Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set (18 page)

BOOK: Bayou Stix Series: Bayou Stix Limited Edition Box Set
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He swallows before answering. “Um, yes, I’m gay and I think you are a fucking vision. Oh, this shit is going to be good!” And he laughs while clapping his hands.

“Good? Why?”

“Because, love… No man in his right mind is going to be able to look away from you, and since Jude is in a band with four other sexy ass, virile men… yeah, this shit is going to be good. And I get a front row seat!”

“God, Erik, you are so bad!” I laugh and we hear a car door slam before the front door flings open.

“I know, I know. Tell me how sexy I look.” Bradi busts in and strikes a pose. Then she takes in my appearance.

“Holy fuck! You look so hot, Lexi! I’m straight and I want to do you right now!” She screams out.

“Sweet Jesus, Bradi. Really? Baby, you have no tact.” Micah says as he comes in and hears Bradi. He smiles and shrugs his muscled shoulders, as if to say sorry.

He looks me over. “Hot damn, Lexi… you do look great! Really great!”

“Yeah, yeah… stop drooling. Your hot piece of ass is right here! Hello!” Bradi snaps out, as she points to herself, and pokes her lip out in a pout. She winks at me to show she’s kidding.

I’m blushing like crazy, but my heart swells. Maybe I really can stand up to the groupies. I can be a hot rock star’s girlfriend!

“Thanks guys. Bradi, you look amazing.”

And she does in her royal blue and black corset, black leather mini skirt, and thigh-high black boots.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all get that you’re the fucking ‘
It Girl’
tonight. You look smokin’ hot!” She links her arm with mine and shakes her ass at Micah as she pulls me towards the door. “Come on, boys. Your dates are ready to break some hearts tonight. Let’s rock and roll.”

The guys laugh as we all head to the car.

Traffic is surprisingly light as we head to the River Center. We pull up at 6:07PM and make it to the stage doors. I give my name to the burly security guard and we are given our badges and told to go right in.

We step inside and people are everywhere. Bradi starts squealing about how awesome this is, as I march down the hall to the dressing room that the guys were in last night, faking confidence as they follow me.

Muted whispers and some catcalls follow us.

I get to the door for Bayou Stix and stop uncertainly. Do I knock? Do I just walk in? What exactly am I supposed to do right now?

Thankfully, Dade and Jessie are walking down the hall and see me at the door. Dade walks up and hugs me one armed while squeezing me to his side. “Damn, Lexi. You are looking mighty fine. You sure you want to waste your time with Jude? I could show you what a real beast can do.” he says as he opens the door.

He whispers in my ear, “Glad you’re here. Jude and Jessie have been at it all damn day! Maybe seeing you can calm him down!”

Jessie rolls his eyes and mutters, “That’s because Jude is a fucking prick!”

I raise my eyes questioningly and am about to ask what’s going on, but the door is now open and I see Jude… sitting on the couch with a gorgeous brunette.

Jessie rudely says, “Look who we found in the hallway!” And Dade says under his breath to Jessie, “Dude, chill the fuck out. Seriously!”

Jude and the brunette spring apart on the couch. I frown.

He gets up and comes towards me, casting a look over his shoulder at the brunette. “Hey, Baby, you made it.” He grabs my hands and pulls me towards him before kissing me hard on the mouth and squeezing my ass. He breaks away and looks over my shoulder. “Hey guys. Bradi, right?” as he nods his head towards her. Then he inclines his head to Micah and Erik. “I’m Jude. Hey, Erik. I’m glad you came, man. Real glad!”

He lets go of me and holds out his hand to Erik.

Erik awkwardly shakes it, before dropping it, and looking pointedly at the brunette on the couch.

Jude sees Erik’s reaction and says to the room, while looking at me, “Guys, this is Blue from Rock Hard Magazine. She’s doing a cover story on the band. We were just about done with my part.”

Jessie is still in the room and mutters something about needing a drink. He turns on his heel and marches out. Dade cusses and follows him out of the door. “Jessie! Man… wait up!”

