Be My Everything (9 page)

Read Be My Everything Online

Authors: Ella Jade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Be My Everything
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“I’ll take my dinner in the dining room.”

She looked up at him, but didn’t move right away.


He walked down the foyer and sat at the large table,
spreading his newspaper out in front of him. The dinner portion of the evening
would be easy, he had ordered out and had it sitting in the warming drawer in
the kitchen. He ordered enough for both of them, but he intended on making her
serve him first before he allowed her to eat.

A few minutes later, she appeared in the doorway with his
plate in her hand. She slowly walked toward him and set it down in front of
him. He already had his place set, so he picked up the fork and motioned at his

“I’ll take white wine from the bar.”

She hurried over to the bar off the study and returned with
the bottle. She poured him a glass and then set the bottle down on the table.

“Thank you,” he said as he glanced down at his feet.

She immediately realized what he wanted and kneeled before

He savored his meal, reading the paper at leisure and
sipping his wine. Katherine didn’t take her eyes away from him. He’d purposely
picked her favorite meal, eggplant parmesan from Vinnie’s Bistro. He wanted her
to anticipate her dinner and wonder if he’d be allowing her to have some.

He took longer than usual to eat, dragging out her torture
over what was to come next. When he was finally finished, he pushed his plate
away and abruptly stood up. She quickly looked at the floor.

“Once you clear the table, you may eat in the kitchen,” he
said. “Then you’re free to go to your room and think about the way you defied
me earlier this week.”

She didn’t say anything, but he knew she wouldn’t.

“I’m meeting some friends for breakfast in the morning,” he
informed her.

He rarely spent time away from her on the weekends, but he
was busy at work and the fact that he wasn’t going to be here when she came
down only further enhanced her punishment.

“So, you may eat breakfast in the kitchen,” he continued.
“I’ll be home around noon, and I’ll expect you in my study waiting for me. I’ve
left you something to wear tomorrow. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

“Good,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

That night had to be the longest of Luke’s life. He didn’t
sleep at all, knowing Katherine was down the hall and waiting for him to come
to her. He wanted to go to her and fuck some sense into her, but he was proving
a point, and a little distance was good for the both of them.

It had taken him days to settle down after she came to his
office and accused him of treating her like a whore. He wasn’t even sure he
could handle seeing her this weekend and almost decided her punishment should
be that she stay home alone all weekend. But he couldn’t bear to be away from
her. He was becoming used to her presence, and just thinking about not being
able to touch her all weekend infuriated him.

He wasn’t the one who had done anything wrong, so why should
he be punished? No, in the end, this was the better route. He’d have her here
and she’d have to experience just how disappointed he was with her. By the time
the weekend was over, she would never challenge him again.

Luke entered the study at noon and Katherine was already
waiting on her knees by his desk. Her posture was perfect, but her body was
stiff. He thought she looked incredible in the short, pleated skirt and the
perfectly pressed, tight, white dress shirt.

“My little schoolgirl,” he whispered as he stood in the

He circled her and stopped directly behind her, bending over
and lifting up her skirt. He smiled because she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her
pale ass was smooth and soft, and he was hard just looking at it. The fact that
she hadn’t given him permission to take it made it all the more tempting. He
draped her skirt back over her bottom and gave it a swift smack. Her body
jolted at the contact.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Sierra,” he said. “Did you have a good

“Yes, Master,” she answered.

“You’ll refer to me as Mr. Cain today,” he informed her.

“Yes, Mr. Cain.”

“I hear the reason you’re in my office is because you’ve
been a bad little girl this week.”

“Yes, Master…I mean, Mr. Cain.”

He arched a brow at her as he sat down at his desk. He
switched on the computer monitor and looked over the papers that were in front
of him.

“I have an extremely busy afternoon ahead of me,” he said.
“But I want you close, so you’ll stay here. I’ll expect you to sit quietly and
not disturb me.”

She nodded.

