BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories) (18 page)

BOOK: BBW ROMANCE: BWWM Romance: A Cowboy’s Southern Comfort (Military Cowboy Pregnancy Romance) (Interracial Army Contemporary Fantasy Romance Short Stories)
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“Let me spoil you,” he murmured back. “For the rest of our lives.”

The king looked up and addressed the court. “I hereby announce the impending marriage of Lena Parsons and William Ransfield, Duke of Carrington. They will marry at the end of the week, and you will address her as Duchess of Carrington. May they live happily ever after.”

The court burst into applause, and William drew Lena into his arms. “Duchess of Carrington. I like how that sounds.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “All I need to be is your wife, William. Your wife, and the mother of your child.”

The court faded away, and William saw nothing but his future wife. He didn’t see the women that warmed his bed before. He only saw the woman that would warm his bed from here on out. For the rest of his life.

She was his, and he was hers. Forever.



*There are 18 BONUS eBOOKS included with this book. Click here to see them all in the Book of Contents*


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Falling for
the Duchess
by Samantha Forest

Chapter One

The party was in full swing, and Lady Christine Moors was bored. Around her, the women chittered on about the latest fashion and the riches Barons, but Christine wasn’t interested in any of that. She’d been married to a wealthy man who died only a week after their wedding. She was young, beautiful, rich, and fully independent. It was every woman’s dream, and it freed her from the stifling rules of society.

Smoothing a hand over her crimson silk dress, she cocked her head and stared at the man across the room. He’d been watching her all night, and even though Christine could barely remember his name or his title, she knew that those luscious red lips wanted her.

And she wanted him.

There was something titillating about the sexual freedom that was always at her fingertips. She knew that society disapproved of her nightly activities, but she didn’t live to please them. Her body was her own, and she would satisfy it however she saw fit.

And right now, she knew that man was certainly going to satisfy her.

With a coy smile, she crossed the room and slid a finger over his chest. He didn’t say anything as he turned and followed her to the darkened hallway of the home. She opened the door on the left and stepped into the study.

Her heartbeat sped up when she heard the man lock the door behind them. “Sir, you’ve been staring at me all night,” she said demurely. “Surely you realize that’s not polite.”

He moved close behind her and slid his hands over her abdomen. Her breath hitched as she leaned back, and he began to collect her skirts and pull them up. “It’s hard not to stare at you when you’re wearing the color of sin, my Lady Christine,” he murmured in her ear. She felt his lips skim along the sensitive skin under her ear, and it took everything she had not to moan.

His hands danced along her thighs as they moved up. She was already wet and ready for him, and her muscles tensed as they yearned for him to make contact with her secret place between her thighs.

Suddenly, the locked doorknob jiggled. “It’s locked,” a man said grumpily on the other side. “Do you have the keys?”

“I don’t have the keys. The Lord didn’t say that it was locked,” a woman fussed.

Immediately, the man pulled away and her skirts dropped. They heard the servants walk away. “Sadly, this is not the place for such activities,” the man said as he frowned at her.

“Oh, come one. It’s not like my reputation is at stake,” she said as she leaned over the desk to entice him. She knew that her ample cleavage strained against the fabric, and his eyes lowered. His pupils dilated, and she was so close to having what she wanted.

“You are a temptress, my lady, but I’m afraid that my reputation is on the line. Perhaps we could make arrangements to meet somewhere more private after the party?”

Christine rolled her eyes and pushed off the desk. “I don’t like to schedule these kinds of activities. Perhaps you’ll be lucky enough to be around when the mood hits again,” she said shortly as she sashayed passed him.

Unlocking the door, she yanked it open and marched out. The men were always talking about how they took whatever they wanted, but they were just at the mercy of social conventions as women. It annoyed her to no end.

“Well, well, well. My Lady Christine. You look flustered,” a cool voice said from the corner. Christine turned her head and sighed. Calvin Grisham, the Earle of Buxton, watched her with a knowing smile. He was a friend of hers from childhood, and he often tried to implore her to step more cautiously.

“Don’t start, Calvin,” she muttered. “I was this close to having…” her voice trailed off as the man in question walked quietly behind them. Calvin raised his eyebrows.

“A Baron? That would be an addition to your list,” he said with a cheeky smile.

