Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (99 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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I never dress this way at home. I’m always so professional, but with my job, I have to be. I’m enjoying the freedom, so far away from home, to let loose a little. Hooking up with Dom is out of the question, though the flirtation is enjoyable.

As he hands me my Sex on the Beach, he gently brushes his fingers against mine. I smile at him. He smiles back. “Ms. Mel, I can take you out dancing tonight. We have some amazing music here on the island. Would you like to join me?”

Laughing at him, I reply, “Now Dom, you know I can’t. I’m far too old for you. That is an extremely flattering offer though.”

“You are not too old for me, Ms. Mel. You are beautiful and it could be just as friends. Though, if you want to change your mind at any time, I would not complain for one minute.”

I can’t help it, I laugh. He’s so adorable and delightful. He laughs with me, showing me his nice white teeth.

As we converse a bit more, I feel someone’s eyes on me. I’m not alarmed, though my skin feels electrified. Looking around the pool, I don’t see anyone looking in my direction. Then… I see
. He’s standing near the entrance to the hotel and looks as if he’s just arrived.

Dear God. That is the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my life! My eyes travel his body, from his head to his feet. I blink. Have I been in the sun too long?!

Jesus, Mel. Get a grip. But, dear God, is he real?! He’s so tall. And look at those arms. That is a lot of tattoos. He’s sexy as sin. Is his face chiseled from stone? That cannot be his face. Who looks like that?!

OMG… is he looking at me?! He just caught me staring at him. Wait, no he didn’t. I have on glasses. He doesn’t know where I’m looking…

The mirage near the hotel pulls his sunglasses down and looks right at me.
Shit! Busted staring!
My breath catches. He’s so not my type. I’ve always been attracted to the professional, put together type. His long, dark hair, tattoos, and bad boy vibe are so not what I’m normally into. I can’t look away. He’s screaming sex and my body is responding. He winks at me and smiles. My stomach drops and I tingle as I gasp.
Did that just happen?!
Pushing his glasses back up his nose, he smiles again, the sun gleaming off of his teeth, before he turns and follows the driver into the hotel.

I can’t breathe. Pressing a hand to my stomach, I slump back on the chaise and take a deep breath. Dear, God. Who is that man?!

An uneasy chuckle wakes me from my stupification. Glancing up, I meet Dom’s dark gaze as he smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, Ms. Mel. I have flirted with you shamelessly for two days and you have not looked at me like that. Not one time. I’ll stop trying now.”

I smile kindly. “Dom, you are so sweet and I am extremely flattered that you find me attractive, but I am twenty-nine years old. How old are you?”


“Twenty-two.” I chuckle. “Some young woman is going to get one hell of a catch with you, Dom.”

He smiles again. “Thank you. Can I get you anything else, Ms. Mel?”

Looking back towards the hotel again, I reply, “No, thank you, Dom. I’m fine with this drink. I’m going to finish it up and then head in to read for a bit.”

He smiles and nods before he walks back towards the poolside bar. My gaze strays to the hotel doors more than I care to admit as I drink my Sex on the Beach. The gorgeous man never reappears. After waiting for another half an hour, hoping he would walk out, I admit defeat and grab my things before I head back to the room to freshen up and relax with my Kindle.

I’ve read the same paragraph five times before I give up and fling my Kindle to the flowered bedspread. I can’t get Mr. Tall, Dark, and Insanely Gorgeous out of my head. I saw him for three minutes and I’m obsessed. Why can’t I stop thinking about him?

I finally give up and let my mind have its way… Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep with
on my mind.

I’m lying on my stomach on the chaise by the pool. It’s deserted and I’m enjoying the quiet. The waves are crashing and it smells like rain is on the way. It’s like the island is angry and I’m here all alone to experience it. Instead of being scared, it excites me.

Since I’m alone, I decide to strip down. Lying naked on the lounger, the breeze caresses my naked rear. It’s nice. Deciding to be naughty, I open my legs a bit. I’m alone, so what’s the harm?!

