Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (8 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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She said yes. Hell yes! She said yes. She’s having coffee with me. I cannot believe I sounded like a blubbering fifteen year old just now, but she said yes. Things are going to work out. I didn’t think she’d say yes. So, we’ll have coffee and then before I leave, I’ll ask her to dinner. Tonight, I have the rehearsal for the show, but I can meet her for dinner after that. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do; only maybe I’ll pick her up. Yes, that’s it; I’ll pick her up on my bike and take her to dinner. Things are going to work out and be different this time.

Lexi sets the brownies on the table between us and hands me my water before taking her seat across from me. I look over at the counter, where Erik is semi-glowering at me and looking at Lex like he wants to grab her and run. I nod my head at him to tell him to relax. He grimaces, but nods back and with one more look at us, starts making another coffee.

Lexi nervously takes a sip of her coffee and it’s still hot, so she drops the cup as she burns her mouth. A little spills onto the table. “Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?” I exclaim as I grab some napkins from the dispenser and mop up the spill.

She taps her mouth and looks at me. “I’m ok. I just drank too soon. But I’m fine. Here, let me clean up my mess.” And she grabs for the napkins.

She grabs my hand holding the napkins and electricity shoots straight from her hand into mine. We both freeze and look up. Our eyes lock and it’s like we’re the only two people in the room.

We stay that way seemingly forever, both just staring, neither moving our hands. I watch her breathing get erratic and her pupils start to dilate with lust. It feels like someone is grabbing my throat, making it impossible to draw a full breath. My blood starts rushing through my veins and my hand is molten hot where hers is lying on top of it. I see her watching my eyes and the moment she notices my own pupils start to expand.

I want to grab her and throw her onto the table right in the middle of the coffee shop. I want to undo her skirt and rip off her panties. I want to plunge my throbbing dick into her again and again and stake my claim. The hell with everyone else, I want her. I want her now. I want what’s mine.

The spell is suddenly broken as a hand slaps down on the table in front of us.

“Sooooo, what’s going on here? Last night you punch him in the face and scream that you hate him after he disrespects me and my boyfriend… and this morning you’re having a coffee date? What exactly are you up to, Rock Star?” grates out the very pissed off best friend of Lexi.

I swallow and shake my head to clear out the sensual haze. “Right. I’m sorry about that.” I turn sincere eyes towards her. “Seriously, I shouldn’t have done that. It was unacceptable and insulting, and I apologize. Can we start over?” I hold out my hand to her and she looks at it as if it’s a poisonous snake. “I’m Jude. Jude Delecroix.”

Rolling her eyes and giving me a disgusted look she says, “Are you fucking serious right now?” She looks at Lexi with exasperation. “Is he serious right now?”

you’re Jude Delecroix. What? Do I live under a fucking rock?!?! Apology accepted; however let’s get something straight, Jude Delecroix.” She drags my name out as she says it. “I do not give a flying fuck if you are a sexy as sin rock God who I may or may not have imagined naked once… or twice. God, you’re hot! Ok, I said it, but see here, Mister! That girl is my best friend and if you hurt her… if you so much as make her feel the impulse to smack you again, I will personally unleash my bat shit crazy on you and your world
in fact forever be rocked, because I will break your ass and then throw you in the swamp with the gators. Got it?” She flips her hair and smiles deviously into my eyes.

I’m speechless, but oddly I like this chick. I smile at her, a real smile that reaches my eyes and makes the laugh lines and my dimple come out. “Got it, Cujo.” Then I look at Lexi, really look at her and speak directly to her. “I promise you I will not hurt you. I will do everything within my power
to hurt you.”

Lexi audibly swallows and looks away from me.

“Awesome. By the way, I’m Bradi.” And she winks.

“Well it’s nice to meet you, Bradi. I’m certain I’ll see you around.”

With that, Lexi brings her head back to me and gives me a small smile.

“Oh, you will indeed. Lexi and I will be at the concert tomorrow night. In the front row. Ogling your hotness.”

