Be My December (40 page)

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Authors: Rachel Brookes

BOOK: Be My December
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“Are you finished having phone sex?” Josh mused from the door. I shot him a ‘fuck off’ look and slammed my phone into my pocket as we finally left the office.

I needed to talk to Josh about my plans. I knew he was the one person who would give me brutal honesty, and that was what I craved. We caught a cab across town toward our favorite burger joint. Sami’s had been our go to place for years.

The moment we walked in we were hit.

“The Crawford boys! Where have you been? Sami has missed you!” Sami was a boisterous Greek man who loved nothing more than kissing our cheeks every time we came to his diner and today was no different. He fussed over us both, ruffling our hair like we were kids, and the fact that we were twenty-four and twenty-six seemed to have been lost. “Go sit down, I’ll bring you your usual orders!”

We took our regular table toward the back and the usual chatter of the packed diner intensified. Sami’s was right on the river and one of those hidden jewels that only regulars and locals knew about. Black and white photos of icons from the fifties and sixties graced the off-white walls which complemented the red, white, and black trim and a jukebox that hadn’t worked for years sat in the far corner. When Josh and I needed downtime from the office, this was where we would have lunch. 

Two Cokes were placed in front of us by Angelica, Sami’s even more boisterous and touchy feely wife. She moved beside the table, hands on hips and looked between Josh and me. Oh fuck, here it comes.

“When are you two marrying my girls?”

“Ky’s got a girlfriend, and you know me, I can’t settle down yet.”

Her shriek pierced my ears. “Baby, you’ve got a girlfriend?”

Oh yes, I should have mentioned my nickname is Baby and Josh’s is Toots.


Was she my girlfriend? We had everything in our lives that would suggest we were in a relationship. She was living at my apartment; she was in my bed every night; she was the first person I saw in the morning and the last person I saw at night, and I was having the best sex of my life. She took up my every thought and when I thought of the future I saw her face.


“I think I do Angie.”

Josh whipped around to look at me with surprised eyes as he tried to come to terms with my admission. Fuck, I was still trying to come to terms with it.

“Well she better know who she’s got Baby. I’ll go put in your regular orders. Double bacon and cheese for you Toots and Sami’s Special for you Baby, with extra cheese. I’ve missed you two.” Before she turned on her heel and rushed off in a tizzy, Angelica fell into a zone as she gazed over both of us.

“Well I was going to ask how things were with you and Eden but fuck me it seems like you are officially pussy-whipped. Ky
‘I’ll always be single’
Crawford has a girlfriend.”

“Things are as confusing as fuck yet like nothing I could imagine. I’ve fallen hard for Eden, and its scaring the fuck out of me.”

“Mom is going to be planning your wedding, I hope you know that.”

“Jesus, let me ask her to stay first.”

After an amazing burger, Josh and I headed back to the office. My mind was filled with thoughts of the upcoming night. After my chat with Josh, I was more determined than ever to make it perfect. I needed her to see that she was protected, that she was adored, and that she was wanted.

Opening up my laptop, I groaned as I saw the email icon flashing that I had fifty-four emails awaiting my attention. Scrolling through the spam, the stationary requests, and the proofs that needed approving, my eyes fell onto a name and subject that made me stiffen in anger.

Chris Edwards.

My hands shook with rage as I moved the mouse and hovered over the email. When would he fuck off? His constant presence reminded me of everything and everyone I wanted to forget, a period of my life when I was at my worst, a time when the world seemed to stop.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Secrets
Do you know where your sweet ass girlfriend is? Fuck I’d love to pound into her sweet pussy. She is sitting opposite me wearing this sexy pink top and her tits are just begging to be sucked on. Maybe after we have a little chat, I might take her back to my apartment, comfort her, and see what Jeremy saw in her all those years ago. You know, keep it in the family.
Secrets don’t stay hidden forever and in about two minutes all of your secrets will be unleashed upon the one person you didn’t want to know.
Fuck you Crawford.



Everything was spinning so far out of control, and I didn’t have any ability to stop it. I had left it too late. My fear of the truth had got me into this mess and brought this to her. I knew as I stood in my empty office that the truth was being unraveled without me being there to explain. I couldn’t stay here. I couldn’t be away from the one person who had captured my thoughts the first time I saw her, four years ago. I had to try. I had to do whatever I could to get to her.

I bolted out of my office and collided chest to chest with Josh. His panic face showed that he knew what was happening.

“I need to find her Josh,” I pleaded as we bolted out of the office giving no explanation to anyone who asked. “She can’t be near him.”  

“Come on, give me your keys. Aunt Carole just called, she is at the diner,” Josh's calm voice demanded as we stepped into the elevator and headed to the underground car park.

I shoved my keys toward him, thankful that he was with me. I was quickly crashing over the edge and heading into the pits of my mistakes. It felt like the trip to the parking lot took forever and every second that passed felt like a lifetime. I was becoming agitated and anxious. I needed to get to her. My thoughts concentrated on Eden, how this would be frightening the hell out of her and how I wasn’t there to protect her.

I was failing.

Yet again.


I had loved this place. The diner was my safe place while I had been here, it had been my unconventional office, but now it was fast becoming the scene of my worst nightmare.

My back was pressed against the wall of the booth as I tried to get as far away as possible. I knew I was locked in and at any time he could move and I would be caged in like an animal.

When I turned to face him, a cold, vindictive smirk etched over his face while beady eyes narrowed in on me. If hatred had a human form, it was sitting across from me in the form of Chris Edwards. I had absolutely no idea why he hated me so much, why he continued to appear out of nowhere, but when he slid in across from me, I realized he knew everything about me.

“It’s about time we had some one on one time.” Even his voice sounded like pure evil. “Your boyfriend just wouldn’t piss off.”