The air is cool and my skin is hot. As if I have a fever, only I’m not sick. The breeze teases my folds and I feel myself getting wet.

Rolling over, I spread my legs and start to run my fingers whisper soft over my chest and stomach. Each time I reach my waist, I get a little lower. Teasing myself is exciting and my skin is starting to glisten from the stormy air, sweat, and anticipation. My hands glide over my breasts and my nipples bead in the harsh wind. Finally, my hands reach the apex of my thighs and this time I allow them a slight touch. I gasp at the contact.

Biting my lip, I run my fingers through the moist blonde curls and slowly dip a single finger inside. The sensation is so intense from the buildup, I moan loudly. My eyes open and I’m caught in his stare. He’s beside my chair, just watching me. Has he been here the whole time?! Watching me?! Did I know on some level?

I want him. I’ve never done anything like this, but I want him. We’re alone. No one will know. I stare at him. He stares back though he has sunglasses on. It adds to the mystery and makes me wetter. Opening my legs all the way, I let my fingers play with my clit. His head follows the movement and I see him swallow.

He kneels at the base of the chaise. Without saying a word, he grips my hips and pulls me closer to him. I allow it.

As my hips reach the edge, he uses his large hands to open my thighs wider. I’m on full display. Leaning in, he runs his nose through the moist curls and stops as his perfect lips touch my bud. He suckles. My hips thrust upward and I grip the arms of the chair to stop from grabbing that glorious dark hair. He laps and sucks and tortures me. My knuckles are white as I ride the sensation of the moment. I’m so close. I’m about to scream. He’s too talented. His hands are kneading my thighs as his mouth devours me. I’ve never known pleasure so intense.

The weather is getting harsher, as the rain starts to fall, and I’m about to fall off of the cliff from pleasure…

A shrill sound invades the moment. He stops and looks up at me with a question on his face.

No, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop. I’m right there. If I don’t cum soon, I’m going to explode. He leans down again and licks.

Ahhhh. Yes, yes, that… Don’t stop.

The sound comes again. He stops and starts to fade away.

NO… come back. Please come back.

I sit bolt upright in the bed, shaking and quivering in frustrated desire.

The phone on the nightstand rings again.

Dammit to hell. I was so close. HE had me so close…

Screaming out loud in frustration, I reach over for the phone.

Chapter Three


he music is loud and the beat is pumping as I make my way across the sand to the party at the resort. Juan said it was not to be missed and that the music was sure to get your blood pumping. I don’t want to sit in my room alone, so here I am. I’m also hoping the blonde from the pool will be here.

As I walk through the strings of lights, my eyes start to adjust to the darkness. It’s crowded, but not packed. Scanning the crowd, I see several beautiful women but don’t see the one I’m searching for. A few eyes follow me to the bar.

I order my drink and face the dance floor as I nurse it. It’s ice cold and a welcome relief from the humidity. There’s also a storm approaching, so the air is even heavier with moisture. The music is a mixture of pop and new country with some hip hop thrown in. Good dancing music.

I decide to finish my drink and then find a willing woman to spend a little time with on the dance floor. I’m perusing the crowd and a stunning brunette is eye fucking me from across the room when I hear

Turning my head, I see her perched on a stool at the other end of the bar talking to the waiter from earlier and another young man. She’s laughing heartily at something they are saying and they are enraptured with her reaction to them. She looks over and catches me looking. I refuse to look away and just stare at her, daring her to break the contact. She stares back and I see her lips lift into a sexy smile. I nod my head and I see her shiver before she returns her attention to the young, and I do mean young, men fawning over her.

Calling the bartender over, I tell him to give her another of whatever she’s drinking and to tell her it came from me. He looks over and smiles as he nods. “She is beautiful, yes? On the island alone, too. My young cousin, Dom, is almost in love with her after just two days.”

My curiosity is piqued. Is she interested in that young buck? Nodding at the bartender in agreement, I reply, “Does she seem interested in your young cousin?”

