Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (33 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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This tour was great and we made a lot of headway with the smaller concerts and getting more personal with the fans, perfect set up to starting on the new album in January. It was harder on all of us than we thought it would be though. We’re
ready for it to be over.

All I want to do tonight is hang out with my boys on the Las Vegas Strip and drink.

I’m making my way through the casino to the elevators, to hopefully relax a bit in my room before rehearsal tonight when my phone chimes with a new text. I take it out of my pocket and swipe my finger across the screen to bring up the text.


Dude, what the fuck color is Persimmon?”

I roll my eyes, as I push the button for the elevator, and type a reply.


How the fuck am I supposed to know?

The fruit is like orange. I think.”

The doors ping to indicate they’re opening and no one steps off, so I step on and punch the button for the twenty fifth floor while shaking my head. I get another text.



It’s orange?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know what the hell kind of color ‘persimmon’ is? I’m not a chick!” I mutter under my breath.

I hear a giggle behind me. “It’s a pinkish orange.” More giggling. “Persimmon, that is.”

Turning around, the first thing I see are the bare legs under the bottom of a see through shirt kind-of-thing and zebra flip flops with blue toenails. My eyes travel up the shapely legs to the hem of the shirt at perfectly rounded hips, before skimming over a womanly stomach with a dangly purple belly ring. My eyes continue up to the swell of nice, lush breasts barely contained by a bikini top and then rest on the amused face of… Blue Delaney.

Holy shit. She has a smoking hot body. She’s so curvy. All woman. Fuck. I hope she doesn’t say something smartass, because it’s very clear I was just checking her out.

“Jude?” I must have a blank look on my face, because she says slowly, “Was that Jude?” She points at my phone. “The text?”

“Yeah.” I shake my head to clear some of the fog. “It was Jude. I’m assuming its wedding shit. He asked me what color ‘persimmon’ is.” I chuckle. “Like I’m supposed to know that.”

“That’s a beautiful color for a wedding.” She says softly and then stares at the floor and starts fidgeting. Either she’s nervous or she really wants to get away from me. Knowing her, I’m going with the second choice. Neither of us speaks. I play on my phone. Well, not really. I pretend to play on my phone while watching Blue out of the corner of my eye. Why is this damn elevator so slow?

Suddenly, the elevator makes a screeching noise and jerks to a stop, jostling both of us. “What the fuck?”

Blue’s eyes go wide and I can see the fear in her strangely blue eyes. “Oh my God. What happened? Why did we stop?”

I jab the buttons as I look up at the display above the doors. It’s blank. I have no idea where we are in the elevator shaft. “I don’t know. I think we stalled.” I continue to push random buttons, just hoping for a response from the elevator.

She starts rubbing her arms and shaking. “No, this is not happening. Make it go! We can’t be stuck in an elevator. I can’t be stuck with
in an elevator!
Make it go!”
She sounds panicked.

Well, shit! I don’t want to be stuck in here with her either, but we’re in a bustling hotel… in Vegas. They’ll get it fixed soon. Right?

I spot the emergency call box. As soon as I pick it up, it rings, and someone picks up. “Yeah, this is Jessie Adams. I’m in the elevator in the right tower, I have no idea what floor we’re on or between, and we’re stuck. The elevator just stopped.”

I talk to them for a minute and then hang up. Sighing, I turn to look at a very panicked Blue. “Well, the good news is they know we’re stuck here. It appears we’re stuck directly between the tenth and eleventh floor. But, uh… the bad news is that the transformer for this shaft blew and well, it’s going to be a while before they can get us out.” One hand is still holding the phone and the other is running through my hair.

Shit! She looks like she’s going to pass out. I cannot deal with a hysterical woman. Please don’t freak out on me. Do not fucking start screaming.


What did he just say? Oh my God. We’re trapped. In an elevator. Hanging by cables. I can’t handle this. I cannot be stuck here. Not with him. Not in a tiny elevator. Oh God. Just breathe Blue. Now is not the time to have a panic attack. Shit, yes… Yes it is. This is the perfect time to have a panic attack. Sonofabitch!

I’m shaking and about to burst into tears. I can’t breathe. Oh, shit. This is not good. I don’t want to die like this. Not with Jessie. Not in an elevator. This is one of my biggest fears… plummeting to my death. I’ve had nightmares about it since I was a child.

“Blue, I can see you’re freaking out. You have to stop. You need to chill out and breathe.” Jessie is talking to me. I hear him through the haze.

! Snap out of it. Don’t you dare freak the fuck out on me!” He snaps at me.

That’s all it takes to snap me out of it. “What? I’m not doing anything
to you
! You pompous asshole! I don’t do well in closed in spaces,
so shut the fuck up
!” I scream at him.

“Seriously? Are you seriously going to scream and cuss at me right now? Don’t do it! I’m not dealing with it. I’m not dealing with you!” Jessie is pissed.

“Excuse me, you dick. You cussed at me first. I didn’t ask to be in here with you. I was already on this elevator. You got on. So, don’t fucking start with me, Jessie Adams!” Somehow I’m now standing directly in front of him and poking him in the chest with my blue fingernail. When did I cross the elevator?