I’m not sure what to do, so I just stand there, with Jude holding my hand, with Bradi, Micah, and Erik standing in an awkward silence behind me.

Jude gives my hand a yank and pulls me to the couch with him. Placing me between himself and Blue, we sit down.

Blue just looks at me, running her gaze from my head to my feet, before licking her lips. She picks up her pen and recorder. “So Jude, where were we? Oh that’s right… This is the last stop of your tour and it’s your hometown. Any particular reason you chose to end the tour here?”

I watch Jude, as he gives her a look. What the hell is going on?

He opens his mouth to respond. “Well as you said, Baton Rouge
my hometown. I was born and raised here. There are things here for me that I need to focus on. It’s good to come home every now and again. And some big changes are coming in my life.”

Blue raises an eyebrow and clicks her tongue. “What things? What things are here for you? It’s been widely reported that you have no remaining family. So what ‘
’ drew you back to Baton Rouge? And what are your ‘big life changes?’ Care to share with your fans?”

I feel his eyes on me, but I’m staring at Blue. What is with this chick? Why does she seem so bitchy?

He squeezes my hand and answers, “Important things. Things I realized I needed. Things I can only get here. As far as my life changes, they are personal. So, no, I won’t be sharing that information at this time.”

I look at him and smile.

Blue makes a rude sound and asks another question. “Are you single, Jude?”

He sets his mouth into a grimace and looks at me. Then he looks at her with a hard glint, and answers, “No, I am not single. There is a very important person in my life.” His hands move from my hands to my thigh and she follows the movement with her eyes.

She writes something down, and then asks to talk to the rest of the band.

Jude pushes to his feet, pulling me with him. “Sure thing. I’ll go get them for you now. We done here?” he snarls.

She snaps back, “Yep. All done!”

He growls and pulls me behind him. I send a confused look towards Bradi, Micah, and Erik. Bradi shrugs and they follow us out.

He shoves the door open so hard, it slams against the wall. We walk out.

Jessie, Dade, Liam, and Cruz are all in the hallway. Jessie has his arms around two groupies with ample cleavage showing. Dade is talking to a roadie. Liam has his tongue down some bimbo’s throat and his hand up her skirt, and Cruz is tapping his sticks against his legs, lost in his beat.

Jude, growls out “Your turn, guys. Go finish this shit. Now!”

All the guys send him questioning looks, but disentangle themselves from the groupies or just straighten up and walk into the dressing room.

I notice Jessie and Cruz shoot me looks from under their lashes, and Cruz grits his teeth, but they file into the room we just vacated.

I touch Jude’s arm. “What’s going on? Are you ok?”

Erik is looking at the closed dressing room door with a scowl on his face and clenching his fists. Bradi and Micah are just standing around looking perplexed.

He looks down at my hand on his arm and touches my cheek. “Yeah, babe. I’m ok. Just been a rough afternoon. It’s ok now that you’re here though.”

I’m so confused. What just happened? What did we walk in on?

Jude looks at everyone and inclines his head towards the stage area. “Y’all want to check out the stage? They’re about to get started, but it should still be relatively quiet up there. You can get a good look this way. I’m sorry about that in there. Blue can be a pushy bitch.”

Erik stares Jude down. “Right, Jude. Just so long as you know who you’re here with tonight. Make fucking sure you don’t forget it! You feel me?”

Jude grinds his teeth while squeezing my hand so hard it hurts, while staring Erik down. “Yeah, man. I know exactly who I’m with. No worries there. So back the fuck off!”

“I’m not on you, man. Do right by her. That’s all I’m saying. I didn’t come here to fight with you.” Erik closes his eyes and leans his head against the wall.

“Look, man. I’m sorry. It’s just been a crazy fucking day, ok? Can we just enjoy the concert? I invited y’all to have a good time. I want all of you to have a good time, ok?” Jude is talking to all of us, but looking deep into my eyes.

Something is wrong. I don’t know what, but something is.

I smile and touch his face while kissing his mouth, but a feeling of dread pools in my stomach.

