Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (86 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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Oh shit, that is hard. Very hard. I want to see. I want to touch. Dear God, he makes me want to act like a wanton whore. No wonder he gets women like he does. If he’d say the word right now, my panties would melt right off. Holy shit.

I flex my fingers and cup him. He stares at me and moans, “You think I don’t want you, Clove? I want you so bad I’m in physical pain over here. But I told you I wasn’t pushing and it would be when you were ready. That’s not tonight. I’m going to wait even though my balls are screaming ‘fuck you’ at me right now.”

I smirk at him and he smiles back. “Really, they are?!”

He throws his head back and laughs. “Um, yeah, they are. But please take your hand off of my dick. My head is saying no no no. And my dick is begging to come out and play. Your hand there is fueling the already raging inferno.”

Oh shit. Move your hand, dumbass. He wants me. Liam wants me… Me! Be still my racing heart.

We head back to the gazebo where we curl up under the blankets and talk for a few hours about everything and nothing before he drives us home and walks me to my bedroom door, where he kisses me so thoroughly my dreams are filled with him all night.

Chapter Fifteen


awaken to the early morning light and stare at the patterns on the ceiling. My dreams were filled with Clove last night. Oddly, John was also in them and he was congratulating me on finding a keeper and telling me I need to introduce her to Paw. I decide to talk to her about that today and see if she’d like to make the trip with me. I would really like to see what Paw thinks of my girl.

My girl? Is Clove my girl? Are we there yet? This is so fast. And it’s not like she’s a stranger…

Am I ok with Clove being my girl?

Surprisingly, I think so. I plan on investing in this and I want it to work. Something about her just wakes up something in me. It’s like she fills the missing pieces and makes me want to stop being “rock star Liam” and just be Liam. She likes me as just “Liam.”

Oddly, I like “just Liam,” too when I’m with her. And I haven’t been a huge fan of myself lately…

I smell coffee brewing and decide to go help Clove with breakfast. What time is it anyway?

Looking at my phone, I see its 7:17AM and I also see I have a few different texts. I check them and delete most without reading them. I don’t need to respond to them anymore. One from our manager catches my eye and I open it up and read it before I head to the kitchen.

I figure the guys have already gotten the same message, but I shoot it off to them as well in a forward.


Got this sometime early this morning. Figured y’all got it too, but sending it out just in case. Sounds great to me. I really like Devil’s Lair and think they’d be an awesome addition to the tour.”

I grab a shirt from my dresser and then checking myself out in the mirror, I decide to leave it off. I toss it onto the chair near my bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth before making my way towards the kitchen. I work hard for these abs… might as well let Clove enjoy them.

Turning the corner into the kitchen, I take in the scene. Clove is at the stove and whatever she’s cooking smells absolutely delicious. She’s wearing Saints lounge pants and a thin tank top that shows a sliver of her smooth back. On her feet are… Thor slippers?
Oh my God, I’m in love! Knock me over and wave smelling salts! She’s my dream girl.

She’s humming along to something that sounds like a Disney song and her hips are swaying. I just watch her. I could do this all day.

She turns to grab something off of the island and sees me standing here. The humming stops and she shrieks. “Dammit, Liam!” She laughs and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “You have to stop sneaking up on me.” She smiles at me and the whole kitchen brightens.

Shrugging in apology, I walk into the kitchen, never taking my eyes off of her. Her eyes widen as she watches me approach. Once I get in front of her, I swoop my arms out and pull her into my body. As her chest hits mine, she lets out an appreciative sigh and her hands wrap around my waist.

Leaning down I whisper, “Sorry. I don’t mean to, but you were kind of in the zone in here. And you look so sexy in those Thor slippers.”

Her nose crinkles up as I lean in to kiss her. She tilts her head up to welcome my kiss. I taste toothpaste.