He looks down at the point where my finger is stabbing him over and over. He grabs my hand. “This elevator is a public place and trust me, had I known
were on it, I would have gladly waited for the next one. This is the
place I would ever want to be. Hell would be better than being trapped with you!” He’s speaking through clenched teeth and he pulls his lip ring into his mouth as he says the last part.

Fuck you!
Why are you such a prick? What the fuck did I ever do to you?” I push him as I say it. He’s taken by surprise, so he steps back. I push again, and his back hits the elevator wall. “You’ve always been an asshole to me and for what? What the fuck did I
do to you?”

I’m breathing heavily with the fear and adrenaline; I see his eyes move down to my rapidly rising and falling chest. Before I understand what he’s doing, he grabs my arms and reverses our positions. My back hits the wall and he boxes me in, pressing his chest firmly to my heaving chest.

“I’m not a prick. You’re a bitch. A hoity toity bitch. You’ve hated me since day one! You insult me every chance you get.” He growls out. He’s pressed so hard against me, I can feel the outline of his manhood against my lower stomach. His breath is whispering over my lips he’s so close. Warmth pools in my core and I feel my nipples bead through the thin top of my bikini and shirt. My eyes lock on his lip ring and full lower lip. All I can think about is pulling it into my mouth.

What did he say? He’s talking, right?

I moan and instinctively rub my lower half against him.

His eyes widen as they meet mine and I see them drop to my mouth where I’m licking my lips to moisten them. With a groan, he swoops in and captures my mouth with his.

His lip ring is pressing into my bottom lip as his tongue doesn’t hesitate to sweep inside my mouth and collide with mine. My hands come up and tangle in his hair as he pulls my shirt up and grips the bare skin of my waist.

He grabs my ass and lifts me off of my feet. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel his now very hard member pressing into the wetness seeping through my bikini bottoms. My back is against the wall, my ass is resting on the handrail, and I’m devouring Jessie’s mouth as he kneads my hips. His fingers trail up and down my sides, leaving goose bumps and his mouth leaves mine. He traces circles around my belly button before pulling on my belly ring. In the back of my mind, I’m screaming at myself to stop this madness, but his pull is too strong, and I tell myself to shut up.

My head falls back against the wall as his lips trail down my chin and neck. He licks and sucks on my pulse point as his hands find the undersides of my breasts. My back instinctively arches and I press my aching breasts into his waiting hands. He cups them and rubs my rigid nipples through the top, as he laves the skin on my neck. I notice his large hands are almost able to cup the fullness. “Ohhh, Jessie.”

My voice causes him to stop suckling my neck. He raises his head and looks at me with passion glazed eyes. We stare at each other, blue eyes into blue eyes. Both of us are short of breath. His eyes drop to my mouth and he raises his gaze to look at me again, before he pinches my nipples causing me to gasp. He watches my response before his tongue dives back into my mouth. Our teeth are rubbing together we’re kissing so aggressively. My hands leave his hair and travel down his back before reaching his nice, firm ass. I squeeze it with both hands and tighten my thighs around his waist. His hands push the triangles of my bikini top to the sides and my nipples rub against the gauzy fabric of my cover up.

The sensations are so torturous, yet erotic. His mouth once again leaves mine and captures one nipple through the thin shirt. Jessie rolls it with his tongue before he gently bites it. One hand pinches and rolls the other nipple and the other hand rubs feather light against my drenched bikini bottoms.

I’m in heaven and Jessie is the one who has me there.

I’m writhing and moaning and pressing against his hands and mouth. He increases the pressure and starts rubbing his thumb against my clit as he pulls on my nipples with his talented hand and mouth. The sensations are too much. I’m about to explode.

“Oh. Ohhhhhh, God. Ohhhhh, Jessie. Oh, God. Ohhhhhh!” I shatter.

He continues his soft rubbing, through my orgasm, though he leaves my breasts alone.

I open my eyes as I come back to earth and he’s just looking at me. He smirks, sets me on my feet, holding me while I find my balance, and steps away.

He retreats to the other side of the elevator.

His cocky smirk is in full force. Oh shit. What did I just do?

“Better now?” he dryly asks.

What? What the fuck?

I just had one of the most erotic experiences of my life… with
and now he’s looking at me like he always looks at me… like I’m the butt of his joke.

What the fuck just happened?

“What?” I manage to choke out through the humiliation and confusion creeping up my spine.

“I asked if you were better now. You were freaking out. I distracted you. So, are you better now?” He’s still smirking.

My heart drops. He
me? I can feel the burn of shame and try desperately to hold back my tears and anger. Dammit! I will not give into the rage tears! I frown. “Am I
? You, asshole!” Before I can fathom it, my hand lashes out and catches him on the left side of his face. “Don’t ever touch me again! You disgust me!” My voice cracks on the last word.
I turn my back to him and fix my clothes. Then I sit on the floor, and wrap my arms around my knees, and bury my face in them as the tears escape and roll down my face.

I finally let go with Jessie, and it was amazing… and I’m just a distraction.

Tomorrow can’t get here fast enough.

Chapter Three


s she crying? Oh shit. I didn’t mean to make her cry. I just wanted to get myself under control and put some distance between us. That was intense. I didn’t mean for that to happen. We were fighting, like we always do, and I just noticed how sexy she was. I wanted to kiss her and shut her up. That’s it. I didn’t mean for the rest of…
to happen.

Her skin is so sweet. It tastes like honey. She’s intoxicating.

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