Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (68 page)

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Chapter Eleven


3 years ago

t’s Carnival time in Louisiana! I can’t wait. Micah and I were finally able to talk Erik and Lexi into closing for the day, so it’s the Saturday before Mardi Gras and we’re heading to Spanish Town for the parade. I love this parade. It’s insane and politically incorrect and tacky and awesome.

Micah is hollering at me to hurry up so we can go pick up Erik and Lexi. We have a prime spot that Micah’s parents’ law firm reserved for us, so we don’t have to worry about that, but he wants to get there and get settled. Traffic is going to be nuts. Thank God we can park at the firm.

I’m putting the finishing touches on my make-up and piling my hair on top of my head when he pushes the door open. “Baby, are you ready? We need to get going. They’re going to be waiting on us.” Glancing at him in the mirror, I stand up and cock my hip while I watch his eyes travel over my body. He takes in my kelly green panties and bra and he clenches his jaw. I love that he still worships my body and never fails to show his appreciation. My stomach clenches in anticipation.

Meeting his eyes in the mirror, I start trailing my fingers over the globes of my breasts, while I watch him follow every movement.

He groans. “Bradi…”

Smirking, I push my breasts together and lick my lips while I shimmy a bit to make everything jiggle. He watches every movement. “You’re so damn bad, Bradi.”

I chuckle and unhook my bra. I want him. He has to fuck me before we leave. “You love it when I’m inappropriate.” My bra slides down my arms and I fling it back towards him.

The door bounces off the wall as he storms into the bathroom and pulls me back against him. He’s still watching me in the mirror and I can clearly feel his very thick dick, through his cargo shorts, against the cheeks of my ass. He growls at me, “Baby, I’m about to get
kinds of inappropriate with you.” His hands reach around and cup my breasts and he squeezes. Then, he pulls my head up and crashes his mouth into mine. His tongue sweeps past my lips and he’s thrusting against my ass at the same tempo that his tongue is fucking my mouth, all while rolling and pinching my nipples. My knees are weak.

Dear, God. This man turns me into putty. He can do whatever he wants to me. He’s the only man I’ll ever let my defenses down for. God, I love him.

Reaching back, I work my hand between our bodies and grip his cock. Somehow I’m able to get the snap undone and my hand swoops inside and claims its prize. He moans into my mouth as one of his hands leaves my breasts, trails down my stomach, and pushes past my panties. I open my legs to give him access and he slips a finger inside my throbbing channel. He starts to finger me and I’m stroking him behind my back, while we continue to devour each other’s mouths. I’m able to push his shorts just past his hips and my hand is no longer trapped. He breaks the kiss and still looking at me in the mirror, pushes my panties down. Once they clear my knees, I step out and he grabs my leg, hooking it around his waist. Looking at me in the mirror, he surges and enters me in one thrust. My head falls back against him and if not for him supporting my weight, I’d crumple to the floor.

“Micah, God… oh, baby. I love you. Give it to me.” I’m gasping and moaning and my eyes are straining to stay open.

Still watching me, he bites my earlobe and growls in my ear, “Who owns this pussy?”

I wrench my eyes open and stare at him in the mirror.
I scream out as the pleasure brings tears to my eyes. “No one but you.”

“Fucking right! No… one… but… me!” His thrusts are getting harder and faster and I’m jerking with every thrust. I love it. I love the way he fucks me. He grabs my neck and I turn my head up and look right at him. “I… love… you.”

His declaration makes me shatter and I scream out with my completion.
As I tighten around him, I feel his release. His thrusting slows, and I can feel him still convulsing inside of me. Reaching up to touch his face, I pull his head down and kiss him. “I love you, Micah Stevens.”

He smiles at me and presses a hard kiss to my mouth as he sets my leg down and pulls out of me. My thighs and the back of my neck are wet. He presses a kiss there and licks. Slapping my ass, he says, “I know you do. I love you, too.” Then, he laughs. “Now, we’re really late.”