The first hour, he hardly knew she was there. She kneeled
silently by his feet. About halfway into the second hour, she shifted her
position a few times, but didn’t disturb him. Hour three proved to be a
challenge for her as she fidgeted and rubbed her hands against her thighs.

“Is there a problem?” he asked, without looking up from the

“I’m cold, Mr. Cain, and my legs are falling asleep,” she
admitted. “But I’m fine.”

“Hmm,” he said as he continued to work on the spreadsheet
that had been giving him a problem for the past hour. It wasn’t as if it was
difficult, but he had been thinking about all the ways he could take her in
that schoolgirl uniform she was wearing and was rather distracted.

He lasted about another twenty minutes, but wanted to play
and thought she had been punished enough, for now. He pulled the wooden ruler
from the desk drawer and looked down at her, slapping it against the palm of
his hand.

“Come to me,” he instructed.

She stood up on wobbly legs, but managed to make her way to
him. She kept her eyes on the ruler. He pulled her to stand directly in between
his legs and slid his hand up the back of her skirt.

“No panties?” He shook his head in mock disapproval. “Such a
dirty little girl.”

He moved his hand over her cheeks and gave one a firm
squeeze, waving the ruler in her face.

“Maybe I should spank you?” He moved her closer to the desk.
“Turn around and put your hands on the desk.”

She did as she was told and once she was in position, he stood
up and raised her skirt.

“A bad girl like you will probably enjoy this,” he whispered
against her neck. “Count,” he demanded and then struck her once on the ass with
the ruler.

“One,” she whispered.

“Louder.” He hit her again.

“Two,” she spoke up.

He swatted her one last time and she screamed out the final
smack. He placed the ruler on the desk and ran his hand over her ass, rubbing
the red marks left behind before slipping his hand between her thighs.

“Ah.” She sighed.

“You are a dirty girl, aren’t you?” He ran his finger over
her wet slit. “You liked my ruler, didn’t you?”

He turned her around and sat her on the desk as he moved to
stand between her legs, wrapping them around his waist. His dick was screaming
to be freed, but not yet, he thought. He wanted to work her up before he
delivered his final punishment.

Luke unbuttoned her blouse and ran his fingertips over her
exposed nipples. She was already so aroused, and he couldn’t stop himself from
leaning down and running his tongue over her. He pushed her tits up and closer
to his face as he licked and sucked as much as he could. He moved one hand down
between her legs and under her skirt, rubbing her moist pussy. He could smell
her delicious scent, and it was driving him crazy.

He pulled his fingers out of her and moved them up to her
mouth, spreading her juices over her bottom lip before moving close to her face
and sucking her wet lip into his mouth.

“You taste so good.”

She ground into his cock. He quickly grabbed her hands,
pushed her back on the desk, and held them over her head. She was breathing so
heavily it was making her breasts heave forward. He rubbed his jean clad dick
over her bare pussy. She closed her eyes and threw her head to the side. He
leaned down and kissed and bit her neck as he continued to dry hump her. He
kept her wrists in one hand while he used the other to free his cock from its
confines. It was pressed in between them and throbbing against his stomach. He
reached down and moved the tip of it inside her slit.

“You want my cock?”

“Yes, Mr. Cain,” she begged.

He pushed it deeper, but didn’t move. She squirmed trying to
free her hands from his tight hold.

“You were such a bad girl,” he said. “Maybe you don’t
deserve my cock.”

“Please,” she moaned. “I’ll behave.”

He pushed in just a bit deeper and thrust one time before
stopping. She tightened her grip on his hips with her legs, trying to draw him
closer. She was so hot and wet, and it was taking everything he had to draw
this agony out.

“I’m still not sure you’re worthy of my dick.” He smiled.
“But I shouldn’t be punished for your indiscretions.”

He slammed his hips back and forth until he was finally
moving deep inside her.

“God! You’re so fucking tight.” He pounded into her.

The sweat was dripping down his neck and back as he relentlessly
fucked her. She was moaning and screaming out incoherent phrases, but the one
word that stood out the clearest for him was “sorry”. She repeated it over and
over again. He could hear the remorse in her voice.