I could get used to this. As our tongues slide against each other and we moan into each other’s mouth, her hands leave my waist and curl around my neck, while mine encircle her waist and pull her into my body tighter.

I’ve never enjoyed simple kissing so much in my life.

We kiss until we heard a disgruntled, “Seriously? Am I going to find you two kissing every time I walk into my damn kitchen now?”

Breaking the kiss, I look over my shoulder. Dade is trying to hide a smirk and failing miserably. I guess he really is cool with me being with his sister. Leaning back down to press a hard kiss to her mouth, I step back, but don’t release her from my arms. She turns and smiles at Dade. His brows raise at the radiance on her face. She sticks her tongue out at him. “Morning, grumpy. Coffee is in the pot. And yes, probably. Problem with that?”

I grin at him. That was an excellent response!

He rolls his eyes, but smirks at her and winks at me as he walks past. He makes it a point to grumble. “Damn shame, a man can’t even walk into his own kitchen and not see his friend with his tongue in his baby sister’s mouth.”

Her face reddens and I chuckle and squeeze her hips. She looks at me and says, “There’s coffee for you, too. The frittata is almost ready to come out of the oven.”

Dade smells the air appreciatively as I head to the pot for some coffee. It smells like heaven.

Pulling out a chair, I sit next to Dade. He looks over at me with a knowing look. “Why are you up so early anyway?”

Shrugging, I wink, “Scenery is better in the kitchen than in my room.”

Dade guffaws. “Alrighty then. That’s too easy! I’m not touching that one with a ten foot pole.”

It’s my turn to be embarrassed. I kick him under the table and he jumps. I glare at him and angle my head towards Clove, while I mouth, “Seriously, fucker?! Give me a break!”

He laughs even harder as I look over at Clove. I think she saw that. She’s chuckling over at the stove.


Opening up the paper, Dade has delivered every morning, he points to the front page. It’s an article about James Black. He’s just signed a three picture deal to shoot here in Baton Rouge over the next eighteen months.

I frown as I glance over the article.

Dade asks Clove, “What time are you meeting with James and his manager today?”

She looks over her shoulder and replies, “I’m meeting them at 1:30 at Java and Sweeties. Packaging up the stuff to take to him now.”

I really wish she wasn’t doing that. I mean I can hire her to cook for me if she wants a job! I don’t want her working for him.

I must make some sort of noise because she looks at me and asks, “You ok?”

Masking my face, I nod and take a sip of my coffee.

She watches my face for a bit and then smiles as she turns back to put the brownies in some fancy little boxes. The tarts are already packaged in those see-through plastic containers. It looks like something in a five star restaurant. He’d be an idiot not to hire her.

I hope he’s an idiot…

Dade is watching me over the rim of his cup. I meet his stare and he looks away with a contemplative look on his face. After Clove sets a slice of frittata and half a grapefruit in front of both of us, he grabs his coffee and plate and tucks the paper under his arm. He calls out to us as he heads out the back door, “Beautiful morning. I think I’m going to read the paper and enjoy the back porch.”

Clove looks from him to me as the door closes. Then, she sits back and crosses her arms. It pushes her breasts up. She’s not wearing a bra. Dammit!

I can’t take my eyes off of her nipples showing through the thin fabric of her tank when she’s pushing them up like that.

Her fingers snapping in front of my face wakes me out of my trance. I look at her sheepishly. “Sorry, you have pretty titties.”

Her cheeks turn bright red and she mutters, “I swear! Damn men! One track mind!” I’m still looking at her chest and I see her nipples tighten. She snaps her fingers again and says, “Liam! Focus. Damn, man!”

I look up and smile. I am dead caught. Oh well. She likes it. Her breathing is a little faster, giving her away. I wink.

She rolls her eyes at me, but I see the smile she’s trying to hide. “What was that look about?”

I’m trying to concentrate on the conversation, but she’s distracting me. Again. “What?”