Lexi’s cheeks burst into color and she does the lip biting thing that used to drive me crazy. Lustful thoughts about that mouth return, but I beat them down… for now. “Is that a fact? Well how about I get you lovely ladies backstage passes? Lex? The guys will be happy to see you again, and backstage is a better seat than front row. You know, the best place to ‘ogle my hotness’ is from backstage.” I can’t help teasing her.

“Works for me, Rock Star. Now I need to grab my coffee and get to the office. Just had to check on my girl. By the way, how’s the Mason wedding cake coming along?”

Lexi’s mouth drops open and a look of horror comes over her face. “Shit! The Mason wedding cake. Oh shit!” She jumps up from the table, knocking the chair backwards, and runs into the kitchen.

Chapter Eight


h shit. Oh shit. Please don’t let them be burnt. Shit! I was so wrapped up in Jude that I completely forgot about the cakes. But seriously? Did that really just happen? Touching him was just like before. It was electric. I want to jump him. I want to crawl onto his lap and fuse my mouth to his, clashing our teeth together, and suck on his tongue. I need to kiss him until I can’t breathe. Or kiss him until I can breathe again. And I think he wanted me too. I saw it… his eyes told me he wanted me. Is it possible? Does he still want me?

Miraculously, the cakes are not too burnt. I can shave the bottoms and it will be fine. Thank God! That was four hours’ worth of work I would’ve had to start over.

Placing the cakes on the rack to cool, I fall back against the counter as I try to catch my breath and slow my racing heart.

My fists are clenched and I’m digging my nails into my palms trying to get my equilibrium back under control. Because all I really want to do is march back out there, to the middle of my shop, and climb onto him… and let him climb inside of

The urge to run my hands all over his body and explore the new tattoos with my fingers and tongue are so strong that the biting of my nails into my palm is literally the only thing stopping me.

The kitchen door opens, “Lex? Is everything ok?”

He’s in my kitchen before I can school my expression. He sees it all. Me holding myself against the counter, worrying my lip, digging my nails into my palms, my breasts rising and falling with my erratic breaths, and my eyes. He can clearly see the longing in my eyes.

His eyes mirror mine.

He freezes and we just watch each other. Our eyes are having the conversation we’re too chicken to attempt.

My pulse gets even more erratic and my panties are so wet they’re uncomfortable.

He stalks across the kitchen until he’s right in front of me. His body is pressed to mine. His legs to my legs. Our eyes never break contact. His rigid member is pressed intimately against my stomach, my breasts are near his abs and I know he can feel the points of my beaded nipples stabbing him.

With a soft, tortured groan, his gaze leaves my eyes and moves to my mouth. I lick my lips in anticipation and watch him take a shaky breath. When he breathes, it presses him more deeply against me and it’s as if a switch is flipped. We reach for each other at the same time. Grabbing his neck, I pull his head down, knocking his cap and sunglasses to the floor, as he grabs my waist and lifts me up. Our lips find each other and it’s as if a bomb goes off. His tongue sweeps past my lips, and our tongues war with each other as our teeth clash. There is no gentleness here. It’s as if we want to consume each other. His hands roam my ass, squeezing my cheeks, and my legs lock around his waist, keeping his rigid length exactly where I want it. He throws his arm back and clears the counter behind me and lays me back, before he settles firmly between my thighs.

I’m in heaven. He grinds against me and I’m so wet, I know he can feel it through his jeans. My hands grab fistfuls of his shirt and I use them and my legs to find his skin. My hands are all over him. In his hair, on his chest. I drag my nails over his back as our tongues and teeth duel. His hands leave my ass and push up my skirt; his fingers rub back and forth over the wetness covering my pussy. It’s clenching and all I want is for him to touch me. My clit is so swollen and ready. It’s throbbing.

