gaze.

“We shouldn’t… you don’t know anything about me.” Jeremy said, swallowing hard.

“Then tell me,” she replied.

“There’s nothing holding you back, except yourself.”

Jeremy let out a shuddering breath she felt against her lips and he pressed his mouth against hers. Emily moaned into his touch, draping her arms around his shoulders as he pulled her flush against his body.

Their kiss grew increasingly more passionate until Emily rocked her hips against his, and Jeremy had to pull away.

“Abernathy is going to kill me if we keep going…”

“I’m going to kill you if we don’t,” Emily replied, her head spinning nicely.

This was such a different situation than when Spencer had forced himself on her. The memory made her clutch harder to Jeremy, rubbing their bodies together in a way that Jeremy couldn’t restrain from.

He laughed against her mouth before pressing another strong kiss against her lips, and Emily shuddered when she felt his hands tug at the towel around her body.

She had never been intimate with a guy before, but Emily was not the kind of person to stop when she got going and when Jeremy pulled the terrycloth away from her skin, she let him.

Her back was suddenly pressed against the wall, and Jeremy was breathing hard against her, their gazes meeting in the center as their hips ground hard together—his erection was rubbing against her center through his clothes and it was making her shiver.

Emily let out a moan when he ducked his head to kiss her throat, sucking at the sensitive skin until she felt his fingers gently grasp her breasts.

“You’re so soft,” he said softly.

“You feel so good,” Emily admitted moments later when his fingers found her nipples. Emily rubbed herself against him with more devotion.

Jeremy pulled away, letting his lips trail down to her right breast and latch into her nipple. Emily let out a louder groan, grateful that it was just the two of them in this cabin.

His hands busied themselves with his trousers, and she trembled when she felt his bare skin brush against her thighs.

“Oh, Jeremy…”

“Emily,” Jeremy moaned, dragging his palms down her curves to grasp the fullness of her thighs and rear.

Suddenly, she felt his fingers drag up and down her folds, urging funny noises from her throat.

“You’re so wet.”

Emily felt her body react more, nervousness playing harshly under her throat when she felt him rub his length against her sex. Her fingers trembled over his skin, wanting him to just take her and make her feel better.

She had never done it… but she had read enough on it to know what to do when it was time.

“Oh, please,” Emily moaned after he bucked between her legs, teasing her entrance with his length. Her skin felt so hot.


She felt one of his hands pause over a drawer in the sink. She didn’t dare question why he had condoms in the drawer, but she did feel relieved that he was prepared because she wasn’t.

He paused for a moment to drag the rubber over his length, and when he did, Emily couldn’t stop from staring down at him. He was… so thick!

Was that really going to fit inside her?

Once the condom was wrapped around his erect member, he lifted his head to nibble at one of her nipples, drawing her attention back to his amazing mouth and the way his body felt.

In just moments, she felt him align to her and Emily took in a deep breath.

“Be gentle…” She sighed, meeting his gaze through the haze of lust and desire.

Jeremy nodded, dipping his head down to kiss her just as he braced her against the wall and began to push inside of her.

It was uncomfortable, almost painful. Emily took sharp breaths, fighting the urge to cross her legs and push him away. Instead, she spread her legs further to better accept him.

The angle made it a little easier for him to slip inside her, and she could feel him throbbing against her inner walls.

“Oh god, you’re

“Is… that a bad thing?”

Jeremy let out a small laugh before looking up at her, “That’s the opposite of a problem.”

Slowly he pushed inside of her, positioning his hips against hers in slow and careful thrusts. Each tug felt more and more uncomfortable until Jeremy let out a soft moan and urged her to relax.

His hands found her breasts again, rubbing her nipples gently and making her feel like puddy in his hands. The sensation between her legs improved the more she got used to his rhythm.

“I’m…” Jeremy huffed, “I’m getting close…”

Emily nodded, but she wasn’t feeling anything aside from a growing sensation of pleasure, “Keep going.”

Suddenly, his fingers were dragging down between her legs and his fingers found the tip of her pleasure. The bolt of pleasure made Emily gasp, made her grind harder against him.

Jeremy rubbed harder in response, making her throw her head back as his thrusts began to increase in pace and intensity. The more he rubbed, the more Emily felt herself fall into a wave of pleasure, until finally he was pounding into her and she was bouncing against him, her breasts rubbing against his chest pleasantly.

Finally, Emily felt the familiar tug of an orgasm snap into her blood, forcing her to come around him.

She bit down hard on her lip to hold back from screaming, more out of habit than necessity.

“No,” Jeremy said, pulling his mouth against hers, “Don’t hold back.”

So Emily parted her lips and let out a high pitched scream, her body twitching rapidly and her heart ramming into her ears.

Moments later, Jeremy was sighing and groaning before he, too, began to shudder and fall hard against her.

Sweat covered her skin in slick touches, and the two held to each other gasping.

“I think…” Emily gasped.

“I think I got to know you pretty well there.”

Jeremy chuckled. When he pulled back, he laced another kiss into her mouth. “I’d like to get to know you a bit more, actually.”

Emily grinned, “Then what are we waiting for?”

BOOK: Bearilicious - Collection
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