“Seriously, Liam? They’re boobs! Every woman has them and I know you’ve seen better than mine, so snap out of it.” She’s annoyed.

I make it a point to look at her. What was she asking me about? I don’t even know.


She meets my eyes and I see something in them that unnerves me. She glances at the backdoor and then slyly smiles.

Uh oh. What is she up to?

She gets up and walks around to my side of the table. I’m fascinated with whatever she’s about to do. But oddly freaked out, too. She pushes my plate to the side and sits in front of me. Her chest is directly in front of me. If she’s trying to make me focus on something other than her tits, this is not a good plan.

I can’t take my eyes off of the front of her shirt. I see her nipples tighten even more and they seem to swell. She calls my name and I look up. Her face is full of mischief. She uses two fingers to point at me and then at her eyes. “You with me? Focus.”

I nod as she runs her hands down her chest and cups her breasts. My eyes go wide.
What the hell is she doing? She’s trying to drive me fucking insane. That’s exactly what she’s doing.

I can’t move my eyes and I swear my dick is standing straight up. She says, “Liam… are you paying attention?”

Oh, I’m so focused right now, I need a medal.

I lick my lips to wet them and nod again. The ability to speak eludes me.

She chuckles and looks over her shoulder as she scoots closer to the edge of the table. Looking back at me, she lowers her hands and grabs the bottom of her shirt. Then, with a smirk, she raises her shirt and her perfect breasts are a breath away from my face. I gasp in shocked awe.

I inhale and try desperately to keep my face where it is and not bury it in between those beautiful, real C’s.

Suddenly, I realize where we are and that Dade is just outside the back door.

Grabbing her and pulling her shirt down, I scoop her up, and stalk down the hall to my bedroom. Once inside, I set her down and cross to the other side of the room to keep from touching her.

I manage to get out through gritted teeth. “What the hell, Clove? What are you doing? Are you fucking insane? Do you want Dade to kill me? You just flashed me in his fucking kitchen.” I can’t think. I want to touch her so badly. Dammit. “You can’t do shit like that!”

She’s looking at me with a perplexed expression. Her face falls. “I’m sorry, I was just teasing. I thought you would like it.”

I’m staring at her like I’ve never seen her before. In reality, I haven’t. Not like this. Who is this girl? Is this Clove, the real Clove, or is she trying to be someone she thinks I want her to be?

Oh my God… why is she so alluring?!

She turns towards the door and reaches for it. “I’m sorry. I really thought I could be me with you. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

I’m in a stupor.
What the hell does that mean?!

“Stop!” She stops, but doesn’t turn around. “Stop. Don’t leave. I’m trying really hard to be a gentleman here, Clove. I am. But fuck, you could tempt a saint!”

She looks over her shoulder and I just want to grab her and throw her onto my bed and climb all over her… climb inside of her.

She shakes her head, “Why?”

What? What does she mean?

Clenching my hands at my sides, I mutter, “Why what?”

She turns and walks over to me. Stopping right in front of me, she runs her nails down my chest to the top of my pants. I suck in a breath. She trails her fingers back up and stops at my chin. She taps it twice. “Why are you trying to be a gentleman?”

I look at her in shock.
What does she mean?! I need her to tell me what she means, because I am not understanding.

“Because you deserve a gentleman. I don’t want to treat you like less than you are.”

She looks at me introspectively, “Not touching me is not being a gentleman. It’s cruel.” Leaning up, she stands on her tiptoes and lightly nips at my chin. I exhale and stare at her. “It’s not fair to make me burn for you and then not touch me. We don’t have to have sex. I’m not ready to have sex, but I want you to touch me, Liam. Don’t withhold your touch from me.”

I’m breathing like I just ran ten miles as I stare at her.

She asks, “Do you want to touch me?”

I have to swallow to calm down a bit.
Do I want to touch her? Does a starving man want food? I feel like a randy fifteen year old about to cop his first feel right now.
I nod.

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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