“He isn’t my boyfriend,” I choked out.

“Answer me this. Do you fuck him? Does he eat your pussy? Do you sleep in his bed?” he hissed while his eyes flashed with hatred. “He is your fucking boyfriend.”


Beautiful, dependable, life-changing Ky.

“What do you want from me Chris?” I questioned hesitantly. I watched the flicker of consideration flash in his eyes before they rose and looked over my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine. 

“Someone wants to come and say hi.”

The moment the words left his mouth, the intense fear that had disappeared since I’d been with Ky rushed back like flooding water. I didn’t need to turn around to know. I felt it in the way my body froze, the way the terror ran down my spine at being so close to him. My dread was soon replaced with anger. Douglas had promised me that I would be safe, that Jeremy wouldn’t get to me, that there was no way that I would come face to face with evil but here I was. Jeremy Davis.

“Eden Rivers.” My name curled on his tongue. “You are looking fucking delightful. Love seems to be treating you well.” He leaned over the table, inching close enough that his breath smacked me in the face. The darkness of his eyes threatened me. “You and Ky are in love right? Like a modern day fucking Romeo and Juliet.”  

“What do you want Jeremy?” I asked, finally finding my voice.

“How bout I get straight to the point. Tell me Eden, do you really know who Ky Crawford is?” His voice was laced with the intent to shock and cause unmeasurable damage. I didn’t understand why he was talking about Ky? How he even knew of Ky? My eyes darted away from his as I looked around for an escape. I didn’t want Jeremy Davis tainting something that was developing so beautifully with Ky. I couldn’t allow that. Ky was quickly becoming my sanctuary, my beginning and existence and hearing his name spat from the lips of the creature that almost destroyed me stabbed me a million times in my already fragile heart.

“I am going to take your silence as a no.”

What kind of question was that anyway?

After spending every day with Ky over the past month, I assumed I knew him. From the moment he brought me to his apartment, things shifted. He saw me through my nightmares, my insecurities, my fears, and my new beginnings. He saw me at my best, and he still wanted me at my worst. He broke down every barrier I had put up and he completely owned every part of my body. Nothing had been left untouched.

Jeremy kept staring at me, waiting for me to answer. I sensed that I was about to have my idea of Ky shattered into a million pieces and thrown in my face without regard. Jeremy's smirk said a thousand unspoken words.

What did he really have to lose?


Absolutely fucking nothing.

What did I have to lose?


“I’d like to think I do,” I returned. It came out weaker than I wanted, and it seemed to fuel his desire to torment me even further. “Just get this over and done with Jeremy.”

He leaned in, his elbow sliding along the tabletop until his chin rested in the palm of his hand. He just sat there, staring. Both of them just stared. Chris Edwards and Jeremy Davis. I felt myself quickly becoming unglued, but I wouldn’t cry. I couldn’t let Jeremy win again. Seeing them side-by-side hit me hard. How hadn’t I noticed the similarities?

They both shared shockingly similar physical features—the sharp nose, the strong definition of his jaw, the almost black-colored eyes, and the thin athletic build. How could I have been so blind? Chris noticed the moment realization hit me and that familiar evil vindictive smirk filtered over his thin lips. I instantly felt like I was going to be sick.

“Oh sweetheart, are you only realizing now? I’m Jeremy’s baby cousin.”

Jeremy didn’t care about anything. He just wanted to go on the attack. “You think you know Ky Crawford do you?” Jeremy hissed and shot a look of delight to Chris.

“This is going to be fun,” Chris taunted. 

“Your boyfriend was there the night I fucked you. Ky motherfucking Crawford almost wrecked the whole damn thing when he tried to be a hero. Thank fuck he pissed off when he did because I needed to have a taste before he did and boy did you taste good. He was so whipped over you, the pretty girl from the coffee house. It fucking made me sick. He became this motherfucking wimp when it came to you. Wouldn’t say shit to you, didn’t have the balls to even ask you out. Ky fucking Crawford, became tongue-tied because of a pretty little brunette.”

“What?” I choked. The contents of my stomach rose and sat precariously in my throat, ready to explode onto the table that separated us. This couldn’t be real. The fact that he was blatantly reliving the whole experience in his head didn’t scare me or fill me with fear; it was the admission of Ky and the mere mention of his name.

“You heard me. You precious little boyfriend was there. Did he not tell you that we were best friends or that we had a bet to see who could have you first? Well my dear, he fucking lost.”

No. No. No. This couldn’t be real.

There was no way this wasn’t a fucked-up nightmare that I hadn’t woken from. On instinct my nails dug into the tender skin of my palms hoping this wasn’t reality. That wasn’t the case. The pain shot through my body as small drops of blood appeared on my skin through my broken skin. This was very real. Ky was there. Ky knew everything about me, a fact that hid from me.

I couldn’t believe this.

Not Ky. 

“The look on your face tells me you had no clue.” His piercing eyes narrowed even further and his voice dropped. “He isn’t fucking prince charming now, is he?”

Everything froze.

My head shook in defiance, and I heard myself whispering
repeatedly; a gleeful look spread across his face. 

He knew he had me.


“Did you hear me? Your prince fucking charming, the guy who you have been fucking was there the night I fucked his precious little crush from the coffee house.”

My heart thudded in my chest to the point of pain and my throat constricted, halting my breathing as panic roared to life. My brain couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. Ky knew me? He knew everything about me yet he chose to pretend he didn’t have a clue? He comforted me when I told him the story of my past all the while he knew? He had hidden behind the truth, a truth that was now destroying me with every breath I took. What I couldn’t understand is how he could do something so cruel. My world was quickly shifting around me. It was constricting and jamming me into a reality that I didn’t want to live in. I suddenly felt like a sideshow freak, a pawn in some sick and twisted game, a game that was now my life.

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