Authors: S,#232,phera Gir,#243,n
He sighed and stood up, brushing away the sand that seemed to always collect on a body at the beach no matter how careful one was. Then he folded the blanket and shoved it in the basket with the lube, beer, and clothes. He started back along the narrow trail to the hotel, his feet dragging a bit.
The conversation with Chaun had brought him down. Too bad. Such a nice day, too.
He reached the end of the trail where the sand ended and the hotel’s massive deck began and stopped in his tracks. Across the pool, Chaun stood with his head bowed next to another man’s, the two of them talking intimately. When his heart lurched at the sight, he clutched at his chest to allay the blow.
Dylan stood frozen to the end of the pathway and watched until his lover and the other man shook hands and parted before making his own way towards the hotel. By the time he got to their room, he could hear the shower running. He could also hear the beat of his own heart thumping strong in his ear. Frowning, he set the basket down and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning forward onto his elbows.
A few moments later, Chaun emerged from the shower wearing a towel. He padded towards the room’s mini-bar, tossing a smile at Dylan as he passed. “You want a beer?” he asked. “Water?”
Dylan eyed his bent-over frame and longed to slap his ass again. This time, not in a nice way. “Beer’s fine. Thanks.” He took the beer from Chaun and cracked it open. “So, you sleeping with that guy tonight, or what?”
Chaun spun around. “What guy?”
“The one you were talking to by the pool. I mean, it’s all right if you are. I’m just asking.”
“No, silly.” Chaun cupped his cheek and kissed him.
He was dying to ask him what they were talking about but let it slide as Chaun’s lips dragged down onto his neck. Then lower and lower, until he took the head of his cock in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. He leaned back on the bed, giving Chaun access to do as he wanted.
Chaun knelt on the floor and cupped Dylan’s ass with his hands, letting his mouth suckle the flaccid sex back to life. That was one thing Chaun was skilled at: giving head. He knew how to do it, how to tease, and how to give the best release. And besides, he liked it. He moaned with pleasure as Dylan’s cock hardened inside his mouth.
Dylan moaned back, turned on by Chaun’s obvious appreciation for the male organ. He expected a long, drawn-out tease, but as night fell outside, Chaun’s mouth worked him over quickly, and he came, pumping deep inside his lover’s throat in no time at all. What Chaun gave him was so good, it always made him feel a little guilty afterwards. He reached down and stroked Chaun’s cheek.
“Chaun. Thank you. Now…let me do something for you.”
“No.” Chaun stood up shaking his head. “What you can do for me is come down to the pool and watch me win the limbo contest.” He smiled a rakish grin, and disappeared down the hall. When he came back, he held black silk shorts up to Dylan. “You can wear these, and no underwear.”
Dylan’s puzzled over the request. “Why those ugly things? And no underwear in public?”
“Dylaaaaan,” Chaun whined, “we are at a clothing-
resort. Who the hell wears underwear in public at a clothing-optional resort?” He knelt before Dylan again, pressing the silk
against his thigh. “Besides, I want to think of your cock loose inside these shorts as I limbo. It will turn me on and I’ll do better.” He licked his lips.
Dylan licked his own lips and thought of Chaun’s balls hanging out as he bent under the limbo bar. Besides, his cock was still warm from Chaun’s mouth. He owed him something. “All right,” he acquiesced.
“Good. Now let’s get going. I don’t want to be late.”
“Okay, but I’m not going to limbo. I do not limbo.”
Chaun smiled. “I know.”
* * * *
The two of them arrived at the Tiki torch-lit limbo party and split up. Chaun steered Dylan towards a small alcove area at the side of the pool with instructions to “watch closely” and “root for me.”
Dylan took up his spot and waited. Sure enough, the limbo bar came out and drunken fools started shuffling under it. Some were naked, which made Dylan wonder what happened if they didn’t happen to quite clear the bar…ouch.
He jumped at a noise behind him, but before he could turn around, a hand clasped at the base of his neck. A heavy hand. A strong one, too. It squeezed.