“And how would you know?” she said saucily. “This party is such a bore.”

“This is the biggest party of the year,” Calvin said dryly. He pushed himself off the wall and held out his arm. Christine took it without so much as a second thought. She was so used to being around Calvin that it didn’t even affect her when she walked with him. The women around them sent her poisonous glances. Calvin was the most eligible bachelor around. He was rich, sexy, and highly intelligent. But for some reason, he never seemed interested in marrying. Christine never asked, and he never brought it up.

So the women stared, and she smiled smugly back. It wasn’t that she wanted Calvin, but she was pleased to see that he wasn’t in a hurry to tie himself to some insufferable socialite.

“I would tell you once again to keep your more strenuous activities away from public venues, but I imagine that my warning would fall on deaf ears,” he said easily as he spun her into the dance floor.

She fell mindlessly into the steps. Dancing with Calvin was a staple for her. In fact, she had learned to dance in his arms, and he in hers. “What’s the point of being independent if I can’t throw that independence in their faces?”

“So you don’t do it for satisfaction? You do it to cause rumors and gossip?”

Christine rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry, were you looking at the same man as me? Of course I was looking for satisfaction.”

“And what about love? How do you expect to find love if all you focus on is physical urges? I bet you don’t even know the Baron’s name.”

Calvin spun her around, and she shrugged. “The aristocrats come and go. It’s hard to keep up with their names. And you’re no better. It’s not like you’re out trying to get some poor woman to fall in love with you.”

He grew strangely quiet, and she sighed. “It’s not like you to give up so easily. If I can’t enjoy a man at this party, I at least expect a decent battle of the wits with you.” She looked past him and sucked in her breath. “My God, who is that man?”

They turned again, and she craned her neck to keep an eye on the handsome man that had just walked into the room. He had golden hair and curled at his neck, and striking eyes that even from across the room gave her shivers. He had that square jaw that screamed dominance, and he filled out his shirt and coat so well that her fingers itched to undress him.

“Down girl,” Calvin said harshly. She blinked and stared at him. Although Calvin openly disapproved of her lifestyle, he never actively tried to stop her. “That is someone that you do not need to tangle with.”

“You know him, and now you’re keeping secrets. What’s going on Calvin?”

“Owen Parrish is a distant cousin of mine, and he’s here on business. He won’t be here long, and I implore you to steer clear.”

“Handsome and not here long? Calvin, you are singing my song. Why, pray tell, would I steer clear of that?” She gasped suddenly when Calvin’s fingers dug into her skin. “What is wrong with you?”

Calvin was always calm, logical, and quiet. When she was angry with him, she’d even call him boring. It wasn’t like him to hurt her. “I don’t have to explain myself, Christine. Just trust me this once. Stay clear of Owen.”

He abandoned her and walked into the new man’s direction. Christine crossed her arms and stared angrily at him. Did he just leave her on the dance floor? No one did that! Before she could march after him and demand that he explain himself, someone swept her up in their arms. She looked up and saw the devilishly delicious Logan.

“Logan. I had no idea that you were at this party,” she purred.

“You’ve been busy,” he nuzzled in her ear. “I take it from the cross look on your face that you have some pent up frustrations.”

A thrill went through her as she spread her hands along his chest. “I could use someone special to help me work out all this tension,” she whispered in his ear. She felt his hands flex on her back before he began to lead her off the floor.

It turned out that the party wasn’t so boring after all.

Chapter Two

Calvin stood in his study and lifted the glass of cognac to his lips. He’d left the party after seeing Christine secret away with Logan. He would no doubt have her attentions for the rest of the night.

After all this time, it shouldn’t bother him. When he was a teenager, he thought that they would end up together. But her father married her off to a man three times her age, and Christine had never been the same. She’d never been wholesome or pure. There had always been a flame within her, and perhaps her father thought that the marriage would dampen the flame. But when her husband died, Christine had everything that she wanted.

And she reveled in it.

She, of course, had no idea how he felt. And after all this time, how could he tell her? He’d watched as she systematically bedded as many men as possible. She claimed that love wasn’t a truth. He’d long ago lost his right to her.

“Calvin! I tried to continue our conversation from the party, but you snuck away!”