He reaches down and hands me my panties and says, “Don’t clean up. I like knowing that guys are going to be looking at my girl today, but
cum will be inside of you.”

I wink at him and smirk. “You caveman. You don’t have to mark your territory. I’m not going anywhere. Even if you want me to.”

He laughs and swats my ass again as he rearranges his clothing and locates my bra. “I know that. Maybe I just like knowing that you’re mine.”

There he goes again. I love this man so much. He’s my everything. He saved me when I didn’t know I needed saving. I can’t wait until the day he really makes me his and I can give him a baby. Down, Bradi! It’s a fun day. You know he’s not going anywhere either.

“Because you’re a caveman. Now get out. That face is distracting. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready to go.” He walks out humming and I get dressed and refix my hair, that good loving messed up my do. I’m not complaining though.

Thirty minutes later, we’re at Erik and Lexi’s. Opening the front door, I call out, “Y’all ready?”

Lexi answers from the kitchen, “Yeah. We’ve been ready. Y’all are late. We started without you.” Micah and I chance a glance at each other and laugh. Who cares if we’re late!?

As we turn towards the kitchen, Erik comes out carrying an ice chest. Micah asks him what else they need to load up. We all grab stuff and head out once the car is loaded with food, Jell-O shots, and alcohol.

We navigate Downtown Baton Rouge for an hour before we are able to pull into the law firm to park. It’s two blocks to the parade spot, so we all load up and bring everything to the tent. Micah’s parents and some clients and friends are already there and we all exchange our hellos. His parents don’t know why we broke up a few years back and the couple of times I’ve thrown a fit and told Micah I was leaving him since then, he’s never disclosed to them either. Besides, I never meant it and he always just told me to come back once I returned to my sanity. Which I always do, normally in the same day.

Olivia walks over to chat with Lexi and me while Micah and Erik talk sports with the men. “Hey, girls. Lexi, everything looks amazing. I’m so glad y’all decided to close for the day and come out. You work too hard, sweetheart.”

Lexi blushes at the compliment. The truth is, she’s the most talented baker and cake decorator in town, but she still gets flustered. She and Erik opened Java and Sweeties about a year ago and business is booming. The coffee shop is always packed and she bakes six days a week to keep up with orders and demand. Their shop is already turning a small profit which is almost unheard of. I’m so proud of them.

She mumbles, “Thank you, Mrs. Stevens. I appreciate it. I love what I do, but everyone has been on me to have some fun, too.”

I hug her close to me and Olivia replies, “Fun is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. But you’ve outdone yourself again. Everyone is raving about the desserts. I think you’re going to gather some more new clients! And please, Olivia, remember?!”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

She smiles at us again and leans over towards me. “There’s a very attractive man over there who can’t take his eyes off of you, Bradi. You’re so good for my son and we’re so blessed that you two found each other and are still going strong.” My eyes tear up. She’s always been so kind and accepting of me, even after the fiasco of my leaving him on Christmas Eve a couple of years ago.

“Thank you, Olivia. You know I can’t keep my eyes off of him either.” I laugh as I catch his eye and he winks at me. I blow him a kiss.

Lexi snorts. “Or her hands!”

Olivia throws her head back and laughs. “Oh, Lexi dear, I do so adore you.” She pats both of our shoulders and says as she turns to walk away, “I guess I need to go see to the boring old people now. You kids have fun!”

I punch Lexi in the shoulder and she laughs harder. Micah and Erik walk over. Micah raises his brow at me. “Why are you abusing Lexi?”

Lexi can’t stop laughing and I chuckle too. “Because she just told your
that I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

Erik chuckles heartily and hugs Lexi.

Micah guffaws and says, “Well, you can’t. Hence why we were late getting these two earlier.” He waggles his eyebrows at me.

Erik and Lexi have tears running down their faces and I’m sputtering. “Oh… you shut up. You touched me first!”

“Only after you enticed me and took off your bra! How am I supposed to say no to those titties?”

