Bear it All (12 page)

Read Bear it All Online

Authors: Gracie Meadows

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic, #Paranormal, #menage

BOOK: Bear it All
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He watched feeling guilty as Cece started to crumble as her ass of a boss walked away. Reaching out he grabbed her hand.

“Come on, baby girl, let’s go home. Everything will be fine. Your great at your job, he’s an ass and will see he’s the one who will get in trouble.” Kissing the top of her head, he watched her walk away to gather her things before she came back to him.

As they walked in silence to the truck he didn’t know what to do. He reached into his pocket and sent a quick text to Grey about what happened. They would make this better, somehow.


Chapter Fourteen


Grey watched as the truck pulled up the driveway. He had already put a call into her friends and made a date for her to hang out with them tonight. Granted they had to work, but Tiny was going to help and stay here with them until the girls left and then he and Sam would come back and put her to bed. He also looked into who was on the board and was happy to see the Alpha of the town was on it. He had only heard great things about the sheriff, but never had the pleasure of meeting him. That was something he was going to remedy.

“Grey, were home,” Sam called out from the living room. He walked in to a very lost in thought Cece.

“Oh, love, come here.” She went into his arms without another word and started to cry, burrowing her face in his chest. “It’s okay, he’s an ass, but you won’t lose your job. I promise you that. Come on, why don’t you take a hot bubble bath and I even got you some Oreos and milk. The girls will be here later tonight.” He kissed her hair and the sweet smell of honey filled his nose. Nodding in agreement, she headed upstairs to their room with Sam, knowing Sam would start the bath for her while he got her a small treat. She liked the simple things in life, and cookies and milk were one of them. But she had had so many things going on in her life and then this happens. He didn’t know his mate was stronger than she was. She astounded him each day with something new.

He gathered her snack and headed to the bathroom smelling the sweet smell of honeysuckles. He loved that smell, she naturally smelled sweet to him, but she seemed to find the same soap that matched as well. Sam was sitting down next to her helping with the small bath pillow he bought for her when he found out she liked baths. A few candles were lit and she seemed to have calmed down, but her eyes still held red puffiness for her cry session not that long ago. Placing everything on the side of the tub, she opened her eyes at him giving him a small weak smile.

“You rest here, honey, we will be right downstairs.” He kissed her lightly, and Sam did the same as they both left her to soak and relax.

Once downstairs and in the kitchen, he made himself a cup of coffee before turning to look at Sam who looked pissed and really annoyed.

“Okay, so what happened?” He needed to know so he could help maintain her job.

“The boss is a total tool anyway and we both know she hated him, though she loved the books. But he wanted a way to kick her out, well today we happen to be messing around just a little and well, he caught us. Shit, man, she is always so good and can run that whole damn place, and the little fucker knows it. My bear wanted to come out and claw the fuck out of that dipshit, but I couldn’t interfere with her job, not when it was my fault she got in trouble to begin with.”

Grey watched his friend and frowned at what had happened, but after last night, finally claiming their mate, he had felt the pull to her more and more, and hell, she was all he could think about.

He told Sam he understood and would talk to the board on her behalf, but he needed to be honest, she was better than that place. She could do so much more working from home. Hell, she could help with the books at the bar, help with research for the police department and she could do it all that from the safety of their home. The more he thought about it the more he liked the idea.

“So you think she might consider something like that? With everything happening in this town, the department would score with her help. I know she already spends a lot of time helping Becky and Millie research things about the prophecy and finding everyone lost. We are our own hidden pack, away from prying eyes. Plus more and more people are coming to town and I don’t like her being unprotected.”



The doorbell sounded, then a bunch of giggling came, and Cece knew right away that it was Millie and Becky. Those two together were the giggle twins, but that is what she needed right now. Sitting on the couch drinking a small glass of wine Sam insisted she needed, she rested in her yoga pants and of the men’s baggy t-shirt. She felt safe and secure with their scent enclosing her.

“Hey, chicky, we brought you some happy juice and some junk food. This totally sucks, but things happen for a reason.” Becky came into the room with a waddle that made her smile. She was definitely carrying twins and seeing her so happy and glowing suddenly made her long for that as well. As she turned, she saw Millie smiling down at her with her soft kind eyes.