A man’s voice, gruff, demanded, “Don’t turn around.”
The man squeezed his neck harder, and the ache got Dylan’s attention. “Who are you?”
“Never mind. Just keep watching your little friend over there.”
Chaun? How did he know about Chaun? Dylan was about to ask but found himself silenced by the feeling of the man’s stiff fingers rubbing against his ass. He tried to jerk away but couldn’t.
“Stay still,” the voice hissed.
Dylan looked towards the limbo session, trying to find Chaun. He saw Chaun, standing in line behind the bar, but he wasn’t looking his way. Damn.
The mystery man’s thick finger slid into Dylan’s butt crack and probed it roughly, seeking his tender entrance.
Dylan’s body jerked, but the man’s grip on his neck held him still. The soft silk fabric slid luxuriously against his entrance as the man’s finger assaulted it. Dylan gulped hot tropical air as he was tormented by both panic and arousal. Would this man just take him? Who the hell was this guy?
He struggled to get free but the brute was too strong for him. Plus, he had the advantage of weight. Whoever the man behind him was, he was big.
“Put your hands on the tree.”
Dylan did as he was told.
“Spread your legs more.”
He bit the inside of his check and spread them. The air that settled around him seemed to be thick with his own sweat. Visions of a big cock tearing him open heightened his anxiety. “Please. Don’t do this,” he begged.
In reply, a warm liquid dribbled onto his hole just before the man’s finger rubbed harder against his entrance, digging into it with abandon. Then it finally forced its way in.
His asshole shuddered at the violation of the man’s finger as it probed deeper into his hole. Then he moaned as the strong finger dipped in and out of him, giving him just the forceful fucking he’d been too afraid to ask Chaun for. He loved the way the man’s hand rubbed against
the fabric covering his ass too, caressing it with every stroke. At last Dylan gave in, arching his back and riding the finger, urging the man to give him more.
“Please. Fuck me. Whoever you are, fuck me.”
He gripped the tree and prayed for the best, all the while fearing that the man behind him would rip him a new one.
“Move. Over here.”
The man grabbed his waist and walked him over to a low metal bar. “Hold onto this.”
Dylan leaned over and grabbed the bar. Like everything else in this jungle, it exuded heat into his palms. Dylan’s heart flip-flopped at the sound of footsteps coming their way. Would he be assaulted by another man too? He let go of the bar and tried to sneak under it.
The other man’s hands snagged him by the head and dragged him back. “I said, hang onto the bar!” he snarled. For emphasis, he covered Dylan’s hands with his and clamped them down on the bar securely. “Do not let go. Do not turn around.”
Dylan struggled for air as the reality of his failed escape attempt sunk in. He knew now he was going to get fucked, and nothing would stop it. The fear ate at him. But he grit his teeth and spread his legs.
“Good boy.”
This time the shorts were yanked down and that same warm lube drizzled liberally onto his ass. Then the finger entered him again, working in the lube.
Dylan squeezed his eyes shut, his hands squeezing the bar in front of him in a iron grip. A breeze cooled the sweat on his back.
Here it comes
, he thought.
All the sudden another set of hands landed on Dylan’s back, stroking it. Caressing it. These were different hands. Not the monster’s heavy hands. Wait. He knew those hands. It was Chaun.
Dylan nearly shed tears of relief. He’d never been so happy to feel a lover’s touch, and that was saying a lot.
“Chaun? Is that you?”
“Shhh…stay still. Let me…”
The voice trailed off as the tip of Chaun’s cock pressed against his opening, begging for entry.
His fears allayed by the knowledge that it was Chaun’s cock, the thought of it inside him send quivers of happiness from his heart to his gut. He already knew the size and length of Chaun’s cock well, and because of that, was able to let his unfounded fears drop away. In fact, he spread his legs a little further apart and leaned over. “Yes, Chaun. Do it. Do it. Please.”
With a cry, Chaun impaled him, then stopped.
Dylan drew air in ragged gulps as he waited for his body to accommodate the sudden pressure.