“I’m here to see a sexy ‘rock star’. Know where I can find one?” I joke as I try to ease the tension in the air.

He smiles. “Why are you looking? There’s one right here that’s all yours.”

But I can’t help but wonder… is he really?


Fuck! Dammit to hell. I should NOT have let Blue mess with me like that. Now I can see that Lexi is freaking out and I don’t want her freaking out. I can’t lose her. Fuck… Dammit Jude, get your shit together. Fuck this. I can’t screw up. It’s too important. Just breathe… it’s going to be fine.


I have a concert in forty-five minutes.

The woman of my dreams is here. The woman in my heart… looking like a damn siren, and I’m acting like an asshole.

I am an asshole.

Ok, I’m going to fix this.

Right now.

I grab Lexi’s hand and turn her towards me, boxing her against the wall. My arms make a protective cage and my eyes drink in her appearance.

God, she’s gorgeous.

“Damn, Lex. You really are trying to kill me, aren’t you? You look amazing. So sexy. I want to lift your skirt and bury myself in you right now. I want to fuck you against this wall so that everyone here can hear you scream my name and know you’re mine.” I growl into her ear as my eyes are stripping her naked.

I forget everyone but the two of us. I thrust my cock that’s now rock hard against her and breathe just against her lips. There’s barely an inch of space between our faces.

We’re so close, I can feel her breathing get faster and smell her minty toothpaste.

Leaning in to close the distance, I scrape my teeth along her jaw, just behind her ear. She gasps and my cock gets even harder. I lick the shell of her ear and her hands grab my shoulders. She moans.

Trailing my tongue against her jaw line, I find her mouth and sweep my tongue inside.

Her hands find my hair and my hands drop to her hips, pulling her into me. I’m so turned on, I start thrusting against her as her tongue spars with mine, and her hands run through my hair, grabbing handfuls and holding on.

We are so consumed with each other; we forget where we are, until someone clears their throat and breaks our trance.

I raise my head and turn to look towards the sound. Her breathing is rapid and her hard nipples are pressing against my chest through the fabric of her dress.

My eyes meet the blue of Erik’s and I realize what I’ve just done. I’ve almost fucked her against a wall, in the hallway of my concert.

Roadies and my stage manager are all staring at us, as are Bradi, Micah, and Erik. I’m assuming it was he who cleared his throat to gain our attention.

Behind the trio are my band mates… and Blue. She’s scowling and the guys are fixated on us. Jessie looks like he wants to murder me and Dade is shaking his head in disbelief. Liam is smirking. And Cruz is rapidly tapping his sticks against his knee and gritting his teeth.

A camera goes off and I snap out of it.

Oh my God. What did I just do?

I immediately press my body against Lexi to shield her, and turn toward the camera flash.

Erik has beat me to it and has the photographer pinned to the wall by the neck. “You pathetic cretin! Give me that camera!”

While he holds him to the wall, I march over and take the camera out of his hand, pulling up the photo folder. I see the pictures of Lexi and me in our passionate embrace and delete them while growling at the photographer. “How dare you intrude on my privacy this way? These pictures will never see the light of day. You will not exploit Lexi to sell magazines. Do you hear me? She’s
some groupie slut! You. Will. Not. Do. It!
Do you understand me

I am in his face and he’s terrified. With Erik holding him by the throat and me deleting his photos, he looks like he’s going to pee his pants.

Dade breaks in, “Um, dude. Let him go. You gave him permission to be back here and photograph everything. Don’t assault the prick. Let him go.”

Erik looks at me and I nod. He releases the photographer. I get in his face. “I may have given you permission to take photographs, but you will
Do I make myself clear?” Drops of spittle are hitting his glasses I’m so close.

He nods and shakes, “Yeah, man. I’m sorry. I get it. No pics of the babe.”

Before I can punch him, he ducks under my arm and scrambles away.

Blue looks at me and then Lexi. “If you don’t want her photographed, she shouldn’t be here. There was no disclaimer on the photos. If she’s here, she’s fair game.”

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