With a strange distaste in his mouth, he turned and stared at Owen. Although technically they were related, they rarely saw each other. Calvin always suspected that Owen believed the title belonged to him, and he didn’t trust Owen’s need to come visit.

“I apologize,” Calvin said quietly. “I didn’t realize that we had more to discuss.”

“Really?” Owen picked up the canter and poured himself a glass. “We have barely scratched the surface of our conversation. You know why I’m here.”

“I assume it has something to do with me selling the Declan Estate.”

Owen shook his head. “The Declan Estate. You say that so coldly. It’s just property to you. It’s my home, Calvin. If you sold it, I would not have a place to stay.”

“Owen we had a deal. You would keep up the property and pay the taxes, and it would be yours. Recent reports show that you haven’t paid taxes for the past two quarters, and that the estate is failing. It may be your home, but you are never there. You’re too busy traveling around and gambling all of the estate’s money away.” Calvin was angry, but he didn’t raise his voice. Losing his temper wouldn’t solve anything.

“I wasn’t gambling money away. I was making money,” Owen argued. “I’ve got some big things in the works. Calvin, you can’t take my home away.”

Calvin rubbed his temples. “I promised you the home for as long as your mother was alive. I gave you six months after her passing to get your affairs in order. Owen, you knew this was coming. If you have the money, there are other plots of land that you can purchase to make your new home.”

“I just need a little more time,” Owen pleaded. “You have to give me that,”

“I don’t have to give you that,” Calvin said coldly. “I’ve given you plenty of time. You wasted it, Owen. Get your affairs in order. I expect the property to sell quickly.”

“You’re going to regret this,” Owen said darkly as he slammed the glass against the wall. Calvin didn’t even flinch as it shattered.

“I don’t want to see you in town tomorrow,” Calvin said as he turned back to the window. His cousin let loose a stream of expletives before he stomped out of the room. He watched as his cousin exited the estates, and he couldn’t help but have a sinking feeling that Owen wouldn’t leave town.

He had a feeling that the situation was about to get much worse.




Christine adjusted her bosom as she walked into the club. The aroma of cigar smoke wafted from the room, and the butler immediately tried to block her path. “Lady Christine, I implore you to turn back. This is for gentlemen only,” he said as he his cheeks reddened.

“I’m bored today, and I thought I’d hang out with the boys. What’s so wrong with that?” she pouted.

“This is no place for a lady,’ he protested.

“Well if you don’t let me through, I’ll tell the wives of half the gentlemen in there why I can tell them how big their cocks are,” Christine said softly as she tilted her head. “Do you want to be responsible for that?”

Panic flooded his eyes, and he immediately stepped back. Christine flashed him a wicked grin and flounced into the room beyond the double doors. Conversation immediately ceased.

“Oh, come on now boys. Don’t stop on my behalf,” she said saucily. She saw Calvin leaning in the corner and gave him a wink. As usual, he gave her a withering stare. That man had no idea how to have fun.

“What is the meaning of this? You cannot be here!” one older man blustered.

“Oh, don’t get mad at the butler. He tried his best to keep me out, but since I know the secret perversions of more than half of you, he thought it would be best if he let me in.” She surveyed the room of pale and terror stricken men and sighed. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not here to blackmail any of you. I’m bored. Entertain me!”

She sat in the chair and rested her chin in her hands. “Calvin,” one man growled. “Do something.”

As if Calvin held her leash. She chuckled and raised her eyebrows. “Yes, Calvin. Do something.”

He rolled his eyes. “The Lady Christine is a woman of her own freewill. If she chooses the company of men, who am I to dissuade her. Besides, I’m sure many of you are well aware of the fact that she’s no blushing bride. Please continue.”

Christine nearly clapped with glee as the conversation slowly started back up again. She picked up on several conversations before her eyes fell on the man staring at her from the corner.

Immediately she felt a chill down her spine. Calvin’s cousin. This was the man that she’d been told on no certain terms to leave alone. He was slowly making his way to her, and straightened.

“Lady Christine?” he said as she offered her hand. He brought it to his lips, and she inhaled sharply as his lips lingered on her knuckles.

“Lady Christine Moors,” she said softly. “And you are?”

“Owen. No title.” He gave her a rakish grin. “You are stunning.”

“And you are the cousin to the Earle of Buxton,” she said impishly. “Did you think you would swoop in and think I know nothing of you?”