“Cece, come on, let’s get you drunk,” Millie stated.

“Me, okay, do we have an alternative for Becky since we are drinking, or are you part of the preggo club now too?” Cece already knew that answer when a bright red blush crept over her face.

“OMG, really, eekkk, we are going to be pregnant together. Our kids can grow up together,” Becky squealed and hugged her and then she and Millie started to cry. It seemed that everything was changing, at least for the better.

“Okay, well more for me,” she stated as she took the bottle of Kahlua and the ice cream but remained smiling at them both. “I think I will make us some shakes and ice cream, I will just spike mine.” And with that she left the girls in the living room talking babies.

Looking through the cupboard she found the blender and went to work trying to just ignore everything around her. She knew the girls meant no harm, but she knew babies weren’t in her cards. She hadn’t told the guys yet, but because of the amount of blows she had from Billy over the last couple of years that her last time she went to the doctor, he had done enough damage that her ovaries were damaged. So she couldn’t have kids, and now her best friends were pregnant and she could never be.

“Baby, you okay?” She didn’t hear Grey come up behind her until his arms wrapped around her.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just want a drink or eight.” She tried to smile but the look of concern was enough to be her undoing. She wished she was strong like Becky or Millie, but she wasn’t.

“Come on, love, talk to me, something just happened and I can see the sadness in your eyes.” He wiped a stray tear that seemed to escape. She was just having a shitty day and wanted nothing more than to get drunk and say fuck you to the world. However, the reality of it was that she couldn’t.

“I…I can’t have…that…” she stuttered, hoping he would understand. Sam came and stood next to Grey effectively blocking her from everyone.

“What, baby girl? What can’t you have?”

Cece felt like the last bit of walls crumbled down and she now had nothing. She had no job, she couldn’t have a family, she would end up losing her mates, and she didn’t have fucked up brother either, leaving her as a shell of a person walking around.

“I can’t have what they have. I can’t give you two that. I can’t have kids, and I want them, but I can’t.” The last and final straw that broke the camel’s back. She just let it all out. They might as well know everything. Forgoing the blender, she covered her face with her hands embarrassed to see the look that she knew would be on their face. The look of disgust or hatred they must feel to be saddled with a mate who can’t provide them with a family.

“Cecelia, look at me.” Sam’s commanding voice echoed in her ears. As much as she wanted to avoid them, she might as well get this over with. Looking up, she found that both Grey and Sam held anger in their eyes.

“I’ll go pack. I can stay with Becky or Millie or something. I’m sorry.” She turned to leave suddenly realizing her fairy tale was now over.

“Did we say you could leave?” Sam held her arm while Grey held her with his eyes.

“Well don’t you. I can’t be your mate, I can’t give you kids, I’m broken—don’t you see. I understand if you want out, you two deserve to be happy.”

“Do you really think it would end like that? Because you said you can’t give us kids, that we wouldn’t want you? I thought you knew us better than that. Billy is the reason isn’t he?”

All she could do was nod, because they knew, there was no point in lying to them anymore.

“Yes, he had hit me enough that it did damage and they said they don’t think I could have any. Guess Billy got what he wanted, me broken.”

“Oh, love, I’m so sorry, it’s not your fault you can’t have them, and we would never give you up. Hell, we could adopt or something. I’m just sorry we couldn’t have been there sooner to help you. But fate brought us together and we will make the most of things. We love you no matter what you can or can’t do.”

Cece couldn’t help but look at them, she felt so lost but small words such as this meant the world to her.

“You love me?” she was afraid to ask, but it slipped out before she could stop it.

Sam turned her to face him fully, “Yes, baby girl, I am so madly in love with you that I can’t think straight. A life without you isn’t a life at all, kids or no kids, we are with you for the long haul.” He bent and kissed her softly.

This time a small cry came out because, for once in her life, someone accepted her for her.

“I love you both too, I know we have only known each other for a short time and I have caused nothing but issues, but I do.” Cece cried into Sam’s shirt as she wept, but this time for relief. Damn, she was like a leaking faucet.

