Beaming Sonny Home

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Authors: Cathie Pelletier

BOOK: Beaming Sonny Home
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Copyright © 2014 by Cathie Pelletier

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Originally published in 1996 in the United States by Crown Publishers, Inc., an imprint of Random House, Inc. This edition issued based on the hardcover edition published in 1996 by Crown Publishers, Inc., an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is on file with the publisher.


It was the piece of picture puzzle needed to finish off the left eyeball that Mattie had been hunting for all morning. As it was, Jesus was staring up at her with a blue right eye and a brown hole for the left one. It gave her the willies seeing the poor boy like that, the way she felt when Irwin Fennelson turned up at school functions with that sewn-up hole where his left eye should be, the real one somewhere in the rice paddies of Vietnam. Aside from Irwin, Mattie could only recall one other single-eyed person, an old man, his name now lost in the annals of Mattagash's past, who had sacrificed a baby blue to working in the woods. That old man, Irwin Fennelson, and now, Jesus.

“Don't you go straining out of that good right eye now, honey,” Mattie told Jesus. “I'm gonna fix you up just as soon as I find that blasted piece.” She peered down through the tiny half moons of her reading glasses as she pushed a bluish chunk of puzzle into the hole before her. But no amount of prying, or rearranging the little round knobs, could make the piece fit. Mattie laid it in the pile of bluish pieces that she predicted would make up the mass of flowers bordering the painting, flowers that grew over there in the Holy Land, big blue flowers you'd only see in a florist shop in Watertown, Maine. They were prettier than the blue flags that grew in the back swamp, although those blue flags, those irises, could top any flower you put them against. They were that pretty. Their major setback was that they smelled like an open sewer. Mattie smiled, remembering how Sonny, her only boy, had been forever picking bouquets of them as a child. How many times had she looked out the kitchen window, where she'd been washing dishes, and spotted Sonny coming through the field, his blondish head barely scaling the tops of the hay, his hands full of blue flags, the cuffs of his pants wet with swamp water.

She had already found the two blue eyes of the lamb, the
lamb, that is, the woolly one Jesus carried in his arms. Now the only pieces left scattered on the table seemed to be the reddish-brown of the blessed earth upon which Jesus trod, his sandals a snowy white. In reality, Mattie knew, Jesus would have his godly share of dirt stuck to those shoes. Real life had its quota of dog doo, into which everyone, even the son of God, had to step sooner or later. And Mattie doubted that biblical sandals were ever
, considering all the blood that must have flowed thanks to that “eye for an eye” stuff. She glanced around the table at the separate piles of puzzle: the mostly ivory pieces of the robe, scattered with the scarlet reds of that scarf-like thing Jesus was wearing over his right shoulder; the yellowish-brown pieces that would go into his hair; the cloudy white pieces, with little whorls, that were sure to be the wool of the lamb; the skin tones of his face, some touched with beard hairs; and the pinkish parts that would make up the holiness of the sky on Easter morning.
, the picture was called. Mattie had been given it for her birthday by Rita's children, those loud, rude grandchildren, but most likely Rita picked it out. Mattie had dropped more hints than Jesus had beard hairs that she was pretty much fed up with religious picture puzzles, ever since her whole family had gotten into such a fight while putting together
, which had been twenty-five hundred pieces of pure hell. A ruckus such as you've never seen or heard before, beginning with when they couldn't find the brown piece that would become Judas's money bag, and ending with Mattie's two oldest daughters engaged in a hair-pulling fistfight over whether Judas was a Catholic or a Protestant. Marlene seemed to think that Judas had come from some branch of the Protestant tree, while Rita kept insisting he was of the Catholic persuasion, the original Antichrist, a forerunner to the
Antichrist, that being the pope. “I don't give a damn if he was a Moonie!” Mattie finally shouted, and she lifted the lid to her little woodstove, took the dustpan, and shoveled the whole damn puzzle into the roaring flames, just as King Nebuchadnezzar had thrown those three Jews into the fiery furnace. In it all went: earthen pottery, a table as long as a pulp truck, plates of food, chairs, silver goblets, bread rolls, Jesus, the twelve disciples, you name it. “I think something akin to sacrilege has just taken place in this house,” Rita said. Rita was the oldest of Mattie's daughters. “You want to hear about sacrilege?” Gracie, the youngest daughter, asked. “Leonardo da Vinci, who painted that famous picture, was an atheist, and a queer to boot. So help me, I learned that in my Rethinking Major Art Trends class.” That's when Mattie cleared the temple, you might say, by putting the correct pocketbook in each daughter's arms and then pointing all three of them to the door. Ever since Rita had become a born-again Christian, she was blaming the Catholics for everything. And so Mattie had put her foot down about picture puzzles of a religious nature. Give her the head of a good old cocker spaniel, or the sad face of a clown—she called them “breakfast puzzles” because she could always finish them before lunchtime—but don't ever give her Mary Magdalene having stones cast at her by the multitude. All she needed was for those awful daughters to start throwing rocks. It was bad enough that Marlene and Rita were fighting over religion, but then Gracie, that youngest daughter, had started taking some kind of women's studies classes at the little college in Watertown, and now she didn't like to hear about anything, not even a fairy tale, if women got the short end of the stick. Gracie needed a tall, cold glass of reality, if you asked Mattie. But then Marlene's kids, those little heathens, had given Mattie that picture of Jesus, with Easter morning all around him, and big-faced flowers the size of saucer cups, and suffering from “picture puzzle addiction”—at least that's what Marlene had once whispered to Rita—Mattie found herself putting it together in private. She kept it on a big sheet of brown cardboard, ready to shuffle it under the sofa the minute one or all of her girls drove into the yard.