His fingers push roughly
the lace of my panties. He tears the delicate fabric as if it’s tissue paper and enters my moist channel. I groan and thrust against his hand. My hands leave his back and go to his belt buckle. His tongue in my mouth matches the thrusting of his fingers into my pussy. Harder and harder he thrusts, adding another finger as he does so.

I’m finally able to get his belt buckle and the clasp of his jeans open and I reach in and wrap my hand around his pulsing cock. I start to move up and down, circling it, tightening and loosening my hold as I move.

Both of us are groaning now and I move my mouth down to the stubble on his chin and nip him with my teeth over and over.

I’m so close to coming and Jude is thrusting into my warm hand at the same rhythm as he’s fucking my tight pussy with his fingers. I can feel him swelling and tightening, so I know he’s close too.

I lean back as far as I can to allow him to plunge deeper, knowing any second he’ll hit my sweet spot and I’ll combust, all the while I continue to stroke his cock.

The hand that isn’t inside of me grabs my shirt and lifts it up, baring my bra to his eyes. He uses his teeth to pull it up so that my breasts are exposed to his hungry gaze and mouth. He bites, licks, and sucks my nipples until it’s almost painful.

We’re so close. So close.

We don’t hear the kitchen door swing open, so we continue our frenzied loving on the kitchen counter. At that second, Jude hits my ‘G’ spot and I scream out with my orgasm, my eyes rolling back into my head, as I bite him hard on the shoulder, and cum all over his hand. My release sets him off and he ejaculates all over my hand, groaning my name. His knees start to buckle with his release.

I lie back on the counter and drop my arms to my sides, trying to catch my breath. He grabs onto the counter to keep from falling down.

As my head lolls to the side, I look at the doors and see a white faced Erik just staring at both of us with his mouth hanging open.

Jude follows my gaze and tenses as he turns around.

I attempt to hastily sit up, but my body is spent, so all I can do is roll clumsily to the side.

Jude pulls my skirt down and I attempt to right my shirt. He keeps his body in front of me, shielding me from Erik’s livid gaze.

Erik’s face fills with rage and he advances towards Jude. Jude is against the counter, in front of me, and has no place to go. He stands up straight and meets Erik’s gaze head on, lifting his chin as he waits to see what Erik will do.

I’m mortified. I try to jump down and get in front of Jude, to act as a buffer between him and Erik, but he’s not having any of it. He keeps his hand on my thigh, holding me in place, behind him on the counter. All I can do is look around him at Erik.

Never mind what happened, I
what happened. Everyone in the shop
what just happened.
Are. You. Out. Of. Your. Fucking. Mind. Lex?
You just let him use you! On the counter in the shop’s kitchen.
This is how you handle the situation?!?!
” He bellows at me. His face is almost purple and I can clearly see he’s holding onto restraint by a thread.

I open my mouth to respond, but he cuts me off and gets right in Jude’s face.

“I should beat the fuck out of you. I don’t know what you’re used to from your groupie whores, but
” he points at me, “is
a whore. She’s not some slut you can
fuck against a bar wall
.” I see the color drain from Jude’s face, as I scramble off of the counter. “She’s Lexi, the woman you used to love. This is her place of business and everything she’s worked so hard to build. How
you come in here and treat her this way. Say something! Say something stupid motherfucker, because I’m dying to fuck up that pretty boy face and teach you some manners!

I’ve never seen Erik like this. He’s enraged and it’s almost scary. I try to lay my hand on his arm, but Jude’s body is still in the way. I try to speak again, but this time Jude cuts me off.

“You think I don’t know that, E? You think I don’t
exactly who she is? She’s
like my groupies.” He’s right back in Erik’s face. They’re so close they’re spitting on each other as they rage. “You’re not her damned bodyguard, Erik! You’re not her brother or her boyfriend. You don’t have the right to decide what she can and cannot do, especially with me.” He sighs and backs up a step, but still looks right at Erik, not backing down. “I
who she is. I’m sorry you saw that. But I’m not sorry it happened. I’m sorry it happened here, this way, but
back the fuck off, Bro!”

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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