Everyone is cracking up and I catch Olivia’s eye.
Dear God, did she hear all that?!
She winks.

I shove him and pretend pout. “Asshole. I don’t care and you’re not touching me again. That’s your mother right there, Micah.
Your mother!

Lexi is crying, she’s laughing so hard. “Hello, you live together. I’m pretty sure Olivia knows you bang her son, Bradi.”

“When did you become so crude?” I laugh too. “You live with Erik and no one thinks you two fuck.”

Lexi starts choking. Erik hits her back and Micah is chuckling, too. Lex says, “That’s because we are not dating. He likes dudes. I am not a dude. I do not have a pogo stick.”

Erik chokes, but responds through his mirth. “This is true. Lexi does not have the goods that hook me.”

When did Lex become such a little firecracker?! She’s becoming me. Lord, help us!

We all drink and laugh and have a good time for the next hour and a half. By the time the parade rolls around, we’re all blitzed and having fun.

The first few floats are garish and hilarious. The crowd is interacting and Lexi and I are on the guys’ shoulders. It rolls for about two hours total and we have the best time. We are racking up on beads and throws. We have piles at our feet and I swear we all have ten pounds of beads around our necks.

Erik was able to snag a couple of guys’ numbers even with Lexi on his shoulders, so he’s feeling pretty good. I’ve felt some of Micah leaking out of me while I’ve been up here, and I know he feels that the back of his shirt is wet, but he doesn’t say anything.

Finally the last float passes and the guys put us down. I can’t help but laugh at the huge wet spot where my crotch was on Micah’s shoulders. Lexi sees me looking and laughing and she starts laughing too. “Please tell me that’s not what I think it is?”

I snort and Micah reaches around to feel it and starts laughing when his hand encounters the large spot. Glancing at Lexi and winking, he says, “Oh, yes. It’s exactly what you think.”

Erik snorts and grabs Lexi as she starts squealing, “Oh, gross. Y’all are so freaking nasty!”

Micah and I can’t help cracking up and Erik is trying to contain his mirth. “Go, Micah. Nothing like marking your territory, bro.” They high five like a couple of idiots while I laugh and Lexi blushes and giggles.

Just as she says, “Eau de Micah is the liquid of the day!” we hear a cough and then, “Micah. Nice to see you and your little friends.”

My back goes ramrod straight and I see Micah’s hands go white as he clenches his fists. Erik notices and also steps forward and Lexi stops laughing and looks on questioningly.

Micah greets his uncle. “Maxwell. I’m surprised to see you here. Didn’t think you hung out with the lowly peasants anymore.”

Max takes a step back at the venom in Micah’s voice. His face reddens. “There’s no need for all of that. I was simply issuing a greeting to my nephew and his… friends. Hello,

The urge to punch this man is so strong, but Micah next to me is giving me the strength not to fly off the handle at him.

Micah laughs. A full on belly laugh and closes the distance between Max and himself. He hands me off to Erik. Then, getting right into Max’s face, he says, “Let’s get something straight,
You are related to me by blood. I have no control over that, but you are nothing to me. You are toxic. That woman right there,” he points at me and I see that we’re attracting attention. “
… you’re familiar with her. So, stop the act. No one here cares. Bradi is the woman I love. My girlfriend, and you better believe she’s the woman I’m eventually going to marry.” I gasp and Max’s eyes widen at Micah’s tone. “You are a lowly piece of shit with wealth and a nice job description, however you don’t impress me. You don’t impress her. No one here cares. You are nothing. A little man with a big title. So, move along now.”

His uncle stands there with his mouth hanging open in shock while Micah turns to me, wraps his arms around me, smiles at Erik and Lexi, and then bends me backwards and kisses me so thoroughly, my knees give out. A few minutes later, he lifts me back up and everyone is staring at us. His parents are beaming. The clients are smiling and whispering about “young love.” His younger brother calls out, “Man, you gotta teach me those moves! I need a Bradi!”

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