He chuckles. “Not at all, sir. But he showers her with compliments and attention hoping to change her mind. She does not reciprocate his attentions.” His brow rises at the last statement, as if he’s sharing a secret.

Chuckling, I slap a fifty on the bar and wink. “Then, I guess I need to take her that drink myself. Thank you.”

His eyes widen at the generous tip and he whistles. “If the glances she keeps shooting this way are any indication, I think you have a much better chance than young Dom.”

He leaves me to make her drink before handing it to me with a fresh beer. “Good luck, sir.”

Nodding, I take the drinks and smile as I turn her way and watch for a minute. Waiting until she catches my eye, I straighten and head in her direction. She swallows and stops mid-sentence with whatever she’s saying.

Her captive audience notices and turns to see what’s captured her attention. One of them looks from me to her and frowns. It’s the waiter from the pool. I’m guessing that’s Dom.
Sorry son, isn’t it past your bedtime. The adults are going to play now.
She looks between us and shrugs. He smiles tightly and turns to me as I approach. I hold out her drink. “Evening, fellas. I was just delivering this beautiful woman her drink. Gorgeous night, isn’t it?”

She sets down her drink and wipes her hands on her short, flowy dress before smirking at me. “Really? Did I order another drink, sir?”

I like her flirtatious mood. “No, but you looked like you needed a refill and it’s very hot. I wanted to help you out with that.”

She smiles as she takes the drink. Her hand brushes mine and electricity shoots up my arm. She pulls back a bit, as if shocked, so I know she feels it, too. Some of the drink spills over the rim and onto her hand. She looks down at the same time I do. My hand is still on hers and I rub the liquid with my fingertip before popping it into my mouth and licking it. “Mmm, fruity.”

Her eyes are on my mouth. She blinks.

I wink and see her cheeks flush. I take my eyes off of her and look at the guys. “Sorry, guys. I wasn’t interrupting, was I?”

Dom frowns and gives me a tight smile. “No, sir. I was about to bid her goodnight. I have to be up early in the morning.” He takes her hand and bends down to kiss it as he says his goodbye. It’s my turn to frown. He laughs. She says, “Goodnight, Dom. Thank you for keeping me company.”

Looking at me with a smirk and then smiling at her, he whispers, “It was truly my pleasure. I will see you tomorrow, yes?”

She nods and he smiles even wider as he shoots me another cocky smile and saunters away with his friend trailing behind him. Not wasting a beat, I pull a chair up and sit as close to her as I can. She sighs at my proximity and I hear it over the music.

A song comes on with a good beat. Before I think it through, I take her hand and pull her up. She looks at me with apprehension.

I’ve caught her off guard. Smiling, I pull her close and swivel my hips one time. Her eyes widen and her breath hitches. I lean down and talk into the shell of her ear to be heard. “Dance with me.”

She pulls back and stares at me before nodding slowly. Her hands unconsciously squeeze my biceps.

That’s all the confirmation I need, though it wasn’t really a question. I pull her onto the dance floor. Pulling her hips flush against mine, I start to sway. She jerks once before melting into my body. We move together as one person. I’ve danced with a lot of women, but she fits against me perfectly. Her breasts brush my chest and her hips fit snugly into mine. I’m a tall man and she just fits into me.

We dance. As the song progresses, she gets bolder. Eventually, she turns and molds her delicious ass to my groin. She’s teasing me and grinding against me to the beat of the music. She rubs against me and then pulls away. I like her against me, so I pull her close. Reaching her arms around my neck, she cradles my head as we move. I’m getting more and more aroused and I believe she is, too. We can’t talk because the music is too loud, but we’re basically fucking on the dance floor. My hands are traveling her body as she holds onto my neck and grinds her ass into my pelvis. Her skirt is up and my hands are traveling over her smooth thighs. She’s not stopping me. Looking down, I see her head thrown back. She likes my touch. Leaning down, I capture her mouth with mine. She stops moving for a minute and her eyes fly open and catch the light.
Yes, I knew they would be blue.

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