Be My Love Song (7 page)

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Authors: Sable Hunter

BOOK: Be My Love Song
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To Madeline’s dismay, he ran one cold, too-soft fingertip
down her arm, causing her to flinch. “I won’t agree to any such thing.”

“Oh, I think I can convince you otherwise. I have discovered
a secret, a big secret.” He smiled at her strangely. “Aren’t you the least bit

There was no use lying—she was. “I have no idea what you’re
talking about. Selling is not on the table for me.”

“Oh, I’d like to have you on the table, on your knees, tied
to a St. Andrew’s cross, naked and awaiting my pleasure.”

Maddie nearly died. The old man was actually drooling and
her skin was crawling. “Ewwww, no, absolutely not, never!” She pulled away from
him and he just laughed.

“Think about it and think about my secret. I am attracted to
you and I can make you richer than you’ve ever dreamed. You have an earthy
submissive way about you, unlike that iceberg of a sister of yours.”

Madeline almost laughed. This was a fine kettle of fish. The
only man ever to prefer her over her sister was an ancient pervert who was
determined to get his hands on Windswept. Just her luck. “I’m sorry, I have to

Before he could say another word, Maddie ran. By the time
she reached the elevator, she was panting—and not in a good way. “I need a
bath, a hot bath.” Shivering, she looked over her shoulder to make sure
Beaumont hadn’t followed her. Neither Morgana nor her mother was in sight
either, thank goodness. Her sister was scheduled to meet Sergio and there
really was only enough time for her to get ready and meet West. Worrying over
the hurricane safety upgrades, fighting her materialistic clan and avoiding the
fossilized Christian Grey wannabe would have to wait till later.

The doors clattered open and she had to step aside as a
young couple came out hand in hand. “How are you two feeling today?”

“We’re good, Miss Cross. How are you? We heard about your

“Good news travels fast.” She smiled and ducked inside. The
way gossip moved at Windswept constantly amazed Maddie. Letting out a long
breath, she leaned against the side of the elevator, myriad thoughts clamoring
in her mind. What would the evening with Wes hold? And what was Hugh Beaumont’s
big secret?

When the bell clanged to announce she’d reached her suite,
Madeline pushed from the wall and stepped into her safe haven. Now all she had
to do was transform herself from ordinary to extraordinary for her date with
Weston. Was that possible? She giggled at her own dilemma. What she needed was
a fairy godmother and a magic wand. Since those weren’t available, she guessed
she’d just make do with Tilly and a curling wand.






Whistling, West headed to his car, carrying a big box of the
best chocolates he could find. He also had a delicate silver necklace with a
beautiful filigree heart to place around Madeline’s neck. “Man, I’ve got it
bad.” The daydreams he’d had last night were hot enough to melt his shorts.
He’d pleasured himself twice since leaving her bed earlier that morning—and all
they’d done so far was kiss.

Well, tonight would be different. He smiled, remembering how
sweet she’d been to hold and how responsive her little body had been in his
arms. There was so much he wanted to know. So many questions he wanted to ask.
Hell, he was a half hour early going to pick her up. That ought to tell how
anxious he was to be with Madeline Cross again.

When he considered the circumstances of their meeting, he
was amazed it had all worked out as well as it had. What if he’d sent his
secretary like he’d planned to do? Or what if her sister hadn’t been there
giving Maddie a hard time? All of it had seemed to be orchestrated by a benevolent
good that had placed each piece of the puzzle in exactly the right place.
However it had happened, Weston Rogers was extremely grateful Madeline Cross
had come into his life.

Ring! Ring!

Pulling out of his driveway, Weston answered his phone and
grinned. “Hey, Dallas, I was planning on calling you tomorrow.”

“I figured to beat you to the punch. I have a hot date

“So do I, brother.”

“Really?” Dallas sounded skeptical. West knew his brother
loved to give him a hard time. “How much did you have to pay by the hour?”

Remembering how he’d met Maddie, he laughed. “There’s
actually a story behind all of this, but I don’t have time to tell you now. How
about we all get together tomorrow afternoon? Want to throw some steaks on the
grill with me and Aiden?”

“Sounds like a plan. Bring a six-pack and I’ll buy the beef.
Aiden can bring dessert.”

“You got a deal, Dallas.”

“So, I saw Sunny yesterday. She is badmouthing you all over

West made his turn onto Seawall Boulevard. “I’m not
surprised. She’s one lady who loves to get her own way.”

“So, who’s the lucky girl? Anyone I know?”

“I don’t know if you do or not. She’s an island girl. Her
name’s Madeline Cross. She runs the Windswept down on the west end of the
island. Her dad was Martin Cross. I think her mother and sister live in
Houston.” He put on his brakes to let a few beachcombers run across the road.
“I think you’ll like her, Dallas. She’s not just pretty, she’s really nice. Not
full of herself if you know what I mean.”

“Oh, yea, I know. When can I meet her?”

“Give me time to operate, brother.” West had to rein Dallas
in periodically. He tended to get the cart before the horse.