Without her knowing, the girls were in the kitchen with very sad looking expressions on their faces.

“Oh, Cece, I’m sorry, so very sorry. I didn’t mean to make this worse for you. Please don’t cry. Damn it, now I am crying and soon the men will be in here too trying to make sure we are okay,” Millie complained as she pushed both Grey and Sam away hugging her and Becky followed suit.

“I say we get your ass drunk and say fuck it to the world while the men work. What do you think?” Millie smirked as she held up the alcohol bottles. All Cece could do was laugh and nodded. Things would be okay, at least for right now, they would be.


Billy threw the phone across the room watching it shatter into pieces as the stupid little shit just told him that his bitch sister was fired, or at least was kicked out. The little shit is screwing up his plans. He had wanted to take her at the library when she went into one of those little private rooms, but it seems now he was going to have to change plans.

The little slut needed to be handed over to his Master, though he had no clue why this needed to be done. There was no reason to keep her around, hell, she couldn't cook worth shit, he didn’t dare touch her to see what it would have been like to fuck her, and she was stupid as a rock to believe anything he said or did. But then again all women were like that, only good thing about them is what was between their legs, and only then, it was good for all of five minutes before he had his fill. But the Master, he was the one who called all the shots and now he needed a new idea. Sitting down he took another drink of his beer and set out to take this bitch out and her stupid bears too.


Chapter Fifteen


Cece decided that night she would just say fuck you and move on, and the way the girls were talking about her working for herself, didn’t sound like a bad idea. She could spend more time with her mates, who turned out to actually love her. But it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. As she drank the rest of her shake her eyes started to get droopy. Both Becky and Millie had passed out an hour ago and their mates came and took them away. Tiny now sat in the living room nursing a beer as he watched reruns of
Gilligan’s Island
with her.

“You okay over there, red?” He nudged her while taking her glass away.

“Iza feewing good nowz. You wanna dwink wif me?” She knew her words slurred together making it hard to understand, but she didn’t care.

“No I’m good, honey. Why don’t you lay down for a bit, your men should be home soon.” She closed her eyes and let sleep take her.

She woke what felt like only seconds later to Grey carrying her up the stairs.

“You’re home. I missed you,” she purred. He smelled so good. Closing her eyes, the sudden need to have them again started to overwhelm her. Planting small kisses on his chest and neck. “I missed you a lot.” She wiggled a little more and all the alcohol she had consumed prior disappeared.

“I missed you too.” He bent his head to kiss her on the head and she took full advantage and pulled his head down so she could claim his lips. He kissed her softly and went to pull away, but she wasn’t having any of it. She grabbed his hair and held him to her. He stopped walking and just held her while she opened up and kissed him deep and passionately. The instant need to have them both in her was too much.

“Please,” she whispered against his lips.

“Please what, love?”

“Make love to me? Both you and Sam. I need to feel you both.”

“Oh, Cece, I want to, really, really want to, but you have had too much to drink and you are probably still sore. Let me put you to bed okay.” Knowing he was probably right, she smiled at him before kissing him again softly. Grey set her on the bed and removed her clothes before tucking her in. She didn’t want to lay down by herself and was happy when Grey and Sam too climbed into bed next to her. Snuggling close to Sam, then Grey wrapped his arm around her pulling her close to him. Closing her eyes, she went to sleep knowing that even when shit hits the fan, Grey and Sam would be there for her.


Sam woke up to the most amazing feeling. His mate wrapped around him like a vine. Red hair splayed across his chest and Cece’s face creating a wildfire effect. Not one to wake her, especially after everything she went through yesterday. First the damn job, which was his fault, then finding out she can’t have kids. Yes, it did bother him some, but he knew he could love any child, even through adoption. He wished to hell that he could have given that gift to her, but it seems like it wouldn’t be possible. Trying to contain his bear that clawed at him to wrap her up and protect her at all cost. Taking a slow deep breath, he was calm enough to unravel himself from her. The smell of coffee hit his nose once he was safely out of the room. Grey must have gotten up early. Even though they didn’t get in until late last night.

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