“Cripes,” said Mattie, fingering through the blues of the flowers, the most likely place for the eyeball to be hiding out. “I can't leave the son of God looking like one of them sailors on

And speaking of
, that's what she'd been keeping on the driveway, since she never knew when those daughters, who seemed to have nothing better to do, would turn up. Mattie was also keeping a watch on the sky over the back mountain. The driving rain that those weathermen down in Bangor had predicted for midafternoon was still to arrive. She had already been out to her little clothesline to bring in the sheets and pillowcases that had been flapping out there since the day before. All the signs said precipitation, what with those dark clouds strung out over the mountain, the kind that even
wet to the eye, true rain clouds that send down streaks of rain all the way to the ground. But so far not even a light sprinkle had fallen, much less a downpour.

Mattie saw Pauline Plunkett's car turn into the driveway and pull up close to the front steps. Pauline got out with a bag in her arms, and Mattie knew that her Avon order had arrived. She could have waited on the bottle of perfume. She had ordered it only to help Pauline out in hard times. But she needed that big jar of Skin So Soft to get her through mosquito season. She put her reading glasses back in their case and went to open the front door. Pauline looked more tired than usual.

“Here you go,” said Pauline. “Here's your order, all except for the Skin So Soft. Them big bottles are back-ordered, but I expect we'll get it to you before the mosquitoes carry you off.” Pauline had taken on the Avon job as soon as news went around Mattagash that several mill workers from each of the surrounding towns would be laid off, no discrimination, from the paper mill in St. Leonard. Frank Plunkett, her husband, had been one of them, along with Rita's husband, Henry. But then bad news got worse for Pauline when Frank came down with some form of cancer and could no longer work anywhere, even if he
have a job.

“You ought to work harder,” said Mattie, looking closely at the dark rings under Pauline's eyes. “There still seems to be a little life left in you.” Pauline looked older than Mattie's own daughters, even though she was a year younger than Gracie.

“That's what Frank keeps telling me,” Pauline said. “But you know yourself how things are around here. They'll probably close the school down since there's only a couple dozen kids left, and then I won't have my cafeteria job. I better hope the mosquitoes don't leave town. If it weren't for Skin So Soft, I'd be in big trouble.” Mattie reached out and pushed a few strands of hair back from Pauline's face.

“You lean against some gray paint or something?” Mattie asked. “How else would all that gray be in the front of your hair?”

Pauline smiled. “You don't quit, you know that?” she said. “Now, I better run. I got more orders to drop off. By the way, if your girls keep on ordering makeup and nail polish, I guarantee you I won't starve.”

Mattie nodded with dissatisfaction. “Could I talk you into putting some superglue in their tubes of lipstick?” she asked, and this time Pauline laughed a big laugh, like the big woman she was, the kind of woman who used to be referred to as “pioneer stock.” Not a feather in the wind, like Gracie and Marlene, women who would blow away in a strong gale.