“Is this your first date?”

“Well, not exactly.” He grinned. He also liked to shock his
brother. “I spent the night with her last night.”

“You dawg!” Dallas snorted.

“Well, nothing happened, we just necked.”

“Sure, I believe you.”

“It’s the truth. She’s a good girl. I didn’t want to take
advantage.” West shifted in the seat. Just the thought of being with Madeline
made his package swell.

“Okay, I hear ya. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. And
I’ll see you tomorrow. About four?”

“Sounds good.” West hung up. Windswept was just ahead. He
put on his blinker, ready to give Maddie an evening she’d never forget.


*  *


“Oh, that man is not going to know what hit him!” Elaine
stood back and surveyed Madeline. “Curl a little more right there, Tilly.” She
pointed to one lock of Maddie’s hair that wasn’t behaving as well as the rest.

“I’m so nervous I could faint,” Maddie groaned.

“Well, don’t faint, Morgana will swoop in and carry West off
in her talons before we can revive you.” Tilly giggled. “There, I think you
look perfect.”

Maddie surveyed herself in the mirror. “Hopefully Morgana is
about a mile offshore on Sergio’s yacht.”

“Good, I hope a rogue wave hits her.” Elaine smirked. “Do
you have condoms or are you on the pill?”

“No and yes, but please don’t ask, I’m embarrassed enough.”
She pushed through her overzealous helpers to pack her purse. They didn’t have
to know this wasn’t a real date. West was being a good friend. “What time is

“Time for me to go down and watch for him.” Elaine took off.
“I want to lust after him first.”

“Oh, Lord. Be good, Elaine. I think you had enough
excitement last night.” Maddie laughed.

“You’re welcome.” Elaine winked at her.

When their crazy temp was gone, she grabbed Tilly’s hand.
“You aren’t going to believe this. Hugh Beaumont hit on me earlier. He said
something about a big secret concerning Windswept and he also wanted to tie me
up and spank me, I think.”

“Whoa!” Tilly exclaimed. “Wait, one thing at a time. He’s
into BDSM?”

“I think so, he said something about a St. Andrew’s cross
and I looked it up and that’s what I found.”

“Shit, that’s weird. I have heard about some of those clubs
in Houston. I bet he looks funny in leather wielding a whip.”

“He’s not going to get a chance to snap it at me.” Maddie

“So, what’s this secret?” Tilly asked, flopping down in a
chair where she could see Maddie’s face while she added more mascara.

“I don’t have a clue, unless it had something to do with
that metal detector he was pushing around this morning.”

“Who knows? The old fool may be hunting buried treasure.”

“If you believe all the legends, there’s buried treasure
under almost every inch of this island. And we both know that’s not true.”
Madeline added a bit more lip gloss, then gazed at herself critically in the
mirror. “Will I do?”

Tilly pushed a bit of Maddie’s long dark hair over her
shoulder. “You’ll do very well. You’re beautiful.”

About that time her phone rang. It was the front desk.

“Ready or not, the hunk is on his way,” Elaine said with
much joy.

“Ack!” Maddie cried and threw the phone down. “It’s time.”

“Time to make the donuts.” Tilly laughed as a knock came to
the door.

Maddie clasped her chest. “I’m going to hyperventilate.”

“Do you want a bag to breathe in?”

“No, no.” She held her hand out in the air as if she were
trying to steady herself. “I’m good. I’m good.” Straightening, Maddie pulled at
her dress, adjusted her shawl and smiled. “Let me at him.”

West stood at the door, patiently—well, not so patiently,
waiting. When he heard soft footsteps, he couldn’t keep the happy grin off his
face to save his life.

When the door began opening, he caught his first glimpse. “Damn,”
he whispered and bit his knuckle.

“West, come in.” Maddie was so excited, she bounced on her
tiptoes. “Is this for me?” She spied the huge heart-shaped box of candy. “This
is a day of so many firsts.” Clasping it to her chest, she thanked him. “You
are being so sweet to me. I don’t know what to say.”

“No words are necessary.” West teased. “I’d rather you give
me the same welcome as you did last night.”

Heat flamed up in Maddie’s chest, making her cheeks bloom.
She figured he was acting for Tilly’s benefit, so she played along. “You want a

“I dreamed of your kisses all night,” he confessed.

“Excuse me, excuse me, fifth wheel coming through.” Tilly
pushed her way between them, furthering Maddie’s embarrassment and West’s

When at last they were alone, he shut the door, took the
candy from her and sat it on a side table and at last—long last—took her in his
arms. “I missed you.”

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Maddie molded her
body to his, lifting her arms to clutch his shoulders. She felt like she’d come
home. “I was so afraid this would never happen again.”

“Not a chance, beautiful.” He pulled her flushed face closer
to his, staring into her serene wide eyes, inhaling her sweet scent. “I left
this morning with the full intention of having you in my arms tonight.”

“West, kiss me,” she whispered against his lips, amazed that
he seemed to want her.