“It’s okay, Dylan. Shhh…”
Chaun’s fingers caressed his back, his ass, and his thighs before coming around front and fondling his cock. The extra stimulation made it easier for Dylan’s ass to relax. His breathing slowed down to long groans.
Then Chaun’s body bent over his, allowing him to lick and kiss Dylan’s back as he mumbled sweet words to him. Words that told him how much he wanted to be with him, not just
today, but for years to come. If Dylan’s heart could have sweated out both delight and gratitude, it would have. As it was, words failed him as he sighed in time with Chaun’s hand strokes.
As Chaun jerked him off, he began to rock back and forth inside him, his movements short and constrained. Still, Dylan could hear him pant out his pleasure against his back.
“Uhn. Dylan. Dylan. Uhn.”
Each stroke wrenched a new cry from Chaun’s lips, tuning Dylan on even more. His cock strained to hold back the torrent this orgasm promised to be as Chaun’s hand expertly kneaded it to the point of bliss. Now he knew why Chaun had blown him off earlier. He’d have already come by now. The sensation of Chaun’s cock inside his ass was too much for him to ignore.
“Please. Please, Chaun. Fuck me harder. Fuck me harder.”
Chaun cried out and peeled his body off Dylan’s back. He gripped Dylan’s hip with one hand and thrust harder, faster, as though possessed by the need to come inside Dylan at any cost. At the same time, he continued to scoop his hand up and down Dylan’s shaft, matching the pace of attack in the back.
Dylan came first, his rapture too much to hold back any longer. His ass melted in a wet hot bliss as it quivered around Chaun’s shaft, the rim closing fast around the base of it. At the same time, burst after burst of hot liquid sprayed out the end of his cock and onto Chaun’s fingers as his body rippled with pleasure. He’d never felt such bliss before. Never been so satisfied before, by any of his lovers, as he was right now by Chaun.
Chaun’s release started as Dylan’s subsided, his roar echoing into the jungle as eerie as a wild animal’s ferocious call. He released Dylan’s cock and wrapped a clawlike grasp onto his hips as he bore into his ass with insistent fury. Again and again, Dylan’s name tore from his lips,
until at last he bent forward again and laid his heaving chest on his lover’s back. He stayed there for some time as he caught his breath.
To Dylan, nothing was so beautiful as Chaun’s hot breath scorching his already sweaty back while his cock still nestled inside him. When Chaun wrapped his arms around Dylan’s chest and kissed the back of his neck, the gentleness of his kisses flooded his heart with devotion.
“Dylan, I love you,” Chaun told him. “I’ll never hurt you. Just please, let me stay with you.”
Was he fucking kidding? Dylan was more than ready to buy a one-way ticket to Chaun-ville for the foreseeable future. And when Chaun hugged his back to his chest and pulled him up, the skin-on-skin full-body contact hardened Dylan again.
Chaun reached around and caressed Dylan’s nipple with one hand, letting his fingertips brush their buds until they peaked. With his other hand, he cupped Dylan’s balls. At the same time, he bit and licked Dylan’s neck, murmuring his affections to him non-stop making Dylan’s head spin as he reached back and tugged Chaun’s ass closer.
“Take me back to the hotel,” he whispered.
At his request, Chaun pulled out and slid the condom off into the sand. Then he stepped to Dylan’s side, wrapping one arm around his waist and cradling Dylan’s head on his shoulder with the other. Now his lips brushed against Dylan’s cheek as he walked him back towards the hotel, cutting through the jungle until they had to step out of the shadows and enter the hotel’s sliding glass doors.
Once up in their room, the fondling resumed, withy Dylan petting Chaun just as heavy in return as he got it. They made love again in the moonlight, this time Dylan entering Chaun with
renewed reverence for the act of making love. Then they kissed until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
* * * *
The next morning, Chaun brought steaming cups of coffee back to bed and crawled back under the sheet. He watched Dylan with sleepy but contented eyes. Still, he had to hear from Dylan’s mouth the words that confirmed what he’d suspected last night.
Dylan’s smile was so damn sexy this morning, he reached down and kissed him before continuing.