Owen nodded his head. “Calvin and I are not close. I don’t usually drop his name in conversations. I apologize if I overstep my bounds. I didn’t not know that he was seeing anyone.”

“Oh.” Christine shook her head. “We are just friends. There are no boundaries to be had when it comes to me. So tell me why I should waste my time with you. As you can see, I have plenty to satisfy myself.”

“I have no expectations, Lady Christine. I am not in town for long, but when I see something as beautiful and intriguing as yourself, I cannot help but desire to get to know more about you. After this meeting, I would very must like to walk with you.”

Christine blinked. “Walk with me? You’re not suggesting that you court me, are you?”

“As I’ve said, I have no expectations.”

A shadow fell over them, and Christine looked up to see Calvin glowering at them. “Christine. What did I tell you?” he said softly.

“Relax, Calvin. I’m just getting to know your cousin. How is it that we’ve never met before anyways? I thought I’ve met all your family?”

“Are you two close?” Owen jumped in.

Christine opened her mouth, and she was stunned by the chilling look that Calvin gave her. Abruptly, she narrowed her eyes. No one told her what she could and could not do, and that included Calvin. “We’re friends, although he seems to be taking liberties with our friendship,” she muttered in a dangerous tone. “Owen, I would love to take a walk with you.”

“Sorry, cousin. It looks like the lady has spoken.” He held out his arm, and Christine flashed Calvin a triumphant look as she took it. She nearly gasped when she saw the look in his eyes. He looked as though he would murder his cousin.

What in the world was going on between them?

“I feel as though I should apologize for my cousin. We haven’t always gotten along, and he may not approve of our friendship,” Owen said as they walked out into the fresh air.

“Why do you not get along?” she asked as she stole a glance at his profile. He really was quite handsome.

“Calvin has always been a stickler for social conventions. I’m afraid I’m not wired that way.”

Christine widened her eyes in surprise. “An example, if you please.”

“Very well. A few years ago, I was doing some traveling in France. I was supposed to be studying at a University there, but after a few classes I realized that it wasn’t for me. Instead, I fell in with some artists and tried my hand at painting and sculpting for a few months. It was so freeing, but when Calvin found out, he was furious.”

She could only imagine Calvin’s expression when he discovered what his cousin had done. “So you’re an artist? That’s quite romantic!”

He sent her a wolfish grin. “Is it still romantic if I admit that I’m a horrible artist? Any creative medium in my hands is ruined by the time I’m finished with it.”

Tickled, Christine threw back her head and laughed. “I’m sure that means you just have talents elsewhere with your hands.”

He stopped and spun her around. “Lady Christine, I must confess something.”

Her eyes widened. His tone was serious, and his eyes were intent as they bore into hers.

“What is it?” she asked nervously.

“You’re altogether unfamiliar to me. Word of your unconventional lifestyle had reached me, and I was intrigued. I so bore of today’s women. They’re not just sexually prudish, but they can’t hold an honest conversation to save their life. Everything is meant to charm a man, and I so desperately want someone honest in my life.”

Christine cleared her throat. “Owen, if you’re trying to charm me so that you can bed me, I can assure you that it’s not necessary.”

Owen let go of her hands and stepped back. She watched curiously as he slid his fingers through his hair and blew out his breath in frustration. “I think what I’m trying to say is that I’d like desperately to get to know you. While you are a lovely woman, and I would never turn you away, I’m looking for more than just a tumble in the bed. I’m looking for a woman that can hold an intelligent conversation and make me laugh. I suppose I want what you and Calvin have.”

Christine immediately crossed her arms around her body. “What do you know about my relationship with Calvin? I’ve only just met you.”

“He talks about you all the time. Mostly in frustration, mind you. And the town talks about you. They say he’s the only person that can get you under control. You two have a great bond. I’m looking for something like that.”

“Keep me under control?” Christine muttered. “Hardly. Calvin and I grew up together. That’s the only reason he gets to speak to me the way that he does. What makes you think you’ll be able to do the same?”

“I just ask for a chance, Lady Christine.”

“I thought you said you had no expectations.”

“I suppose I lied to you.” He offered her his arm, and she took it hesitantly. Something drastic has changed between them, and she couldn’t help but feel her heart beat a little faster at the introduction of this intriguing man.

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