Cupping her face, there was none of the tentativeness of the
night before. He bit at her lips, his mouth opening over hers, demanding a
response. With a sigh, she gave him what he wanted, parting her lips. West’s
desire ramped high. She tasted sweet and wild. He was so excited, there was no
way he could hide it. The evidence was there between them—hot, hard and

Maddie pushed against him, needing to be as close as
possible. Her fingertips dug into the muscles of his arms as he traced his
tongue over the inside of her lower lip. “Mmmmm,” she hummed, letting him know
she wanted more.

So he gave it to her, kissing her harder, deeper, consuming
her, until they broke away to breathe.

“I saw fireworks, I swear.” When she backed away, her
nipples were so swollen and hard, she brought her hands up to cover them. “I
ought to have worn a bra.”

“Hell, no. I love to see that you want me.” Swinging her up
in his arms, he whispered, “Did you feel the earth move under your feet?”

“Oh, yeah.” She smiled at him, so happy she was alive,
Maddie thought she’d burst.

Setting her down, he gently pushed a strand of soft hair
behind her ear. “Let’s go. I’m taking you to Club 21 for dinner and dancing.
Sounds good?”

“Yes, sounds lovely.” She could’ve told him anything he
suggested would be perfect, because that was exactly how she felt. Being with
him and wanted by him, even if just for a little while, was worth everything to

“Good.” He escorted her downstairs and through the lobby. As
they passed by the desk, a group of guests waiting on a tour started clapping
and Maddie blushed some more. Off in the corner, she saw her mother and Hugh
Beaumont, talking to two other men in suits. She squeezed West’s hand. “Look,
that’s my stepmom and the man who wants to buy Windswept.”

“Are they giving you a hard time?”

His look of concern gave her courage. “They’re trying,
threatening me with a lawyer. I’m planning on going to the bank to see about a
loan for the needed work. I can’t count on them to help me. And Mr. Beaumont is
a whole other story.” She giggled nervously. “Remember last night when I told
you he would proposition me? Well, he did and he sorta creeped me out.”

“Jerk.” West tightened his arm around her.

“He also alluded to some big secret, some reason I should
sell. He said he’d make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.”

“Don’t trust him.”

“Oh, I won’t. Believe me. He’s just telling me what he
thinks I want to hear so I’ll sell to him.”

“Maybe.” West eyed the man, taking his measure. “If he
bothers you again, I want to know.”

Maddie felt an unfamiliar warmth invade her senses. West
made her feel important and secure. She hadn’t known those feelings since she’d
lost her father.

He helped her into his car and soon they were on the road.
Nothing in Galveston was very far from anything else. The island was only
twenty-seven miles long and three miles wide at its widest point. “Look, you
can see ship lights on both sides of us.”

“I know. I love it here, don’t you?” He smiled at her,
thinking how pretty she looked in the winter moonlight.

“I do.” West turned the radio on low and reached across to take
her hand. While they drove, he caressed the sensitive skin of her palm with his
thumb, making her shiver. “What’s the most sensitive part of your body, Maddie?
Where do you like to be touched?”

“All over,” she blurted and then covered her mouth with her
hand. Weston laughed.

“Me too,” West admitted. His hand moved to her knee and he
caressed it gently, not going any higher. Maddie wanted to spread her legs and
invite his exploration. “But is there some special spot that if I touched it,
you would purr for me?”

His seductive tone coupled with his touch aroused Maddie
beyond thought. “My back, I think,” she whispered as her mind shouted—
nipples, my clit!
“How about you?”

West considered his next words. He knew where he craved her
touch, but the evening was early. “If I could feel those pretty lips on my neck
and shoulder, you’d be able to do anything with me.”

Oh, my goodness. She squirmed in her seat. Deciding two
could play this game, she asked, “Do you like massages?” The girl in the spa
room at Windswept had given Maddie some pointers. Just the thought of getting
her hands on West made her weak with desire.

Damn, he rolled the window down a crack. “I love them. Are
you offering?”

His hoarse excited response made her giggle. “I might be.”

By that time they were pulling into the restaurant. “I’ll
hold you to it.” When she started to open the door, he stopped her. “Let me be
a gentleman. Sit tight.”

Maddie smiled to herself. What had she ever done to be so
lucky? He helped her from the car and Maddie felt like a princess. The club was
crowded, but West had made reservations and they were seated at a secluded
table next to the window overlooking the water. “This is beautiful, Weston.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He ordered a bottle of champagne,
then asked her to dance. “I need an excuse to hold you.”

If he only knew, she thought, the man needed no excuse.

The music was slow and Maddie thanked heaven for the dancing
lessons she’d endured as a child. Moving in time with Weston’s body made her
wonder what making love with him would be like.

“You feel so good,” he murmured.

Maddie sighed, clinging to him, putting both arms around his
neck. “Thank you for this, West. Everything is perfect.”

“I have something for you.” He moved one hand to his pocket,
and she started to step back. “No, don’t move. Hold on to me.”

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