They were both so close now, and he knew all he’d have to do
was reached in between them and stroke her clit, but he had one last point to
prove. With his free hand he grabbed her face, holding it in place as he leaned
down and roughly kissed her lips. It was as if time was standing still. He
didn’t know what came over him. He was so caught up in her that he lost focus
and let instinct take over. He wanted to keep kissing her, and he really wanted
to bring her pleasure, but she needed to learn her place.

“You are here for my pleasure, and mine alone,” he murmured
against her mouth. “This body belongs to me and so do your climaxes.”

Her muscles tensed, so he picked up the pace and with a few
quick thrusts he was releasing inside her. He pulled out before she could reach
her orgasm and saw the stunned look in her eyes. She pushed against his waist,
trying to get him to help her finish, but he let go of her hands and then
gently pried her legs from his hips.

She looked at him wide-eyed while he took his time pulling
up his jeans and buckling his belt. He hated being this cruel, but this was the
way it had to be. This is what she was here for, to learn to submit. He
extended his hand for her and helped her up and off the desk, adjusting her
skirt and buttoning her blouse. He was cold and deliberate.

He sat back down at the desk and ran his fingers through his
hair, regaining his composure before he spoke. “You may be excused.”

She didn’t move. She just stood there, seemingly stunned.

“Go,” he said, slightly louder than before. Punishing a sub
had never been this difficult for him. He hated having to do it.

She turned and headed toward the door, but he saw the tears
in her eyes before she escaped his gaze.

“Katherine,” he called, but she didn’t turn around, only
stopped and waited for his next words. “I hoped you learned that all of our
actions have consequences.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered before running out of the study
and up the stairs.

Chapter 8



It had been a long day at work for the whole design firm. A
new line was being delivered and the phones wouldn’t stop ringing. Katherine
was only a receptionist, but being in that environment, surrounding herself
with designers and models everyday thrilled her. She hoped someday she’d be
able to go back and finish her education. She saw big things for herself in the
fashion industry and hated to see any of her dreams lost.

She decided to go out for a few drinks with some of the
girls from the office. It wasn’t something she usually did, because she didn’t
like being in the city too late since she had to take the subway home. But
because of her arrangement with Luke, she wasn’t able to meet with her friends
on weekends anymore and she missed the girl time. Not that she regretted her
time with Luke, but being out with friends was something she missed.

She sat at the bar and listened to Lori talk about her
latest boyfriend. She was all giddy and in love. Katherine envied her a bit,
because she seemed to have found a man who wanted more than a casual fling. She
had no right to be jealous since she had entered into her current relationship
knowing exactly what it meant. It wasn’t a romance. It was a consensual
arrangement between two people who needed something from one another. It
sounded so cold when she thought about it.

“Oh my God!” Lori screeched, pulling Katherine from her
thoughts. “That fuck hot man has been staring at you for a few minutes and now
he’s headed our way.”

“What guy?” she asked, but suddenly froze when she saw him
approaching them.

What was he doing there?

“Hello, Katherine,” Luke said as he moved toward them. “I
didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Hi,” she said, still stunned that he was standing in front
of her on a Tuesday night. “I’m out with some co-workers.”

“I see.” He smiled at Lori.

“Kat,” Lori said as she smacked her arm, “introduce me to
your friend.”

Her friend?
Oh, crap!
How should she introduce him?
Katherine wasn’t prepared for this at all.

“Umm, yeah, this is my friend Lori,” she said.

Luke smiled at Katherine and then helped her out of her
dilemma of not being able to use his name.

“Hi, Lori.” He flashed her that sexy smirk of his and now
Katherine was sure Lori would want to drop her panties and kneel at his feet
too. “I’m Lucas Cain.” He took her hand and kissed it. “It’s a pleasure to meet

“God,” she whispered. “So, are you the one who monopolizes
our little Kat all weekend?”

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