Mattie followed Pauline out to her car, then stood and watched it disappear around the turn. She knew that it would pull into the next driveway, at Lola Craft Monihan's house. She had seen a bag on the front seat with
written on it with a black Magic Marker. A flock of grackles, which had flown up into the trees when Pauline started her car, had resettled beneath the clothesline, their black wings shimmering blue, their straight beaks poking at the grass. If Mattie had planted a garden, she wouldn't be so quick to let those grackles be. But for the first time since she'd married Lester Gifford, back in 1945, when she'd been only seventeen and too brain-dead to know any better, she hadn't had the energy to tear open a single package of cucumber seeds. She had sat upon her front porch instead, all that sweet, beautiful spring, and listened to her neighbors up and down the twisting Mattagash road as they harrowed and hoed and planted and scarecrowed. Now Mattie could almost hear those gardens growing, could feel tendrils drilling up out of the earth, string beans and tasty leaf lettuce and pale orange carrots and tomatoes, enough to fill a million shopping bags. Later, folks would bring Mattie what they couldn't use. She would be witness to a glut of fresh garden vegetables, more than she had ever grown in her own garden. She was certain of it. And she would suffer gladly this future surplus from her neighbors. She had seen it happen a thousand times with gardenless folks from Mattagash. She herself had hoisted a million unwanted tomatoes upon her neighbors, had bid farewell to bushels of pickle-sized cucumbers. “Still,” Rita had said when Mattie mentioned this larder which lay just weeks away, “it don't give you the same satisfaction as when you've done your own planting and weeding.” Mattie had thought about this, all the while Rita was sitting next to her on the front porch, creaking away in her own rocking chair. But she said nothing. It was only as Rita's taillights were disappearing from the driveway that Mattie, still waving good-bye in the dusk of evening, muttered, “Cow shit.” It would have done no good to try and explain to her oldest, most headstrong daughter that the best response Mattie could think of, the
response, had been those simple words,
cow shit
. And the last thing she needed was to let born-again Rita rant on and on with one of her now-famous “God Don't Like It When We Swear” lectures. Mattie thought again about the garden, or lack of one, rather. Soon, she would be given enough cucumbers to make mustard pickles. She would can lots of tomatoes, just from the sacks her sister Elsa would give her. She would put up a couple dozen jars of string beans, thanks to Elmer Fennelson, who never ate a string bean in his life. “I just like the yellow of them,” Elmer was fond of saying. Mattie thought of all those backbreaking years of hoeing, of fighting potato bugs and aphids, of the tons of sweat she had given up to weeding.

“Cow shit,” Mattie said again. She was just about to resettle herself above
when she heard a car horn blasting, followed by tires mowing through the crushed rock she had bought that summer for the driveway, crushed rock that Marlene's little heathens had taken to throwing over the hill by the handfuls when no one was looking. Through the living room window, Mattie saw Rita's big black Buick, Rita just getting out, leaving the car's door wide open behind her, her head covered with tiny silver curlers. It happened so fast that Mattie barely had time to scoot Jesus and his lambkin under the sofa. But Rita was too keyed up to notice the content of picture puzzles. She burst through Mattie's front door, leaving
wide open, too, for whenever the rainstorm did arrive.

“Good heavens, child,” Mattie said. “Calm yourself. You'll have a heart attack years before your time.”

“Oh God!” Rita cried. “It's the worst you can imagine, Mama! Turn on the TV, quick!” Mattie felt her heart lurch. They had shot the president, surely. Wouldn't that be the worst thing you could see on TV, if you lived all the way up north in Mattagash, Maine? Some cruel, crazy person had shot Bill Clinton, the best thing to happen to America since Jimmy Carter had chosen to stop planting peanuts, just as Mattie had chosen not to plant her own garden. Or was it an earthquake? An earthquake down in Connecticut, maybe, where all Mattagashers had so many relatives living. No, it couldn't be. Earthquakes were bad enough when they happened in Russia and killed Communists, back when Russia still had Communists. But they weren't bad enough to send Rita hurtling out of the beauty salon where she was having her hair permed. And Mattie could tell by looking at the funny little gizmos on her daughter's head that Myrtle Craft had been three-fourths done in giving Rita her regular perm.

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